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Bred by the Mafia Monster

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  He sighed. “Yeah, when we’ve got to go back to wearing clothes and actually attending parties and doing shit that other people want us to do.” He wrinkled his nose. “I wish we could stay here.”

  “But we can’t.”

  “No. Believe me, it was a miracle getting these two weeks.”

  “And they didn’t come without a cost.” She put her hand across the ink that was his family crest. She couldn’t make much out in the darkness. He was devoted to his family. “What will … how will…” She nibbled on her lip, not wanting to put into words the nerves that flooded her body.

  “Talk to me, Bella,” he said. He cupped her face, running his thumb across her bottom lip.

  “I know what…” She stopped, unsure how to voice her thoughts. “The men in our world, they take…” She laughed. “This is harder than I thought.”

  “They take other women. Mistresses.”


  Silence fell between them and she stared at his chest, terrified of what he was going to say.

  “Do you expect me to take a mistress?”

  “Do you want to take a mistress?” she asked.

  His finger went beneath her chin and he tilted her head back. “I don’t like talking in riddles, and I certainly don’t like asking a question and getting a question back. Answer me.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want you to take a mistress.”

  “I have no plans to.”

  She returned her gaze to his. “What?”

  He smiled. “I know what our men are like, but I don’t want to take a mistress, and I certainly don’t want you to take a lover.”

  “A lover?”

  “I’m sure there are some of the married women who dare to take a lover or two.” He smirked.

  “I don’t know about any of that.” She’d never heard of wives taking lovers, far from it.

  “Any man who would ever dare to come near you, I will fucking kill him, Isabella. I want you all to myself.”

  “And I don’t want to share you either.”

  He captured her hand, pressing a kiss to her inside wrist. “When we get home, the only thing that will change is I have to go out to work every day.”

  She licked her lips. “I know you have houses with women who offer out their services.”

  He smiled. “You’re so cute when you’re being nice. They’re brothels, and we own them, but I won’t ever use them.”

  “Have you used them?” She didn’t know why she kept asking these questions when the truth was she really didn’t want to know the answer.

  “I didn’t live like a monk, Bella. I had plenty of women at my disposal. I’ve never had to pay for the pleasure, but I’ve paid to remove them from my life. I have no girlfriend or mistress waiting for me. The only woman I want is here, in my arms.” He grabbed her and she let out a gasp as he lifted her up to straddle his waist. His hands went to her thighs and she had no choice but to put a hand on his chest to stop herself from falling.

  “There, exactly where I want you.” His hands went to her ass as he eased her up, and then his cock was at her entrance. He lowered her back down and she took him deep inside her. Closing her eyes, she sank her teeth into her lip. “You’re the only woman I want to fuck. You’re the only person I want in my bed. Whenever I want to fuck, I’ll come home to you, or I’ll call you to come to me. I want you, Bella, every second of every fucking day, and that’s not going to change.” He grabbed her hips and guided her over his length. Klaus set the pace and she followed his direction. Her head fell back as he thrust up inside her.

  His hands slid up to cup her breasts. He sat, gripping her neck and tugging her down as he kissed her.

  Klaus held her down on him, ravishing her lips as he pounded his cock inside her. One hand at the base of her back kept her in place. The pleasure was different. He didn’t get as deep, but she felt every inch of him as he slid in and pulled out. In and out. Klaus rolled them over so he dominated. He took hold of her hands, lifting them above her head as he captured her mouth.

  “Fuck my cock, baby. Let me feel you.”

  He’d taught her how to thrust her hips, to push herself onto him, fucking herself with his dick. She moaned as the angle had her clit rubbing against him. He’d slid his hand between them, spreading the lips of her sex open so she was exposed against his flesh.

  For several minutes, he allowed her to keep the pace, to have her fun with his cock, and then he took over, holding her down to the bed as he rode her hard.

  She could do no more than submit to him, and it felt so good. In Klaus’s arms and bed, she learned to be herself and to trust him. He hadn’t let her down, nor had he given her cause to not believe him. He was a tender and fierce lover. She didn’t know which man she was going to get until he unleashed either in their bed.

  As she screamed his name, he kissed her hard, swallowing down all her cries of pleasure.

  With the friction of their bodies, she came hard, but Klaus didn’t give her time to grow accustomed to the pleasure. He pounded inside her, finding his own release and flooding her body with his cum.

  Their hands were still locked together as she smiled up at him. Perspiration covered their skin, and he kissed her again.

  “This is how it’s going to be, morning, noon, and night. You’re the only woman I want, Bella. All you’ve got to do is give yourself to me and trust me and my word. I’m not like my father, or yours.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t want to talk about him.”

  “He’s planning something. You’ll need to be cautious when we’re back.”

  “I don’t want to see him, Klaus. He … scares me.”

  “You have nothing to be afraid of.”

  She licked her suddenly dry lips. “After what happened on our wedding night, he’s going to try and hurt you.”

  He nodded.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you,” she said. The thought of Klaus not coming home to her hurt more than she could even bear.

  “I’m not going to let anything happen. Your father won’t get the best of me, that I can guarantee.” He kissed her again.

  She wanted to tell him how she felt, but the truth was, she wasn’t entirely sure how she did feel. When they were alone like this, she had no doubt she was falling for him. How could she not? She’d yet to truly see the monster. The man he’d been on their wedding night, he’d held back the true person he was. She’d seen the restraint he possessed. One day, she would see the monster, and she hoped that deep down, she would still recognize Klaus, the man who’d rescued her.

  Chapter Six

  “What were you thinking?” asked Marcel.

  His father paced in the living room of the family home, his arms wildly animating as he spoke. Klaus had stopped in to pick up a contract from his brother Renzo but was ambushed by his father.

  “He deserved what he got,” said Klaus, popping an olive in his mouth. He waved away the chef in case things got ugly.

  “This wedding was to create peace.”

  “And it has,” said Klaus. He knew the calm was only temporary. One day, Lastra would want revenge.

  “People have been talking ever since the wedding night. Lastra is obsessed with revenge. You humiliated him in front of everyone who matters.”

  “He shouldn’t have touched my wife.”

  “She wasn’t your wife before the wedding day, Klaus. You’re not putting the good of the family first. As the oldest son, it’s your duty. You’ve said so yourself.”

  He exhaled, running a hand through his hair.

  The family home reminded him of his mother. Now it was cold and lacked a soul. He was glad to have his own home with Isabella. Soon, it would be full of life and children.

  “I’ll handle everything. Stop worrying yourself. You’ll have a fucking heart attack.” He grabbed the contract from the table and leafed through it.

  “Because of you.”

  His father dropped down into an armchai
r, his fire doused. Once upon a time, Klaus had looked up to him. He was a god, powerful, in control, and had his hand on the pulse of the city. Now he was tired and lacked any passion. Klaus may have to take over sooner rather than later. People would talk, and the sharks would smell blood. They had to present a strong, united front no matter how much things were crumbling behind the scenes.

  “Are you sure you want to handle this one?” asked Renzo.

  “It’s what I do.”

  This contract was for a paid kill. A deal had gone wrong and someone with money wanted revenge. He rarely bothered to look too deeply. If they paid, and it didn’t involve anything personal, he’d get it done. Klaus preferred to be the one to get his hands dirty over his younger brothers.

  His father was pushing Renzo and Carlo to become more involved in the family business. Klaus wouldn’t allow Carlo the freedom to even jerk off. He wanted him to finish university and make something of himself. Renzo was already waist-deep in this bullshit, but Klaus still tried to minimize his involvement when possible.

  He often wondered how he’d feel about his own sons wanting to continue their empire. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it and chose not to think on it too hard.

  “We can do it together. It would be faster,” said Renzo.

  “It looks like you’re about to have a good meal. Enjoy it. Our father needs you to keep him calm.”

  He walked over to the armchair and kissed his father on the forehead before leaving the house. Klaus longed for the day they could have a good Sunday family meal together with Isabella by his side. The way things were going, that dream was fading away quickly.

  As he got into his Mercedes, he tossed the file onto the passenger seat and squeezed the wheel with both hands. There would have been peace between the families, but there wouldn’t be because Lastra had to die. He wasn’t sure when he’d do it, but Klaus just couldn’t let it go. He’d crossed the line, harming his promised bride. The one he was falling in love with.

  Love was an illusion in their world. Everything was about money and power. He’d found something rare and special with Isabella, and he’d protect that at all costs.

  His cell phone rang as he drove away from the house.


  “What is it, Bella?” He planned to grab some dinner and bring it home. Klaus had been handling business since nine in the morning. Hearing her voice put him at ease.

  “My mother called.”


  “They’ve invited us to dinner this weekend.”


  “Yes, she said they both want us to come,” said Isabella.

  The old piece of shit couldn’t even try to take him out on the down low? Klaus wasn’t stupid enough to walk straight into the dragon’s den.

  “Bad idea, baby. For me and for you. Every time I mention your father, you still clam up.”

  “Wouldn’t it be perfect to make peace? Then I wouldn’t have to worry about him hurting you.”

  “What about me wanting to hurt him? I haven’t forgotten what he did to you, and I never will. Don’t ask me to forgive and forget because it’s not going to happen.”

  Silence on the line.

  “Can you at least think about it?”

  “Okay. I’ll be home within the hour. Hungry?”

  “Yes, I’ve been waiting for you. I miss you.”

  His cock hardened just thinking of her there alone in the house. She was the one thing keeping him going every day. He wasn’t sure how he survived this superficial world before she came into his life. She grounded him, gave him purpose beyond money and death.

  He pulled his car along the side of the road in front of his favorite pizzeria. His father insisted on gourmet meals every night, keeping a full-time chef in the house. Klaus wasn’t nearly as high maintenance. Sometimes Bella would cook because it was something she loved to do. She said she didn’t want a chef or maid. They both wanted something different out of life, simpler.

  Klaus ordered their dinner—pizza, pasta, and garlic bread with cheese.

  As he waited for the food, one of his longtime informants approached him.

  “Klaus, can I talk to you for a sec?”

  He nodded, heading outside to the alleyway beside the pizzeria. There wasn’t much lighting and they could speak in private. He always paid cash for good information.

  “What do you have?”

  “I heard this from one of the maids in the Lastra house. With my own ears, Klaus. She’s reliable. Wouldn’t lie to me.”

  “Okay, okay, what is it?”

  “They put out an Accardi hit. Non-exclusive. Thought you should probably watch your back.”

  “You’re not bullshitting me?”

  “I swear on my life,” said Jimmy, crossing his heart.

  He slapped a few bills into his hand and headed back into the restaurant. So Lastra invited him to dinner because he hoped Klaus wouldn’t be alive to show up. It would make him look innocent of the crime. Classic scenario of making plans before a murder as a pseudo-alibi.

  Klaus chuckled to himself. That bastard had no idea who he was dealing with.

  Should he even tell Isabella?

  Her voice had sounded so hopeful on the phone. The little girl in her still craved the acceptance of her father, even though he’d spent years tearing her apart. Klaus didn’t want her to resent him for refusing her. He’d have to think of how to handle this before telling her the details.

  On the way home, his mind was a flurry of thoughts. He’d have to tell his father and brothers. Have everyone on high alert. He made phone calls as he drove, ordering his men to have extra security at his father’s home and their own.

  He took a cleansing breath before heading inside their home. No way would he bring his concerns to Bella. She was his sweet innocence.

  As he stepped inside, he noted headlights turning off near his house. His men were already arriving to guard the property. And he felt better being close to his wife. He only trusted himself to keep her safe.


  Isabella heard the door unlock and rushed down the princess staircase. Klaus stepped into the foyer with a stack of food boxes.

  “I’m home,” he called out.

  She watched him for a minute. It was still hard to believe this was her life now. She had her own beautiful home, one absent of fear and tension. Just happiness. Her husband was patient with her and extremely protective.

  In some ways, it felt like things were too perfect and they were just actors going through their roles until everything would fall apart. She had to stop expecting the worst out of life and learn to enjoy every day with her new husband.

  “Your favorite pizza,” she said, helping him carry the boxes to the white granite island in the kitchen. Their house was on a hill and the views out back were breathtaking by day. She enjoyed sitting by the glass doors in the morning with a cup of coffee.

  “I couldn’t resist. And I didn’t want you cooking.”

  She sat up on one of the stools. “You know I like cooking. I used to help the chef at our house, so I know so many recipes.”

  He came around the island, standing in front of her. Klaus smelled like the outdoors. And she could tell he was exhausted. “I was late. You shouldn’t have to cook. Another time, bella.” Then he kissed her forehead.

  Now she could hear it, the tone of his voice was off. Something was wrong.

  She ignored it for now, not wanting to be the classic nagging wife. Her role was still so new to her and she was afraid to screw everything up. She expected both sides of the family were betting on how soon it would be until one of them requested a divorce.

  So far, they’d had a long, relaxing honeymoon and she only saw him in the evenings since they’d been back home. It felt like they were avoiding real topics, real life, and playing it safe. But she craved more, craved authenticity.

  Would things unravel once they stopped wearing masks?

  They ate in mostly silence
. He kept checking his phone.

  Was he already cheating on her? She mentally scolded herself for allowing her mind to go in the gutter. She had to think more highly of Klaus. He hadn’t given her any reason to think otherwise.

  “Have you thought about the dinner?” she asked.

  He set down his coffee mug a little too hard. “Whatever you’d like, Isabella. If you want to go, make the arrangements with your mother.”

  That was too easy. Why was he agreeing when he admitted to wanting to kill her father?

  “You don’t mind?”

  “I don’t mind.” He walked away, heading to the glass doors. The lights in the living room were off. There wasn’t much to see but a few stars at this time of night.

  She sighed. This rift was making her uncomfortable.

  “Klaus?” She approached him from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Something’s wrong.”

  “It’s fine. Nothing to worry about, Bella.”

  “Is it me? Us?”

  This time, he turned around. His eyes were narrowed as if insulted. He cupped her face, the contact soothing her. “Never think that. Understand? Never think that.”

  “You’re scaring me.”

  “I’m not used to having someone care about me. You always tend to read the mood in a room. Makes it hard to keep things from you,” Klaus said.

  “Why would you want to keep anything from me? I’m your wife. In an ideal world, we shouldn’t have any secrets from each other.”

  “You’re right,” he said. “But it’s also my job to shelter you. To keep you happy and safe.”

  “I can’t be happy if you’re upset and hiding things.” She set her palms on his chest, then began unbuttoning his shirt. “I’m not breakable, Klaus.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “I doubt that.”

  He walked away from her, shrugging off his jacket and setting it on the back of the sofa. His shirt was mostly unbuttoned now, his muscular pecs and bronzed skin peeking through the open fabric.

  “Look, I don’t even know if it’s reliable information.” He kept pacing. “Some things are better left alone.”


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