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Power of Rhythms

Page 9

by Taige Crenshaw

  Taye flicked her hands, unsheathing her claws and slashing out at Sabra. Pandora jerked as power flared around Sabra and coated her in fire. Taye didn’t connect and withdrew her claws, sitting back. Pandora shivered at the strength of Sabra’s power coursing through her from where she’d touched her. She stared at Sabra in wonder then glared at Taye.

  “You could have given me some warning before doing that. Holding her hand and you trying to cut her, made her power come up. It’s like lightning struck me a million times.”

  “What would have been the fun in that?” Taye smirked. “Think of Sabra as a sleeping giant. Unless she is attacked, her power seems benign. Or if she decides to use it then it is dormant. But when she brings it up or it comes to her defense, it can be dangerous.” Taye sobered. “It’s like Zyric and his laser focus on protecting those he cares about. He’s a sleeping giant. That is, until someone he cares about is threatened then look out. What he doesn’t get is that it isn’t just about him. On some choices he makes, he is oblivious to all else and the affect it has on others who want to be there for him.”

  Pandora exchanged a look of understanding with Taye.

  Taye started to speak again. “What the person affected has to realize is. that is him. Zyric is who he is, and he won’t change. That you’re asking him to go against his nature is like asking you to forgo your instincts, thus making you not who you are. Killing the essence of who you are. You just need to find ways to work around him and be there, no matter what. Well, that is unless you are trying to change what makes him, him. Then he wouldn’t be the same man who you might want to kill but actually care deeply about.”

  Pandora stilled then nodded to Taye. “Thank you.” She started to fade.

  “Why is Pandora leaving? What just happened?” Sabra asked.

  “Taye just schooled Pandora about Zyric. Opened her eyes to her own stubbornness and that the two of them will never agree on each point. That they are alike in so many ways but perfect for each other.” Grayson chuckled. “And Taye did it very well too. Remind me if I ever have Savage pissing me off and we can’t get over it, to have you come by, Taye.”

  “Anytime, Grayson.” Taye smiled.

  “Well hell, how did you get all that, Grayson?” Sabra frowned. “I didn’t even know what was happening.”

  “She played on the subtleties.” Grayson patted Sabra shoulder. “And I figure, like I have, she has heard some of what has been going on with Pandora and Zyric.”

  * * * *

  Pandora faded and came back to form in her house. She walked rapidly to the suites Zyric was using. In moments, she stopped in the doorway. Zyric looked up.

  “I love you, Zyric.”

  “I know, and I love you too.” Zyric leaned forward on the couch he was sitting on.

  “Taye made me realize something.”

  “Taye.” Zyric smiled wryly. “I’m almost afraid to hear what that is. Taye has some unique ways at looking at things.”

  “Well her way of looking opened my eyes.” Pandora strode toward him. “I don’t want to change you. You are the man I love and the way you are is all part of that.”

  “Hmmm…if you were talking to Taye, she probably mentioned going around me to be by my side. Don’t look so surprised. I know what she and my friends do.” Zyric chuckled. “They try to be subtle but after so many years, we know each other well.”

  “I want to know all about those centuries. Know all parts of you.” Pandora stopped before him. “Love you for being a stubborn asshole who doesn’t appreciate the wonderful woman he has.”

  “Hey, that’s your stubborn asshole.” He reached for her, pulling her down into his lap to straddle him. “And yes, you are a wonderful, pain in the ass woman who I will spend eternity with.”

  “Your pain in the ass.” She placed her hands around his neck.

  “Partners. Equally. That is what I want, Pandora.” Zyric stared at her. “There is no way I can go against my instincts to protect you. It is ingrained deep inside of me. Even before all that happened with Blagden, as a Shadower, it is what makes me who I am. Add my Reaper to that and it’s doubly so. Reapers don’t do soft or know mercy, Pandora. We live by the rule that we need to be the strongest to survive, and to protect those we love, we will do anything.”

  “Sirens have that same thought and I was so focused on being pissed you were protecting me when I could protect myself I didn’t think what I would do if the position was reversed. I would do anything to protect you, even if it made you mad about it.”

  He frowned. “Pandora—”

  “Don’t say it’s your job to protect me, not me protecting you, or you will make me seaweed you.”

  Zyric held up his hands. “Not the seaweed. What the hell do you put in it anyway? Sticky glue? It’s hell to get off.”

  “That’s how it is supposed to be.” Pandora rubbed her nose against his. “Partners. You watch my back and I watch yours.”


  “Stop sounding so doubtful.” Pandora kissed him gently. “I want you, now.”

  “Really, no foreplay? Come on and romance a guy first.”

  “Stop teasing me.” Pandora pressed a firm kiss to his lips. “We had a disagreement and now make-up sex. That’s the way things go.”

  “Disagreement? That was a fight.”

  “Nah. If it was a fight, I wouldn’t have let you sleep beside me. And I would have seaweeded you. That would have been a fight.”

  “Okay. Duly noted for the future. Fight equals seaweed.” Zyric laughed. “Life with you will never be dull.”

  “Never. Now let’s make up.”

  “Make-up sex is usually for when you have a fight.” Zyric rubbed his nose along her cheek then down, before coming to rest his face in the crook of her neck.

  “It’s for whatever we decide it is. I say for disagreement too.” Pandora moved her head back to give him access.

  “Sounds fine to me.”

  “Then why are you giving me a hard time about it?” She pinched him in the side.

  “Because it’s fun hearing you justify it.”

  “Ass,” she said fondly. “Now hush, since you want seduction then let me seduce you.”

  “Seduce away.” Zyric slid back and winked.

  Pandora laughed. She pressed her lips to his then worked his lips open and slid her tongue into his mouth. He moved his tongue with hers and she moaned. Zyric clenched his hands on her hips, pulling her close. Pandora rested against him. She leaned back and narrowed her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” Zyric smoothed his hands down her sides.

  “You’re holding back.” Pandora reached out with her senses and she growled as she came up against a barrier inside of him. “What are you holding onto?”

  “My shadow wants its mate. I know you’re not ready, so I’m holding it.” Zyric smiled softly. “We’ll wait until you are ready then claim our bond shadow.”

  Pandora nodded. She kissed him urgently, stripping him with a thought then herself. Lifting up, she sank down onto his erection, gasping as he filled her. She moved on him and he countered her motions. Each slide of his cock set off a sensation of pleasure. She moaned and held his shoulders, digging her nails in. Zyric tightened his hold, bringing her closer.

  “Zyric,” she whispered urgently.

  “Mine.” He grunted, as he pulled her against him.

  “Yours.” Pandora stared into his gaze, determination filling her. “And by that right, I claim my place as your bond shadow. I take my place as your shadow mate.”

  In the seconds after her words, the world stilled as if it held its breath.

  Chapter Six

  Zyric’s gaze widened and he shook his head. Pandora let her power flow inside of him and shattered the barrier. His shadow surged forth and she met it with her own. When they came together, Pandora gasped, shaking at the power filling her.

  “Pandora,” Zyric roared.

  “Mine,” she shouted, and yanked his shadow to her.

  The shadow flowed greedily into her and hers into him then they came out and sparked in the air. The colors of the sea on a stormy day melded with a deep indigo, combining to create a beautiful myriad of colors on the canvas of the air. The visions of her shadow with his overwhelmed Pandora and she shook, joy filling her.

  “I claim shelter for eternity with my water mate.” Zyric’s voice deepened. “By the sea and all its gifts of bounty, we will be sustained. By the waves, we will forever travel the paths together and always be linked. In that warm embrace, I give myself into your keeping and keep you in mine. By the waters of life, I claim you, my water mate.”

  At his claim, Pandora blinked, refusing to let the tears fall. He’d claimed her as his water mate in the way it was to be done, his pledge came from his heart and that was precious to her. Pandora screamed as the sea flowed from her, drenching them and shielding them in a current of roaring waves. The taste of the ocean coated her tongue and she funneled the water around him, closing them off from everyone. The shadows flowed in the liquid, playfully dodging in and out. She laughed and kissed him, moaning as he met her. He continued moving inside her, filling her pussy as his shadow followed hers and blended then parted in quick succession. The water swirled, rising higher and higher as their passion rose. Pandora rocked faster and faster then pushed into his soul once again, pulling forth the last part to complete their bond. Zyric’s eyes went black and his skin crackled with power.

  “Death upon death, I walk on the path with you. Blood of blood, I meld my soul with you.” Pandora lengthened her nail and cut a small section on her neck. “Take me into you, Reaper, and make you mine.”

  She said the ritual words and waited for him to accept. Even with them being mates, if his Reaper didn’t find her worthy, it could reject her. Zyric studied her and she knew it was the Reaper assessing her. He hissed then his fangs came down. Zyric lowered his head and licked the blood on her neck. It instantly healed and Pandora let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. He nuzzled her neck then inhaled deeply. At the scenting of the Reaper, Pandora’s heart raced and she dampened even more. She swirled her hips and Zyric groaned. With him having her blood and her scent, she knew no matter where she went, he would always be able to find her.

  “Taste,” Zyric demanded. He titled his head and moments later a cut similar to hers appeared.

  Humbled by his offering, Pandora pressed her mouth to his neck and licked then healed the cut. Her kind didn’t exchange blood but his kind did. For him to do so with her was his pledge of his trust of her and accepting her as his reaper mate.

  “Pandora,” his said in a guttural voice.

  She arched against him. Suddenly he moved, flipping her over onto her back then plunging into her. She moaned loudly, moving with him. The water pulsed around them while the shadows flowed over them. As their need rose, so did the wildness of the water and the shadows shook. Pandora’s belly filled with a knot of heat. Zyric stroked deeper and he hitched her leg higher on his hip. At the change of angle, she gasped then whimpered. Holding him tightly, she met his motions with her own.

  “Zyric.” She groaned as she stiffened then came.

  “Pandora.” Zyric grunted as he stroked into her.

  Clenching her pussy walls around him, she drove him to his release. He moved faster as his sac went tight and need filled his belly. In moments, he moaned, climaxing while she held him tight, riding the pleasure out with him. Their movements slowed as they kissed, calming. He slumped against her and she rubbed her hands up and down his back.

  “Love you,” Zyric said.

  “Love you, my fiancé.” She kissed his shoulder.

  “Fiancé, I love the sound of that. But can’t wait to have you call me husband. I know we still need to have an official ceremony for the blessing of our union by the head of the Sirens, but I want to get the arrangements for that made quickly so you’re all mine.” Zyric glanced at her and smiled. “You like having your own way. Controlling stuff.”


  “And you’re not apologetic about it.” Zyric kissed her softly. “You are mine by Shadower and Reaper bonds.”

  “Same goes, buddy, by Siren bonds. And when we have our ceremony I will be your wife.” Pandora wiggled her eyebrows. “Get used to my controlling shit.”

  “I’m gonna love making you lose control.” He kissed her deeply.

  She accepted him and Zyric started to stroke again.

  * * * *

  Zyric rose and padded to windows, looking out at the forest. The scent of Pandora reached him then she put her hands around his waist.

  “You’re up early.” Pandora pressed a kiss to his bare shoulder.

  “Have to go help Grayson and Savage set up for the party.”

  “Crap. I forgot that was today.” Pandora came to stand in front of him. “Why didn’t you remind me?”

  “I didn’t remember until I got a message from Savage reminding me. Nothing like being woken by your brother on your private telepathic communication path while he is dragging you into an argument with his twin and older brother.” Zyric rubbed his nose. “Yeah Sin, Savage and Lethra all arguing in my head before I even had my coffee.”

  “Poor baby.” Pandora wiggled her fingers and a cup appeared in them. “Here you go.”

  He accepted the cup gratefully then took a deep sip. “God, I needed that.”

  “I was making it to bring back to bed for you.” Pandora kissed him then stepped back. “Expected to find you in bed.”

  “I would have been, if not for my wake up. Those three need to chill.”

  “What were they arguing about now?” Pandora sat on the window seat.

  Zyric sat beside her, putting his hand on her knee. “Savage wants the Blackstones to meet his family. All his family.”

  “Oh.” Pandora frowned. “All at once?”


  “Would that be a good idea?” Pandora leaned against his shoulder.

  “That’s what Lethra and Sin are saying. But Savage is insisting it will be fine. They wanted my thoughts on it. They should have waited until I’d had my coffee then maybe I’d have been more diplomatic.”

  “You, diplomatic.” Pandora laughed. “That’s like calling me sweet and bubbly. False as hell.”

  “That’s why it was a maybe. Probably wouldn’t have happened.” Zyric nodded, conceding what she said was true.

  He didn’t do sugarcoating and Pandora didn’t do fluffy. He loved each and everything about her. In the weeks since they’d bonded, they had become more in sync. Their lives had blended well and each day he learned something new about her. He figured he’d be finding out things about her for a long time. He’d shared his past and would continue to do so and she had also begun telling him about her life.

  “Probably.” Pandora looked at him. “So what did you tell them?”

  “That they needed to fucking get some balls and handle their shit. Savage to stop being a bossy bastard and leave Lethra alone until he was ready. Sin needed to stop blocking for Lethra because Lethra could handle anything himself. And Lethra needed to stop punishing himself for what was not his fault and deal with what happened.”

  “And how did they take that?”

  “No idea. I blocked them out after I had my say.” Zyric shrugged. “I figure since we’re going to set up, they’ll corner me about it.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.” She kissed him.

  “I’m holding you to that.” Zyric held her and finished drinking his coffee.

  Pandora took his cup. “We have a little time until we have to go, don’t we?”


  Pandora put the cup down then straddled him. “What shall we do?”

  “We’ll figure something out.” Zyric kissed her.

  * * * *

  “We need to talk to you,” Lethra said, as he stood in front of Zyric.

  Sin and Savage were standing behind him. Zyric stifled a sigh and g
lanced at Pandora.

  “Play nice, boys. No blood.” She patted Zyric on the shoulder and started to walk away.

  “Hey, is that your idea of protection?”

  “Yep. Gave them a warning. They know me well enough to know if they go against it, I’ll draw blood of my own.” Pandora turned her head and winked before she went to join Grayson.

  “Damn, I love that woman.” Zyric smiled.

  “We can tell.” Lethra squeezed his shoulder. “And you were right about what you told us. We got so dug into our point of view that we couldn’t see beyond it.”

  “Thanks for helping.” Savage gripped his other shoulder.

  “Yeah, it was good advice. Although you didn’t have to be so rude about it.” Sin pursed his lips. “You’ve been hanging out with Pandora too long. She’s rubbing off on you.”

  Zyric grinned then looked over at her. She was gesturing with her hands while she talked with Grayson. The graceful gestures made Zyric long to take her somewhere private and ravish her.

  “For God’s sake, get that look off your face.” Sin poked him in the stomach.

  Zyric looked at him.

  “You’re the one who said ‘rubbing off’,” Lethra pointed out.

  “Yeah but what… Christ, I’m slow.” Sin shook his head. “It wasn’t about sex.”

  “But it so worked for me to think about it.” Zyric chuckled.

  “Savage, you can talk with your brothers while you set up,” Grayson called.

  “Bossy woman.” Savage smiled.

  “God, being in love makes you dopey.” Sin shook his head. “If I ever get like that, knock me over the head to knock some sense into me.”

  “Anytime.” Lethra grinned. “Hell, I’ll do it even if you’re not in love.”

  Sin pushed Lethra playfully. The brothers scuffled and hit into Savage, who joined the fray. Zyric watched his brothers, smiling at the familiarity of it. When they were younger, they were always playing around. Lethra looked at him and Zyric saw the same joy and gratitude, he was sure, on his face. He went to them and joined in.


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