The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2)

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The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2) Page 9

by Lumtrexa

  "You know this faery glamor is become an issue, I couldn't find to eat because of it." He explains carefully.

  "That isn't my problem, Viktor. By the way thanks for freeing me from my leash. I told you there's nothing special about me, it's about time you realize it." I clench while clutching the covers against me.

  "Maybe I'm not interested in that anymore. You seem to forget you're merely a tool to get back at my brother. Tomorrow we will arrive back in Hell, I now understand why my brethren like to stay in Hell. A demon is not welcome around your kind, it's better if we stay put to keep matters somewhat...calm." He says staring at me with his practically glowing gold eyes.

  "Since when do you care about things like that?" I retort.

  "Another reason for me to go back to Hell, this world I fear is beginning to wear off on me." He says with a deep frown turning his head the other way.

  I let out a laugh at the ridiculous idea. But then again, I kind of do realize a difference in him since I met him in Hell. And since when does Viktor ever share his feelings?

  "What's gotten into you? You seem off." I say growing worried, for my safety. The last thing I need is to be choked by him again. It's now that I notice his arms shaking, slightly. The ways his hands fidget.

  Suddenly his head perks up and the look in his eyes is different, distant. Maybe he's dreamwalking in his own head.

  He lurches toward me and letting out a shriek, I surprise myself by shoving him away from me.

  "What are you doing?" I breathe angrily with confusion.

  He shakes his head as if to clear up his clouded head.

  "Oh sorry about that. One of the many perks of being a demon. Believe it or not Colt has just summoned me." He says with a sinister smile.

  "That doesn't explain why you jumped at me." I say suspiciously. That's probably the best answer I'm going to get from him though.

  "What did Colt say? Is he in the fae realm now?" I rant quickly.

  "No...he's still in Hell. He wants me to come so he can kill me to put it simply." He says while standing up.

  "What?! How does he even expect us to get there?" I sigh.

  "He sent one of his shadows." Viktor replies.

  "Let me guess, we have to leave now? My parents are going to throw a fit." I begin to say while getting out of bed.

  "Do not fret Elaine, this won't take long." He says cockily.

  "You already killed him, he has every right to kill you. Plus he was with the witches remember, they might be with him." I explain.

  "If my instincts are right, I do believe it's a red moon in Hell tonight. And believe me I'm very hungry." He says in a guttural voice that makes my hair stand on end.

  When he steps out of my room I spot a black wall that reaches the ceiling in the hallway.

  "It seems our transportation has arrived." Viktor says with excitement.

  I don't even get to change out of my pajamas! I breathe out in annoyance and walk up next to Viktor facing the shadow.

  Why did Colt wait until now to send Viktor a way back to Hell? And how did he even know where to find us? Oh that's right, he's been here before in my house. Still though, that doesn't explain how he knew I was here.

  "Come on." Viktor says jerking me by the sleeve of my shirt after him without giving me any room for a response as he practically drags me into Hell.

  Chapter 15-Brotherly Love

  When we arrive back in Hell I'm welcomed by a freezing cold gust of wind as some kind of demon guard slams an ancient looking wooden door shut behind us. Leaving only Viktor and I in the room.

  We must be inside of Colt's castle.

  "Ah, the guests have finally arrived." A voice I've grown to hate says with a sigh.


  She walks out from behind a deep red curtain across the room. The walls of the castle look black and are covered with various weapons, with smeared marks of red across them. This part of the castle must be where they keep prisoners...or torture them.

  "I thought you killed all of the witches Viktor." I say in a steady voice.

  "I did. Silvia isn't a witch." Viktor says with a frown. Crossing my arms, I march right up to Silvia.

  "Where's Colt?" I demand of her.

  "How are you still alive? You were supposed to burn down with the rest of those ugly women." Silvia says with a glare. She then picks at one of her nails, seemingly bored.

  "What is she talking about Viktor?" I ask confused.

  "She's just a puppet Elaine. Colt was the one who wanted to use you, to find what your powers were. He used Silvia to get to the witches to find you." He says while casually walking up next to me.

  "Wise words, coming from a demon." Colt says while appearing from behind Silvia. He places an arm around her waist, he smirks when he watches me step away from them. I don't even recognize him anymore, he seems so different. Maybe it's his arrogance or just the fact that I finally am facing the truth about him.

  "Is it all true Colt? You used me just to find what my powers were-that you wanted Silvia to kill me?" I say with a waver.

  "You should have known better than to have trusted me. To have trusted a demon." Colt replies while meeting Viktor's stare with a cold look.

  "Killing you once wasn't good enough was it?" Viktor says with a deadly tone as he walks in front of me.

  "Hey, I'm not done talking." I say with haste, I begin to attempt to step around Viktor, but he blocks me with his arm. I try to slap his arm out of my way, but it doesn't budge.

  "We could spend forever talking and my brother would just walk around your questions. Now let me show you what happens when you lock up a demon in the deepest pit of Hell for two hundred years, brother." Viktor says with an evil grin.

  That might explain some of Viktor's hate toward Lorcan.

  "You got what you deserved. Gotten a taste of the fae realm? It's made you weak, hasn't it? You look starved." Colt says with a dark laugh. With that, he rushes into Viktor, I jump out of their path as they begin their viscous fight.

  Viktor lashes out a flame across Colt's path to him, cutting him off.

  An ice cold hand grabs my shoulder, squeezing me painfully. I jerk my head to the side, to see Silvia glowering at me.

  "You think I'm just going to let you stand here and watch helpless while your boyfriend fights his brother? I will not stand silently either. Stand your ground and fight me you worthless faery." Silvia says with disgust.

  I don't give Silvia anymore room for talk, grabbing a sword off of one of the many weapons scattered across the walls, I point it in her direction. She gives me a smirk and out of thin air-a sword appears in her hand as well.

  It is coated in black and if my guess is right it's some kind of shadow sword, maybe Colt made it for her.

  I hear Viktor's "battle cries" in the background, it seems Colt is winning their fight, but I force myself to watch Silvia.

  She takes the first swing with her sword nearly missing my left shoulder, she's like a rabid animal. She has no style, she just thrusts her sword at me repetitively giving me little time to dodge her attacks.

  "You thought I died when Viktor burned down the forest? Wrong." Silvia purrs while slashing the sword again at my face, I manage to avoid getting my head cut off, but the tip of her sword just reaches the surface of my neck leaving a long slash mark dripping with blood.

  I tighten the grip around my sword and swing in the direction of her right arm, aiming for the one carrying her sword. She easily steps to the side and then I seize my moment.

  Taking her off guard I use my wings to lift me in the air, clumsily flying over her head to land behind her.

  She jumps around, but not in time to avoid getting stabbed in the stomach by me. She lurches over, holding onto the deep wound I inflected upon her. For a moment, I step back cringing at the blood spilling out of her. I have to remind myself though, this entire time she's been trying to kill me.

  She doubles over, coughing up blood.

something special...about you after all." She laughs without humor. Glancing up at me as I stand above her, she shoots me a startled look.

  "What? What do you mean?" I say hurriedly as the life slowly drains from her body.

  She takes a long gasp for air then manages to speak again.

  "Mers can't be injured by silver-in my case I should h-have been safe from your sword...b-but I guess...I..I..I-was wrong." She breathes. Without another word, her eyelids flutter shut as her head falls back against the ground.

  Silvia is dead. And I killed her.

  I look past Silvia's lifeless body with a sick feeling in my stomach at her final remark about me. I have to focus on what do next, I can think about what she said later.

  Sure enough, Colt and Viktor are still going at it. My ears tune into their argument, how they even have time to talk so much while trying to kill each other is beyond me.

  "I hope you know you can't kill me, we are in Hell." Colt says while in his shadow form.

  "That only makes it more fun, brother. I can keep killing you over and over again here." Viktor scoffs while lighting the walls around Colt on fire.

  "Looks like your little witch couldn't kill her off." Viktor adds cockily. He then turns to look down at me, Colt comes up behind him and grabs his neck.

  "You always did talk too much." Colt grunts while slamming Viktor against the wall of the castle.

  I watch in silence as Colt squeezes the life out of Viktor. I could stand quietly and let him. They both have done terrible things. Many of which included lying to me.

  There's too much I don't know yet though. I still feel like there's more to them then they are telling me, which is why I can't let Colt kill Viktor. I can not let them kill each other. Maybe there was a time when I wanted both of them out of my lives. I still don't know why Colt betrayed me, does he know if I have powers, does he know now? Silvia figured it it out a little bit too late. I might have powers after all. I'm tired of people hiding things from me.

  And I'm not going to let Colt decide Viktor's fate like this.

  I sigh angrily at myself and fly up behind Colt as he continues strangling Viktor.

  I don't bother saying anything, instead I grab onto Colt's shoulder as tightly as I can and yank him backwards. I smile at my own strength when he looses his grip on Viktor and stumbles back in the air. Flying between them, with my back to Viktor, I move closer to Colt.

  "You're making a mistake." He says with rage. He looks over my shoulder with pure hatred towards Viktor.

  "Maybe I am. But, have you forgotten the mistakes you've made? As far as I know, you only wanted to use me, and if I wasn't worth using-you were just going to throw me out. Not to mention you're girlfriend just tried to kill me." I vent.

  "You have no idea what you're getting into." Colt retorts.

  Having enough of him, I slap him across the face. He gives me a shocked look and wipes the side of his cheek still processing the fact that I slapped him.

  "That's for getting me into this mess." I say with a red face. I take a deep breath to calm my shaky nerves.

  Viktor's hands land on my shoulders, it doesn't take long for me to imagine the smug look that's probably plastered across his face.

  So I turn around and slap his face too, hard.

  "Ow." He laughs while rubbing his face.

  "Oh that's just getting even or have you forgotten?" I say in a mocking tone.

  "Here I thought my angelic savoir was going to give me a kiss." Viktor says cheekily, with a hint of annoyance. Ignoring his comment, I turn back to Colt.

  "You better explain what is going on. All of it." I snap while crossing my arms.

  "I will, but Viktor needs to be detained. I refuse to allow him to roam around Hell, he's had too much freedom-" Colt begins to say, but I cut him off.

  "Strangely much of what your brother has told me has contradicted everything I thought about you. Which is why the two of you are going to explain to me exactly what is going on! I think you can behave yourselves for that long, right?" I say in annoyance.

  "You've gotten bossy." Colt grumbles under his breath while flying down to the ground to march out of the room.

  "Where are you going?!" I yell after Colt.

  "You want to talk? Well we're not going to do it in here, if Viktor decides to act out he can fight my guards this time, not me." Colt hollers back from the other side of the doorway, slamming the door shut. I hear his footsteps fade away. Maybe Colt is going to find a room we can talk in or maybe he just needs time to cool off before he's ready to talk, my mind contemplates.

  All I can think about though is what he has really just done. How apparently Viktor is not only the one who needs to be detained until he is ready to talk because after Colt slammed the door shut and walked away, I heard a click.

  And when I watch Viktor shrug after he tries to open the door that won't budge I realize what Colt walked away after doing.

  Locking me in the room with Viktor.

  Chapter 16-Detained

  "Great." I sigh while turning away from the door.

  "Yeah, keep it up. Maybe the guards will change their minds." Viktor says flatly while walking toward the back of the room. I continue to bang on the door yelling for the guards on the other side to open the door. I know it's useless, but I've got to do something.

  "I can't believe he locked me in here." I mumble.

  Viktor's unusually quiet so I turn around. To my surprise he's disappeared. Resting my hands on my waist I wander toward the back of the room.

  "Viktor?" I ask growing a little nervous.

  I hear a thud come from the other side of the locked door, I run up to it and listen carefully.

  The door bursts open and I'm met with a wild golden haired man with golden eyes.

  "Viktor?" I say with surprise.

  "Yes it's me. I was feeling a little hungry." He says as if he's talking about the weather. When in reality, the two guards guarding our 'prison cell' lay dead on the ground with their faces ripped off.

  "W-what is this? What did you do to them?! And why do you look like that...what happened to your demon form?" I ask suspiciously.

  "I got hungry. And this form will hide my identity here. My brother isn't the only one who wants me locked up." He explains.

  "So you ripped their...faces off?" I say uneasily avoiding looking down at the two dead guards.

  "They gave me a dirty look." He scoffs. Maybe I'm forgetting the fact that he is a demon. A demon whose tried to kill me multiple times.

  "How'd you get out of the cell?" I add.

  He cocks his head and looks at me intently, it seems like he's about to say something, but he doesn't. Strangely it's easier to look at him when he looks more like a faery. Maybe it's because he appears less threatening than when he's in his demon form. His eyes dance dangerously, a reminder of what he truly is.

  "Well I suppose we should go find Colt now that we have managed to free ourselves." I say while walking away from Viktor and down the hall.

  "You can thank me for that." Viktor says.

  After walking down the narrow corridor for what feels like forever, I spot a door left open and sure enough, sitting at a desk inside of the room is Colt.

  When he spots us, he jumps up with a scowl.

  "You weren't supposed to get out." Colt says.

  "That's too bad." I retort.

  "Who let you out?" Colt probes.

  "I did." Viktor speaks up.

  "Of course. I see you've glamoured yourself Viktor. Are you so quick to forget our kind will be able to smell you, it doesn't matter what disguise you come up with." Colt vents.

  "You see brother that is why I am carrying around this luggage with me, you see her faery sent will override my demon one. As far as our fellow brethren here know, I'm just a helpless faery visiting Hell with my dear sister." Viktor says with an evil smile, while resting his hand on my shoulder. I shake his arm off, glaring up at him.

  Colt gives me a worried look. />
  "And why exactly are you wanted around here? Now would be a good time to start talking." I say.

  Colt gives a heavy sigh and sits back down in his chair running his hand though his hair. I sit down on a chair across from him and Viktor doesn't bother sitting down he just leans against the wall near the door.

  "My brother and I are both demons as you already know. Viktor is notorious for his rampages in the past. You see unlike me, he isn't great at handling his...feelings." Colt explains carefully.

  Viktor remains unusually quiet.

  "It is true I betrayed you. I wanted to see why that other faery was attracted to you. Chances are he never bothered to tell you who he really is. Which is why you piqued my interest. Ever wonder why your faeryboy is never anywhere to be found? He hasn't bothered telling you yet has he?" Colt says with a smirk.

  "I don't care what you have to say about Lorcan. I want to know what you two have to do with all of this." I reply in a serious voice.

  "I'm getting to that. Lorcan is of royalty among the fae. Well, he used to be. He got thrown out of Aeringdal forever ago. Something tells me you're not surprised." Colt states flatly.

  "Now that you mention it, the guards did come after us a couples times." I say trying to piece things together.

  "Anyway, demons as you know are always interested in gaining more power. While I worked in my weapon shop I never knew I would run into you. When the night came that Silvia and him invaded my shop, I knew you were of value. There's something about you that is different. Which leads me to tell you that I initially wanted to use you to sacrifice your blood to make me stronger." He says in a hollow voice.

  "W-what?" I ask incredulously.

  "You heard him." Viktor states grimly.

  "What do you mean sacrifice my blood?" I ask Colt.

  "That is how demons get stronger, it's where they get their energy from. The blood of their prey. Faery blood is especially powerful." He states.

  "So you were going to use me? I trusted you. You got rid of the bond I had with Lorcan just so you could use my blood?" I say, my voice on the verge of breaking.

  "No it's not like that. I was going to use your blood, but...being with you longer changed my mind." He says gently.


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