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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 85

by Carl East

  When she did cum, her screams filled the room, and she noticed some of the men in the audience masturbating to the show on stage. This in turn made her orgasm that much stronger, and she could feel her pelvic muscles tightening around the cock as her juices started to flow over it. As she came her body shuddered, and she once again concentrated on the cock in her mouth.

  As yet neither one of the guys had cum, but that was about to change as Sophia was now deep throating the guy in front, and was making him groan with pleasure. When he did start to cum, Sophia wasn't ready for the amount of man seed he was about to deposit in her mouth, for it fairly exploded into her throat making her choke a little. Recovering quickly, she allowed the excess to seep from her mouth onto her chin, but when swallowing his first load, she used her fingers to scoop it back into her mouth.

  The guy behind her was now groaning, and she could feel his cock twitching inside her. Knowing he was about to cum, Sophia began to grind her butt up against his lower stomach, and then felt the first surge of cum hitting the back of her pussy. There were a couple of soft moans coming from the audience at that moment, and Sophia knew at least one other person had just reached the peak of excitement.

  Once both the guys withdrew from her body, Sophia jumped onto the guy in front of her, impaling her wet cunt onto his still hard cock. She then gripped his neck, and pulled her hips up, and then dropped onto him again, as he struggled to keep her there. Then the other guy helped to take her weight by inserting his cock into her ass, and they both began to grind their cocks into both pleasure holes.

  The crowd was now clapping Sophia's efforts, and couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Each time the guy in front withdrew, the guy behind penetrated her ass and she loved every single minute of this raw hard sex. Her body was sending messages to her brain, that she was about to experience the ultimate in orgasms, and knew that she would soon be sated.

  When she did cum, she'd timed it to perfection, for as her juices gushed over the hard cock inside her cunt, she felt him explode as well, followed shortly by the cock in her ass. Her cries of joy as her pussy released seemingly vast quantities of her womanhood, over and on her assailants cock, were enough to make any man shoot his load. Their bodies glistened with sweat, and you could both hear and see the juices coming from all three naked bodies dripping onto the floor.

  When they finally placed her feet back onto the ground, the crowd cheered her efforts, and some of them helped to gather her clothes together. The manager came over, as she was putting her skirt back on, to thank her for such an entertaining performance and that if she were ever in town, to look them up again. Sophia smiled and thanked him for his offer, but she knew she had to get back now, or her brother's would start to panic.

  When she reached the café, her brothers were waiting outside. As they'd only been there for twenty minutes, they never said much, and they all proceeded back to the hotel.

  Chapter 24

  Sophia was dreaming she was being punished for all her wicked ways, in the very pits of hell. Her tormentors had her chained to the ceiling, and floor. Her legs were wide open, and her arms outstretched. Tongues were licking her nipples, and feathers were being used to tease her inner thighs, but the longer the dream went on, the more frustrated she would feel. Until, that is, her mind told her to seek help from those around her, but more importantly, get laid.

  Getting out of bed, Sophia opened her bedroom door, and stepped out into the hallway. Turning left she proceeded into her brother's hotel room, and sat down next to his sleeping form. After gently pulling the bedclothes down, Sophia reached into Brad's briefs and held onto his semi-hard cock. He murmured, and turned his head on the pillow, but he stayed asleep. In his mind a beautiful woman was stroking his cock, and he was laying back looking into her eyes.

  Sophia could feel his cock stiffening in the palm of her hand, as she stroked him slowly. When he was completely hard, she leaned over and took the tip of his cock into her mouth. Brad was now dreaming he was making love, and felt very warm in the heat of the day. Sophia ran the tip of her tongue around the rim of his penis, and poked the tiny slit at the end. Brad moaned, and opened his eyes.

  "Oh sis, that feels so good," he said, looking down the bed.

  Sophia never replied, even though she heard every word. For some reason her mind wouldn't acknowledge that it was receiving input, and therefore couldn't form a response. The only thing that was important to her, was getting off, and using others to achieve this goal. Brad knew none of this however, and gasped as his cock suddenly sank deep into Sophia's throat.

  Her throat muscles seemed to squeeze the head, as the cock ran by, and Sophia muttered sounds of pleasure. Her ability to take a man's cock to extreme depths was only matched by her ferocious sexual prowess. This craving for man seed was more an addiction, than anything else, and one, only she could fight. Brad watched her head bobbing up and down, and felt quite close to ejaculating.

  When he did, he stroked her hair, and gently held her head in place. Not that that was necessary, for Sophia's only goal was satisfying this need deep inside her sub- conscious. Brad felt his jism shooting into the back of her throat, and made a grunting sound and little murmurs of joy as the second one approached. By now her tongue was licking the entire length of his hardness, and swallowing every drop of his seed, until finally he stopped ejaculating.

  Once it was over Sophia got off the bed, and left the room. Brad watched her, and when he was happy she'd gone back to bed, he retired for the second time that night. An hour later though, and she was on the prowl once again. This time she opened a hotel door along the corridor that didn't belong to any of her family. She moved around in the dark, once she'd entered the room, and promptly stubbed her big toe on the corner of a coffee table leg.

  In that instant she came around, and was aware of her surroundings, and also the light went on. The perfect stranger sitting up in bed, opened his mouth to speak, but upon witnessing how little Sophia was wearing he wasn't sure just what to say.

  "I'm so sorry, I've been sleepwalking, and when I banged my big toe on your table, it woke me up," she said, sitting on the floor with one leg bent towards her in order that she might hold her toe.

  " okay then," he said, clumsily as he spotted she wasn't wearing any panties.

  After standing up Sophia hobbled to the end of the bed, and sat down holding her foot.

  "So tell me, how often does this happen?" said the stranger, in an attempt to start a conversation.

  "Oh, ever since I had a fall back home, but it's been getting worse over the last two weeks," she replied, "oh, I'm Sophia by the way," she added, as she offered him her hand.

  "I'm Conrad, but my friends call me Rad," he replied, taking a grip of her delicate hand, and shaking it, "so, do you meet all new men like this, or am I special?" he said, trying to make her smile.

  Sophia did smile, and apologized once more before attempting to stand again.

  "Wait, don't go…I can't tell them back home, a beautiful woman came into my room in the middle of the night, woke me up and just left. They wouldn't believe it," he said, with a broad grin on his face.

  Sophia had always been a good judge of character, and could sense something about Rad that she liked. It was enough to make her pause, and want to sit a bit nearer.

  "So, how would you like this story to develop then?" she said, sitting on his side of the double bed.

  "Well, at the very least, how this gorgeous young woman seduced me, and made me do all kinds of naughty things."

  At that moment Sophia laughed, and Rad joined in. She liked him, and she sensed he liked her. For a moment there was one of those awkward silences, where neither one of them could think of a thing to say. Then Rad offered her a drink, and was pleased when she accepted it. Getting up from the bed, Rad crossed over to the sideboard and poured a couple of brandies.

  "Cheers," he said, "Here's to the next lucky guy who gets an evening visit from a vision such as you,"
he said, touching her glass with his own.

  She smiled and sipped her drink, and she also noticed his eyes for the first time. He had the most amazing deep green eyes, she'd ever seen, and was fairly good looking as well. She estimated his age at around thirty-five, and wondered (in her horny mind) what he was like in bed. Rad could tell she was getting nearer to him, and enjoyed the glimpses of her legs as she shuffled up the side of the bed.

  "Rad, would you mind if I kissed you?" she said, suddenly.

  Rad was taken by surprise, but liked the idea never the less.

  "I wish you would," he replied, sitting straight and watching her every move.

  Sophia leaned forward, and kissed him tenderly upon the lips. Brad responded by kissing back and suddenly they were swapping tongues. When the kiss was finished, Sophia leaned back with her eyes still closed. She'd enjoyed that, and wished it had gone on a little longer.

  "You're a funny girl," he said, making her eyes re-open.

  "Why's that?" she replied, looking into his eyes.

  "Well, you stub your toe in someone else's room, and then surprise him by asking for a kiss, and the only thing I know about you, is that your name is Sophia and you sleepwalk," he said, with a broad grin on his face.

  "Hey, how else are you going to meet people," she responded, and suddenly they were kissing again.

  Words no longer seemed important after that, for they both knew what they wanted. Rad placed his right hand onto Sophia's soft cheek as they kissed, and let his other hand unfasten her nightshirt buttons. She didn't resist, and as he freed her breasts, he bent over and sucked a nipple into his mouth gently.

  Sophia held the back of his head, and then decided to take charge. Pushing him backwards, she stroked his inner thigh over his pajama bottoms, and when she reached his hard cock she placed a hand down them. He let out a deep sigh, and lay back on the bed. Suddenly he could feel the tip of his cock passing her lips, and entering her mouth. He couldn't believe how far his cock was going in, as she commenced in giving him the best blowjob he'd ever known.

  He watched her hair bobbing back and forth, totally amazed at how proficient she was at giving head. His cock pulsed as this delightful torment continued, and he knew at this rate he wouldn't last too long. He caressed her back as she continued, and loved the little murmurs coming from her mouth. He then warned her that his seed was about to make an appearance, but she kept on going.

  When he came the first time, he hadn't been expecting it to exit so forcefully, yet he was shocked that Sophia could take it all and not even flinch. When his second spurt came, he closed his eyes, and wallowed in the feelings her tongue was sending through his cock. Still she carried on, until she was sure he had stopped coming, and that he remained hard. When she was sure, she lifted her head up and smiled. Rad kissed her again, only this time he took charge, and turned her over onto her back. Quickly getting between her legs, Rad then guided his cock to her pussy and pushed it gently but firmly in. She now closed her eyes, as his beautiful cock penetrated her inner sanctum.

  Her tongue rolled around her lips, and she enjoyed how much he stretched her pussy as he began to bring it out again. Rad looked down between their legs, to see his cock glistening with her juices as he slid it back in. She let out a moan of pleasure, and placed her arms over his back, in an effort to bring him closer to her.

  Rad began to speed up at that moment, and Sophia began to moan louder. He was making her feel like a woman, a real woman. This wasn't just lust, this was making love. When she started to climax, she was looking into his eyes, and wishing that this could go on forever. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and when they had both climaxed for the second time, they lay in bed next to one another, just holding on and not thinking about what tomorrow would bring.

  Chapter 25

  The Stride family had just four days left of their vacation in London, and everyone was making the best of them. Sophia had plans to go to one of the many nightclubs, and looked forward to dancing the night away. Mr. Stride and his wife wanted to see the history museum, and the planetarium. While the four brother's were thinking of going on a pub crawl, in order to sample the many different ales, and check out the old style taverns that are dotted around London's streets.

  Sophia wasn't sure what to wear, until she asked the receptionist in their hotel. It turned out she was a regular on the club scene, and knew all the best places. She also knew what to wear, and how to get noticed. She even offered to show Sophia around, if she was serious about going. When she confirmed that she was indeed serious about it all, the receptionist, who's name was Clair, told her to meet in the reception at eight o' clock that night, and to be ready to hit the town.

  Later on that day, Sophia's mother asked if she'd be okay, and after telling her that everything was fine, her mother and father said their goodbyes, and went out into the city to see the sights. Sophia's brother's left next, after trying to entice her to join them, but she was adamant that she was going clubbing tonight, and so they left her alone. Sophia took the rest of the afternoon to get ready, and paid special attention to her make-up.

  By the time she was standing at the reception waiting for Clair, she was dressed in a wrap around cotton dress that buttoned up at the side, stockings and high heel shoes. She looked quite stunning, and her low cut dress was guaranteed to turn heads.

  "Oh wow," said Clair, when she was ready, "you look incredible."

  "Thank you, you look pretty hot yourself," replied Sophia.

  Clair suggested that they hit a couple of pubs first, in order to get into the dancing mood and loosen up with a few drinks. Sophia agreed, and so they were off. Two hours and three strong drinks later, Clair was taking her to the Ritz, which was a well-known nightspot.

  "Let me warn you before we go in Sophia, once the men see you, they'll be like bees around honey, so if you need rescuing, just give me a nod and I'll come running," said Clair, when they arrived.

  There was a queue to get in, with two bouncers checking people before allowing them entrance. When Clair and Sophia got to the door, they were passed through without any fuss. They headed straight for the bar, and Sophia admired the décor inside the club itself. The lighting alone was spectacular, but the many varied pictures of scantily clad models (both male and female) adorning the walls were quite an eye opener.

  It wasn't long before the first of many men approached Sophia, asking her for a dance. She was only too glad to oblige, as she was there to have fun. Towards the later half of the evening the club was getting notably crowded, and the men were out numbering the women two to one. On more than one occasion, Sophia found herself dancing among half a dozen men, and all interacting with her in one way or another. It was the last hour of the night that things started to get really interesting though, for as Clair and Sophia danced together provocatively all the men gathered round to join them.

  With no one on the dance floor who'd had more than their fair share of alcohol, it was becoming a tease fest as Sophia rubbed herself up against the men that danced around her. At one point Clair unfastened a couple of Sophia's buttons, and watched as the men all tried to get an eyeful. It was during this period when one of the guys began to get a little more adventurous, by taking hold of Sophia and dancing real close. So close in fact, that Sophia could feel his hard cock pressing against her thigh.

  With each new move on the dance floor, Sophia managed to rub herself up against his shaft, and loved how risky it was all becoming. In the heat of one particular track being played, the guy she'd been teasing suddenly kissed her passionately, and unfastened a couple more buttons. Sophia responded by unfastening the rest and opening her dress up for all to see.

  Her breasts were the first things anyone noticed, as they were struggling to stay inside the tight bra she was wearing. After a minute or so, she suddenly felt hands removing her bra, and the crowd around them got bigger. From the bar, it looked like the floor was packed, and no one could see what was going on in the m
iddle of the dance area. Sophia dropped her dress, and continued dancing topless wearing just her panties, stockings and high heels.

  At that point, several men were fondling her breasts, and Clair had decided to join Sophia, by removing her top. The heat was rising within the men dancing around, and some of them started to take off their shirts. Before long, the touching became more serious, and Sophia found herself dancing with someone who had their hands down her panties and was fingering her as they danced. She, in turn was rubbing his hardened cock, and could feel how excited this guy was.


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