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Bred by the Mafia Monster

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “I love the way you touch me,” he said. Klaus hooked a hand under each of her shoulders, lifting her high up into the air with ease, then carefully lowering her back down. He kissed her, slowly, patiently, and she felt herself falling in love with her husband.

  Love and marriage were scary things to her because in her world, they never worked out as planned. She hoped it would be different for them—a Lastra and an Accardi.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. The kissing turned to necking. His lips everywhere, his stubble brushing her skin. She tilted her head to the side to give him full access. He hit each erogenous zone, teasing with his tongue, increasing her need.

  He lowered her to the bed and she scooted up to the middle as he kicked off his pants.

  “I’ve been waiting for this day since the first time I set eyes on you,” said Klaus. “You’re even better than I expected, and I’m going to enjoy consummating this marriage.”

  He was a beast, crawling toward her, each muscle shifting like a wild cat. He used a thigh to spread her legs, settling between them. His hard cock against her aching core was wickedly pleasurable, and she couldn’t help but squirm beneath him.

  “I want this to be more than a pact, Klaus, more than an arranged marriage.”

  “I’ll give you everything.”

  He crawled down her body, sliding her panties along her legs. He kissed her bare pussy and she jolted. She’d done the manicure, pedicure, waxing, and then some in preparation for tonight. Still, nothing could prepare her for Klaus’s tongue tracing along her slit, opening her to him. She gripped the sheets, not expecting such a strong punch of erotic pleasure with each swipe of his tongue.

  “Is this my virgin pussy, Bella?”

  She narrowed her eyes, confused.

  “Say it. I want to hear it from your beautiful lips,” he said.

  “It’s yours, Klaus. My virgin pussy is just for you.”

  “No man will enjoy this body but me.” Then he suckled on her clit. She arched against his mouth, whining and moaning despite herself. He knew exactly how to drive her wild. He was dirty and unforgiving. He knew what he wanted and took it. Soon, he’d have her virginity.

  He wet his thumb, then spread her thighs wider, completely exposing her. He pressed his thumb to her anus, pushing inward even as she whined from the intrusion.


  “Soon, this will be mine too. Every part of you belongs to me now.”

  With his thumb still embedded in her asshole, he continued to fuck her with his mouth, suckling, licking, and devouring her cunt.

  She was soaring, floating, any inhibitions long forgotten.

  “Oh, God, Klaus!”

  “Let it go, baby. Come all over my fucking face.”

  His filthy mouth put her over the edge. The moment she relaxed, her body detonated, intense waves of pleasure rocking her to the core. On and on, she mewled and gasped, even calling his name at the peak of it all.

  Slowly, the orgasm eased and she opened her eyes.

  He was watching her.

  “Nice and relaxed. Good.” She felt the thick head of his cock as he ran it up and down her wet slit. “It’ll be easier to take me now.”

  She reached for his broad shoulders, needing to kiss, to be as close as possible to him. He kept supporting himself over her with his elbows but kissed her as he penetrated her for the first time. Inch by inch, he pushed his big, hard cock inside her body. His breathing was heavy, his kisses growing deeper with the occasional nip. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  Their bodies melded together. Her softness to his hardness.

  He whispered in her ear. “Take it all, Bella.” Klaus sucked in air through his teeth. “You’re so fucking tight.”

  She felt incredibly full once his cock was inside her to the hilt. He stayed still as she adjusted, but she honestly didn’t need it. There wasn’t the pain she expected, no forced ripping away of her virginity her mother prepared her for. Klaus had been a slow, patient, and attentive lover. He cared about her pleasure, her fears.

  Their marriage had been officially consummated. This was what everyone at the reception was waiting for. Now, the deal was sealed. She was an Accardi and belonged to the mafia monster.

  “Tell me how you feel,” he said.


  “That’s right. You’re full of my cock. Your little virgin pussy is stretched around every inch of me.” He tongued the shell of her ear. “Does it hurt much?”

  She shook her head, afraid he’d pull away when she needed him most.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” he said. “I need to fuck you before I pass out.”

  His restraint so far made her feel special, but she was ready for more. Isabella dug her nails into his back as he pulled out and pushed back in. Over and over, he fucked her with his big dick. Each passing minute, he moved faster, harder. A sheen of sweat broke out between them, her tits bouncing along with the mattress. The headboard slapped the wall each time he pumped his hips. He never tired. He was a machine.

  The stimulation to her clit was too much, too soon, and she felt the familiar swell of an impending orgasm blossoming in her core again.

  “Klaus, Klaus, Klaus,” she chanted.

  “Good girl. Scream my name. Come for me, baby.”


  “Milk my cock, Bella.”

  When she came, it was harder than last time. She arched her back and froze just before the peak. Her little pants stopped abruptly, and she came hard, crying out as her pussy spasmed around his erection.

  Isabella felt the moment he came inside her, filling her with his cum. A few powerful thrusts, and he was gone the same as her. His heavy weight briefly dropping over her before he slid to the side. The only sound in the grand room was their heavy breathing.

  They turned their heads to look at each other, but he looked as exhausted as she felt. Her entire body was spineless, his cum slowly dripping from her pussy.

  “You’re my wife, Bella. No one will ever take you from me.”

  Chapter Five

  The whispers had started on his wedding night. All the guests were curious about what had happened between him and Carmello. His own father had told him to be careful. Carmello wasn’t a man to be made a fool out of, and if he had any sense, he should have killed him.

  He had every intention of killing the bastard, but not before it was time. First, he needed to slowly break the man. It would start with each business he took over. Carmello wasn’t getting away with a quick death. Not at his hands.

  No, he intended for it to be long, slow, and painful. He was going to make sure Carmello paid for each and every insult, every bruise. Glancing out the window of their beachside villa he’d purchased for their honeymoon, he saw Isabella walking across the shoreline.

  Many men didn’t take an extended honeymoon, but he wanted some time alone with his new wife where the whispers of his reputation hadn’t followed. She looked like a siren. The white dress she wore had beautiful red roses. Her raven hair had been pulled back at the nape of her neck, and curls fell around her pretty face. He was completely captivated by her.

  They’d been on their honeymoon for three days, and this was the longest they’d been apart. He couldn’t find a single reason to not be balls deep inside her tight pussy. He’d been fucking her nonstop because he simply wanted to.

  His appetite for her refused to die or even to ease. He was desperate for her all the time. Even now, as he watched her after finishing his business, he was hard for her again. The way she screamed his name. The tightness of her cunt wrapped around him.

  He’d gotten word that morning her father was planning something. He needed to be ready when he got back to their real life. This wasn’t a war the old man was after, this was something else.

  Pocketing his cell phone, he made his way past their villa, going to the secluded gate that led out to the beach. His men nodded to him as
he passed. He ignored them and instead went straight to his wife.

  If she thought she was alone, she was very much mistaken. No matter where they went, they would be followed. There was no room for them to enjoy life, no room at all.

  She bent down, inspecting a seashell. As he cleared his throat, she turned and smiled at him.

  A giggle spilled from her lips and she ran toward him, throwing her arms around him. He wrapped his around her, lifting her and spinning her around. Such sweet innocence.

  “Did you get all of your business concluded?” she asked.

  “I got most of it done. There’s still more to do when we get home.”

  The smile that had been on her face fell. “Do we have to go home?”

  “No, what makes you think that?” he asked.

  “Oh, it’s just … well, business is far more important than this.”

  He cupped her face. “No, this is far more important than business. I have people in place taking care of everything. It’s why the world invented brothers.”

  She chuckled, but her smile had lost that sparkle, and he fucking hated it. She had an insanely beautiful smile. One he’d been so shocked by when she’d turned it toward him. He’d been completely struck by her. His woman didn’t smile nearly enough, and he’d made it his mission to make sure he found some way to make her smile, even for a little bit.

  He tilted her head back. “Why are you sad?”

  “I’m not sad.”

  “What have I told you about lying to me?” he asked.

  She rolled her eyes, and he had the sweetest temptation to take her over his knee and spank her ass, not out of anger, out of sheer hunger.

  Stroking his fingers down her cheek, he gripped the back of her neck, pulling her closer. “You test me, Bella.” He slammed his lips down on hers and she moaned, wrapping her arms around him as he bit her lip, sucking it into his mouth.

  “I’m not lying to you. I’m not sad, but you shouldn’t lie to me.”

  This made him pause now. “And how am I lying to you?”

  “I know how important you are to everyone. I’ve been raised to know that business comes first and even though this is incredible and I’m having the best time of my life, I know we’ve got to go back. Our life doesn’t give us this freedom for long, if at all.” She rested her hands against his chest.

  “Babe, we’re not leaving here for two weeks.”

  “But that’s such a long time. Isn’t that like, dog years in our world?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Anyone ever tell you how cute you are?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I have my own reputation, remember?”

  He grabbed her ass, pulling her close, squeezing the plump cheeks. “Do I look like I give a fuck about what people said about you? If they’ve got a problem, they come to me.” He took possession of her mouth once again. He was too fucking aroused. His cock was rock hard. No woman had ever driven him this crazy with need. He’d always been in control, even as a young man. Sex was something he used for control, not anything else.

  Taking Isabella’s hand, he led her back toward the gate, closing it and then moving her to press her against the wall beside it. Lifting her hands, he pinned them above her head. His men knew to look the other way. To not even dare to look at his woman. If they did, he was going to fuck them up.

  Isabella was all his.

  This possessive feeling he had to deal with was all knew to him. He wasn’t used to feeling this way about a woman, and yet here he was, hungry, desperate, and ready to take her.

  He wanted her so badly.

  Reaching behind her, he pulled at the catch of her dress, helping the fabric to spill down to her waist. Her generous hips kept it in place.

  “I feel I should ban bras,” he said, flicking the catch and removing it from her. He couldn’t stand to see her body covered.

  Cupping the mounds, he pressed them together, his thumb going to each beaded peak as he worked it back and forth across them. They were too tempting to resist, and he captured one in his mouth, flicking his tongue across each nipple. Finally, when he couldn’t take it anymore, he sucked one into his mouth, watching as Isabella cried out, the pleasure escaping her as she threw her head back. Letting go of her tits, he spun her around, pressing her body against the wall. After placing her hands into the right position, he tilted her hips to just where he needed them.

  He threw the bottom of her dress up and tore at her panties. He really needed to put a ban on her wearing anything at all. There was no reason for this body to be covered. She was too beautiful to hide.

  If it wasn’t for his men guarding the villa, he’d have her walking around naked for him.

  Sliding his zipper down, he eased out his cock, then pressed the tip against her naked pussy. He reached between her thighs and stroked her swollen wet clit as he slowly began to fill her.

  There were times when he didn’t have the patience to hold back. Right now, he wanted to feel her naked cunt as he slid inside her.

  She was always so tight. So fucking hot.

  Everything he wanted. And she never refused him.

  Now, as he looked down, he couldn’t resist groaning at seeing her take his cock. Slamming the last few inches inside her, he paused, relishing each pulse of her as she took him. Teasing her clit, he brought her close to a climax but refused to allow her to be catapulted completely.

  As he grit his teeth, he held himself still, feeling her. Basking in her tightness. Only when he couldn’t take it anymore did he grab her hips and fuck her hard. He sped up his thrusts, then slowed them down and took his time. Finally, he came to a stop as they both panted.

  “Before I fill this pussy with my cum, I want to feel you, Isabella. I want you to scream my name.”

  “Please, Klaus.”

  “Yes, baby. I want everyone to know it.”

  She cried out. His name spilled from her lips as he continued to tease her clit, feeling her orgasm start to build. He had no choice but to close his own eyes and count to ten as she came. Her release nearly set off his climax, and he wasn’t ready to come.

  With her aftershocks still flooding her pussy, he grabbed her hips and pounded inside her. The pleasure intensified, and as he came, he thrust to the hilt inside her as he poured his release into her body.

  He would never get bored of this.

  Not for a single moment.

  He wanted her all the time. Slowly, he eased out of her and groaned as he watched his cum already spilling from her pussy lips. The need to push it back inside her was strong. Instead, he lifted her in his arms and carried her back to the house.

  “Klaus, what are you doing?” she asked.

  “That was just a main course.”

  “I can walk.”

  “Don’t want you to.” He didn’t want to give her a reason to distract him. More of his men turned away from him, opening the main doors. He continued going until he got to their bedroom.

  Once he had her on the bed, he pushed her back and took the dress from her hands. “I want to ban you from wearing clothes.”

  She burst out laughing, which turned into a moan as he cupped her pussy, thrusting three fingers inside her. She was already wet with both of their releases. Drawing his fingers up to her clit, he stroked her. Isabella was so sensitive from her previous release, but he wanted her completely lost, mindless with the pleasure that only he could create.

  “Is it always like this?” she asked, her hands going toward the button of his pants. He didn’t fight her as she helped him out of his pants and he tugged off his shirt.

  “No, not always,” he said. The rumors surrounding the married couples in their world were rife. Only a few had developed a love match. Most men only used their wives for children. To them, mistresses were where the real pleasure was to be had. Klaus wanted to experience everything with his wife and his wife only. Isabella was special in more ways than anyone could even realize.

  Her sweetness was highly addictive. In a
world where he was a monster, he craved the light she gave him. How open and willing she was, he’d never take it for granted. She was special to him in every way that counted, and he would never let her go. He’d found the right woman for him, and only an idiot would allow that to go. And he’d never been called an idiot.


  Her mother had never prepared her for life as a married woman, not really. Isabella placed her hand on her husband’s stomach and smiled. They’d been inside the villa for two weeks. Whenever she tried to venture out, he refused to let her go, and he would take her. His carnal appetite surprised her. She’d been warned Klaus wouldn’t want her for anything other than making babies. He’d have the wedding night, then wait to see if she bled that month.

  No one had prepared her for the lovemaking and the fucking her husband demanded, not that she minded. She’d heard enough to know that a great deal of men took their time with women outside of marriage. Even her own father had an array of mistresses, and when some of them came to the house, she did see the unhappiness on her mother’s face. She hated it. Hated their world, but nothing could be done about it. At least not to her. The women in their world had only one role, to look pretty and pop out babies. Her father had often told her she failed in one department. The only way he could sell her was to put a bag over her head.

  The humiliation he’d caused her over the years was hard to forget. Even in Klaus’s arms, after two weeks of being desired and told she was beautiful, she still didn’t believe it.

  “I can feel you thinking,” Klaus said, his lips brushing across her shoulder. “Share it.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  His grip tightened around her. “What have I told you about lying?”

  “I’m not lying. Am I not allowed some privacy?”

  “Nope. You’re tense in my arms. That tells me you’re not thinking good thoughts.” He kissed her shoulder and she turned as he looked down at her. It was late, past two in the morning. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I’m just thinking about how life is going to be when we go home, you know?”


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