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Bred by the Mafia Monster

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Each action to protect her was also an insult to her father, but she didn’t care. She should care, but it was hard when he’d put her through so much hell over the years. The moment she’d woken up, fear had flooded her body, refusing to let up. This was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Klaus, with his protection, was helping to make it so. By the time nightfall came, the tension within the reception was at an all-time high. Their two families had never been in close proximity with each other for so long without blood being spilled.

  To end the reception, Klaus did no more than take her hand and lead her out of the main hall.

  “Leaving already?”

  “I’m lucky I made it this long. Don’t let Father drive home. He’s drunk. We’ll talk tomorrow, Renzo.”

  It was one of Klaus’s brothers. The resemblance was remarkable. He was leaning against a glass wall in the lobby, smoking a cigarette.

  They continued to the elevators, leaving all the guests behind.

  “Aren’t we being rude?” she asked.

  Now that they were going toward a bedroom where their marriage would be consummated, nerves assailed her, but not because of sex. He had yet to see all the bruises. He hadn’t liked what he saw on her face. How was he going to react to her ribs and stomach?

  With each floor, they got closer to their destination. The elevator came to a stop, the doors slid open, and then they walked hand-in-hand toward their room. He used a key card, letting them in.

  The room exuded luxury. The scent of roses hung heavy in the air.

  Stepping over the threshold, she gripped her hands tightly together. The sound of the door closing echoed throughout the room, mocking her with how final it sounded.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned to look at her husband.

  There was no mistaking the feral need in his gaze. He wanted her. Klaus licked his lips as he raked his gaze down her body.

  “Should we turn off the light?” she asked.

  He stepped toward her, not speaking a word. “That dress looks stunning, but you’re never going to wear another wedding gown.” He pulled out a switchblade, flipping it open. She tensed up as he approached her.

  “Klaus, I need to tell you something.”

  It was too late.

  He tore the binds that held her dress in place, and it fell around her body to her feet, mocking her with how easily it left her naked and exposed. The bra she wore was strapless, and her mother had insisted she wear a thong. She stood before him all but naked.

  The bruises had to be obvious on her pale skin.

  She didn’t dare look him in the eyes.


  His fingers, so light, danced across her skin.

  “He did this.” A statement, not a question.

  “I deserved it. I didn’t follow instructions. This is what I had to have for going on a date without permission,” she said. “It was worth it.”

  Klaus put a finger beneath her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “No, baby, no one is supposed to do this.” He stepped back, a crazy look on his face.


  He left the room, scaring her. Was he going to annul their marriage? Was this over? She’d be a complete laughingstock of the entire family. Everyone would know how useless she was. Being labeled a traitor to the family would be too much to bear.

  Rushing to the en-suite bathroom, she sobbed, running the water and splashing it onto her face. One look in the mirror, and she didn’t feel like herself. The makeup tried to hide who she was as it ran down her face in thin black rivulets.

  Using the soap bar, she scrubbed at her face until there was nothing left.

  Once she finished, she splashed more water on her face. She patted herself with a towel just as the main door opened back up.

  “Bella!” Klaus’s call made her tense. She hadn’t expected him back.

  Stepping out of the bathroom, she immediately tried to cover her body when she realized her father was in their hotel room.

  “Grab a robe, Bella,” Klaus said.

  She did as her husband told her. This was what she was supposed to do. What she’d been trained to do. She quickly put the hotel robe on in the bathroom and returned to the foyer, her arms wrapped around herself.

  What did Klaus intend to do to her father?

  No one had ever stood up to protect her.

  No one cared about the fat girl who was being beaten and locked away.

  Klaus was the first man in her entire life to actually make her feel like she was something more than worthless.

  What was he going to do?

  Chapter Four

  When he’d seen her bruises, it felt like a slap to the face. It didn’t help that she’d gotten the beating because he’d taken her out to lunch. Guilt welled up inside him. If only he’d known, there was no way he would have returned her home that day.

  She was fragile, only eighteen, and already promised to him. How dare that motherfucker put his hands on her.

  Maybe he should have left the past behind them.

  Maybe he should have turned the other cheek.

  The first thing he did was seek out revenge.

  His own father was no prize, but he knew firsthand how much he’d suffered since their mother passed away. He became the shell of a man, and then the addiction easily took hold of him. Although he planned to take his place as head of the family, he’d always give his father respect, especially in public. It was the right thing to do for the Accardi family.

  Carmello Lastra … he was another story entirely.

  He’d beat his daughter, humiliated her, shamed her, and had her living in fear every day of her life. Even though those days were over with now that Klaus was her husband, he couldn’t ignore the sins her father had committed—especially the ones since she’d been promised to him.

  “You hit her,” Klaus said. “She has bruises everywhere.”

  “It’s my right,” he said. “And not your concern. Until a few hours ago, she was legally mine.”

  “Do you know who I am? Have you heard what they call me?”

  Lastra was the head of a huge mafia empire. His list of kills was a mile long. He had a brutal reputation in their city, and none of it gave Klaus pause.

  If Klaus did something impulsive tonight, it could destroy everything they’d hoped to achieve. The point of this wedding was to promote peace. But if Lastra was known for being a coldhearted bastard, then Klaus was the devil himself.

  Right now, he demanded retribution for his bride.

  “The Mafia Monster is a cute name for an impetuous boy.”

  Klaus kept his cool. He wasn’t so easily baited. When he was ready to exact his revenge, it would happen. Not a second sooner.

  “You must have balls of steel, old man. It’s been a long time since a man dared to challenge me. And they’re not around to tell about it, either.”

  “Don’t forget, this wedding is more a political move than anything else. I have no love for you or your family,” said Lastra.

  “And no love for Isabella, it seems.”

  “Would you?” Lastra asked.

  “I married her. What the fuck do you think?”

  Lastra laughed, then coughed. “You fool no one. I know your father pressured you to marry my daughter in the name of unity. It was an obligation, not a choice.”

  “Call it whatever you want. Tonight, I get to fuck your daughter, and one day, I’ll take over your empire.”

  He started to laugh again, but this time Klaus pulled out his switchblade, pressing it to the old man’s throat from behind. He whispered in his ear. “You’re weak, a relic, and people laugh behind your back. The only good thing that ever came from you was Isabella. And I’ve taken that from you.”

  “Be careful.”

  “You take me for one of your puppets. I’m not. I’ve already started preparations to take over the Accardi family business. If you thought my father was unreasonable, you’re in for a surprise.”

“So this wedding is for nothing?”

  He stepped back. “Peace is only a veneer to keep business under the radar. Too much bloodshed draws attention. But nothing about this marriage changes my thoughts about the Lastra family. If anything, you have more to worry about.”

  This time, he grabbed her father by the scruff of the suit collar and pulled him closer to Isabella. He knocked him down to his knees.

  “Beg her for forgiveness,” Klaus said. “Your life is in her hands now. If she wants you dead, I won’t give a fuck about peace.”

  “How dare you humiliate me like this. You have no idea who you’re dealing with.”

  “I know exactly who I’m dealing with,” Klaus said “A pathetic piece of shit who has to raise a hand to his own daughter. A daughter promised to me.”

  Klaus shoved him forward, and Lastra had to use a hand to keep from toppling over.

  “It’s okay, Klaus,” she said. “He doesn’t have to.”

  Why did her father still have such a hold over her? He could feel her fear when she should finally be free.

  “No, Bella. Don’t try to protect him.”

  She kept silent.

  This time, he grabbed Lastra by the hair, holding his head back. “Apologize now!”

  “I’m sorry you were ever born.” Lastra smirked at her. “You’ve been nothing but an embarrassment and the only one who deserves you is my enemy.”

  With that, Klaus pistol-whipped him at the side of the head. The bastard fell to the side, losing consciousness.

  “Leave, Bella. Wait in the other room.”


  “I don’t want you to see this.”

  She began to breathe too heavily. “You can’t kill him, Klaus. Please don’t do this.”

  He clenched his jaw down hard, attempting to keep his cool around his new bride. “I promise I won’t kill him.” Then he jutted his chin, urging her to comply and leave the area.

  Once she was gone and the bedroom door was closed tight, he returned his attention to the mafia kingpin. He’d regained consciousness, shaking it off.

  Klaus straddled the man, giving him a few hard blows to the face and chest. Lastra attempted to block his punches, trying to roll him off. The more he fought back, the more pissed off Klaus became. He got to his feet, using both hands to beckon Carmello to join him.

  “Come on, I’m a big boy. You like to hit little girls. Now, hit me, motherfucker.”

  “You’ve already dug your grave.”

  They swung more punches, but Klaus was bigger, younger, stronger, and didn’t give a fuck if he lived or died. It had always been that way. They were all going to die, so why fear it?

  A vase on the hall table crashed to the ground as he put Bella’s father in a chokehold, his bicep cutting off his air. When he tapped out, Klaus pushed him away and spat to the side.

  He glanced at his bloodied knuckles and felt that unique satisfaction he always got when delivering vengeance. This was sweeter than most.

  “You should have kept your hands to yourself,” he said. “Now clean yourself up before you go back down to the party. I wouldn’t want the guests to think my father-in-law is a pussy.”

  He smoothed out his jacket.

  Klaus called Lastra an old man, but in reality, he was only in his fifties. Younger than his father and not too much older than him. He wasn’t small or frail by any means. He was pretty sure the head of the Lastra family had never been disgraced in this way before, and he damn well deserved it. Although he knew he’d still be furious every time he saw Bella’s bruised skin, he had to think of the future now. His wife was terrified. This wasn’t how their wedding night should be playing out.

  A few minutes later, Lastra came out of the bathroom, holding a wad of tissue to his lip. No words were spoken, but if looks could kill, Klaus would be dead and buried.

  He locked the door once Bella’s father left the hotel room.

  This probably wouldn’t be the end of this, but their families had been enemies long before he was born, so it was nothing new. Their union would still bring peace to the families so they could focus on making money and not wiping each other out.

  Now he had to face Isabella. Isabella Accardi. He liked the sound of that.

  Her father had thrown out one last brutal insult, and he could only imagine how much it hurt her to hear from her own father’s lips. Or was she used to it?

  He hated that she had to endure any of this, but the future was going to be much different. Many of the men in the families kept mistresses and were quick to raise their own hands to their wives if they complained. Klaus had always hated it.

  When he found out about one of his father’s earlier flings, he’d wanted to kill him. That was a long time ago. Klaus knew he’d be different if he ever claimed a woman of his own. He’d devote his life to her and their children.

  He could already envision Isabella ripe with their first child. One of many. He needed to breed her, keep the family going long into the future. Just thinking of his new life made him feel this child-like hope and excitement he hadn’t know in decades.

  Klaus went to the powder room and ran the water over his bloodied knuckles, the red water swirling down the drain.

  He wasn’t sure he could recover the night after that asshole tore her feelings to shreds. But he was patient when it came to her, and he could wait until life settled down before consummating their marriage.

  “Are you okay?”

  Her soft voice was right behind him. He hadn’t even heard Bella come in the bathroom, he was so lost in thought.

  “Fine. Don’t worry about me.”

  She reached for his hand, the water flowing over both of them. The room was too quiet. Bella carefully tended to the cuts on his knuckles, then covered them with a hand towel. “We’ll have to buy some antiseptic cream.”

  “I said I’m fine.”

  They turned to face each other. “Thank you for standing up for me.”

  He cupped her cheek. “Don’t you dare believe anything he said. Understand me? He’s an ignorant prick, and you’re better off without him in your life.”

  “My mother will be upset.”

  “She turned a blind eye. Don’t worry about anyone. It’s only us now. Us against the world. You got that, Bella?”

  She nodded.

  He leaned down and kissed her—softly, deeply, deeper than oblivion. She melted against him. He was going to fall hard for this young girl, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Weakness wasn’t something taught to him. Empathy was to be avoided. Women were to be used, not cherished. But here he was, already falling for his virgin bride.


  Nothing her father had said surprised her. She swore it hurt Klaus more than her. Isabella had become numb to her father’s insults. But knowing her new husband cared enough about her to risk taking revenge on Carmello Lastra was a beautiful gift.

  She pulled away from the kiss, attempting to catch her breath.

  “My father’s dangerous, Klaus. You should have let it go—the bruises, the insult, everything. I don’t want him to hurt you.”

  Klaus smiled, running a fingertip to frame her face. He could be surprisingly gentle. She always expected the worst from men.

  “I’m dangerous, Bella.”

  Then his lips came back down on hers. He was deliciously thorough this time. It felt like much more than sexual desire, at least to her, anyway. She didn’t have to worry about giving herself to this man. She belonged to him now.

  Klaus was her husband. And she hoped he never turned into her father.

  The next moment, he scooped her up into his strong arms. He carried her across the hallway to the bedroom, still kissing her with a desperation that made her pulse race.

  He wanted her. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want him in return. Although, this was her first time, so she had so many apprehensions and insecurities.

  The bedroom was massive, and the California King bed had rose peta
ls on the duvet. Everything had been thought-out and prepared ahead of time for the honeymoon, the official consummation of the wedding. If she wasn’t so nervous, she’d be impressed by the large jacuzzi tub near the bed with the view of the city lights at night.

  He set her on her feet and pushed the robe past her shoulders, and it fell to the ground. She took a deep breath. Her body image was always a huge issue for her, mostly due to her father’s constant disapproval.

  Klaus didn’t look disgusted at all. He reached around and unfastened her strapless bra, her tits dropping heavily. He wet his lips.

  “You’re fucking perfect, Bella,” he said. “I’m going to make you mine tonight. Everything changes from this day forward.”

  She bit her lip as he bent over and twirled his tongue around her nipple. Skitters of pleasure cascaded through her entire body. Klaus had a reputation for more than just being a monster. She wanted it all.

  He stood up tall, towering over her. Klaus shrugged out of his suit jacket, then he loosened his tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. She watched, her nipples tightly beaded. The air tickled the wetness from this mouth.

  As he tossed his shirt, she got her first good look at Klaus. Her husband. The man men feared and women craved.

  His muscles were thick, mature, and defined, and she could see all the ink work on his arms, chest, and back. He looked like a devil. And he made her want to sin.

  She tentatively reached out to touch him, but chickened out, pulling back.

  Klaus stopped unbuckling his pants, taking her wrist and placing her hand on his chest. “I’m yours now, Bella. I’m your man. Only yours.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “Touch me. Don’t be shy. I’ll never say no to you, baby girl.”

  After a quick gulp of air, she tested his muscles with her fingers. Damn, he felt good, like leather over steel. Pure, unbridled male strength. She smoothed her hands down his chest and across his six-pack abs. There were scars too, old and newer. It was easy to become mesmerized with his body, touching him, standing in front of him in nothing but her little panties.


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