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Fierce in Fur - Ridgeville, Book Four

Page 5

by Celia Kyle

  “So, I hear Seno gave you permission to date me.” She half-frowned and quirked a brow, nearly breaking the expression when his face turned a bright shade of pink.

  “Well, he’s a scary fucker. Didn’t think there was a point in asking at all if he decided to kick my ass after I asked you. I’m not the best man for you, Elise. Getting his permission ahead of time seemed to be the best way to avoid bloodshed.”

  Elise sensed the truth in his words and got mad on Brute’s behalf. “You are a wonderful man, Brute Mauer, and I’m gonna tell him so. The stupid, interfering, butt-sniffing—”

  A large hand gently wrapping around her wrist stopped her. “Easy, sweet fox. There’s no need to defend my honor.” A smirk played on his lips, and Brute’s thumb drew circles on her wrist while the anger that filled her fled as quickly as it’d arrived. “I’ve done some not-so-nice things in my life and I’m not known to be the nicest of guys.”

  “You’re nice to me.”

  “Of course, I am. You’re a very special fox who’s wiggled into my heart.”

  Wiggled into my heart…

  She wanted to believe him, wanted to believe that some of the feelings that were growing inside her were reciprocated.

  Blushing, she looked away from his all too knowing gaze. “So, a date, huh?” Getting her body under control, she returned her attention to him. “Where are we headed?”

  * * *

  And an hour later, she was ready.

  Brute had waited while Elise dashed to her apartment and changed into different clothes. They were just heading to a drive-in movie, something fun and causal where she could feel at ease surrounded by people she knew, but still have a little privacy with her…friend?

  Elise’s fox brushed her then growled as if she was unhappy with her train of thought. She hadn’t been able to talk with her beast in over a year, but she figured she’d give it a shot. As a Sensitive (okay, semi-Sensitive) she could actually speak with her fox in addition to soothing shifters. She could also sense emotions and “dig” through other’s minds to read their thoughts and memories.

  The work with Maddy had her progressing in leaps and bounds, so the worst that could happen by talking to her inner-beast was she’d simply be treated to silence by the fox.


  The fox snarled.

  Well, unless you come out to play and tell me different, he’s a friend.

  That earned her a growl.

  Quit it. Bad, fox. No treats for you.

  That seemed to anger the damned thing even more and Elise did something she hadn’t done in a long time. For two years she’d called for the fox, begged it to help her and return to her, but it’d hidden deep in her mind, taking her Sensitive abilities with it.

  In the last month, she’d tried to coax it back into her life.

  But if the darned thing was just going to snap at her and not help, she could go back to where she’d been.

  Letting her eyes drift closed, she poked and prodded at the beast, nudging and pushing it until she could snap a wall in place, holding the fox at bay.


  The stupid thing still growled and snapped. It wasn’t overwhelming, but muted now, giving her the chance to focus on the man beside her.

  Brute turned into the drive-in theatre’s parking lot with ease, paying the attendant and then navigating the mostly-filled rows before pulling into a space. He’d chosen an area that was toward the back, but not secluded, near enough to the concession stand that she knew there’d be a decent amount of traffic.

  She’d be alone with Brute…but not.

  Brute popped the truck into park and then turned to her, giving her his unwavering attention. “Here we are.”

  Elise nibbled her lip. “We are.”

  “I’ve got snacks in the back. Soda and stuff. Or I can grab you some popcorn or…” He was rambling, body twitching and knee bouncing.

  She scooted across the bench seat and placed her fingers over his lips. “Hush. I’m fine. I can feel your worry buzzing and there’s no need.” She smiled to ease her intrusion, but it’d been unavoidable. His emotions pulled her in like a tornado and she’d been powerless against him. “I’m happy being with you Brute. Happier than I’ve ever been.”

  The anxiousness that filled him bled away in a blink, leaving a purring male in its place. Purring. Literally purring. Elise let her fingers slip from his mouth to trail along his neck and then rest on his chest, letting the vibrations slither through her. Gaze locked on his features, they remained still, seemingly tied together.

  Her fox was growing increasingly aggressive, the little thing barking and growling, scraping at the internal wall she’d built to corral the animal. She hadn’t been helpful before and suddenly the furball wanted out right this minute and not a second longer.

  It scratched and clawed, fighting her shaky control until it scaled the wall she’d built and rushed forward, building into a solid presence in her mind. The fox, she could see it now in all of its red-hued glory, danced and yipped.

  Elise almost broke down then, relief clogging her throat as she embraced her beast. It’d returned, fully and whole.

  And then it began a repetitive mantra that scared her to her very soul, yet sent her joy flying.

  Mate. Mine. Mate. Mine…

  Gasping, she crawled back from Brute, putting as much distance between them as the truck would allow.

  “Elise,” he frowned. “What’s wrong, sweet fox?”

  Brute reached toward her and she panicked. No, she couldn’t. She’d thought about it, what it’d be like if he was her mate. The feelings that had been building threatened to overwhelm her each day. She was attracted to him, truly attracted to the man. It wasn’t some chemical, biological, mating imperative. It was a true pull between a man and woman, and one she could take at her own pace.

  But with the furries involved? Already her fox showed her displeasure that Elise had pulled away. The beast wanted to whine and rub on their mate, join and claim him as theirs.

  A claiming that would involve sex, fucking. It wouldn’t be making love. Not after…

  “No. I can’t,” she shook her head from side to side. “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…” The words repeated in her mind as she fought with the handle, yanking and pulling until it finally swung wide. She scrambled from the vehicle, ignoring Brute’s call as she blindly ran between the cars and SUVs littering the area.


  Worry and fear beat at her, pounding at her mind with every step she took. She recognized Brute’s feelings pouring through her, but she tossed them aside. The fox, unable to do anything to completely stop her, decided to steal her energy, fighting with Elise the only way the beast knew how.

  Her limbs felt heavy, feet filled with lead as she put one foot before the other. She dashed toward the bright lights of the concession. Stomach churning, she silently begged for a restroom, a place she could hide and be sick in peace.

  The rapid thump of boots on asphalt followed her and still she ran.

  Stupid, stupid, Elise.

  She should have recognized the signs, should have realized that the fox liked Brute a little too much. The gentle man deserved more than a damaged woman for his mate. He deserved so much more.

  Elise burst past the final line of cars and into the wide circle of light surrounding the concession and straight into someone. Someone male. And large.

  “What the fuck?” The stranger shouted as his food and drinks went flying, pouring over her and scattering on the ground. “What the fuck is your problem, lady?”

  A glance at his expression, the rage that lived within his features and Elise did what she’d done for the past two years. Without thought she dropped to the ground and wrapped into herself, forming a ball. If she kept her head down, they wouldn’t get her face. Just her back and ribs. They’d receive the brunt of the attack and it’d take a few weeks to heal and…

  A snarl cut through the man’s ranting and still she

remained on the ground, relatively safe.

  “Don’t touch her.” The voice was more animal than man, but she recognized it without a problem. A scant moment later, his scent overrode the soda and popcorn surrounding her, blanketing her in a web of comfort and safety. “Mine.”

  Elise dared to peek then, the stranger’s yells quickly replace with gurgling gasps. Brute stood above her, his body between her and the other man, his hand shifted and wrapped around the stranger’s throat as he held him above the ground. The man’s feet didn’t even touch the asphalt, legs flailing as he fought for air.

  God, she couldn’t let him kill a random guy. The situation was caused by her, her fear, not the man Brute was about to tear into.

  She forced herself from the ground, ordered that damned fox to help her as she pushed to her feet and walked to her mate. No. She couldn’t think of him that way. Not yet. She wasn’t ready, wasn’t… She shook her head; she could freak out about the mate thing later. Calming Brute was her priority for now.

  “Brute…” Another step closer and she brought her hand to his shoulder blade, rubbing his back in soothing circles. “Put him down, Brute.”

  “Mine.” His snarl surrounded her. Possession and protection were infused in the single syllable.

  “I know, Brute. I know. He didn’t hurt me though. I got scared. Put him down, Brute.” She increased the pressure, sliding her palm up and down his spine. “You know Maya will be cranky if you kill him. Let’s put the nice stranger down and then we can leave, yeah?”

  The fox nudged her mind, as if urging her to do…something, and Elise did the only thing she knew how to do. Reaching deep inside, she poked at the well that held her abilities and gasped when they rushed to respond, nearly overwhelming her in the sudden eagerness. Not questioning the change for now, she delved into Brute’s mind, stroked the massive lion within him and smoothed the beast’s fluffed fur. It didn’t object to her presence, not like the average shifter. No, it rubbed against her metaphysical hands and purred with her every touch.

  The easing of the tension in Brute’s muscles told her she’d gotten through to him. His shoulders slumped and he slowly lowered the stranger to the ground, releasing him fully as soon as the man’s feet touched the asphalt. The stranger stumbled, but quickly caught himself.

  Silence and tension strung tight between the two men until Elise had enough. She elbowed her eventually-to-be mate in the side.

  “Apologize,” she whispered.

  “No,” Brute whispered back.

  Elise glared at him. “Excuse me?”

  “He touched you. And yelled at you.”

  She looked at him like he had two heads. She had no doubt that another would suddenly sprout from his neck at any moment. “I ran into him and made him drop his food.”

  “Doesn’t matter. He shouldn’t have touched you.” Brute turned his attention to the frozen stranger. “Apologize and I won’t kill you.”

  “Are you kidding me?” She looked at the man. “You don’t have to apologize. He’s not going to kill you.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Elise stomped on Brute’s foot, her frustration increasing when he didn’t even grunt. “No, he’s not. Brute, give him some money. I’ll pay you back when you take me home.”

  “I’m not giving him money and, even if I did, you wouldn’t pay me back. I want to take care of you. You’re my mate.”

  She wasn’t going to punch her maybe-never-to-be-mate in public. “I know I’m your mate.” She added a silent butt-sniffer. “But I would appreciate it if you’d give this nice gentleman some money and then I’d like to leave. Preferably before I die of embarrassment.”

  And that got Brute roaring. “You will not die!” The snarling lion turned toward her, the bones in his face sharp and chiseled. “My mate will not die.”

  God save her from possessive, protective, litter box using lions. She stroked his chest. “No, I won’t die. I promise.” She patted his shoulder. “Now, give the man money and take me home. I swear I won’t die. Not even a little.”

  Brute narrowed his eyes but remained silent and then turned his back on her, digging out his wallet in the process.

  Elise peeked around his big body and gave the white-faced stranger a smile. “I’m really sorry about this. We haven’t mated yet and I’ve got issues and…”

  Her growled at her. “There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re perfect.”

  “Yes, Brute.” She’d placate him. This was the first glimpse of the “bad” side of Brute that she’d ever seen and she had to admit, he could be a bit scary. Except for some reason, she wasn’t afraid.

  And that scared her, but not nearly as much as it should have.

  Chapter Six

  “Dude. You can totally kiss him. Just keep telling yourself that it’s not a kiss, you’re simply telling his lips a secret. Ta da! No more being freaked. I. Am. Awesome!” – Maya O’Connell, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride and totally married! Boo-yeah-mother-fuckers!

  Brute pulled into the parking lot at Drool and Dine and popped the truck into park. From his spot, he could see the stairs in the back leading up to Elise’s apartment. A familiar ache seized his chest. He’d have to let her go into her apartment alone. She wasn’t ready to mate, he could feel it, but the lion clawed at him. They couldn’t protect their sweet fox if she wasn’t with them in their den.

  Glancing at the door one last time, he turned his attention to the delicate woman at his side. He knew he’d acted like an ass earlier, but the thought of something happening to her, the idea that someone else had touched her, made his lion roar.

  “So that happened.” A smile played on her lips.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry, Elise. I ruined our first date and…you know I’m your mate and your mine and he touched you. I’m not rushing you though…”

  As before, she scooted closer and placed her fingertips against his lips. He ached to flick his tongue out and taste her skin. He restrained himself, and his lion, barely.

  “Hush. I swear, I’ve never seen you this nervous. Yes, I’m your mate, but,” she shook her head, her beautiful brown hair glinting in the dim light of the parking lot. “But, I’m not ready. Look at how I reacted just realizing you’re mine.” Her smile widened and she scooted closer. “I like that you’re mine, Brute.”

  “I like that you’re mine, too.” He cupped her face, thumb tracing the line of her cheek. “I like that you know you’re mine now.”

  “Yeah, the fox suddenly decided to come out and play.” She wrinkled her nose and she looked so cute all scrunched like that.

  Because, yeah, he was so gone for her it wasn’t even funny.

  “So, we take it slow.”

  Elise eased closer, barely an inch separating their bodies, and the heat of her seared his skin. “Right…slow…”

  “Elise?” Arousal flared hot and high in his body, cock going from soft to hard at her nearness. He knew that the scent of his sudden need filled the cabin of the truck, but he couldn’t do a damned thing about it. In the diner, he’d always kept his distance, but the confines of the truck didn’t really give him the chance to move away.

  “Kiss me, Brute? Just a kiss?” Her worry ate at him, her delicate fragrance tinged with a hint of bitterness that didn’t belong. “I…”

  “Just a kiss, sweet fox.” He eased her closer, reducing the distance between them until he could brush his lips across hers. He gave her a tentative touch to gauge her response. He wouldn’t push. He didn’t want to frighten his mate before he had a chance to taste her. Hell, he never wanted to scare the curvy bundle pressed against him.

  A tingle of electricity flared between them and Brute’s lion purred his pleasure. They were touching their mate, holding her close with their skin against hers. The lion had been pushing him harder and harder with each day that passed, but he knew that his courtship of Elise had to be slow.

  Brute increased the pressure on the next pass, flicking her upper lip with his tongue. He teased
her, gathering her flavors with every graze.

  Elise’s mouth opened on a gasp and he took advantage, sweeping his tongue into her mouth and moaning as the flavors of strawberries and cream poured over his taste buds.

  He sampled everything she had to offer, lapped and licked her mouth as a purr built in his chest. When his mate whimpered, he swallowed the sound and repeated the caress that had caused it. He wanted all of her noises, over and over and over again.

  His sweet fox’s weight slumped against him and he reveled in the press of her perfect curves against his body.

  Brute kept his hand in place, regardless of much he ached to slide his palm over her until she purred right along with him. He had to take it slow, ease into a physical relationship that would end with their mating.

  That didn’t mean his cock wasn’t pounding in his jeans.

  He put gentle pressure on her head and tilted her slightly until he could deepen their kiss. He poured every drop of desire into the meeting of their mouths, showed her without words how he wanted her more than anything.

  Elise whimpered and pushed closer, her breasts pressing against him, and he could feel the hardened nub of her nipples teasing him. He grabbed every ounce of self-control he possessed and kept himself from reaching for her, stroking and petting her until she writhed beneath him.

  Breathing heavy, Brute eased their kiss, lightened the pressure of his mouth against hers and gentled the tangle of their tongues. He had to let her go before he did something he’d regret. Like lay her down and claim her in the front seat of his truck.

  Gentle laps eased to sensuous brushes from his lips, and then he let his forehead rest against hers. Panting into her mouth he inhaled her scent and let it fill him.


  A rapid knock on the window wrenched them apart. Brute’s face began shifting as golden fur pushed through his pores and his hands shifted to claws. He opened his mouth, exposing his elongated fangs, and hissed at the intruder.

  Seno stood on the other side of the passenger window, eyes wide and face pale. He had his hands raised, one clutching a handful of envelopes. The large man stood frozen and the lion assessed Seno, growling when he couldn’t get a good handle on the man’s scent.


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