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Surviving For Tomorrow (Demented MC: Quitman Chapter Book 1)

Page 8

by Vera Quinn

  “Put this food in with the food the ol’ ladies are bringing. Do not eat it. It’s for the cookout later.” He’s gone just as fast as he appeared. “Time for some fun.” I look at Gracie and then to Ma.

  “I’m ready. What about you Shelby?” Ma asks playing with Shelby. Shelby laughs at her.

  “I’m ready, too.” Gracie puts in. I put the truck in drive and drive the few miles left to big downtown Quitman. There are booths everywhere and kids running around laughing. They have a small carnival for the small kids, and I see pony rides. I find us a parking spot that we will be able to get out of easily later. I pat Gracie on the leg and give her a smile, and she gives me the most beautiful smile in return. This woman is melting my cold ass heart.

  “Let’s do this. Pony rides first for Shelby.” Gracie looks a little apprehensive.

  “Babe, don’t worry. I will never let go of her.” She relaxed a little then. Shelby got the pony ride, and she loved it. Gracie and Ma took picture after picture. After that, we went to the little carousel rides, and Gracie was going to stand beside Shelby, but that little minx was not letting me go so I did the only thing I could do. Looked all badass standing right beside her.

  Salty and his ol’ lady seen me on there with Shelby and I'd be damn if they didn’t start taking pictures on their phones and laughing their asses off. No doubt I will be hearing about this later. It doesn’t matter, Shelby never quit laughing and smiling, and that is all that matters. Next stop face painting, and this is where I draw the line. None of that shit going on my face.

  When we walk up to it, I see Dawg Man and his ol’ lady and three kids. He has three girls. That man had to be cursed. They’re all real beauties, but he is going to have to sleep with one eye open until they all turn eighteen. His oldest one is twelve and youngest around two. I hand Shelby off to Ma and take Gracie’s hand and pull her over to Dawg Man and Sylvie, his ol’ lady. “Dawg Man and Sylvie this is Gracie.” Gracie shakes Sylvie’s hand, and Dawg Man nods his head. I point over to my Ma. “That’s her baby girl, Shelby.”

  “How old is she? She is a beauty.” Sylvie asks Gracie.

  “She’s almost sixteen months old and thanks. She is something. Rebel is spoiling her today. She’s not used to all of this attention.” I can tell Gracie is a little nervous but Sylvie is a sweet woman and is trying to put Gracie at ease.

  “We have three girls age twelve, ten and two. They are scattered with friends and family. Erica and Tessa are hanging with friends, and my mom and dad have Brooklyn over by the ponies.” Gracie hasn’t relaxed completely yet, but she is getting there, paying close attention to what Sylvie is saying. “I’m going to get me a drink. Want to come with me, Gracie?” Gracie looks at Ma and Shelby.

  “Go ahead, they will be a few minutes. I will wait, and when they are done, we will come that way.” Gracie nods at me. “Sylvie make your way over where they have the food vendors set up. We can grab a small snack. I don’t want to get too full I know we have food waiting at the clubhouse.” I pull Gracie to me and kiss her on her forehead. I would love to give her a real kiss, but I don’t think she is ready for that yet, but I want everyone around to know she is mine. I watch as Gracie and Sylvie walk away.

  “You have it bad, boss. Never pictured you as a man who would want a ready-made family. That’s a lot of responsibility.” I look at Dawg Man, and I know he means nothing by what he is saying because I never thought I would be that man either.

  “They’re worth it, and they need someone. I’m that someone. Now Gracie just has to realize it.” Ma walks up to us, and she has Shelby walking beside her. Shelby has hearts and glitter all over her face and a big grin on her face. I bend down and pick her up and she hugs me. This little angel has me wrapped around her little finger.

  “About time you decide to get a good girl, son. Just don’t screw it up.” Ma always the optimist. “They both deserve a good life. All three of you do, and I think this would be the best thing in the world for all three of you.”

  “You claiming her Rebel?” I look at Ma, then back to Dawg Man, they are both waiting for my answer.

  “I’m going to give her a little time to adjust to the idea and then yes, I am claiming her. She’s mine.” I barely get it out of my mouth, and Ma is asking more questions.

  “Are you going to marry her? You are my son Rebel, and I love you son, but no woman is ever going to get used to the way things are done in your club.” Dawg Man and I both start to say something and Ma raised her hand for us to stop.

  “Dawg Man, Sylvie was raised in the club life with her own family. Gracie is not used to the kind of things that Sylvie has seen in her life. Rebel, you know as well as I do that if Gracie decides to run because of something that happens and you not being married gives you no legal rights. Gracie has had to run from one man, and I don’t want you to be the second. I have come to love Gracie and Shelby so if you are not sure enough of her to marry her then walk away from her. She doesn’t understand this claiming stuff. It’ll save you both some heartache.” Ma has said her piece, and she takes Shelby from me and puts her in her wagon and pulls her towards the food vendors. Maybe she is right.

  “She could be right, Rebel. Gracie seems like an innocent. Club life is not for everyone.” I think about what Ma and Dawg Man have said, and I come to a decision.

  “I’m not letting her go. She’s gotten under my skin. I’ll claim her and marry her.” I think about it, and yeah, I’m sure about it. “Then if I have to I will chain her to my bed. Problem solved. I’ll tie her to me every way I can. I need to knock her up, so she doesn’t go anywhere.”

  “Damn Rebel, you are cold. Knock her up so that she won’t leave? Kids are a big responsibility, and you have them for eighteen years.” Dawg Man tells me shaking his head.

  “Yeah brother I know, but I am ready for that responsibility, in fact, I love the idea. I’ve wanted more for a while now.” I look at Dawg Man, and he has a shocked look on his face. “Don’t worry brother I’m not turning into a pussy that talks about his feelings all the time. You have an ol’ lady and kids, and I am trusting you to keep this to yourself. I want some good in my life. I haven’t had that in a long time, and it is time. Now let’s go and find our women and get to the club to eat.” I slap Dawg Man on the back and he grins.

  “Sounds like a plan. Those damn bounce houses should be set up for them by now.” We move off to find our women. When we get to the food court, I see Gracie feeding Shelby some corn dog, and Shelby has ketchup all over her face. The two of them together are a beautiful picture.

  My mind is taken off my girls by my phone vibrating. I look at it, and Dawg Man is right, they have the bounce houses set up and ready. When I found out Gracie and Shelby were going to be at the cookout, I pulled out all the stops by getting two bounce houses for all the kids and a water slide. I want my girls to have a great time. Just as I am shoving my phone back in my pocket, it goes off again. I look at it, and there is trouble brewing down south and I need to get to the clubhouse and send some guys that way. Fair time is going to have to be cut a little short.

  “We are going to have to head to the clubhouse a little early. I am going to get me a drink and then we can make our way back to the clubhouse.” Gracie is nodding her head and getting things ready to go. I like she doesn’t argue or whine she just goes with the flow. I get me water and walk back to them. “Dawg Man, I’m going to need you there, too.”

  “I brought my bike so I’ll head out as soon as I help Sylvie gather the girls up.” Sylvie knows the drill and is already texting the girls and her mom. I see Ma and Gracie are ready and Shelby is lying down in her wagon, she is on her way to a nap. I grab the wagon handle from Gracie, and we are on the way to the truck.

  It only takes us about thirty minutes to get to the clubhouse with Dawg Man and Sylvie right behind us. I see Salty’s bike so I know he made it already and it looks like it is a full house already. Cue Ball already has the grill started and is grilling. The ol’ lad
ies have tables set up outside with food, and the prospects have drinks in coolers. I see the bounce houses and water slide are already being used. I help Gracie and Shelby out of the truck. Shelby is sleeping.

  “I’ll get a prospect to get your stuff out, and you can lay Shelby down in my room.” I pick Shelby up out of her car seat and carry her in my arms.

  “Are you sure? I can get my stuff out. It’ll just take a few minutes.” Gracie says.

  “No. A prospect will get it. That way if Shelby wakes up she won’t be frightened not knowing where she is.” That gets Gracie to follow me. Ma is right behind us. When we walk through the front door, everyone turns and looks at us.

  I see the club girls are over in a corner and Jade stands up and watches us with her mouth hanging open. Apparently, the girls have forgotten they are not supposed to be around today. I feel all eyes on us. It’s like they have never seen me hold a child before. Well actually, I guess they haven’t but surely it’s not that shocking.

  When I leave Gracie and Shelby in my room, I will take care of this. Gracie and Ma stay close to me, and we finally make it to my room. I hand Shelby to Gracie so that I can dig my keys out. I open the door and hold it for the girls. “Gracie you can stay in here with Shelby until she wakes up. The bathroom is over here.” I open the door up. “Make yourself comfortable. There are water, juice, and milk in the small fridge. I stocked it up last night. Ma will you stay until the prospect brings your stuff in and then help the ol’ ladies if they need it.”

  “Sure, son. Whatever you need me to do. I’ll stick close to Gracie when you are not around.” Ma says.

  “We’ll be fine, Rebel. Shelby will probably sleep a good thirty minutes or more.” Gracie lets me know.

  “Gracie, if you come out of here find me, Ma, or Sylvie. If anyone messes with you, tell them you are with me. Do you understand?” I take my keys out and hand them to Gracie. I am trying to make sure Gracie understands this, but I don’t want to sound like an ass.

  “I have just a few minutes of work then I will be ready to have some more fun with my girls. Be sure to lock up when you come out.” I leave them there to get comfortable.

  As soon I as make it back to the main room I head straight to the table where the club girls are sitting. I am pissed, and they will get my full anger. “Get your asses out of the club until the cookout is over!” I look straight at Jade. “I don’t mean hide in a brother’s room either. I mean get your asses up out of here until tonight.” I get right in Jade’s face. “Get in your fucking car and leave or you will be banned! Do you get me, Jade?” I see her eyes tear up but as soon as they appear they are gone.

  “I’m out of here, but for the record, that good girl will never satisfy you the way I can.” She walks away with the other girls right behind her. I knew she was leading them. I have to get a handle on her tomorrow. I take a breath to calm myself.

  “My office, now. Every patch that’s here. No exceptions. Prospects take over the grill for Cue Ball, and you better not fuck anything up.” I walk towards my office but stop by the bar and grab a beer. I see my Ma in the corner by Sylvie, and I see the smile she has on her face. I shake my head.

  Only my ma would like me yelling at women, even if they are club girls, I don’t like it. I down half my beer before I ever get to my office. I open the door and go to the chair behind my desk. All the guys file in. I finish the beer off and throw the bottle away. It looks like everyone is here and there is little room left.

  “There’s some trouble going on in Houston, and I am going to have send two patches and two prospects down there. They just need some more muscle. All they’re asking for right now is four, if that don’t handle it, then the rest of us will be there next week. Gunny seems to think four is enough.

  “Spinner and Lingo, you are the ones. This family stuff really isn’t your thing anyway. Pick two prospects and keep me updated. You get there and see the situation is worse than Gunny is letting on then you call, and we will get there. Do not run it past Gunny first, get back on the phone, that is an order. Gunny has a habit of leaving shit out, and it is getting old fast, us having to clean up his shit.”

  Spinner looks relieved he is getting out of here, and Lingo has a bored look on his face. These two like life on the road. I used to be the same way. “You need to hit the road. It’s noon now so you should make it by six easy.” They both agree by nodding their heads.

  “How much hardware do we need to pack with us?” Spinner asks.

  “Whatever you are comfortable with. Gunny will have what you need there, but you need to be safe on the way there.” As long as they take it easy, they should have no problems. “Take a different way there. I don’t want you ambushed on the way.” I take out my phone and shoot Gunny a text to expect them.

  “This is the second time this year we have had to bail their asses out. Something is up.” Cue Ball makes a valid point.

  “Tip, see what you can dig up, if anything. I hate going in blind.” I had rather be safe than sorry. I don’t want to be hanging our asses out and get hung out to dry.

  “On it.” Tip leaves my office to get on it.

  “Everyone else, have a good time today and if anyone sees those bitches back in here before tonight, let me know.” No one argues. “Let’s get back to some good food. Cue Ball, you need any help on the grill?”

  “All I can get.” I see Salty say something to Cue Ball and I know he has his help.

  “Let’s have a good time. Now out.” I let my brothers go and wait for Gunny’s response. It’s not long before I have what I need and I know it is time to go and find my girls.

  Chapter 8


  Today has been amazing. Rebel has been so attentive and except for the little time he had to be in his meeting when Shelby was sleeping he has been glued to my side. He’s still visiting with everyone, but he keeps me right with him. Everyone has welcomed Shelby and me and Rebel is right everyone is like family. The men are big, and a little intimidating but they never make me feel uncomfortable.

  Sylvie and her girls are great. Brooklyn, their two- year old, has kept Shelby busy playing in the bounce house and the two older girls Erica and Tessa keep a watchful eye over them. Angie, Salty’s ol’ lady, has hung out with Sylvie, Audie, and myself today. Salty and Dawg Man talked with Rebel. Others have come and gone but there are too many names to remember.

  Rebel finally received the text he was waiting on and he relaxed even more. It’s getting close to dark and in Texas that means close to seven thirty on a fall day. I need to get Shelby home soon to get her to bed. She has had a big day today. Her first bounce house and water slide, pony rides, and carousel rides. She should sleep good tonight. She needs a good bath and her bed. I am just about to ask Rebel about getting us home when Audie turns to me and asks me something I never expected.

  “Why don’t you let me take Shelby home with me, and you stay and enjoy the rest of the night with Rebel? He’ll bring you later, but if she's staying with me, tonight you can sleep late in the morning. You need to celebrate your victory in court. Kendall is no longer in your life. It’s my treat to you.” I look at Audie and then Shelby. Rebel is right beside me, so I know he heard his mom. I do feel a lot better knowing Kendall will never get the chance to take Shelby from me.

  Rebel has been getting friendlier as the day has gone on. He has kissed me a couple of times, and I have to say I did enjoy the kisses. More than I should probably but I don’t know about being away from Shelby all night. I have never been away from her all night. Rebel turns to me.

  “Let Ma take Shelby, and I will take you home later. I won’t drink anymore so I can drive. One of the prospects will take them and make sure they get in safe. Ma can call when she gets there. Have a little more fun with me.” I can hear the hope in Rebel’s voice, and I have never had a night out without Shelby.

  “Okay.” I look at Audie. “If you have any problems at all just call me, and I will come right home.” I look bac
k at Rebel, and he has a big smile on his face. “Right Rebel?”

  “Whenever you want babe.” I can do this. It’s just one night. I walk over to Shelby and get one of the wet rags and wipe off her hands and face and give my sweet baby a kiss goodbye.

  “Her bag is still in Rebel’s room. When I changed her after she was on the slide, I left it in there.” I hug her tight. She goes to Audie, and I know this little girl will be out before they are five miles down the road.

  “We’ll get it, and I’ll see you in the morning.” Rebel is texting on his phone.

  “Ma, let me get Shelby in the truck for you.” Rebel reaches for Shelby and takes her. “Prospect is getting the bag, and he will meet us out front.” I follow behind them, and I guess Audie sees my apprehension because she takes my hand and walks with me.

  “She’ll be fine Gracie. I promise. Have fun tonight, and we’ll see you in the morning.” When we get to the truck, she hugs me and kisses my cheek. When Rebel has Shelby in her car seat, I see the prospect bringing Shelby’s bag out and Rebel hands him the keys. I get close to Shelby and kiss her forehead and tell her I love her.

  “Drive careful prospect, or it will be your last drive.” Rebel warns, then he takes me in his arms, and I see them get in and drive away. I feel like I want to cry. “Come on little mama let’s get you an adult drink.”

  “I’ve never been without her all night.” I know I am being silly.

  “Gracie, she will be fine.” He looks like he is about to say something but stops and then he just blurts it out. “Stay the night with me. I understand it is too soon for sex, but I just want to hold you. We can drink some and talk to everyone and then when we go to my room I will just hold you all night. That’s it unless you want more. If anything happens tonight, it will be because of you, not me.” I’ve never spent the night with any man but Kendall. I mean I spent the evening with Brody and that thought makes me feel guilty.


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