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Power of Rhythms

Page 10

by Taige Crenshaw

  “No blood,” Pandora called out.

  “If they break my furniture, I’m going be mad,” Grayson warned.

  He laughed and his brothers did too.

  * * * *

  Hours later, Zyric thought of the fun he’d had with his brothers as they’d set up. It had taken them longer than planned but it had been worth it. Pandora and Grayson had just shaken their heads then had done their part to prep for the party. Zyric lifted his beer and stared across the room at Pandora. She turned her head and met his gaze. The promise in her eyes made his cock harden. He knew that look—Pandora had plans to drive him out of his mind with pleasure. He was looking forward to it.

  “You look disgustingly happy.” Kyrian stood to his left.

  Aldis was on his right. “And it looks great on you, my friend.”

  “It does,” Kyrian echoed.

  “I would say something all warm and fuzzy but I sense you all are up to something.” Zyric glanced between his friends then his eyes narrowed when Taye came to stand before him. “Now I know something is up.”

  Taye glanced at Kyrian and Aldis then focused on him. “I’ve been having some of my Death Demons keep an eye out for Herthum, as well as Blagden.”

  Zyric stilled. “And?”

  “They know where he is.”

  “Which one?”

  “They are not sure. They just know it is a Shadower. They are in the canyon between McIntyre Mountain and Blackstone Mountains.”

  Zyric frowned. He knew the area because his brothers and Pandora loved to explore the area between where they each had set up their homes. Pandora in Blackstone Mountains and Sin and Savage—before he’d moved in with Grayson—lived in McIntyre Mountain.

  “Why would he be there?” Kyrian frowned.

  “It’s the center between where I am and Lethra is.” Zyric looked at his brother across the room. He was standing with their parents.

  The party Grayson had decided to have for his family was in full swing. All his siblings were there, along with his parents. Zyric gazed around the room, happy that he was once again among them. Since his return a few months ago, Zyric had reconnected with his siblings. It was amazing how, like him, they had changed and just as they had for him, he had to learn who they were now and not as they were in the past. He imagined if Herthum or Blagden were watching him and Lethra, he knew where they were. One of them would be planning to do something to hurt them. He knew he would. He could not allow that.

  “Tell me where he is exactly.”

  Taye told him. He looked once more at Pandora and when she met his gaze, he kept his face blank so she wouldn’t know anything was wrong. She smiled then went back to her conversation with his oldest sister. Zyric pivoted but a hand on his arm made him stop.

  “What about Pandora?” Aldis said.

  “You can’t go without her,” Kyrian, who was holding his arm, said.

  “I’m going without her.” Zyric shrugged off his hold and walked away.

  “You’re going to make her mad and she’ll come after you,” Taye called.

  “I’m counting on it.” Zyric stepped into the shadows and left.

  Moments later, he detached from the shadows at the location Taye had told him. Glancing around the area, Zyric looked with both his eyes and his senses. There was nothing, and the absence of anything made him know something was amiss. He lifted his hand and his scythe appeared in it as he brought it up with his energy. Zyric pointed to the center of the clearing and pulsed his power into it. It flowed and swirled then a man appeared, moving the energy around him before shattering it. A blanket of power flared over the area, muffling anyone from getting in or out. It was what Zyric had expected him to do. This time, neither one of them was walking away.

  “Welcome back from the dead, Zyric.” He sneered. “Although it won’t be for much longer.”

  “Herthum,” he replied. “We’ll see who will be the one who will leave this plane.”

  Herthum flung a ball of power at him. Zyric stood in place and let it hit him. He dropped to his back and stared up at the sky. The taste of blood filled his mouth and Zyric smiled. He sent a burst of energy through his blood. Then he levitated off the ground and stared at Herthum. The air was heavy with the pulse of power. The landscape changed, turning over and smoothing out. Zyric stared at Shadow World and knew it was an illusion, which could only mean Herthum had pulled them into shadow dream.

  * * * *

  Pandora’s head lifted as a sense of urgency filled her. She glanced around the room for Zyric and, not seeing him, she frowned.

  “What’s wrong?” Zyric’s sister asked.

  “Nothing. Excuse me a moment while I find Zyric.” Pandora hurried from the room. She instinctively knew he wasn’t inside. Outside, she flared out with her power letting it flow far and wide, yet nothing came back. Fear filled her. She could always feel him and the absence of that confirmed something was wrong.

  Someone was running just below her. She glanced off the balcony then, spotting the Bengal tiger, she jumped off and landed on the floor beside him.

  “Where is he?”

  A hawk flew out of the sky and landed. It shifted and Aldis strode to her. Taye flashed into form by her side.

  “We followed him as far as the canyon but then he was just gone. They are gone,” Taye said. “We can’t find him.”

  “What canyon?”

  “Between your home and Sin’s,” Kyrian said.

  “Herthum is there.”

  “We only know it is a Shadower, not if it is Herthum or Blagden,” Aldis said.

  Pandora thought of her run in with the man. “It’s Herthum.”

  A wave of power hit her and Pandora gasped, shuddering. She stumbled.

  Kyrian grabbed her holding her up. “What’s wrong?”

  She jerked away from him, pushing through the choking sensation and focused instead on getting a location. Suddenly, a tangy taste came into her mouth she gasped as she recognized it. The taste of Zyric’s blood filled her and she held onto it.

  “Pandora,” Taye called, as if from a distance.

  “I’ve got him. I’ll bring him back. Keep his family here and safe.” Pandora walked away.

  “Where are you going?” Aldis called.

  “To find my mate then kick Herthum’s ass. After, I will kill Zyric myself for again leaving without me. Putting himself in danger to protect me. Yeah, we are gonna have some words about that. Then I will kill him. If anyone will have that pleasure, it’s going to be me.” Pandora clenched her fists as she strode toward the trees.

  “Give him hell, Pandora.” Taye laughed. “Men always thinking they know best when they are too fucking blind to see what is in front of them.”

  Pandora searched for a source to use to transport to him and when she found what she wanted, she turned left then dove. She flowed into the droplet of water and, using it, moved in the direction Zyric had gone. The water would give her the element of surprise and she could see what was happening without anyone being aware she was there. As she went closer, the energy increased, raising the hair on her skin. Pandora frowned at the sensation of Zyric’s familiar signature and the acidy one of Herthum. She narrowed her eyes as she stopped then gazed out of the water. Shielding herself completely—visually, mentally and her energy field—from Herthum, she observed and listened to them battle. She needed to time her entry to the fight to when it would be the most advantageous.

  “This time, instead of quick, I’m going to take my time.” Herthum lifted his hand and flung bolt after blot of power at Zyric.

  Catching them one at a time, Zyric made them swirl in the air then he returned them all in one volley. Herthum dodged then hissed as some of them connected. Pandora smiled.

  “Fucker.” Herthum sent another set of energy at Zyric. “Death will be too good for you. Maybe I’ll capture you instead and keep you as my pet, as Blagden did to your brother.”

  Again grabbing it, Zyric returned the bolt without replying.

  Herthum continued sending power at him and Zyric countered by returning it. As Herthum sent them, he jeered and heckled Zyric but Zyric never replied. Herthum got angrier and angrier while Zyric was calm and methodical as he fought him.

  “When I kill you, I’m going to enjoy watching it destroy that weak witch you have for a mate.”

  Zyric stiffened then lifted his hand as his eyes went completely black. He breathed out, pointing at Herthum. “Death.”

  The one word resonated and Herthum took a step back then, as if catching himself, he held his ground.

  “You are nothing.”

  “Death,” Zyric said again.

  Herthum lifted his hands over his head and drew power. It swirled an angry red and black, building before he let it loose. As he did, Herthum streaked to Zyric. The energy Herthum released hit Zyric in mid-chest and Zyric slammed his hands palms-out. Reaching him, Herthum punched Zyric in the chest and he catapulted backwards. Watching Zyric fly through the air, Pandora clenched her fists then flowed out of the water. She lashed out at Herthum, driving the drop of water and increasing the amount and frequency, bombarding him. She added power behind it to slash at his skin. Each cut and the fresh blood made her smile as Herthum stumbled back under the onslaught of what she continued to rain down on him. He hissed, moaning as she ripped his skin. People underestimated the power of water—they saw it as soft and gentle but in the hands of a Siren, it was a lethal weapon.

  Herthum lifted his hand, bringing up a shield made of shadows. He gazed at her from under the protection. “Figures the mutt would link up with one such as you. A fucking Siren. You cannot defeat a Shadower. Go back to the water.”

  He pushed up and disintegrated his shield, shoving the energy to her. Pandora gasped as he hit her mid-chest and she flew up. Before she’d regained her breath, shadows reached up and pulled her down, pushing her back into the drop of water. Pandora shook herself off and clicked her tongue. Stupid Shadower was like most of his kind—arrogant and thinking no other race was more powerful than his. He was wrong. From the water, she again waited and watched as Zyric jumped on Herthum, punching him. Herthum deflected the blows then swiped at Zyric. Bright red blood splattered the ground and Zyric spun, coming down on his feet then flipping back to Herthum. He rose before Herthum and lifted his hand to materialize his scythe before bringing it down.

  Herthum jerked as it cut him and he slid back, putting up his hands, holding a blade. “You fight me with Reaper powers. You are weak. You should have been eradicated before. I will rectify that problem.”

  Herthum twisted his hand and a ball of black smoke came into his palm. He threw it at Zyric. It hit him and he gasped then shuddered as, with a loud boom, it sank into his body. Herthum narrowed his eyes.

  “Death,” Zyric said.

  Pandora flowed from the water into Zyric’s blood. Rage bubbled inside her that Herthum had dared to spill it. Using the water particles in the drop of his blood as gateway she rose into the air. Whirling, she opened her mouth, letting out a scream.

  Zyric turned at the melody of death resounding in his ear. Pandora continued the sound, directing it at Herthum. He covered his ears, dropping to his knees. She flung blades of ice at Herthum, inflicting many cuts.

  “Are you going to stand there gaping at me or finish him off?” she asked in his thoughts.

  Zyric turned and, swinging his scythe, he made sure to meet Herthum’s shocked gaze as he lopped off his head. His head rolled off his body and the frame fell another way. Zyric stood over the man who had been sent all those years ago to kill him then sent once again to finish what he’d failed.

  “Blagden can’t come do his own dirty work. Let this be a message to you. Death is coming.” He sent the words into the shadows and felt when it was received. Zyric smiled as the rage flowing in the shadows reached him. He sent his weapon and Herthum’s body away then faced Pandora. She tapped her foot then glared at him.


  “What the hell were you doing? We had this discussion about protecting me before. I—”

  “I wasn’t protecting you. I was counting on your being able to find me.” Zyric went to her. “You were my secret weapon, Pandora.”

  “Oh…okay then.” Pandora sighed. “It’s over.”

  “For now.” Zyric hugged her. “Blagden losing his right-hand man will make him enraged.”

  “So we need to be on guard.” Pandora led him away. “If anyone is gonna kill you, it’s going to be me.”

  “Such sweet words.” Zyric laughed. “You threatening me makes me know you care.”

  “I must need my head checked to love you.” Pandora grinned.

  “Love you too.” Zyric never tired of hearing her say those words.

  “Let’s go home.”

  He held her, pulling her into the shadows. Zyric paused, seeing her shadow mixed with him and his with hers. A sense of contentment came over him and he kissed her. Pandora put her hands on either side of his face and returned it. She lifted up and, holding her, he brought her close. Her power flowed over them and she stripped him and herself. Zyric stroked into her and she clenched her pussy walls. He locked his knees and thrust into the woman he loved. In the shadows, the colors of their shadows deepened and flared with their passion. With each motion, it flowed deeper. Pandora held him tight, going up and down on his cock. He met her move for move and all too soon, pleasure gripped him pushing him into release. He moaned and Pandora echoed him. Zyric brought them out of the shadows, kissing her gently.

  Water lapped around them and the soothing lake by their home surrounded them. Pandora leaned back, staring at him. She slid her hands over his shoulders, lacing her fingers behind his neck.

  “I lo—”

  “Pandora,” a female with a voice very much like Pandora’s said beside them.

  “Mom.” Pandora quickly dressed them. “What are you doing here?”

  “Checking on my daughter, who hasn’t started to even plan her wedding yet.” Her mother rose out of the water beside them. Her iridescent gown made her eyes sparkle. “Zyric.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Now, daughter, what about this wedding?”

  “We just got engaged, Mom. Wow, Mom, I can’t believe you are on Earth.” Pandora looked at Zyric and the plea in her expression for help was plain before she looked back at her mother. “I thought you said you’d never set foot in this realm again.”

  “You made me have to come. The engagement was just a formality. From the time you stated you were his bond mate, you were already engaged.” Her mom stared at Pandora. “I’ll discuss it with Zyric’s mother and we’ll figure out the plans.”

  “Yeah. But shouldn’t you visit your sons first.”

  “I left your brothers home.” Her mother frowned.

  “Sin and Savage are who I meant. I claimed them as family and it’s been remiss of you not to welcome them.” Pandora nodded. “Yes, it has. They are probably feeling unloved.”

  “I can’t have that.” Her mother pursed her lips. “Savage is settled but Sin… His mother and I must work on getting our son someone. I introduced him to this wonderful girl but that picky boy didn’t like her. I’ll find someone else. Now I have his mother to help. I’ll go welcome your brothers you claimed. But don’t think I don’t know you are trying to distract me. I’ll let you go for now. Let you two continue to work on getting me a grandchild.”

  “Mom,” Pandora said.

  “Don’t ‘mom’ me.” Her mom patted Pandora’s cheek. “I’m not getting any younger. Now I am off to see the boys. See you later.” She shimmered then disappeared.

  Zyric stifled a laugh. Pandora slugged him in the shoulder.

  “What?” He rubbed it then said, “I’m sensitive.”

  “You didn’t even try to help me with her.”

  “Like you did with my mom?” Zyric pointed out.

  “Fine. But when they come to me with wedding plans, I will send them your way.”

  Horrified at the idea o
f both mothers, Zyric hugged her. “Let’s elope.”

  “I would but they’d hunt us down and make our lives hell for depriving them of a wedding.”

  “Yeah.” Zyric sighed. “Fine, we will have wedding but I’m not dealing with our moms.”

  “We’ll share the duty.” Pandora kissed him. “We’re partners.”


  “Well, partner. Let’s go home and relax a little before my mom comes back.” Pandora guided him out of the water.

  She released his hand and smoothed back her hair from her face. Pandora led the way toward home. Zyric watched the sway of her body and each movement resonated with him.

  “I’m loving your rhythm.”

  Pandora stopped and he caught up with her. “Listen.”

  She opened up her senses then shared it with him through their connection. The sounds of the wind filled him then a myriad of wondrous others filtered to him and in awe he glanced around. With his acute hearing, he could hear almost everything, yet he’d never experienced it like this. Zyric pulled her to him and kissed her. Pandora rested against him and he marveled at the power of rhythms she had brought into his life. He knew she would continue to fill his soul with it from now to forever.

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Singleton: Unexpected Encounter

  Taige Crenshaw


  Chapter One

  Lila Jarvis pushed the CD into her player and when it started without a hitch she smiled. She took her hand off the wheel and patted the dash of her new, dark amber, metallic Honda Pilot. Inhaling deeply, she enjoyed the new car smell and was eager to get home to explore her vehicle. She gripped the wheel with both hands and hummed along with the Adele song playing on the CD.

  “No more listening to the rattling of my car like it was ready to blow up for me. Love having a new car.” Lila laughed, then she sobered as she remembered her old SUV. “But I’m gonna miss driving Lancelot.”


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