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The Healer's Garden

Page 15

by Nina Pierce

  "You did well, Mykilai, I couldn't have saved Lukiam without your help. You know there will be repercussions for our actions."

  "Yes, a man will live.” She squared her shoulders. “And the woman who loves him will still have her mate."

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  Chapter Thirteen

  Mykilai knew she should be tired, but there was an energy pumping through her she had never experienced. Last night she held the life of another in her hands. Even as the blood pumped from Lukiam, she fought with Jahara to save him. They had stolen the mutilated man back from the jaws of death.

  Standing in the door of the hospital room, she looked in awe at the woman who had performed the miracle. Jahara sat sleeping in a chair slumped onto the bed beside her. One arm slung over Lukiam's legs, her head propped on the edge of the mattress. Except for the short shower, Jahara had not left her patient all night.

  Nazaret lay next to Lukiam in the small hospital bed. No one had questioned his right to be here after Jahara had defied Linsig. Nazaret curled tenderly along his uninjured side, his rhythmic snoring undoubtedly comforting all three of them. Nazaret had her face buried in Lukiam's hair, her hand splayed over her belly, protecting the new life just beginning to grow within her. The embryo was only weeks old. Nazaret hadn't known she was pregnant until they told her last night.

  Mykilai would never, as long as she lived, forget the ultimate powers of healing she witnessed the day before. The light poured forth from Jahara, radiating from her heart down her arms, to her hands, buried deep in Lukiam's arm. Jahara's upper body glowed with a brilliance pouring into Lukiam until the unconscious man became luminescent with the healing power flowing out of Jahara. It had been only minutes they'd been joined in that halo of light, but the vision of it would be seared in Mykilai's mind forever.

  An overwhelming sense of peace had descended over the room while they were joined. Everyone present had felt its power. Awestruck by the intensity of the event, no one had moved, not even to draw breath. It had taken them a moment to pull out of their trance when Jahara started issuing instructions again. The healer seemed oblivious to the power she demonstrated. But the blood stopped as the light faded in intensity and Jahara had gone straight back to work repairing the rest of the injuries. She'd saved not only a man, but a family.

  Tiptoeing up to Jahara, Mykilai gently ran her hand along Jahara's shoulders. This woman held great powers. Mykilai understood that now. “Jahara. Jahara, wake up. It's time for you to go home. You deserve a rest. I'll stay with them."

  * * * *

  Brenimyn didn't know how this had happened. Two women from the security patrol had pounded on the door last night. They'd named by number and then quoted some law he had never heard. He had turned his back, wanting to use the video communicator to call Jahara, but they'd injected a narcotic into his neck. Darkness enveloped him before he could protest.

  He woke only moments ago, lying on a bed. He touched his pounding head, even his hair hurt. Overindulging in dakaru root didn't make him this ill. His fingers gingerly moved about his skull, finding the lump where he had undoubtedly come in contact with the floor as the drug coursed through him.

  Holding his throbbing head in his hands, Brenimyn swung his legs to the floor. The walls around him spun unnaturally. He swallowed the nausea threatening to bring up the contents of his stomach. The bright light and gurgling sound of the river hologram on the wall hammered pain into his brain through his eyes and ears.

  He scrubbed his face with his hand, trying to erase the headache. Getting the queasiness under control, he opened his eyes. It didn't take long for him to realize he was in Kylie's residence. He'd spent enough time here to know where he was. He just didn't know why.

  "Brenimyn, you're awake.” Kylie breezed into the bedroom, a tray of food in her hands. “You slept through the night which is a shame since I had so many plans for us.” He heard the clink of the tray on the bedside table. The mattress shifted as she crawled behind him. He couldn't bring himself to look at her.

  "Aren't you glad to see me?” She rubbed her face into his neck, her breasts pressed seductively against his back. “I've missed you.” Her hand caressed his bottom and hip, coming to rest on his flaccid penis. He had all he could do not to jump from her touch. “We've been granted four glorious days to fill as we choose,” she purred the repulsive words into his ear.

  Shifting on the bed to face her, he nearly toppled Kylie to the floor. “Most honorable Kylie, cherished of all humans, gifted woman and breeder of offspring, as always it is a pleasure to be here with you, but Jahara is a new breeder and she chose me as her mate.” He held his revulsion and temper in check for the cameras. “If it would please you, might I know why I was brought here?"

  "Why, Brenimyn,” she ran her nail down his chest, “I choose you also. I invoked law S16-R4.” Her mouth curved in a syrupy smile.

  He tried to reach her telepathically, but couldn't seem to focus his thoughts. The drugs must still be coursing through him. “I am not familiar with that law."

  "No?” She stood, parting his legs, nestling herself between them so her breasts were level with his eyes. “An ovulating government official may choose any breeder to become her mate for four days.” She ran her fingers through his hair, turning his face up to hers. “Four days of copulating bliss, Brenimyn.” She laid her lips on his. “Just think how beautiful our offspring will be. I have been increasingly anxious for you to wake so I could feel you deep inside me.” She swiveled her hips, the skin of her pubic bone rubbing against his stomach.

  Brenimyn's mind raced. She didn't want him. Standing, he looked down at her, forcing a smile. “You're right. It has been a long night.” Thanks to the drugs she had instructed them to use he thought, but didn't utter, those words. “If I may use your facilities, I will be more comfortable to pleasure you, if you understand my meaning.” He winked at her, setting her away from him, not waiting for her response.

  Retreating into the bathroom, Brenimyn closed the door. His agitated state moved his feet about the opulent room. Something was happening here he didn't yet understand. He turned on the faucet, trying to buy more time to find a solution to this problem. Where was Jahara? Had anyone informed her of this law? Damn, he needed to think.

  Sitting on the edge of the tub, he cleared his mind. He needed to find her. He envisioned the well-check, the clinic and their apartment, but he couldn't find her. Perhaps the drugs were still fogging his telepathy. Usually he knew where she was at all times, but he'd lost her sometime yesterday.

  "Knock, knock, Brenimyn. I'm growing increasingly needy out here. I'm desperate to copulate. It must be the hormones.” Kylie's voice grated like a shrill whistle that gnawed at his headache.

  He hadn't realized how badly she wanted a female offspring. He couldn't hold her off forever, but perhaps he could talk her out of whatever foolish scheme she had concocted. Inhaling, he shut off the water and opened the door. “Well, it would be poor manners to keep a woman in heat waiting.” She barely moved him as she flung the full weight of her petite frame at him. Her arms wrapped around his waist.

  "Oh, Brenimyn, how I've missed you.” Taking his hand, she pulled him into the middle of the room. “There's no other breeder I want to mate with me.” She ran her hands down his back, kneading his buttocks as she ground her belly against his groin.

  "Kylie, you don't want me."

  Her hand shot up so fast he wasn't prepared for the impact. The sting of her palm seared his cheek and both the sound and the pain reverberated through his head. He didn't react.

  "How dare you?” She stalked to the bed. “Of course I want you, why do you think they brought you here?” She pointed her finger at him, shaking it at his face, an odd look contorting her features. Brenimyn tried once again to reach her, but his turmoil combined with her rollercoaster emotions made everything jumbled. “You have no right to refuse a woman. It is law."

  He stood impassively. “It is. But there must be s
omeone else."

  "No,” she yelled. This discussion did not warrant her vehement reaction. “I expect you to do as I request. Walk to me,” she said, tears misting in her eyes.

  He did as she asked. “What's upsetting you?” Brenimyn asked in a quiet tone. “We both know you don't enjoy copulating. You do not have to do this."

  "No, don't say that.” Her hands balled into fists, the tears rolling down her cheeks. “No, it is not right.” She began pummeling his chest, but he made no move to stop her. “Damn you, Brenimyn.” Looking at him, she sneered and raked her nails down the flesh of his torso, the sharp claws biting deep.

  He hissed in pain, grabbing her hands as she reached up to do it again. “Kylie, what is wrong?"

  "Let go of me.” She struggled as if he held her tight. He released her hands and she pounded her fists against the red welts on his chest. “You will do as I say. Stop fighting me.” She looked into his eyes. The glint sparking in them was filled with hatred. “Fine, I'll do it. It doesn't require much of your cooperation."

  She dropped to her knees, her eyes locked on his. She shook her head and leaned forward, taking his penis in her mouth.

  The slick heat of her tongue slid masterfully along his shaft. Even a controlled man couldn't stop the reaction his body had to this stimulation. He forced his mind to focus on other things, but his traitorous erection would not cooperate.

  Kylie's fingers worked the length of his hardening cock as the silk of her tongue circled his testicles. After months together, she knew all the sensitive spots on his body. There had been a time when he had enjoyed her touch and though he loathed that his sex filled her mouth, he couldn't stop his body from reacting.

  "Look at me, Brenimyn,” Kylie said in a sultry whisper. “Tell me how much you enjoy this and how much you want me to continue."

  "Most honored one, what you are doing is wonderful, if it pleases you, I would like you to continue.” Even for the cameras, he couldn't muster any enthusiasm.

  Using her lips, she nipped at the sensitive flesh of his manhood, her tongue flicking along the tip. “Run your hands in my hair. Massage my scalp."

  When his fingers were buried in her hair, she took him in, swallowing him deep into the wet heat of her mouth. She sucked as she pulled away, devouring him again, her tongue massaging the sensitive underside of his engorged penis. She had learned well. He couldn't control the surge of pleasure her lips elicited as her mouth worked up and down his cock, her fingers deftly squeezing and stroking, adding to the intense sensations.

  "Take me now, Brenimyn, mate with me.” She pulled her mouth away, but continued to stroke with firm fingers. “Carry me to the bed.” She swallowed him again, the heat of her mouth enveloping him before she pulled away breathless. “Now, do it now."

  Reaching for her, he pulled her to her feet. Her lashes were damp with unshed tears, her cheeks flushed from desire. He carried her to the bed.

  Shaking her hair, Kylie laid a hand on his chest. “I have wanted for this for so long, take me hard. Do it like the old days when you couldn't get enough of me. Throw me to the bed and bury yourself deep. I am already wet with desire. I don't need anything else from you. Now, now."

  Fearing the ever present eye of the watchers, he did as she requested. Dropping her on the bed, he parted her legs with his knee and plunged into her. She was not wet as she had said. The only lubrication came from the moisture of her mouth still slick on his cock.

  "Hold my arms over my head and take me harder. Faster, Brenimyn, I want to feel your essence pour into me."

  He took her hands from her sides, holding them above her head. This he could control. Though her hips moved beneath him, her head flailing side to side, he felt nothing for her. He drove into her as she requested, but he could separate himself from this. Their bodies didn't fit. There was no meshing of hearts in this union.

  "No, no. Don't stop. Don't stop.” Kylie panted the words, but inside her body did not tremble with the pleasure as he'd known it to do before.

  His hips thrust to match the tempo of her cries, but she didn't move to match the rhythm. She had obviously come to detest copulating, though one wouldn't have believed it listening to the sounds coming from her. She cried out his name, acting like she was climaxing. He'd done this too many times not to know she was only pretending. There was no tightening of her muscles, no peaking of her nipples and certainly no slick heat surrounding him. If she could playact, so could he. He moaned as she did. Thrusting faster as if in the throes of orgasm, he finished, but never ejaculated.

  Detesting the touch of her skin against his, Brenimyn fell on the bed next to her, his sex flaccid. He wasn't sure how he would endure four days of this.

  "Go! Leave me now.” Rolling away from him, Kylie curled into a fetal position. Sobs shook her shoulders.

  He might not like Kylie, but it wasn't in his nature to leave a woman crying, especially if he thought he'd caused the pain. “Kylie, I'm sorry if I hurt you.” He stroked her shoulder. She shook it off.

  "Don't touch me. Just go back to your precious Jahara.” Kylie cried the words into a pillow.

  He rolled off the bed, pulling on some breeches hanging in her closet. He left her apartment, thoroughly confused by what had just transpired.

  * * * *

  Jahara was practically sleepwalking when she reached the door of her residence. She had tried to call Brenimyn on the video communicator several times last night. There had been no answer. It didn't matter. She would crawl into bed and explain everything after she got some sleep.

  Stifling a yawn, Jahara detached the parchment from the door without taking time to look at it. Her hand fumbled in the fingerprint mechanism. It took several passes before the door hissed open. The exhaustion had finally caught up to her.

  She didn't expect Brenimyn to be home. No doubt he was on his way to the lake. He'd petitioned to stand before the Governmental Body and was working and reworking the proposal he wanted to present. He often found the solitude of the jungle his only respite from the demands being put on him by the male breeders at the Garden.

  They'd been together barely a month. Jahara knew more about Brenimyn than all she had learned about Merenith in two years.

  Stumbling through the dining area, she was secretly pleased she'd have the bed to herself. With Brenimyn near, neither of them seemed able to get much rest. She swayed with the effort of an immense yawn and opened the note. The words swam in her vision. Even her eyes were too weary to focus.

  "Most honorable Jahara Hriznek, the Governmental Body wishes to inform you,” she read the first words aloud. “What?” Turning the paper over in her hand, she looked for Brenimyn's familiar writing. She shook her head, clearing the sleepy cobwebs.

  Squinting her eyes, she focused on the governmental stamp. Finally comprehending she wasn't holding a note from Brenimyn. She read it again. “Most honorable Jahara Hriznek, the Governmental Body wishes to inform you law S16-R4 has been invoked by a member of the governing body of the Garden of Serenity. Your breeder, Brenimyn, has been removed from your residence for a period of up to four days to procreate with said member of the government who shall remain anonymous. You may, at your discretion, choose another breeder during his absence.” Jahara stopped reading and studied the letter again.

  The parchment slipped from her fingers as she ran through the apartment, calling for Brenimyn, not wanting to believe what she had just read. He wasn't here. Her heart raced uncontrollably. They had no right to kidnap him from her residence. Brenimyn loved her and she, well, what was it she felt? She stopped at the dining table, staring at the candle sticks wobbling in her misty vision. She loved him. As sure as the sun would set this day, she was completely and hopelessly in love with Brenimyn.

  She dropped in the chair and cried. Though it didn't salve the pain, she let the tears fall unfettered. They rolled down her cheeks in a great wash of sadness she felt over losing him and the guilt of betraying Merenith. Mostly she cried because the gloom enve
loping her was so complete. Why had she never told him? He had loved her with all his heart and she had squandered it on the physical pleasure of being with him. Hadn't she known this before now?

  Who was it who would want Brenimyn more than her? The answer echoed loudly in her head.


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  Chapter Fourteen

  The kitchen door creaked open. Brenimyn strode into the room. Kylie took me. That's who. Though he spoke telepathically, she heard the anger laced in the sentence.

  Jahara was on her feet, racing into his arms. Brenimyn picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her whole body held on to him.

  "They drugged me and took me there.” He spoke the words aloud through the emotion clogging his throat. She insisted we mate. I didn't want to, but the law, I had no choice. I'm sorry, Jahara. I'm so sorry, please don't feel betrayed. He buried his head in her neck, his embrace nearly crushing her ribs.

  "You're home now. Nothing else matters.” She held his face in her hands, kissing away the tears that had freed themselves to run down his cheeks. Her lips caressed the lines around his eyes and on his forehead, put there from the pain in his heart. “Brenimyn, I love you. Here in the living room, out at the lake, my heart knows you and loves you."

  There was no confusion in the curve of his mouth. No misunderstanding in the spark of eyes.

  Her voice was a husky whisper. “We need to close the door, because I need so much more from you than this."

  Carrying her back to the kitchen, he let go some of his anger as he slammed the button to retract the door. She heard the lock rattle into place. Still wrapped around him, Jahara didn't need his arms to hold her close. They felt good nonetheless. The feel of his sinewy muscles flexing on her back as he held her was like a jolt of the strong brew she used to drink a long time ago, in a world very far from here. The exhaustion was gone. There was only Brenimyn and his love for her.

  She leaned back to look at him, noticing for the first time, the six red welts angrily marching from his collar bones to his navel. Dried blood was caked in some of the deeper cuts. “Brenimyn?"


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