The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2)

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The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2) Page 8

by Lumtrexa

  My father gets up to dig around in one of our kitchen drawers, he pulls out a crumpled up piece of burnt looking paper.

  "I wasn't expecting things to turn out like this...take this. The greenman will take you back to Hunrel safely, he's an old friend of all fae. Stay in Hunrel until we get back and try to only leave the house when you have to. James will meet up with you when you get back to the house. Make sure you part with your friend as soon as you get back." My Dad says while giving Viktor a calculating glance.

  I clutch the scribbled map tightly in my right hand and run back upstairs to grab a couple belongings to stuff in my hand knit bag to take back with me.

  I give my parents both hugs and they both go over what they expect of me while they stay in the human realm.

  Before I know it, I'm already outside with Viktor trailing after me into the woods.

  "So you didn't feel like reading my Dad's mind? The television must have been so captivating." I say dryly. Deep down though, I'm relieved.

  "Listening to those feeble minded parents of you argue made a vile sensation in my stomach. Another time will come." Viktor says with annoyance.

  I glance up at him when he matches my walking pace to walk next to me.

  "Ah!" I shriek in shock.

  "What?" He says with dancing eyes.

  "You changed back into your demon form and we aren't even out of the human realm yet! What if a hunter sees you out here?!" I reply.

  "I'll kill them." He says without missing a breath.

  I ignore his comment and continue following the scribbled lines on the old piece of paper.

  At last, we arrive at a large boulder similar to the landmark drawn on the map.

  "I think this is it?" I say with a hint of question while eyeing the boulder.

  "Think or know?" Viktor retorts.

  A strange rumble causes the ground to vibrate as if a mini earthquake occurs. From beside the boulder sits a fallen tree and its trunk cracks and splinters sharply sending me reeling backwards. To my surprise, the fallen tree twists and turns bending in unnatural angles to rise off the ground. Leaves grow off the once dead tree limbs.

  It takes me awhile to realize Viktor's arm is out in front of me, perhaps protecting what he believes to be his potential weapon from getting hit by a plant.

  "What is it you youngin's seek?" An ancient voice asks, I lift my gaze to see an old face carved into the tree, that definitely was not there before.

  "My father told me you would be able to take me back to Hunrel, greenman." I reply gently. Viktor is unusually quiet.

  "That I can. Your friend though I can not." The greenman says warily. The greenman's face seems to be almost faceless, changing slightly each time the sun's rays hit his "tree face" in different angles as he shifts awkwardly while talking.

  "Please Mr. Greenman. We are kind of in a hurry. I told my parents I would go straight home. Just let him come with me." I say urgently.

  "Ha...child I am no fool. I am not 'Mr. Greenman' I am the greenman. Protector of this forest, some call me the tree of life. Every forest has a greenman. I am this forest's greenman. All the plant's harvest their life in me. I am the strongest plant here, it is because of me this forest thrives. And I would never help a demon. What your dealings with him is, is none of my business. However, for the safety of this forest and for myself...I can not allow myself to help a demon in any form." The greenman states firmly.

  "We don't need this greenman to take us back, Elaine." Viktor says in a cocky tone, as if the mere idea of the greenman helping us would ruin his pride.

  "I don't care what you think, we're listening to my parents." I say in a clipped voice.

  "Bark face, we'll be going on our way." Viktor says crudely, he turns away from the greenman and starts walking away.

  "Viktor, wait." I say calling after him.

  The greenman seems to lose his temper and a gnarled looking branch extends up off the ground with barely the whisper of a sound-heading in Viktor's direction.

  Thinking the greenman might withdrawal his attack, I jump out blocking the greenman's reach of Viktor. Everything happens too quick, I guess the greenman has slow reaction time because his tree branch thrusts right into my chest sending me backwards. With my wonderful luck, I manage to land on the boulder with my head banging against the rock rather sharply.

  My vision blurs as I watch Viktor approach the greenman, his back is to me.

  "Leave the girl, I'll take her to Hunrel. Be on your way demon." I hear the greenman say gruffly.

  "No I think I'll pass. You see I didn't want your help to begin with. That's why I have no problem doing this." Viktor laughs menacingly.

  A loud crackle ripples through the once still ground, a foreign heat wave comes out of nowhere and when I blink I watch in terror as the ground becomes covered in orange and red flames. Deadly fire licks the ground, in a matter of seconds the once flourishing forest floor is burnt to a crisp.

  A loud scream of pain nearly bursts my eardrums as I watch the greenman catch on fire. It is a rather pathetic sight, as he struggles helpless in place while the flames begin to devour him slowly.

  "Viktor stop it. Stop this!" I yell while coughing as I choke on the dark cloud of smoke that is starting to raise off of the ground. I pull my feet up against the rock I'm leaning against to avoid getting burned myself.

  I begin to realize that the greenman isn't going to make it. He wasn't really bad, he doesn't deserve to die like this. He just wanted to protect the forest. My body uncontrollably shivers as he continues screaming in agony as Viktor watches his flames devour the forest.

  The skin on my arms begins to turn red from all the heat, soon the flames on the ground will reach me. Apparently, the rope binding my arm is fireproof because the part of the rope connecting me to Viktor lays snugly on the forest floor-without a single burn mark on it.

  Then something in me comes alive. Maybe it's all the anger and frustration that I've put on the back burner. All the helplessness I've buried inside of me.

  It may be too late for me to save the burned up plants and other creatures that lived in this forest, but I might be able to save the greenman.

  I take a deep breath as a now shirtless Viktor continues casting waves of flames on the greenman.

  I unfurl my wings and let my wings carry me out of the fire's reach. Beads of sweat drip off my forehead and my arms shake in anger.

  "Stop it!" I yell with fury at Viktor. When I fly up behind him he raises an eyebrow, but turns around continuing to burn the greenman alive.

  Without much thinking, I fly a little bit backwards and then ram into him to put him off balance.

  He ends up hitting his back against a burning tree. His eyes watch me with a sadistic look, as if this is some sort of game to him. Well, at least I've distracted him somewhat.

  I turn back toward the greenman, to see his face settle into a deep frown as his once brown bark turns into a charred black. His screams of agony are gone. He's dead. Soon the rest of the forest will be too. I'm too late.

  Tears flood down my face and I turn back to the culprit, Viktor.

  "Why did you do this?" I ask hollowly.

  I don't give him time to reply.

  I fly over to him and grab him by the throat, knowing all too well that he could easily rip my arm away from him.

  "Because I can." He says with a dark laugh while removing my arm from his throat.

  "You know I can't believe I thought you were different. I thought you were better than this. This, along with the forest, burned down every thought of that. I should have let the greenman attack you, but no, being naive me- I jumped out to block the greenman from hitting you! And what do you do? You burn down the forest along with the greenman!" I yell with fury.

  "I think the heat's getting to your head little one. The greenman was going to try to kill me either way." Viktor says with a smirk.

  "You disgust me. I'll find my own way back to Hunrel. I don't care if this stupid rope is
still tying me to you, this fire didn't burn it off. I'll find something else that will." I say coldly.

  Suddenly, Viktor grabs onto my shoulders and pushes me towards the ground. I fall awkwardly toward the flames flooding across the dead forest floor.

  He grabs onto me and I try to push him off, but he overpowers me. For once I get lucky, he lands on the flaming ground and I land on top of him.

  "What are you doing?" I say confused with anger.

  "Flames still burn you right?" He asks like I didn't just pour out all my hatred to him five seconds ago.

  "Let go of me now!" I grit through my teeth.

  "I think I might know how to get us back to Hunrel faster than that bark face could." Viktor says while watching me as he traps me onto his bare chest. I continue to try to pull myself away from him with all my might.

  "How?" I ask fed up with him.

  "With this." He says pulling out a silver bracelet out of nowhere. Without asking, he yanks on my arm and the bracelet slides down over my hand and onto my wrist. The bracelet pulses and a stinging sensation burns through my wrist. Instinctively, I imagine being back at my parent's house in Hunrel.

  The once forest covered in flames vanishes along with the stench of burned wood and smoke.

  The bracelet was as I thought, some kind of portal. Before I know it, Viktor and I are standing on my parent's front porch in Hunrel. No doubt my face is covered in soot and Viktor looks like the psychotic demon he is, as a faery around my age with shoulder length brown hair gives me an expectant look.

  Chapter 14-Summoning

  "You must be Elaine. And you...I've never seen you around here." The guy says. I think Viktor might have glamoured himself somehow.

  "Yes. Nice, to meet you. James, right? My Dad said you were going to watch the house." I say lightly.

  "Yeah, you must be quiet the troublemaker. You're Dad said he and your Mom won't be back for like a month. We don't get much action around here, but hey us neighbors got to help each other out. I live right next door, I already set up a couple wards." James says with a warm smile.

  "What are you, her babysitter now?" Viktor says in a strange tone as he steps out in front of me.

  "You still didn't tell me who you are...I was told you were suppose to part ways with Elaine." James says with a tap of his foot. He crosses his arms and looks expectantly down at Viktor. Viktor is pretty tall, but James is a few inches taller than him.

  "Oh right, we kind of had to get out of the human realm fast. He's right Viktor, you should probably head back home. Thanks for coming with me, friend." I say with a smirk. Meeting James may have it's benefits, I can already tell Viktor is struggling to intimidate James when he's glamoured as a faery. Even Viktor knows he should listen to what my father said if he doesn't want James to get suspicious.

  "Yes, you're right. I think I'll have to find a bar to stop at on my way back. See ya." Viktor says feigning an innocent smile as he unties the rope binding me to him. He gives James a nod. If only James could see what Viktor is hiding behind his golden eyes and dirty blonde hair, his real demon form. Viktor turns around, passing by me he shoots me a glare that very well might have froze Hell over.

  I thought Viktor might have put up a fight or tried to argue against leaving somehow. Maybe he'll find some other faery more interesting at the bar and finally get out of my life. Better yet, he untied the rope! Even though he untied us, he still will probably be in town. It's best that I stay in the house until tomorrow.

  "You okay?" James asks me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  "Yeah, a lot of family issues to think about." I say forcing a laugh.

  "So what's your deal with him?" James says glancing over towards where Viktor walked off.

  "Oh! We're just friends, I took him along with me when we went back with my parents." I explain.

  "Friends huh." He says offhandedly.

  "Yep." I chirp.

  "Interesting...well, even though you don't know me, mostly everyone in town knows you. You know from your birthday and all. Your Mom spent a long time planning it from what I've heard. You're actually not the only halfling around. Faeries cross over to the human realm every so often. Why don't we go inside..." James says while unlocking the front door.

  I don't know if I should feel relieved or anxious of the fact that he has keys to my house. He could be in with the witches, my paranoid mind contemplates. Or he could be just a friendly neighbor who might end up saving me if Viktor decides I really have no special powers after all and tries to kill me.

  "Yeah I don't know much about faery history. My parents have yet to explain a lot of things to me." I mumble while sitting down in the kitchen. He leans casually against the kitchen counter top peering down at me through thick eyelashes.

  Feeling awkward I shuffle my feet.

  "So um...the wards? There's something my parents haven't told me. I understand that they want me back at the house, but shielding the house? Is that really necessary?" I ask curiously.

  "Look I don't even know much about your family, I just did what he told me." He says while checking the lock on the back door.

  "Well, I don't want to keep you, I think I can handle things from here. I think I might put something together for dinner...for myself." I say with a nervous voice.

  "Have a good night Elaine. I'll stop by tomorrow morning." James hollers walking back down the hall and out the front door. His hair looks almost black as he walks back towards his house. I give a him a small wave and quickly lock the door behind me. Sliding down the door and onto the floor I let out a sigh.

  I'm going to try to enjoy my dinner tonight, try to enjoy some peace while I can. I stand back up and head upstairs into my room. I change out of my dirty clothes and put on a fresh pair of pajamas. Then I put my hair up in a messy bun and wash my face. I make my way back to the kitchen. I turn the oven on, spotting an open cookbook resting next to a jar of oats, I begin to start cooking.


  ~Viktor's Point of View~

  "I'll be honest kid, you don't look like the drinking type." The bartender says with a disapproving look. I'd carve out his eyes with a rusty needle if I was back in Hell. No one would care. However, in the meantime, I have to keep my attitude in check. Well at least in public. That idiot girl, Elaine thinks she can get me to do what she wants now that that faery boy weaseled his way into my plans.

  "Hello darling." A pretty brunette greets me nestling up next to me. Her breath reeks of alcohol combined with death breath. One of her thin hands lands on my bicep, her long fingernails are painted a deep blue. Almost the same color as Elaine's eyes. Why am I even comparing that useless girl to this wench's fingernails next to me?!

  Too bad the wench next to me is unaware of my hunger. I haven't fed well in awhile since I left Hell...tonight will be an excellent night to make up for it. After setting that forest on fire and all, my energy needs a boost. Although judging from this woman's odor, her blood will not be the best.

  Any blood is better than none.

  Giving the woman a charming smile I face her and talk her up for an hour, buying her drinks, pretending to be interested in her. She suddenly stands up, grabbing my shirt to pull me along with her as she clumsily exits the back of the bar. I allow her to lead me out of the bar, she's making this easier for me, I'm not going to complain.

  A pang of hunger strikes me hard when the warm night air greets me.

  The woman gives me a wink and leans against the brick wall of the ally expectantly.

  One slash of her throat and then I will have a nice feast to hold me over.

  I stride over to her, closing the distance.

  "What are you waiting for?" She giggles.

  "Come on, let's go." She says while grabbing onto my shoulders. Her dress hugs her body leaving little to the imagination. A glimpse of Elaine in the dress appears in my mind, curse that girl.

  I glance down at the woman's collar bone to see green bumps on her skin o
ozing a sickly yellow liquid.

  I'm not going to be able to feed on her after all. There's no way I'm going to risk myself getting sick.

  In bitter rage at my failed attempt of finding a good feast I effortlessly slash across her neck with a clawed hand. It's taking everything in me to not lift my glamour, I can not risk a fae spotting me though.

  Her death is quick as blood gurgles out of her mouth when her lifeless body lands on the floor with a crunch.

  Now what.

  I'm still starving...maybe I could pay her babysitter a visit.

  It takes me no time at all to reach her parent's house. The sky is blanketed in black as I begin to walk past her house and to the left, toward her neighbor's house. The one named James.

  Hearing a faint cry back in the direction of the girl's house my ears perk up. I could get rid of James now...or I could wait. I did kill that woman back at the bar, two dead faeries in one night might draw too much attention.

  Without much thought, I turn back to the girl's house taking my time. I rest my mind on the front door whispering an old chant to unlock the door.

  It opens and I walk right inside the house.

  The house is dead silent and I take my time walking up to Elaine's room.

  Her door is shut and unlocked, so I open it.


  My head refuses to lift from my pillow after my nightmare. My sweaty neck makes me uncomfortable, so I roll over laying on my side.

  I nearly fall off the bed though when I see the shadow of my door opening passing across the wall. Gasping in panic, I sit up against the headboard of my bed facing the intruder.

  A pair of golden eyes meets mine. It's Viktor, he's still wearing his glamour, but he looks more ticked off than usual. And what is he doing back in my house at this hour?!

  "W-what is it? You aren't supposed to be here." I say groggily with a hint of annoyance, narrowing my eyes at him.

  "I was deprived my dinner." He says flatly.

  "How did you get in here?" I ask while watching him shut the door and stand next to my bed. He looks down at me with what looks to be hunger.


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