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The Healer's Garden

Page 14

by Nina Pierce

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  Chapter Twelve

  Jahara lounged in the courtyard behind the hospital, enjoying the sun. Only a few days had passed since the revelations at the lake and she'd enjoyed few moments of solitude. There would be much to do to change things here at the Garden. At the moment, the task seemed overwhelming.

  "Jahara, I'm glad I found you.” Gabriella Bresilee bustled up to her. The woman seemed in constant motion. Even as she sat next to Jahara on the bench, Gabriella exuded a constant energy that radiated off her and charged the air.

  "My apologies for wasting your talents on the breeders these last few weeks, unfortunately, it is a necessary evil we all shoulder."

  Somehow, Jahara didn't believe that Gabriella found herself working her share of hours in the well-check.

  "But I am pleased to tell you, you won't have to return there.” Gabriella looked out over the garden, her hands fluttering about fixing her hair or picking unseen fibers off her yellow tunic. “We've had to cancel the exams for the afternoon. My healer in the clinic just delivered a healthy baby girl. A few weeks earlier than anticipated, but it all turned out fine.” Turning her head up to the warmth of the sun, Gabriella inhaled. Was she enjoying the scent of the lilac bushes surrounding them or was it displeasure at sending Jahara to the clinic? This woman was definitely a mystery.

  "Mykilai is alone in the clinic and though she is a gifted apprentice, she still requires guidance. I need you to join her there this afternoon.” Standing, Gabriella did not wait for a response. “You're welcome,” she snipped at Jahara as if she'd just rescued her from the bowels of Hades.

  Jahara sensed the proclamation was a punishment. She looked forward to her time in the clinic. The breeders had finally relaxed and her days there were pleasant and entertaining. As usual, there had been no discussion with Gabriella. She ruled the healing facility with an iron fist.

  Dumping the last of her tea and salad in the waste receptacle, Jahara's appetite had disappeared with Gabriella. Interactions with the vile woman left her feeling ill.

  Mykilai looked relieved when Jahara walked into the clinic.

  "There are so many who need me today. I can't do this by myself. Oh, why did Dr. Vinari have to have her baby today?” Mykilai's arms swung wildly through the air in tempo with the motion of her eyes in their sockets. The woman was in an obvious state of panic. “There's a woman with a painful back in curtain one, another complaining of a headache in curtain two that is so bad it's blurring her vision and she's puking everywhere.” Mykilai looked down at her smock smattered with pieces of food. “And others still waiting in the chairs that haven't been triaged. I think there's a broken wrist somewhere out there.” Mykilai's chin trembled as the last words warbled out of her mouth.

  Jahara understood the overwhelming sense of sickness that rolls over a healer. Squeezing her shoulder, Jahara looked into Mykilai's blue eyes. “Breathe, Mykilai. A deep cleansing breath."


  "But, nothing. No one is dying. Take a moment to center yourself. You can't help others in this agitated state. Now, in through your nose, slowly out through your mouth.” Jahara imitated the movement of air. “Keep doing that while you go find yourself some clean scrubs. I'll triage the patients still waiting. Meet me in curtain two and we'll heal together."

  Working side by side through the early afternoon, Jahara's hands covered Mykilai's. Functioning as one, they healed a broken bone and the other minor maladies. Impressed by Mykilai's healing powers, Jahara knew she would be a great healer someday. She had had some poor training somewhere along the way, but the bad habits weren't so ingrained they couldn't be fixed.

  In an unusual moment of quiet, they sat behind one of the curtains, sneaking a cup of tea. Jahara hoped Gabriella didn't see them relaxing.

  "Jahara, you're a gifted healer and a kind teacher. I've enjoyed working with you today.” Mykilai sat on the stretcher, her legs swinging back and forth. “Dr. Vinari would've pushed me out of her way and worked on the wounds herself. But even when I did something wrong, you never got angry."

  Sipping from the cup, Jahara let the tea settle with Mykilai's compliment. “You're gifted, Mykilai. Never doubt what you've been given. It takes years to hone your skill. You're eager to learn, it makes it fun to teach you. When you...” Her words were interrupted by screams from the waiting area. Jahara thought the woman with the headache had returned.

  Mykilai responded first. Jahara followed her into the waiting area, running into her back when Mykilai froze in her tracks. Unlike Mykilai, the scene unfolding before Jahara propelled her into action. She pushed past Mykilai, running to the woman half carrying, half dragging a bloody and mangled body. She didn't know it was a man until she got close enough to see the tattered breeches, exposing his genitals. Like the clothing, the skin and muscle on the left half of his body was shredded as if it had been chewed by some savage animal. His arm hung unnaturally at his side.

  "You can't bring him in here, this is for females only.” The female caretaker stood with her hands fisted on her hips, obstructing the couple's entry.

  "Don't be foolish, woman.” Jahara shouldered the caretaker out of the way. “The man will surely die if we don't help now."

  "Save him, please don't let him die.” The plaintive wail from the woman ripped into Jahara's heart. Looking at Jahara, the woman's eyes implored her to help. It was Nazaret.

  "He can't come in here,” someone stated again, but made no move to stop them.

  Jahara ignored the comment and moved to cradle what she could of the man's left side. “Bring him over here.” The stunned staff parted, making way for the trio painted with the man's blood. Together, they muscled him onto one of the stretchers in the treatment area.

  "Mykilai, get me some blankets.” The stunned healer didn't move. “Mykilai, snap out of it.” Shooting a look over her shoulder, Jahara couldn't see Mykilai and she wondered if she'd abandoned her for hospital policies. The crowd had thinned considerably since the wounded breeder had arrived.

  "Someone grab some blankets. He's gone into shock. Get me something to cut these clothes off him. And for goodness sake, find me another healer. And blood, I need at least three units each of blood and saline.” Jahara looked down at the body unable to determine how this much damage could've taken place.

  "What happened to him?” Jahara's palms moved over the man. He was near death and his life continued to slip through her grasp. If she knew how this damage had been wreaked upon this body, perhaps she could stop its slow spiral to the other realm.

  "What caused this, Nazaret?” Jahara spoke quietly, trying to get Nazaret to focus on her rather than the man lying in tatters on her stretcher.

  But Nazaret could only shake her head side to side. She looked as pale as the evening moon. The woman made no sound save for the small whimpers escaping between the trembling fingers covering her lips.

  "What happened?” Jahara's hands were winding their way into the man's inner arm where the most blood seemed to be pooling. One of the caretakers was cutting away the ragged breeches still clinging to the bloody mess.

  Nazaret's glazed eyes pulled from the carnage to stare through Jahara. “I don't know for sure.” She raked bloody fingers through the dark waves of her hair. “He was at the barns with me. He shouldn't have been anywhere near the equipment.” The tears finally came. Large drops ran down her cheeks, making roads through the dirt and blood splatters covering her face. The emotion overrode her attempt to speak.

  One of the caretakers finally arrived with towels and blankets.

  "Wash away the blood as gently as possible,” Jahara instructed. “I need to see where he's wounded. Mykilai!” Jahara hollered. Her stomach lurched as she thought she might have been abandoned. She couldn't save this man alone. To hell with hospital policies, this man would not lose his life to uphold antiquated laws. “Mykilai, I need you in here now. I can't save this man by myself."

  The apprentice's voice was low
in her ear. “I'm here."

  "This is no time to crumble, Mykilai. I need you. Here, stand by his hip and find out what other damage is done. They're just like females. Assess."

  She looked up at Nazaret, standing at her mate's side. “Nazaret, focus on me. I need more details about the accident.” In continuous motion, Jahara's hands pulsed hot with the white light. “Crockadung, his arm's nearly severed. I hoped it wasn't this bad."

  "He was, ah...” Staring blankly from one face to another, Nazaret's fear of reprisal was obvious.

  "Nazaret, everyone here is going to help save him. There will be no punishment. Focus. Tell me what happened.” Jahara sent a scathing look at the women surrounding them.

  "He was working on the equipment. He shouldn't have been. He visits me at the farm and often helps out with the animals and the farm equipment. He's good with the machines. One of them was broken and the machinist never came. I told him not to, but he's done it before, I should've been there.” Her voice broke, but she pulled herself together. “I ... I was in the barn when I heard the scream. When I got to him, he was in the ... you know...” Her hand waved limply in the air, words failing her, “The part of the tractor, for wheat, or something. I shut it off, but he was so...” She pointed to his body. “I didn't know what to do. I put him in the vehicle and brought him here. Brenimyn told me you worked here, Jahara. I didn't know who else would help.” Melancholy filled eyes that searched Jahara's face, looking for answers. “Did I do right? He shouldn't be here. Is it too late to save him?” Nazaret collapsed into her sobs.

  The shell of a woman standing over her breeding partner did not seem like the vivacious young woman who had snuck Brenimyn the horse the day they'd gone to the lake. Jahara had learned later, breeders weren't supposed to put themselves in situations where they could get hurt. Nazaret let Brenimyn ride anyway. Obviously, it hadn't been the first time.

  This mangled body was the man she'd never met, Nazaret's mate, Lukiam. They shared an emotional bond. This man, who had been loving Nazaret in the barn, was now lying at death's door. He shouldn't have put himself in danger. But men, Jahara had discovered, were obstinate creatures.

  "Nazaret, I need you to talk to Lukiam."

  She looked confused. Jahara didn't know if it was the fact she used his name or if her words hadn't quite penetrated the woman's fog of grief.

  "Nazaret, lean in close to his ear and talk to him. Say anything. Tell him how much you love him. Tell him he will survive, that I'm here helping. Say whatever you can to keep him here with us. We will not let him leave this world. We can save him.” The blood pooling on the floor said otherwise, but Jahara would not give up on this man.

  "Mykilai, after the assessment, go back and repair what you can.” Jahara's hands continued to move about the man's arm. “Get that blood going, we're losing him."

  "What is going on here?” A large woman, both in height and width strode to the foot of the stretcher. Two care takers followed closely on her heals.

  "I told you. A male breeder. Here, in the clinic.” One of the caretakers poked her head around the woman, her voice shaking with her hand.

  Wisps of short hair fell into the large woman's eyes creased with disapproval. She brushed at them before casually putting her hands in the pockets of her white lab coat. “Why on earth is there a male in our clinic? And why are you working on him? Get him out.” The loose skin under her arm flapped as her finger thrust in the direction of the door. “Don't you give him that blood,” she bellowed at the caretaker working on the other side of the stretcher.

  "It was a farm accident, Honorable Dr. Linsig.” Mykilai's words warbled out of trembling lips. “This is Jahara ... I mean Dr. Hriznek."

  "I assume you're a healer?” Jahara did not look away from Lukiam's arm, her hand buried deep in the muscles near her patient's armpit. Impatience slammed into her and she yelled, trying to move the unwilling staff into action. “Step up and help Mykilai."

  "I am second in charge of the hospital. You are flagrantly disobeying hospital protocol. These women told me a male breeder had come in here.” She motioned a thumb over her shoulder. “And now I find that you expect me to help you save him? I will not work on this man. You are wasting your time. He is nothing more than a breeder. There are others who can take his place. No one will miss him.” Linsig's words cracked with fury.

  "The fact he's a man is the least of our worries. He's losing blood. There's much healing to do if we're going to keep him from dying.” Jahara didn't look up, but the anger rolling off Linsig clashed in the air with hers. She didn't have time for the woman's overinflated ego. Her energy focused only on Lukiam. She hadn't really listened to the woman. She needed help repairing the incredible amount of damage. “Stand on the other side and check his organs. Repair anything you can."

  Dr. Linsig's voice cascaded down on them. “I will do no such thing. Besides, look at his arm. It is obvious we must take it. But then, what good is a one-armed breeder?” Her caustic laugh rippled up Jahara's spine. “Let him die, Dr. Hriznek.” Stepping around Mykilai, Linsig tried to elbow Jahara out of the way. “Simply shut down the pain receptors and let him bleed to death. It is the only humane thing to do. He is barely conscious at this point. He will slip painlessly into the next realm."

  Jahara refused to move. “This is my patient, Dr. Linsig and I intend to keep all his body parts attached to him. And I do not intend to let him bleed to death.” She glared up at the woman. “Now, if you refuse to help save this man's life, step back.” Jahara barely registered the look of stunned horror on the healer's face.

  "I will not be talked to that way. Dr. Bresilee will hear about this.” She took two steps back. “There will be consequences for these actions, Dr. Hriznek.” Throwing her chin in the air, the rolls below vibrated with the movement. Linsig stalked away from the people covered in blood in the small curtained area.

  Jahara had needed a healer who would help, not interfere with her lifesaving efforts.

  "He will live. Does everyone here understand that? If you're afraid of the rules leave now.” Jahara looked directly into the three sets of startled eyes. “There will be no more talk of amputation or the fact that he's a breeder. This man needs our help.” Blood covered Jahara's front and her arms were slick up to the elbows with red. No one moved.

  "Fine. You've made your choice. Let's get down to work. Get that blood and saline flowing. There you are, you little beast.” Her fingers had continued the search for the source of blood even as Linsig had slung accusations. “I found it. The artery in his arm's torn nearly in two, but I can repair it.” Speaking quietly, Jahara reached both hands deep into the arm muscles. She threw her head back, closing her eyes, summoning the deep healing straight from her core. The energy flowed from her heart, through her arms and fingers, and right into Lukiam.

  She let the healing light surround her, focusing it on the torn artery that pumped the breeder's life energy onto the floor. The rest of the world fell away. There was only the man and his brokenness. Slowly, the artery came back together. Moving her fingers, Jahara repaired another blood vessel, then a torn ligament, meticulously working her way through the mutilated arm. Finally, Jahara was getting ahead of the injuries. The blood no longer gushed from Lukiam's body. Jahara pulled out of her trance and moved on to other sections of the arm.

  "How're you doing with the fluids? Someone clean this mess at my feet and cleanse this arm so I can see. Mykilai, what else have you found?” No one moved. Jahara looked around at the dazed expressions of people surrounding the stretcher. Their mouths gaped open, their wide eyes were unnaturally white around their irises.

  "People, we haven't saved him yet. There's still much to do."

  Shaking her head, Mykilai was the first to come out of the odd shock that had frozen her hands. “I ... ah ... I found a broken bone in his leg; his hip is also broken as well as some ribs. There's a small tear in his kidney, but I can repair it and his lung has collapsed. All other organs seem intac

  Jahara looked at the caretaker on the other side of the stretcher. “Very well, double the fluids. Mykilai, repair the lung, then the kidney, the broken bones last. You can do all that without my help. I'll finish repairing the arm; then work down the torso."

  Jahara's hands moved over Lukiam, repairing torn muscles and broken bones. It was late into the night before, spent and weak, Jahara and Mykilai sealed the last of the torn skin.

  Stepping away, Jahara stretched her back and rotated her stiff neck. “It's done. That's all we can do for him now. The rest is up to Lukiam.” Running her hand over Lukiam's face, Jahara moved down the newly healed skin on his chest. The strong muscles of his torso probably kept him from more serious internal injuries. “His breathing is regular. His heart rate is weak, but pumping in a steady rhythm. He lost a lot of blood. He isn't in pain. I blocked the receptors in his brain. He needs rest and fluids."

  She dredged up a smile for Nazaret. The woman had been standing at her partner's head, stroking his hair, speaking words of love for many hours. She suddenly looked unsteady on her feet. Jahara caught her as she collapsed.

  "Mykilai, help me with Nazaret.” They put her on the nearest stretcher. Nazaret's lids fluttered. Her breathing came in little shallow gasps. As a team, their hands worked over her body. They were synchronized in their movements.

  "I can't find anything. It must be exhaustion."

  "She's with child.” Mykilai's hands hovered over Nazaret's belly.

  Jahara smiled, moving her hands next to Mykilai's “But the life pulse is steady and strong. Give her fluids. She's probably just dehydrated. It's a wonder the woman lasted as long as she did."

  Wiping her hands on clothing streaked with the efforts of her healing, Jahara moved to the foot of the bed. “We need to wash. Why don't you go, Mykilai? I'll stay with them; then I'll shower after you."

  "I'm fine, Jahara. You go. You did more healing than I. I'll get you if either of them needs something."


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