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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 84

by Carl East

  Suddenly she gushed, and tried to double up into a ball, because the sensations were so intense. Someone else, someone who’d just joined the fray, then replaced her husband. Taking this new cock into her mouth, she tried to guess whom it belonged to, and lost her concentration, when, whoever it was, pushed his cock into her throat. Her thighs were now so wet, it felt like she was lying in a puddle.

  She was then taken by surprise as strong hands lifted her off the bed, and someone got underneath her. She knew what was coming, and waited with baited breath as this new body poked her ass with another raging hard on. When he started to penetrate her anal passage, she cried out once again. She then felt another cock pressing her lips, and wanting to join the other one in her mouth. She suddenly found herself sucking two bell ends while yet another cock got between her legs and entered her cunt.

  In unison the two cocks between her legs, began to pump her one at a time. She could feel the guy in her ass pushing it all the way in, and estimated him to be at least eight inches long. Meanwhile, her pussy was feeling stretched, and she guessed it was probably Brian as he was the biggest of her sons.

  She was feeling faint now, and could feel two mouths covering her nipples. They sucked her roughly, and stroked her body as the cocks in her ass and pussy began to really speed up. Her cries now were for them to stop, it was too much, but they ignored her and watched as her cunt once again gushed with her juices. Her orgasm was alien to her this time, she’d never known this sort of intensity, and suddenly she was gushing over and over again.

  Her mind raced at the feelings she was experiencing, and when the two cocks in her mouth came almost together, she deliberately allowed their jism to leak from the corners of her mouth. She felt dirty, and wanted to feel the sticky ooze of man seed covering her body, as it ran from her mouth and down her neck and breasts. This was all too much for those in her ass and pussy, for they too started to cum all over her.

  She’d lost all track of who was who now, and reveled in the feelings of the sticky mass covering her naked frame. Her husband then removed her blindfold, and she found her daughter wearing a strap on standing next to the bed. Her orgasms seemed to last forever, and her smile spread from ear to ear, as her daughter kissed her to finish her off.

  For a few minutes after being untied, she never spoke. Her body needed to recover, before she could thank them all for a marvelous wake up call. Getting off the bed, as her orgasm began to fade, she turned to them all.

  “That was unbelievable, thank you,” she said, hugging her husband.

  “You’re most welcome my dear. Now, it’s the end of the first week in London, so what do you want to do today?” replied her husband, whilst getting dressed.

  “I thought we’d all go to the zoo today, in Hyde Park. It’s supposed to be quite a good day out, and we could take a picnic with us,” she suggested, getting dressed herself.

  “Well, it sounds like a good idea to me,” replied Sophia, with everyone nodding.

  Shortly after that conversation they were on the way to the zoo, and perhaps there next sexual adventure.

  Chapter 22

  Sophia awoke in a sweat; she was burning up with the need to fuck. After thrusting her hand down her panties, and finger fucking her self for half an hour, she still felt that she needed a man to thrust a cock inside her or she’d burst. Getting out of bed she went out into the hall of the hotel, looking for anyone who had a cock.

  Her dream like state could be considered abnormal, but her desires were real. If she didn’t get laid pretty soon, she was going to be ill, and her body was telling her that. She could be seen trying all the doors along the corridor, without any success. She then got into the lift, and pressed the button for the basement.

  When it stopped she wandered down the long corridor, and was picked up on camera by the hotel’s security staff. It wasn’t the fact she was walking in the basement that drew the officers attention, but what she was wearing. Her nightshirt barely covered her panties, and the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra stood out for anyone to see.

  After radioing a couple of his colleagues to meet him at Subsection 4b, Michael took his torch out of the desk, and after fixing it to his belt, proceeded down the stairs to the basement. There he met up with his workmates, and told them the score. He needn’t have bothered for directly in front of them walked Sophia, looking lost and in a daze.

  “Can I help you miss?” said Michael, touching her arm.

  She ignored him, and seemed to be looking for something.

  “Um, excuse me miss, is everything all right?” he said, thinking maybe she was in some sort of distress.

  When he still didn’t get a response, he and the others guided her to the lift, with the intention of finding out which room she came from. Once the doors had closed, Sophia pressed the emergency stop button, and swiftly took off her nightshirt. The security officers didn’t quite know what to do, nymphomaniacs never came up in training. Michael laughed at that thought, but couldn’t help being turned on by Sophia’s incredible breasts.

  She reached for Michael’s pants, and stroked his hardening cock. The other two watched, curious as to how far this young lady would go. Michael tried to talk with her, but the more her hand stroked the hardening shape of his cock through his pants the harder it became to concentrate. Looking down, and seeing her erect nipples, and knowing she only wore panties wasn’t helping.

  When Sophia suddenly managed to get her hand inside his trousers, and grip his cock, he stopped trying anything. Before he could react any further, Sophia was on her knees sucking his shaft, and turning the other two on by how far she was letting his cock enter her mouth. They both watched as her mouth engulfed Michael, and couldn’t help being hypnotized as her breasts swung seductively to and fro.

  Suddenly the heat in that lift was too much, and the guys started to take off their clothes. Straightening Sophia’s legs so that she still had Michael’s cock in her mouth, Philip pulled down her panties, and spread her legs a little. After rubbing the end of his stiff joint around her ever-increasing wetness, he attempted to push his cock in. At first the lips of her pussy stopped him, until she reached around and held her cheeks apart. He then seemed to slide in with ease, and began to fuck her gorgeous body.

  Sophia began to get audible at that point, moaning out loud as Philip slammed his cock into her cunt. She was so enjoying the feeling of Michael’s hardness scraping the back of her throat with lust, and how wet she was getting from the guy inside her. She wasn’t aware that the third security guard was now masturbating over the show before him, and felt very close to ejaculating.

  “Oh guys, this slut is fucking good,” said Michael, as he watched his cock disappearing for the umpteenth time, into her throat.

  Philip just nodded in agreement as he slammed his cock into her cunt again, and felt how wet she was. Their friend, by now had cum his load, and was watching it running down Sophia’s back, as he carried on rubbing himself.

  Sophia felt her first orgasm approaching, and deliberately backed onto her assailant a little bit harder. She needed to feel herself being violated, as it made her urges subside. She then felt Michael exploding in the roof of her mouth, and tasted his sweet jism as it smothered her tongue. As she swallowed, her pussy began to fill with cock seed, and it was seeping out and running down her legs.

  Michael’s knees threatened to give way, as Sophia sucked the last drops of his semen from the tip of his still hard cock. Philip smacked her ass, as his last drops pumped out of him, and then it was over, and the guys watched her pressing the floor she needed to get off of. When it arrived they were all tided up, and they escorted Sophia safely back to her room.

  Sophia entered her room, not aware that her mother and brother were concerned with where she’d gone. As they couldn’t get anything from her though, they waited until she lay down.

  “She’s been at it again, look at the jism on her legs,” said her mother, as Sophia got into bed.

��Hey mom, how about us getting it on together, I could do with a good fuck,” said Brian, as he rubbed his cock through his jeans.

  “The thought of your sister getting it on, really turns you on, doesn’t?” replied his mother, leaning over and stroking the lump in his pants.

  “Yeah slut…you know you want my big cock in your cunt, so don’t deny it,” he said, unzipping his jeans.

  “I love it when you talk to me like that, it makes me want to feel that cock, rubbing the back of my throat,” she replied, bending down as his jeans fell around his feet.

  With both hands, his mother swiftly removed his briefs, and grabbed his shaft. He felt her running her tongue around the tip, as he watched his sister’s exposed breasts while she slept.

  “I’m going to fuck your throat slut, and feed my seed to you,” he said, pushing his cock into the back of her mouth.

  “Mmm…oh yes,” replied his mother, as she allowed her skirt to fall to the floor, and rubbed her panties wet mark.

  She then felt a tongue licking her butt cheeks, and realized that Sophia was joining in. Brian was fucking his mother’s throat, and watching what his sister was doing. Sophia pulled her mother’s panties to one side, and licked the outer soft skin of her pussy. Her mother moaned with the pleasure this caused, and began to move her hips to and fro as Sophia’s tongue darted inside her womanhood.

  “I’m going to cum, take it all SLUT,” shouted Brian, tensing as the first spurt hit her throat.

  His mother gorged herself with his seed, sucking and swallowing each and every drop that past her lips. Sophia was now making her mother climax, as she’d started to finger fuck her as well as teasing her clit.

  “Oh god, I’m coming,” said Sophia’s mother, and had to hold onto Brian.

  Sophia went back to bed after that, and the other two decided to leave her alone.

  Chapter 23

  By now Sophia was well aware that she had a major problem, her sex drive was abnormally high. She'd been to see her Doctor, but he'd never come across an actual Nymphomaniac before, so was little, if any help. He did explain, as he knew it though, just what happens when you become a Nymphomaniac. Apparently, your body produces something called endorphins, which only appear when the body is excited or over stimulated. In Sophia's case these endorphins were being produced all the time, as opposed to now and again.

  So her body expected to feel good. As for not being aware she's acting in the manner she described to her Doctor during sleep. He simply thought that one part of her brain was rejecting her needs, and blocking her memory. Which was all well and good, but it didn't really help her in any constructive fashion. She was feeling low at that particular moment, as her brothers had left her in a café across the road from an arcade.

  They wanted to play the slot and games machines, but knew that it bored Sophia. Sophia sat staring out the window, and noticed several things. Firstly, whenever someone attractive came along the street, she would get excited and could feel her pussy getting wet. This in turn told her why she desired so much, yet couldn't deal with those thoughts in a more constructive manner. Her body was informing her that it expected to be stimulated, and when it didn't happen, she would be so bombarded with messages of lust in which she'd lose control, and have to fuck someone.

  Thinking about it, she realized for herself, why this was happening during her sleeping state. She was being over stimulated, and being told to act upon it by her brain. Of course the brain is a marvelous machine, in that it can cope with just about any minor ailment, like a headache, but when it came to things like stimulation, it didn't know it wasn't supposed to over stimulate, only that it must produce more endorphins.

  After sitting there for nearly an hour, Sophia was starting to get a little agitated, and decided to go for a walk. Being in London was a big deal for Sophia, she'd always wanted to see this city, but she didn't know her way around. So when she ended up in Soho, she didn't know it was the red light district. She spotted the clubs, with their bigger than life posters, advertising the many girls within, but didn't really pay that much attention.

  It was when she felt thirsty that her day really started, for she picked a small club that was giving out free admission tickets at the front door. Once inside, she was too thirsty to notice all the action on the stage and just ordered herself a drink from the bar. Once her thirst was quenched however, she turned around and spotted the simulated sex being performed on stage.

  They might not being having sex, but it looked so erotic to Sophia, as the guy tore the woman's clothing off in a seductive dance. She decided to watch this for a while, and sat up near the front. The club was only half full, but the acts were all pretty good. In the second act she saw that day, a male Adonis was stripping and teasing the only two women there, and Sophia happened to be one of them. What he couldn't know, was that his butt thrusts and pelvic maneuvers were making Sophia very wet, and once or twice she nearly lost control and reached for the bulge between his legs. She very nearly left after that act, feeling frustrated by the lack of anyone touching her.

  The next act however, called for a volunteer, and it had to be a woman. Sophia didn't hesitate, and got up onto the stage without much prompting. This act called for a woman being danced around in a seductive manner by two men, as they striped their clothes in front of her. She could touch their upper parts, but wasn't allowed to touch their genitalia.

  It was during the last five minutes of this act that Sophia suddenly started to lose control, and began to disrobe herself. The guys loved this, and even helped her remove her blouse as they got down to their tight briefs. Sophia was soon dancing around on stage wearing only her panties and bra. Needless to say the crowd was enjoying this twist in the performance, and had been cheering Sophia whenever she removed an item of clothing.

  The manager was also enjoying it, so much so in fact that he closed and locked the front door, in case Sophia went too far. He knew all the regulars, so he wasn't concerned that they might squeal, and besides it's their word against his. Coming back to the foot of the stage the manager watched as Sophia removed her bra and threw it out into the crowd. She actually got applauded for that, as her breasts were simply perfect in everyway.

  The manager, who by now was getting quite an erection, wondered how far this young lady would go, and was about to find out. Sophia suddenly started to tease the men, by pulling her panties down just enough to notice she'd shaved, and wouldn't go any further until they removed their briefs. One of them checked with the manager with a glance and found him nodding, as if to say it's all right. He then pulled his tight briefs off, and danced nearer to Sophia with a semi-hard cock dangling between his legs.

  Sophia ran her hand over it seductively, and watched it start to grow. The crowd was now dead quiet, and was watching every move Sophia made. The other guy now removed his briefs, and she could see he was already hard. After running his cock up her butt cheeks, and pretending to fuck her, he found her hand coming around the back and guiding the tip of his cock onto her pussy. She still wore panties as his cock kept darting along her panty line, and appearing through her legs at the front.

  Just then, in one swift movement Sophia removed her panties, revealing a beautifully shaved pussy that glistened with excitement. The cock between her legs was now touching her pussy lips, which in turn was driving her wild. The guy in front was now fully hard as well, and Sophia licked her lips just looking at this specimen. He had at least ten inches of rock hard cock in his hands, and was teasing her with it as she felt the tip of the guys cock behind her rubbing her clit.

  Suddenly she opened her legs and bent down, and in that moment the guy behind her entered her sopping wet cunt. She moaned out loud, and reached for the large cock in front of her. Once she held it in both hands she guided it to her mouth and the act began. Her pussy felt like it was on fire as the guy behind her began to plunge his meat into her moist cunt, and her throat was tingling, as the cock scrapping it kept withdrawing slowly but surely.
Her soft moans of pleasure were echoing around the club, thanks to the mike sitting on the stage near to where she was bending over. And she could feel her first orgasm approaching, as the cock inside her began to go faster.


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