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ZetaTalk: Transformation

Page 35

by Nancy Lieder

  as she says, "jumps off the cliff". She has no way of knowing if this is correct or not, and having put her life and

  livelihood at risk, she just trusts.

  Why should humans trust ZetaTalk, when so many other channels or claims are speaking at odds with it? Nancy is not

  religious in her trust, or ours in hers. We have known each other for many incarnations, and have a long track record

  with each other. Religions ask for faith without any basis, demand it, often, and thus have less basis for trust than

  between team members. We predict, and our predictions can be tracked. Sources that do not so predict cannot be

  determined to be anything but disinformation or hot air. Are we the Devil, leading you astray? Is your best friend

  doing so, or your mother, or your government? How do you determine that? You balance what is being said against

  what you know, and make a determination. In the case of ourselves, via ZetaTalk, you must do the same.

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  ZetaTalk: Stumble

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  ZetaTalk: Stumble

  Note: written during the Sep 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We allowed Nancy to answer the question about the Beatles according to her understanding of the question, to demonstrate the limits of the vehicle. In fact, if she is not on the same page, understanding the setting, understanding the context of the question, she cannot put words to our concepts correctly. This is akin to a Greek translator being

  asked to interpret French. Hearing English, the Greek translator interprets correctly. Hearing French, almost any idea

  may pop into the head of the translator, and the answer following down wrong paths accordingly. It does matter what

  is in the translators head, such that an Aboriginal hearing an English mathematician describe the orbits of the planets

  would explain this to the tribe in a manner the Englishman would find absurd. Likewise, the Englishman hearing the

  Aboriginal describe migrations of the wildlife, and the reasons for variations, would leave the Aboriginal bent over in

  laughter. There are, in fact, words missing from one language, inherent in another, due to these concept synching


  Thus, in the past, when Nancy was asked to speak in math, and did so poorly, this demonstrated our refusal, and hers,

  to do this. This has for a long time been the rule, and the public forgets. Thus, choosing a silly subject, the Beatles, unimportant in the main line issues of today, we allowed this to proceed. Nancy is not a Beatle fan, never has been,

  and thus hears these names only in the distance on the news, in the background. She was aware of a recent death,

  cancer, someone who did good work around the globe and was beloved, and assumed this to be the person asked

  about, especially in the Context of being protected by Service-to-Other aliens due to the human's mission. We do not expect this to be believed, but for those looking for a reason for this catastrophic blooper, this is it!

  Note: Below added during Nov 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Early in ZetaTalk, there was high alarm that we, the Zetas, were out there in the world telling all, telling the truth, and gripping the public with the scope and depth of Nancy's postings that we were fast gaining international aclaim. We

  have stated before, that depending upon the success of ZetaTalk, as perceived by the establishement, push-back occurs.

  If Nancy is viewed as being perceived as accurate, believable, then a hundred times more disinfo sites and agents

  would be sent forth to counter this than have actually been dispatched. Thus, it is a clever maneuver, on our part, and

  with Nancy's cooperation, to do a Columbo, act befuddled, appear to make a slip, on occasion. These slips are carefully

  placed so as to placate the establishment, but not confuse the readership who is reading with broad interest, and

  looking at the overall trends. The establishement is in general either wealthy, used to wielding power only because of

  their wealth, or those in power who rely on the wealthy. Thus, for an aging woman, who has worked all her life and

  must work to eat on a weekly basis, to have an impact in the world is inconcievable to them


  Early in the game the Hale-Bopp ploy was used, and in truth Nancy was under the impression until late in the

  game that there was no comet! Our words, as recorded by Nancy, however, told a different story. We relayed

  that Hale-Bopp in 1995, within a month after Hale-Bopp was announced, was not a comet, but a nova, and the ESO confirmed this in the Fall of 1995. After that, as JPL and NASA dotted an orbit across the sky, where no

  comet was tracking, to meet the plotted orbit of a real comet the NEAT program that watches dark asteroids had

  detected, we reported these orbit aberations. The orbit of Hale-Bopp plotted by JPL leap away from Jupiter upon

  passage, perturbed away, and all of this per reports by JPL of actual and recent sightings! The group wanting to

  have the public look in the opposite direction of Orion was placated, however, as Nancy steadfastly maintained,

  in NancyTalk, that there was no Hale-Bopp comet. Then in 1996, we slipped in a warning in ZetaTalk that they

  were lining the false/fake orbit up with the orbit of a real comet, and when this emerged in 1997, we, the Zetas, were not wrong. Nancy was a bit miffed at having been used in this manner, but the benefit soon dawned upon

  her.[2/5/2012 11:14:19 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Stumble

  Magnitude 2.0

  In like manner, in the early days of Planet X sightings, we laid out trip points to placate the establishement. It

  was a Mag 2, and at the time when ZetaTalk was building international acclaim due to its utter accuracy on all

  other issues, this simple point placated NASA and the arrogant elite. And how would Nancy and ZetaTalk ever

  recover from this? They presumed this a fatal error. When the sightings began in early 2001, this was the cry,

  the Magnitude issue, and our explanations that our eyes could see it and our equipment register it as a Mag 2

  deemed inadequate. However, like a giant mushroom growing in the dark, ZetaTalk grew, internationally, and in

  the underground of the Internet. Nancy's appearances on radio or TV or in articles were considered no more

  threatening than other New Age claimants, but the readership caught the truth and relevance of our words and

  checked into the web site.


  Even Nancy's poverty level is a ploy, though real, in that the Hazlewood plot was to assocate Nancy with money

  scams, which she avoided by working and being broke, as she has been most of her life. The establishment was

  placated at their loss of taking her down in this manner because she was broke, and struggling, and none of them

  could immagine having an impact in the world from such a position. Now, going into the final months, the

  establishment will be so overwhelmed that they care not, will go into increasing isolation, into their bunkers, at

  least into a bunker mentality, and Nancy and ZetaTalk the least of their worries.

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  ZetaTalk: Direct Line

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  ZetaTalk: Direct Line

  Note: written Jul 15, 1997.

  Frustrated with the need to decipher channeled work or go through intermediaries, many pressing forward with their

  personal Awakening are puzzled as to why a direct line cannot be established. Why the need for cha
nnels or telepaths.

  Wouldn’t a direct question and answer connection work more effectively? The answer is that this would not be more

  effective, nor would it even be possible. Humans who want direct contact with aliens are getting that, regularly, as a

  result of their having given The Call. They are often only vaguely aware of the result, consciously, and thus long for

  something akin to what the channel seems to have - a direct line.

  True channels, and these are in the minority of those claiming to channel, have rare qualities not found in most

  humans. They are almost to a one of the highest integrity, dedicated to a high level of Service to Others. They have

  rare physical capabilities that stem from having been born in the right genetic line, and often from having been

  tinkered with a bit upon their request. A channel is allowing another entity to enter the body for the moment, and use

  the body and mental pathways of the channel as an instrument. This is not a direct line, this is a temporary takeover!

  Those contactees who feel they are in telepathic contact with their visitors are only recalling a recent visit, the content

  playing out in their mind like a conversation, step by step.

  Thus, until aliens can be face to face with humans, which will most certainly occur within the lifetime of many in the

  readership, there cannot be a direct line for most.

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  ZetaTalk: Live ZetaTalk

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  ZetaTalk: Live ZetaTalk

  Note: written Feb 15, 2002

  With all of ZetaTalk we jointly decide matters. Nancy suffers from various health problems, is not a young person,

  works extraordinarily hard, and is carrying a huge workload. Thus, we must consider her needs [re the Live ZetaTalk

  IRC Sessions]. As a team, we were also looking for a time when the world as a whole could participate. Nancy posted

  suggestions, and this time was not objected to much, so is currently the time [for the sessions]. It is possible to have

  more, other times, but for now this seems to be sufficing. We are not allowed to warn of Earth changes other than the

  broad message of the coming shift, for instance, in response to the Call. To alert that there is a likely quake due in this

  or that part of the world is considered interference, parenting, and not allowed. To step in and attempt a warning would

  send us packing! So, we hold our breath and say nothing.

  As with all of ZetaTalk, teams are assembled based on the expected questions. We indeed know who will be attending,

  who plans to ask what, and sense new questions arising before they are voiced. In that we are highly telepathic and can

  assemble a team in an instant, this is not problem to change the participant mixture. We have a broader range of

  specialties than humans imagine, as we come from many different worlds, and have lived more lifetimes, in a more

  technological society. We are multi-faceted, but as most humans have discovered, they can contribute more with some

  specializing. Are we physically present? No, we stay at our tasks, perhaps taking a break in part to participate.

  Telepathic brain waves go long distances, are highly tuned as to frequency, and we are all participating as though

  picking up a phone! Thus, we are ahead of you, at all times.

  Will Live ZetaTalk continue after the shift? Where will Nancy be? Will she be connected via the Internet? Short wave,

  as we have mentioned, is the best means of humans to contact one another. For those Service-to-Other communities

  that will setup with this means, inability to link due to a hilltop missing an antenna will not be a problem. They will

  find this network intact! Angels at work. We mentioned during a prior chat that Nancy has been invited to live with us,

  in hybrid communities. Those humans invited into these communities know who they are, and have either declined or

  quietly accepted. This is not necessarily an easy life, as we bustle. There is not an idle moment, in spite of fatigue, and

  no quarter given to weakness such as the need for a good cry or a distraction. Thus, as hard as Nancy works, she can

  expect to work harder, experience more grief, in her old age. The means of communication is being deliberately

  withheld at this moment, for obvious reasons. The self centered, the power hungry, the elite desperate to continue their

  grip, are trying to position for the future. More as the hour of the shift approaches.

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  ZetaTalk: Sudden Silence

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  ZetaTalk: Sudden Silence

  Note: written during the Apr 26, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  With the approach of the coming pole shift, many who have come to the ZetaTalk site, to the chats, or anxiously

  checked for new ZetaTalk on matters they seek answers to, are distressed at the though of a cutoff at the pole shift.

  The Internet will not be functional, with the lack of electrical power, broken servers, and the broken link rule

  functioning. Short-wave will function, but this will be primarily voice, and on occasion a primitive graphic or text

  email send in desperation to a loved one missing. Other than voice, short-wave will be highly spotty in any other

  packet relay mode. Even PC copies of the ZetaTalk web site will be unlikely to be accessible, as PC's will be damaged

  during the dashing of the Richter 9 quakes, will require repair and electric power, and once again the broken link rule

  applies. Chat will be at a dead stop, as they require a network of servers even today prone to netsplits or disruptions.

  They are more fragile than the Internet at large, which is a multiple roadway and detour setup. Thus, for those hungry

  for guidance, to get their questions answered, for dialog with others of a like mind, there will be a sudden silence!

  What will this mean for those who find themselves in survival spots, making do and on occasion having a migrating

  visitor at their bean pot sharing news from elsewhere? The news will not be a surprise, for those who understood what

  would happen to the world, globally, both geologically and politically. Some surprises may ensue, based on who

  survived, what strong arm tactics are used and lose favor, or what illness may be feared or prevail. But in the main, the

  news will be predictable, almost boring. The injured will either recover or die, those old and ill to begin with, or reliant

  on medication no longer available, will die. Survivors will form new marital relationships, new family groups, and

  share knowledge on how to do the chores necessary for a primitive life style. Music and song will fill the hours,

  particularly as the hours are long and gloomy, and story telling and skits must appreciated as will any good cooks in

  the group. A quite life will prevail!

  Then one day there will be unexpected visitors, odd looking, or humans who could not have arrived on their own. This

  will be the contact that will open doors, and eventually provide a route into cities or communities where high tech

  communications are far superior to the old Internet and phone lines and postal service. Thus, for those anxious about

  being cut off from information, from chats, we suggest that the answer lies in attention to the Service-to-Other

  lifestyle! It is this that is your ticket!

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  ZetaTalk: After the C

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  ZetaTalk: After the Cataclysm

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Each human life lives out its term, with the entity incarnated growing with the opportunities presented, or shrinking

  from them. Those humans remaining alive after the pole shift will reform into small groups, leaning toward this

  orientation or another, Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self, or being composed of the same mix that human society has

  today. Where the trauma of the cataclysms will have been great, those who undergo a natural cataclysm often find this

  easier to accept than the steady grind of manmade hardships. For the vast majority of those killed during the

  cataclysms, death will have been so quick as to be unexpected and unfelt. No anxiety and no pain. This knowledge

  will assuage the grief of the survivors. After the cataclysms the hardships will not be unlike those experienced by

  humanity during prior centuries, where severe weather or drought or disease created hardship for the populace. It is

  only recently that human society, in the developed world, has come to expect that life should be otherwise.

  Note: below added during the July 27, 2002 Live Zetatalk IRC Session.

  The US government will be diminished, as will all governments, to a very small locale. Someone landing on the planet

  5 years after the shift would be hard pressed to even find their enclave, and this will be true of Australia, Russia, and China. The enclaves will be locale, within walking distance only, yet will be filled with the arrogance of continuing

  power, such plans. Like the Pope and his entourage, a small group convinced the world is waiting for them, ready to

  follow, a myth that will be a shock to them when they spread out and find no one cares nor listens.

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  ZetaTalk: Natural Resources

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  ZetaTalk: Natural Resources


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