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Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy

Page 9

by Lietha Wards

  “I pushed too much. I won’t bring it up again until you’re ready. I promise.”

  She nodded again knowing that she never would be.

  He placed his hands on either side of her head and tilted her face up to meet his eyes. “Are you okay?”

  “I am. Honesty Lance, I don’t want to relive that okay?”

  He nodded, his eyes flicked to her mouth then back up to her eyes. “If I kissed you, would you be offended?”

  “W—what?” Offended certainly wouldn’t have occurred to her if he kissed her. Shock maybe. Yes, absolute shock.

  His eyes searched hers for a moment longer. Obviously there was no resistance there or he wouldn’t have said what followed.

  “Oh fuck it.”

  He didn’t hesitate, take it slow, or coax her. It was a body slamming, assertive, deep, tongue delving kiss that lit her soul on fire. His hand went to the back of her head and the other traced down her spine to her lower back, pressing her to him.

  After her initial astonishment, her insides heated up and emulsified. She moved her arms around his neck and twisted her fingers in his hair and kissed him back while pressing against him. Her body shaped against every perfect muscular contour he had. She knew she fit against him flawlessly. It was her height and her slender form. It made her flexible. God she could feel the heat of him through her clothes! His amazing masculine scent filled her nostrils, driving her close, wanting more. He sensed it, and his hand slid from her back to her bottom, cupping one of her cheeks and lifting her up to him, pelvis to pelvis.

  He was a full blooded assertive male. He was hot, sexy and sure as hell knew how to kiss a woman. His mouth was warm, hard, and demanding just like the rest of him. She was lost.

  He pulled back meeting her eyes and slowly released her bottom allowing her to touch the floor with her toes. She stared at him speechless. Her eyes most likely registered the desire and wonder she was feeling. A triumphant smile of discovery graced his handsome features. It was like she’d met his expectations despite her confessions of not being intimate.

  “You kiss like the devil.”

  She did? “I—I think you get that compliment.”

  “Yes, but I’ve had experience. You are a natural.”

  “I am?”

  He nodded. “Eat your breakfast before it gets cold. I need a shower…a cold one.” He released her completely, kissed her lightly on the forehead and left whistling to himself.

  She plunked herself on the stool and stared at her plate of cold eggs propping her chin on her hand. She picked up her fork and stirred them absently. Was it possible to fall more in love with someone? He literally blew her mind. She may have been confident with everything else in her life at this time, but with men it was different. She always felt awkward, and gangly. He made her feel sexy, beautiful, and most importantly, desirable. She never saw herself in that light before. Well, she could certainly get addicted to it.

  Her fingertips slid over her swollen mouth. The action made her belly flip-flop at the memory. It was obvious to her now that Lance may seem so put together, calm and reserved, but he was a different man when it came to passion. Probably much like he was in the courtroom. He dished it out pretty aggressively. Gosh, though, if that was just a taste he could butter his bread with her after he really unleashed himself on her. She’d melt in his arms. Oh, and what he did with his tongue was—

  Enough of that! she scolded herself. She had to eat and get ready. The drive was more than two hours in good traffic.

  Her eyes went back to her cold breakfast. She was hungry. She could have easily heated it up, but she honestly didn’t want to mess around in his kitchen, and Mavis seemed to have disappeared when Lance grabbed her. She smiled slightly and looked down at her breakfast again. Then she shrugged, and ate it anyway. It certainly wasn’t the first time she had cold food. Nursing made it difficult to take breaks on time, or at all. You couldn’t exactly wave good-bye in the middle of a code because you’re hungry. She smiled to herself. God, she loved her job.

  After she ate, she went to her room to get ready.

  Her dress for the wedding was a red A-line chiffon cocktail dress with v-neckline. The bodice was ruched and the material fell to her knees showing her long shapely legs. It was suitable for July weather. She’d actually bought it for a function in Sulphur Springs and ended up working that night instead. It was nice to finally take it out and wear it. Red actually looked really good on her. The dress cost her about a hundred dollars, but it actually looked like it cost more when she put it on. She knew she looked good in it. Well, she thought she did. She was hoping Lance thought so too.

  She sat on the bed and put the silver heels on that Lance bought. People would be able to see them in this dress at least. The other one was too long and they were such beautiful shoes.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” she said continuing to put her shoes on. She actually thought it was Mavis, but surprisingly it was Lance.

  She may have thought she looked good, but Lance had her beat. He wore a black suit, dark blue tie with darker pin striping, and black shirt. The dark material set off his gorgeous eyes and again, his physique. His facial hair was neatly trimmed to stubble on his firm square jaw. He was dressed to impress, and boy did he ever.

  His brows rose when he saw her. “Red. What a perfect choice. Stand. Twirl.” He held out his hand.

  She smiled up at him, finished strapping on the last heel, and accepted his offered hand. She twirled in front of him.

  He let out a long slow whistle. “You are going to shame the bride.”

  Her face went as red as her dress. “It’s not that good.” She smoothed her hands down her dress feeling a little self-conscious. She was insecure about her appearance because he’d dated a lot of women, a lot of gorgeous women. She didn’t think she was unattractive, but she certainly wasn’t in their league.

  He rubbed his stubble dusted chin with his thumb and forefinger while contemplating her words. “You’re right.”

  Her face fell, but he continued.

  “Darling, you are stunning,” he corrected with a look of interest. Then he scanned the length of her slowly, taking his time to savor her appearance, before he met her eyes. “Your legs are sexy as hell, Tammy. Firm, long and smooth.”

  She flushed and waved a hand at him to change the subject. “Look at you. You’re going to have women following you like the Pied Piper.”

  He chuckled. “Flattery? And so over the top.”

  She gave him a sly sideways smile. “This from the man who confessed how he looked to the opposite sex.”

  He nodded. “True. I know what I look like. I’m also rich and smart as hell. So I know this is a pathetic distraction to stop me from complimenting you.”

  She rolled her eyes embarrassed, but she should have known better. “Yes Lance, you are intelligent, but I meant it—popular with the opposite sex.”

  “One woman at a time suits me fine.” He met her eyes.

  “Until you get bored.”

  He nodded in agreement.

  “What is the life expectancy of your semi-serious, Lance?”

  “Depends on the woman, and our compatibility.”

  “Such as?”

  He threaded his fingers through her hand, gave her a sly look, and led her toward the door of her room. “To answer your question, you have to answer mine first. If you want to know about my personal relationships, you have to tell me about Richard.”

  That shut her up.

  “Good choice.” He glanced at his watch. “Time to go. We have a two hour drive in traffic to reach the Hamptons before noon. Do you have everything you need?”

  “Oh, my purse.” She went back and picked it up from the end of the bed where she left it. She turned back and soaked up his striking image while he stood in the doorway waiting patiently and poised with his eyes on her. Suddenly she felt a wash of gratitude. The way the Hartleys, and especially Lance, were going out
of their way for her was very overwhelming. She couldn’t possibly return the favor in her lifetime. She walked up to him and squeezed his hand. “Lance, I have to thank you for all of this.”

  He stared down at her thoughtfully. She could see something shift in those gorgeous honey-brown eyes of his as he contemplated her words. She felt her abdominal muscles contract involuntarily as they stared at one another. Then he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. “No worries, Tam. Like I said before, you are part of our family.” His thumb caressed the diamond ring she wore. “And you are one of the most unselfish people I know. Sometimes you need to be looked after too.” He led her out of the room without another word. His compliment warmed her insides.


  “Why did you kiss me?” She wasn’t going to bring that up, but she couldn’t help it. It was niggling her. They’d been riding in the car for ten minutes in silence; him in complete comfort, and her feeling awkward. Out of all the women he had to choose from, it seemed as if he was beginning to get interested in her. Not that she’d complain, but she had problems trying to understand why, and more importantly she really didn’t want her heart shattered.

  He adjusted his big body on the plush leather of the seat to stare at her. His eyes moved over her face for a moment before he spoke. “First, because you seriously needed it. Second, because you have an incredible mouth, Tammy. I wanted to taste it,” he answered honestly and softly.

  Her brows rose. “Really?” He thought her mouth was incredible?

  He nodded.

  “And?” Her curiosity got the better of her again. She wanted to know what he thought of her kisses.

  He grinned.

  She blushed. “Thanks Lance, I needed that boost of confidence for today.”

  “You’re very welcome. I did mean it.”

  She smiled up at him. Yes, she believed him. He had enough experience with women to let her know and Lance wouldn’t lie about something like that. It made her heart soar.

  “You also have a great ass,” he added out of the blue.

  Her eyes darted to him. Leave it to Lance to say something like that and not be embarrassed. “Lance!”

  For some reason her astonishment didn’t even faze him. Instead a sensual smile spread across his handsome face.

  He lifted his hand and held it, palm up. “It’s a perfect fit in my hand. A nice round curve that’s firm, yet graspable.”


  “Don’t look so surprised Tammy. You have a great body. I’m surprised you’re not chased all over town.”

  She was certain her blush was glowing in the interior of the car now.

  “Then again, you do work too much. I guess that doesn’t leave much for socializing.”

  “I’m not interested in dating at the moment.”

  He tilted his head back slightly as if to read her better. After a moment he nodded. “I suppose Richard took care of that for you—the fear of intimacy.”

  It wasn’t a question, but yes, he was right. She was scared of intimacy.

  “However, you had no problem responding to me.”

  She looked down at her hands that were folded on her lap. Of course she didn’t, she was in love with him. She couldn’t look at him, or he’d see her feelings as clear as day. He had a knack for seeing into her all too easily. She felt a strong warm finger under her chin. He tilted her head up so she’d meet his eyes. He already knew she was attracted to him, but not how much she really loved him.

  “I know it’s difficult for you, the openness I have with the opposite sex about intimacy. However, it’s not uncommon for people to discuss their preferences. You’re just not used to it.”

  “No, I’m not.” She could breathe a sigh of relief. He couldn’t see the affection for him in her eyes, but assumed it was something else. What he didn’t know is her patients had questions about things like that and it didn’t bother her to listen at all. However, because she didn’t have any experience, she would refer them to some counseling or to an expert in the field. She’d never try and give advice on something she knew nothing about. She’d heard just about anything and everything that had to do with sex, but just couldn’t bring herself to open up and do the same especially with someone she was in love with.

  “You are curious though.”

  It wasn’t a question, but statement. They’d already established the curiosity thing, but she nodded, answering it.

  “Tell me what you expect, then.”

  “P—Pardon?” Her jaw fell as it sunk in what he meant. “I—I can’t do that.”

  “Okay, then tell me what you think intimacy should be like.”

  She flushed bright red. “Lance, this isn’t easy for me.”

  “I know it isn’t, but we’re friends. You should be able to talk about this with a man. That way he knows what you expect, your fears, and your pleasures.”

  “Oh God,” she breathed out. Then her belly somersaulted at an image of him on top of her, flesh on flesh; his hard, heavy body, pressing her into the mattress, while he made love to her. His large hands circling her wrists and pinning them over her head—And that mouth! Oh, that hot mouth, moving over her skin. How could she possibly tell him that her fantasies were about him? That the images she saw of intimacy were about them together? That she wanted to know what it was like having his hot muscular body touching every inch of her? She pinched her eyes shut and groaned. Thankfully he misread it.

  He only chuckled. “Okay, I’ll stop. This is making you uncomfortable.”


  “I just think it’s fascinating that you haven’t been intimate with a man considering the amount of passion you showed me earlier.”

  “I—It was unexpected. I think I just went with it.”

  He shook his head slowly. “People don’t just go ‘with it’. There’s always some attraction there whether it be sexual, or emotional.”

  Why did he have to be so darn insightful? Still, no use in lying, he’d see right through her. “There is. You know there is. You found that out last night.”

  There was a slight pause before he answered, and when she met his eyes, she could see he was contemplating her statement. She thought he might be offended or put off by her confession, but he surprised her, yet again.

  “Good. I was just checking. You were quite off balance last night after your parents’ party. I didn’t want to embarrass you by assuming.”

  Good? Her eyes went to his handsome profile as he stared out the front window for a moment. She was always very vocal about things, but not about intimacy. Maybe he was right, that she should ask questions and quiet her curiosity. There was one question, and before she lost her courage, she asked. “Do you really think I have a nice bottom?” After all, hers wasn’t the first rear end he’d put his hands on. She really had to know if he was just trying to make her feel better about herself because she was upset at the time.

  He looked at her and smiled his approval. Then he turned toward her again giving her his undivided attention. His eyes moved over her body slowly in interest, before answering her. “Yes, it’s perfect. I can’t help but think about things I could do to that ass.”

  She should have expected a straight forward blunt answer. Well, there went her cheeks again. She quickly turned away. Okay, he was way beyond her in experience. And, so flipping confident! She sure as hell wasn’t going to ask him what he meant by that. It didn’t matter anyway. She opened the floodgates now.

  “Of course I’ll wait.”

  “Wait?” Her eyes widened and she faced him again. Why did he have to look so relaxed, and confident, and so darn handsome during such a discussion?

  He nodded at her question telling her she heard him correctly.

  He was so sure of himself, and he had every right to be. Yet, here she sat next to him feeling very vulnerable and not worth his attention. It wasn’t often she felt that way despite the way Richard and her mother always treated her. After she distanced herself from he
r family, she found confidence in herself, her life, and her job. Still, the vulnerability around Lance, didn’t give her that sick twisted feeling in her gut that her mother was able to instill in her. It was the curiosity about the intimacy and the unknown that made her vulnerable. Furthermore, this seemingly indecipherable man was finally showing interest in her.

  He took her hand, the one with the large engagement ring again, lifted it and ran his finger over the diamond before he kissed it and answered her. “We have a good connection. You are curious, and you let me kiss you. I’ll wait and let you decide if, or when, you want to take this further.”

  She could have denied it, but he’d call her on it and she’d end up revealing how she really felt if she opened her mouth. His statement did leave her momentarily speechless though. It was true, that she was thinking he was showing some interest, but this was Lance Hartley! She started to brush it aside as soon as she thought it. To her, he was a God among men. Damn, she sounded like a silly teenager, but this wasn’t the same. She really did love him. No one has a crush that lasts five years unless you were an obsessed crazy person, and she wasn’t crazy. She stayed out of his way, never sought him out, and always stayed in the background. She never stalked him or asked family and friends about him. Instead she worked, and worked. She honestly never thought he’d show interest in her so she’d never tried. No, not a crazy person, just a fool in love.

  “I won’t push you.”

  “Thank you.” What else could she say? She couldn’t say ‘no’ because he’d give up on her, and God, she really really wanted him. Also, it may not end up in a long term relationship because, as she suspected, he got bored easily. He needed someone stimulating to keep his interest. Could she possibly do all that?

  Well, she was approaching twenty-seven, a virgin, and never had a serious relationship. She sure as heck didn’t want to die that way, and she wanted to experience that with someone she loved despite the lack of reciprocation.


  She met his honeyed gaze. Even if she wanted to refuse, that look, right there, took everything from her. Then there was her screaming heart. “I think I would like that.”


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