Child to Soldier: Stories from Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army
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abductions: of Aboke schoolgirls, 62, 131–5, 182n1
famous, 69–70, 180nn2–5
LRM/A’s rationale for, 60–2
risk of, 130
testimonies of former CI soldiers, 7–9, 78–80, 104–8, 129–31
total number of LRM/A, 62, 177n1. See also child abductees
Stockholm Syndrome
abila pa kwaro (shrine of the ancestors), 155
‘Aboke girls,’ 62, 131–5, 182n1
Abu-Lughod, L., 26
Acana, Rwot David Onen, II, 174
Acholi culture: ancestral (paco) and residential home (ot), 80–1
centrality of livestock in, 50–1, 179n6
communal responsibilities in, 166
courtship traditions, 119
dual character of the bush and, 80
folktales (ododo), 42–3
food, 10, 14, 56, 86–7, 90–1, 181n2
importance of the pumpkin, 161–2
killing taboo, 84–6
liminal repurposing of, 24, 66, 74, 90, 155
LRM/A exploitation of, 10, 13, 24–5, 66, 84, 152
marriage ceremony (nyom), 120, 162
night and darkness significance, 79
NRM/A destruction of, 46–51, 61
protection of home and family values, 43–6, 51
rape and incest taboo, 48–9, 92
regeneration of, 174
resources, 166
restorative restitution for loss of life (culo kwor), 166–7
self-healing capacity of, 164
symbol of victory (oboke olwedo), 5
traditional cures, 99
traditional justice, 167
tradition of remembering life stories, 132–3
trauma and devastation of, 47–51, 160–6
wild fruits, 22
youth dances (laraka-raka), 14–15. See also Acholi people
Acholi sayings and phrases
Acholiland: business and economy, 56–7
cattle rustling, 50–1, 179n6
colonial policy in, 36
ext of war in, 6
displaced-persons camps, 172
Lamogi Rebellion (1911–12), 36–7
NRM/A invasion of, 45–52, 57, 60
rape reports, 49
slave trade in, 178n2
Acholi people: children, 156–7
collective identity, 46
collective memory of, 165
coping strategies, 156–7
dependence on relatives, 23, 126–7
dispossessed youth, 55, 57
ethnic conflict and wars, 4–5, 35–7
ethnocultural identity, 37–8, 43
fear of being childless, 71
fear of death, 84–5, 162
forced internment, 62, 165, 172
incomes, 56
as a ‘military ethnocracy,’ 41
NRM/A civilian killings, 46–8
paramount chief of, 174
poverty, 33, 51
rural life, 56
women’s sexuality, 7. See also Acholi culture
Acholi sayings and phrases, 5, 33, 80, 100, 175, 177n5
on barely escaping death, 111
on coping and overcoming pain, 156–7
on forfeiting something because of appearance, 155
on the pain of kneeling, 49
of the poor man’s child, 128
wot ki too (walking with death), 85. See also dano adana (human person)
adwi (rebel), 95
African Oral Literature (Okpewho), 29
agency: culture as the genesis of, 75
personal, 20, 22–3, 75, 103
Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD), 162
Agoro, 117
ajwaka (unholy), 58
Alasuutari, P., 13
Alexander, J.C., 161
Amayo, Jola (pseud.): abduction, 7, 78, 104–8
anointing, 88
appointment as second lieutenant, 118
beating by LRM/A, 110–12
capture in Lacek-Ocot, 115–16
childhood and family relations, 8, 97–9, 101
education, 96, 98, 101–2
experiences in combat, 117–21
homecoming and return to civilian society, 121–3
husbands, 119