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ZetaTalk: Transformation

Page 34

by Nancy Lieder

  her life, should that be deemed necessary. They did not control Nancy, her thoughts and words and opinions, they

  simply held a death sentence they could implement any time they wished, instantly.

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  ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Reactions

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  ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Reactions

  Note: written Jul 15, 1997.

  Reactions to ZetaTalk vary:

  astonishment at the correlation’s to personal experiences or what the reader takes to be intuitive knowledge

  a conclusion that a group of people, not a single woman, must be writing ZetaTalk

  a suspicion that the entire work is an elaborate ruse or joke, but with nagging doubts due to personal corollaries

  with truth that are encountered while perusing the work

  a suspicion that ZetaTalk is a front for the government, especially after reading our rather open admissions about

  our relationship with MJ12

  a deep feeling of unease, especially if the reader is religious and has encountered our statements on organized


  shock, if the reader is versed in one or more of the sciences and encounters not only a grasp of their specialty

  but answers that resolve puzzles that dumbfound human scientists

  jealousy, if the reader has ambitions to have a popular web site and an avid readership, but has been ignored,

  confusion as to why we, the Zetas, would select an unknown middle aged woman to be our emissary

  In all cases, the conclusions stem as much from the mind and orientation of the reader as they do from ZetaTalk itself.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:15 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Attack the Messenger

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  ZetaTalk: Attack the Messenger

  Note: written during the Apr 19, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  ZetaTalk has had a tumultuous history, with those embracing it demanding perfection, within the guise of human

  understanding, and protection, as though the messenger had responsibility for sanctity from the impact of the message,

  and vicious attacks by those not wanting to hear the message in the first place. Thus, friend and foe are hardly

  discernible. Human astrophysics states that Planet X could not have an orbit such as we have described, a sling orbit

  past two foci, back and forth, rather than round and round. Yet Planet X is approaching dead on toward the Sun during

  the reign of ZetaTalk as the prime messenger, exactly as we have described. Human astrophysics also states that the

  speed of Planet X during its rapid approach from the mid-point between its two foci until it enters the solar system just months ahead of the passage is not possible. Yet within the reign of ZetaTalk as the prime messenger, this has

  occurred exactly as we predicted.

  As part of the debunking campaign, it was asserted that since Planet X is a brown dwarf, and human astrophysics only

  applies such a term to gaseous planets many times larger than Jupiter, it would be monstrous when within our solar

  system. Thus primed, many demand that ZetaTalk explain why it is not filling the skies with its size in the weeks

  before the passage. Those embracing ZetaTalk but demanding that the message be rewritten to comply with human

  astrophysics or human understanding are not embracing the message or even thinking clearly or for themselves, they

  are simply demanding a lack of conflict. "Tell me what to believe, and reconcile every statement with every other statement", they cry, as they cannot or are unwilling to sort the facts out for themselves, being infantile in this regard.

  Likewise those demanding protection, rescue, are infantile. The one delivering the message frightened them, so is

  responsible for replacing the fear with comfort. Here again the human is not taking responsibility for themselves, but is

  stomping their foot like a child, expecting others to rush in and act as a parent. If the weatherman reports a storm, do they call the weather station and demand delivery from the storm? In fact, this is their first impulse, to utter “What are

  you going to do about it! ” when bad news is announced, but they have learned by derision to suppress this impulse in

  human society. Their prayers are regularly pleas for improvements in their own lives, demands made of God to fix the

  dilemma he has placed them in. Since we, the Zetas, are presumed powerful, and interactions with aliens not a settled

  matter in human society, they are trying for what they can get.

  Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though

  primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes,

  someone reeks of body odor while attempting to kiss you and you give them a shove. Push it away, the child’s first

  response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed

  to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a

  child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes

  them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email

  and post their simplistic reactions on message board. “Go away, you’re crazy, I don’t want to hear it”, they cry, and

  when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:16 AM]

  ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Enemies

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  ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Enemies

  Note: written Aug 15, 1996.

  Our message, as you might have gauged, is not popular. We are effective in debate, which offends the stuffy elite of

  the scientific establishment who think of themselves as holding the key to knowledge. We abhor scams, especially

  when the scam is not innocent and will harm millions of innocents, including the children. Since our emissary, Nancy,

  is being protected in ways it would be unwise to divulge, those lying to mankind on the Usenets find themselves with

  an adversary they cannot silence! This enrages them. Then there are those who are frightened by the thought that man

  is not alone in the Universe as an intelligent species. They target our postings with their hysterical denial. Then there

  are those in the establishment who know we exist but want the populace in general to cling to them and continue to

  look to them as leaders. They do not want anyone reading our message with an open mind, or even reading it at all,

  and do their best to throw mud and distractions in the path of open discussion and debate.

  Thus, where we and our emissary, Nancy, are heartened by the progress mankind makes, only a fool would fail to

  guard against sabotage as much as possible. What sabotage, you might ask? If our enemies and those who would

  silence us cannot do so by killing or maiming or intimidating Nancy, then what avenues might be open to them? Were

  it not for the copyright laws, and her legal recourse, ZetaTalk would be posted everywhere, but would not be our

  words. Do you not think that such takeovers of established communication channels occur? This is, in fact, a favorite

  ploy. Not only do written works get stolen from authors and patented ideas virtually stolen from inventors, when a

nicator has a wide audience, as ZetaTalk does, all manner of attempts are made to bribe or threaten the

  communicator to send out a different message.

  We have advised our emissary, Nancy, who is almost limitless in her courage, as to what steps to take to avoid traps.

  Thus, she applied for and received her Trademark long before she became widely known, received her Internet domain

  name before her enemies realized what a strong threat she would be, and there were many, many ploys where the

  enemies of ZetaTalk were led to believe that she was under control and was in line to be subverted, when this was not

  so. Why was this deception used? It bought time, and created complacency in those who would otherwise have been

  in full battle. And these ploys worked!

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  ZetaTalk: IRC Attacks

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  ZetaTalk: IRC Attacks

  Note: written during the Feb 22, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The continued attacks on Queen's well disciplined channel is due to her success in having a flowing and Structured

  discussion. The debunkers are eliminated, removed promptly as well as any good hearted folk wanting to be chatting

  or distracting. She is vicious in her intent to have a discussion continue in spite of all the panic and deliberate

  distraction that might ensue during these times. It is not her strong hand that has brought the attacks about, but her

  success. Many school marms who are strict are hated, resented, but they succeed in getting the lessons attended to.

  Anyone wanting to see a different arena need only compare the #zetatalk channel in the weeks before Queen's channel started to see the chaos. This was what the debunkers wanted, an utter inability of anyone to ask a civil question of the

  Zetas. They wanted the right to post their opinions, solely, or in such clutter than a newcomer reading these logs would be drown in disinformation. They wanted to commandeer the stage, have it be their stage.

  The resentment, and attacks against Queen, are because she changed this, and #zetatalk has become someone more

  controlled in recent weeks only because they are trying to encourage Queen and all who support her to give up! It

  would shortly go back to the old days, if she did so. Thus, the minions are out trying to attack this channel, the

  #poleshiftdiscussion channel, but hold firm! This will not last, as the Earth Changes have gotten so severe, are already

  leaking outside of media control, and will soon have everyone, including the debunkers, so distracted they will have

  other matters to attend to. Bear in mind that all humans on Earth, even those expected to be faithful in their duties, are worried about themselves and their families and safety. They do not adhere to their masters, when push comes to

  shove, and will falter in their duties increasingly. Thus, consider this a temporary attack, diminishing in intensity, and

  likely to disappear within weeks. Treat it like mosquitoes, and swat them and continue!

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  ZetaTalk: 2003 Accuracy

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  ZetaTalk: 2003 Accuracy

  Note: written during the Mar 22, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session, where aggressive attacks continued over 2 hours in an attempt to prevent

  the Session from occurring. These attacks including packet flooding, trying to assume Nancy's identity, filling the session with maximum fake

  users, and flooding the log by repeating anything Nancy posted during the session dozens of times by different fake users. None of this


  This is a desperate attempt to fatigue the group, as ZetaTalk accuracy has become so pronounced that the debunkers

  have been told to try anything, something, just do it. Of course, the attacks come too late, as ZetaTalk is already internationally famous, known, and such attacks only server to prove the truth of the message. Many have wondered

  why we allowed Nancy to ‘stumble’, make errors, and we explained this as a means of placating the enemy, as they

  thought her weakened and irrelevant. But at the same time, the strength of the overall ZetaTalk message was such that

  it spread like a wildfire throughout the world. Via the Internet, by word of mouth, and the ZetaTalk fan club just kept

  expanding. It would appear suddenly as a mention in a Australian magazine, in a German magazine, in a Russian

  rumor rag. It would by an attempt to discredit it, appear in US news articles. Many wondered why the fervor, for a

  false message! The latest was NASA itself, in trying to associate ZetaTalk with the NEAT V1 comment as a false

  rumor. Of course, it was the NASA lackey Mitch Battros of Earth Changes TV who started the rumor, but he was

  exempt from NASA's scorn. Of course, it was the NASA web site itself that had a false image on its pages for a day or

  so, but they excused themselves likewise.

  The cat is out of the bag!

  Slowing rotation is so pronounced that even those not aware of the prediction are noticing their clocks minutes slow,

  on a regular basis, from ‘official’ time. Quakes have increased to the extent that they are occurring, to a noticeable

  level, where quakes do not occur. Citizens informed discretely to be prepared for disasters such as quakes or floods

  talk, as the weather is so extreme that they sense this is not related to terrorism or normal alerts during saber rattling by this country or that. The economy, worldwide, can no longer be disguised by any, as it has reached the point where

  corporations can no longer function, and bankruptcies, layoffs, closures, are on the increase after having been the only

  message economically in point of fact for a year. How is it that the US Stock Market is pretending a rally, when the

  rest of the world’s markets are at 1/4 to /13 of their worth? If one examines what it takes to maintain a false level for a stock, one sees that few hands can control the price, and the price is what determines the market level. Orders to sell

  are suppressed and forbidden, orders to buy any stock offered are given, and the stock appears to be in demand,

  falsely. This is a known, and illegal, maneuver, but the fox is watching the hen house these days. Companies that

  attempt to disguise their falling value may buy and sell from themselves repeatedly, to maintain the price, an illegal act.

  All this is rushing around frantically in an attempt to prevent the inevitable. The inbound Planet X is now increasingly

  sighted by those looking, and is so dramatic a sight when first sighted by those who have been told by the officials that nothing is there, that this message will spread like wildfire too!

  And what are the officials to do?

  Deny that something is there, where ZetaTalk pointed since 1995, to a hair of a degree from where it is appearing now?

  Do they not realize that the Path diagram has been out there since early 1997? Do they not realize that the ZetaTalk

  message, the site, has been so popular that the world has been talking about it for years? Do they think that a message proven so correct, that it predicted the current weather where no other source did, predicted the current increase in

  quakes when no other source did, predicted the increasing illness that is so dramatically expressing around the world

  when no other source did, and predicted the exact spot where this inbound complex could be found, at the size and distance it would appear as, and 5+ years before it arrived at the 3/3/2003 spot predicted where it would be found would not be noticed? Is this accuracy or what? Now, to add to the fame of ZetaTalk, it gets IRC attacks! Good, this

  just proves the importance of the message, and how much the elite fears it being noticed.[2/5/2012 11:14:18 AM]

  ZetaTalk: 2003 Accuracy

  Too late! They just confirmed for all those folks about to go out with binoculars, or their unaided eye, and look to the SW in the evening sky, and see for themselves, that it is a true message. So, once again, the debunking team shot

  themselves in the foot!

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:14:18 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Source

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  ZetaTalk: Source

  Note: written Jan 15, 2002

  Nancy is frequently asked the source of her information, which is ourselves. This has been explained, repeatedly, and

  is well documented on the ZetaTalk web site. Nancy is a contactee, who has volunteered to be a communicator during

  these troubled times. She volunteered before birth, her spirit volunteering, and has had no problems during this

  incarnation with her mission. To enhance her ability to understand the concepts we are presenting, she allowed herself

  to be modified in her late 20's with a bit of our brain tissue, DNA compatible with hers, which allows her to better

  receive our telepathic communications. The portion of her brain thus modified affects only telepathic communications,

  so Nancy is otherwise herself. Thus, the source of her information is, truly, us, none other.

  As her source, we have provided what soon became known as ZetaTalk, of world renown. The information relayed by

  us is sometimes foreign to Nancy, sometimes familiar. She was introduced to the concept of radical Earth changes, but

  not the date. This was revealed to her during ZetaTalk, as 2003, [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] a surprise to her as well as others. We kept this as a surprise to her so that she could function normally in the world she had to live in until her

  mid-50's. ZetaTalk Accuracy is also something not planned by Nancy, as she simply relays what we communicate and,


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