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Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy

Page 8

by Lietha Wards

  He scoffed. “I have a successful job with a guaranteed future as full partner. I just don’t think spending that much on a trinket is worth it.”

  “Maybe that’s why I have her and you don’t. I personally think she’s worth it.”

  Richard’s eyes lifted over her head to Lance. A thrill went through her at the sound of Lance’s cool tone and deep voice. She honestly didn’t think he could hear them over the chatter in the room. How wrong she was. The smile she wore near split her face. Her brows rose at Richard as if to say ‘well, there’s your answer for that’.

  Richard shrugged feigning indifference, but she knew better. He never let anything go. She had personal experiences with him to prove it.

  The sound of silverware ringing the surface of expensive crystal interrupted the flow of conversation around the table. George Van Allen stood up and told the servers to fill their glasses for a toast. With the amount of staff there, it was done quickly.

  He cleared his throat abruptly and glanced around the table with a smile. “I would like to take this opportunity to say how pleased I am to have all my family present for this occasion. I couldn’t ask for anything better—“

  “Here! Here!” shouted Royce raising his glass.

  George chuckled. “Not just my son, but my daughters as well. I’m even more pleased to welcome a wonderful daughter in law to my family tomorrow—Anne.” He bowed his head acknowledging her. People applauded. She answered with a shy ‘thank you’. “Now, most of you know that my oldest daughter is engaged to Richard—” More clapping interrupted his speech. “But I would also like to acknowledge Lance Hartley, my future son-in-law. Nothing makes me more proud to see that my baby girl has found happiness in a very successful, yet unfortunately retired, attorney. I’m sure many of you that have heard his name in the papers and the media would agree that New York lost a great District Attorney when he moved to the country.”

  Well you could have heard a pin drop after that confession. Tammy looked down the table at her mother whose mouth was literally hanging open. She heard Richard swear under his breath. The other guests started murmuring in confusion. Obviously her mother had already worked the crowd that she was marrying a lowly farmer. Now here she sits with someone who obviously had made a name for himself. People still recognized it after five years.

  Royce stood up breaking the silence and started clapping. Soon the rest followed suit, embarrassed about their assumptions. She wondered if her father did this purposely. One look at him told her he did. He winked and lifted his glass to take a large swallow. She grinned at him. He really did care! It was subtle but wow she would take it! Maybe he always really did, but she was young and immature at the time thinking that his silence was in support of her mother. He always stayed out of the arguments that she and her mother had. He probably had his reasons, but she could have kissed him over this. Lance reached under the table and took her hand to get her attention. She turned to him still in awe over her father’s behavior. He seemed to know what she was thinking.

  “I wasn’t worried. You shouldn’t stress so much what people think.”

  “It wasn’t about me.” She didn’t like people believing in lies about someone she cared for. Again that just reinforced why she left.

  “I know it wasn’t. I don’t care what people think of me either, Tam. I’m a big boy. I can take criticism from the worst of them. I grew up in this crowd.”

  What? How could he? He’d told her that the Lansdowne Ranch was a bust when her father took it over. He and his brothers would talk about how hard their father would make them work. She really wanted to ask him, but they were interrupted by numerous congratulations after the crowd recovered from its shameful belief in the gossip. Her mother looked like she was about to faint.

  Over the next few hours, she just went through the motions that she was trained to do from an early age. Her mother even acted as though Lance was now a part of the family and she could have screamed. Why couldn’t she just accept her choices because she loved her?


  Soon they were heading home in the car, and Tammy couldn’t contain herself any longer. “I thought you said your dad inherited a ranch that wasn’t breaking even. How could you possibly be raised in that crowd?”

  “Yes I did say that,” he agreed, “and it’s true, but he’d struck oil on his ranch in Texas in his mid-twenties before he got married—before any of us were born. The ranch was inherited at a young age from the death of his parents, my grandparents. He was poor, from a poor cattle rancher but we, as a family, never were. The oil deposit was one of the biggest in Texas. My father is the CEO and owner of BT Energy. He’s a billionaire.”

  Her mouth fell. She’d met him once, but he dressed like a cowhand. Her eyes searched his to see if he was teasing her.

  He shook his head, telling her he wasn’t. “That didn’t mean he didn’t teach us the value of a dollar. I never lied to you. I just didn’t tell you everything. He made us work for every cent we have today. He demanded we get an education to learn the value of life, work, and our own successes. I got into Harvard on my own volition. He did not influence the decision. Jacob and Colton too. They made their own way. Of course we all own shares in the company, but I would never trade my life for anything else. Neither would my brothers.” He placed his hand on her thigh. It contracted as if it helped her to accept what he just told her.

  No wonder he could just afford to live in his penthouse a couple of days a month. It was just pocket change to him. Yet, you’d never know that he was so wealthy if you’d run into him working the ranch with his employees. “I’m having a really hard time absorbing this.”

  “Not many people know that about us, Tam. It’s not something we like to tell people. Those close to us know, like Tess and Elaina, but we don’t like to be treated any differently. We all had a choice. I could be still living here, but like my brothers, I chose a more humble life.”

  God, look at you. Of course you are going to be treated differently. Your genetics made you that way, she thought. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “It wasn’t necessary,” was his response.

  And that was it. Nothing else. She took a deep breath, angry at him and angrier at herself. She began to think she was a spoiled rich girl with the way she whined about being around money. There were people that would give anything to have what her family had even with the issues. She needed to stop the pity train. Money wasn’t the issue, it was the people that money created. “Why are you telling me now?”

  “Because I know it doesn’t matter to you. If anything it’s aversive because of your history. I guess I’ll have to rely on my irresistible charm to woo you.”

  She laughed.

  Once they were back in the penthouse she turned to him. Her humor was fading over other thoughts. She just had to make sure of something. She would have liked to know if Lance had any more surprises so she wasn’t gaping like an idiot just like everyone else. She felt herself get frustrated over the situation because, she realized, she was no different than their assumptions thinking he was a poor farm boy at one point. “I don’t like to play games Lance. For future reference, could you please let me in on your surprises?”

  “I wouldn’t have told you I was filthy rich if I didn’t think you had a need of coming to my defense. Besides, Tammy, this penthouse should have indicated something.”

  “Yes, I know. I felt like an idiot though. As your fiancé I should know these things. Can you imagine if someone saw my expression when you confessed how much you’re worth?” She rubbed her face with her hands. “It’s just so complicated. Stupid and complicated. I’ve never deceived anyone before. Maybe I’m just taking it out on you. I’m sorry. It shouldn’t matter what you’re worth. I don’t know why I’m so worked up.”

  He watched her closely. “First, I know it doesn’t to you. Second, you’re worked up because of the intense scrutiny your family has you under. Here.” He reached over and removed her wrap.
“She’s wrong by the way. You are perfectly capable of getting any man you want. I think Richard was drooling.”

  She smiled. Did he have to be so calm, and such a gentleman? She was coming unglued. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. He noticed it.

  “Tammy, we only lied about the engagement. Not anything else. We can easily end it a few weeks down the road.”

  “A few weeks?” That was two weeks longer than she wanted to mislead people.

  “We certainly can’t spoil your brother’s bliss. He cares about you. Besides, your mother will keep off your back through it all.”

  She never thought that far ahead. He was right though, and very sincere about it; her mother, and her brother. Royce would be worried about her if he thought she was going through heartache during his honeymoon. Her mother would probably make sure she sat next to Richard through the entire day. Now there was no worry of that. She lowered her shoulders in defeat and nodded. Lance was only looking out for her. “I just don’t like the games, you know, especially deceiving my brother and father by pretending we’re in love.” She averted her gaze feeling the blush rise. God, why was she so transparent? He caught it right away. How could he not? It was so obvious at that moment, her attraction to him. Lance never missed anything. Then to her ultimate horror, he had no qualms about voicing it.

  He smirked, crossed his arms and leaned against the opposite wall. “Now I see. There’s more to this.”

  “Don’t look at me like that.” He knew! He knew exactly how he was affecting her this whole time. He had to.

  He feigned innocence. “Like what?”

  “You know. The cat that got the canary. It’s like you’ve just proven a theory.” There she said it. Oh no, and there was the exact thing she was referring to; his insightful ambrosial grin that made her viscera liquefy. He didn’t even deny he was doing it.

  “Is that what this whole discomfort is really about?”

  “Some of it.” Yes. It was as if he’d discovered another game between the both of them that was more appealing than just helping her out. “I should have never told you I was a virgin.” What the hell was wrong with her? She covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. She was horrified at herself for saying that.

  He chuckled. “Honestly Tam, do you think that’s when it started.”

  Was he serious? She blinked and looked up at him. Her heart felt like it had just leaped out of her chest and onto a plate to be presented to him. She was completely exposing herself. Here you go. Have it. It’s always been yours. She tried shaking her head in denial. It was useless, and too late. He knew everything now.

  “Okay then, Tam, tell me to stop touching you and I will.”

  At that moment it looked like God bestowed every masculine gift he had to offer on that man, only that man. He was so arousing and provocative; she wanted to climb him like a monkey on a tree. Instead she fought the urge, lifted her chin turned around and went to her room. She swore she heard a deep chuckle when she shut the door.


  The next morning Mavis knocked on her door to tell her breakfast was ready. Tammy bolted upright and looked the clock. It was nine in the morning. Gosh, she hadn’t slept that late in years.

  “Thanks Mavis, ten minutes!” she hollered so she’d hear her.

  “I’ll let Mr. Hartley know,” came the muffled response.

  “He’s up?”

  “For three hours ma’am.”

  Of course he was. Tammy rubbed her forehead as she got out of bed. It was his fault she slept in. That bed was probably the most comfortable thing she’d slept on in years. Also, she’d had about three glasses of wine at dinner the night before. It had been a long time since she’d drank but the wine was really good. Further, the evening exhausted the life out of her. It took a lot to deceive people.

  She was in and out of the shower in five minutes and dressed in less than that. She pulled on a pair of black yoga pants and a light green tank top. She would need to get dressed for the wedding in a few hours so it seemed useless to get half ready now.

  She remembered where the kitchen was from the tour the day before. She paused when she saw Lance sitting at the breakfast counter drinking a cup of coffee and reading a paper. He was wearing grey sweats and a plain white t-shirt that had a hint of perspiration on his chest. Oh, he’d been working out. God, he looked delicious.

  “Hi.” He set his paper down when he saw her and patted the stool beside him. His eyes went down her form and back up again just to lock gazes with her. “You slept in,” he said with a lazy smile.

  She refused to be uncomfortable from his discovery the night before. Hopefully he’d forgotten about everything. Yeah, right. “I did.” She took the seat beside him and Mavis gave her a plate of eggs, bacon and toast. She was never one to turn away a good home cooked meal. “The mattress is heavenly.”

  “Mine’s better.”

  She near choked on a forkful of scrambled eggs. After last night, she knew there was a hidden innuendo in there especially after seeing the glint in his eyes.

  “Some coffee Mavis, black, no sugar.” He called while smirking at Tammy.

  He was observant. That was exactly how she took her coffee.

  Mavis placed a mug in front of her and gave her a sympathetic look while she still coughed.

  “Here.” He handed her the mug. “Careful, it’s hot.”

  She took a drink anyway. It was perfect. Then she shot him a look. “You need to stop doing that.”

  “What? Mine is better.” He grinned and took a sip from his own mug watching her over the rim.

  She shook her head. “It’s the hidden inferences.” Gosh she just couldn’t have this conversation. She still couldn’t shake his confession from the night before. Her cheeks flamed. His eyes went there seeing her embarrassment.

  “Well, we could certainly solve your curiosity.”

  Her eyes popped wide. Choking on coffee this time.

  He stood up and patted her back. “Water, Mavis.”

  “Already getting it,” she called back from around the corner.

  A few seconds later Mavis placed a large glass of water in front of her and gave her a half smile and a half look of sympathy before making herself scarce.

  Tammy took a long drink before she turned her angry eyes on Lance. “That’s what I mean.”

  He took his seat again, his knee brushing her thigh as he did it. She wondered if that was purposeful.

  “You are curious.”

  “I’m not.”

  He gave a short laugh. “You are. If you weren’t, your cheeks wouldn’t flame.” He leaned toward her. “And they flame a lot.”

  There was no use trying to lie to him. He was too good in seeing through people. “Okay fine. Yes, I’m curious.”

  “Ah, the truth. Nice. So is this curiosity to do with all men or just me?”

  She knew he could see the truth in her expression so she didn’t directly answer it. “That doesn’t mean you can embarrass me over being chaste Lance. I should have never told you.”

  “You didn’t tell me. I figured it out when you kept blushing whenever I brought up intimate questions.”

  She took a deep breath and released it quickly, in frustration. “Okay, you’re right. I still don’t think—”

  “—what did the stuffed shirt do to you to make you shy away from it?”

  She blinked her eyes wide. God, he shifted subjects and moods so quickly, her head spun. It was probably his way of getting an honest answer from people. Surprise did wonders to peoples’ verbal, emotional and physical responses.

  “Don’t try and lie to me Tam, I can tell.”

  She already knew that.

  “He somehow ruined you for other men—intimately. I’m thinking that’s the only reason you are still chaste.”

  “I told you why.”

  He shook his head. “Waiting for love. Yes, I know, but your body betrays you. You a
re curious. Twenty six year old virgins that are as desirable as you don’t exist. That can only happen if you’ve been shamed, or worse.” His eyes narrowed.

  Desirable? Did he just say that? She stuttered out her response trying not to let him know that affected her. “H—he didn’t get that far.” She paused seeing the anger rise in his eyes. The Hartley men were very respectful of women. Their father raised them right. She’d seen the damage Colton did when someone disrespected Elaina. All of them had the same views

  “He got far enough to do some psychological damage. I’d like to know.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “I would like you to.”

  Of course he would. “It’s not that easy. Tit for tat, why’d you quit New York?” That got a reaction. It was rare and subtle, but it was there. He actually sat back away from her a little and his expression masked. “That’s a little one sided Lance.”

  “It’s public knowledge.”

  “Not to me.”

  “Look it up. Yours isn’t.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I already checked into it.”

  Of course he did. Now her cheeks flamed for a different reason. “There’s no need to cross examine me, councilor!”

  “Get angry all you want Tammy. How can I play the devoted fiancé if I don’t know everything?”

  “I see. So you like to be informed, but not let me in on your secrets. You don’t need to know this!” she stood abruptly to leave, but he grabbed her arm. When he turned her back she had tears in her eyes. Instantly, his hard expression crumbled. Before she knew it, she was embraced in strong arms bring her face into his chest. She could smell his scent; strong, masculine and completely spellbinding.

  “Shh. I’m sorry.”

  His deep voice vibrated through his chest and arms enveloping her. The tone was definitely remorseful. She nodded still refusing to let the tears fall. Being in his arms definitely could have aided to it, but she was able to pull them back. She just couldn’t be so damn vulnerable around this man. She didn’t want his pity.


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