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The Last Prophecy (The Death Prophecies Book 6)

Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  “Don’t be the one to lead the next warships back here, which makes your plan to send the data from a long way out good planning. Who or whatever destroyed those scouts were there and your circle formation and scan tactics worked, this time. I suspect they might not be so successful next time.”

  “Perhaps I should send it after a billion light years.”

  “Make it two and I’ll feel safer.”

  “Why didn’t they attack us?”

  “I have no idea. You need to ask them if you ever have the opportunity but after viewing the two scouts, I’m genuinely surprised they didn’t. Maybe your formation confused them long enough for us to get out. What are you going to do?”

  “Follow your advice about not revealing we were scanned, of course. I’m not stupid.”

  “I’m erasing this conversation from my databanks.”

  “That would be good.”

  • • •

  A week later, the Shell Greng ordered, “Stop firing! Assume normal formation!” The ten giant Flashing Warships stopped firing their blasters and moved around the Greng’s Ship. The Greng took a deep breath through his neck slits and picked up his communicator, “I am transmitting the data I’ve collected on the two missing Scouts. You were right about their being destroyed. I will await your response.”

  The Computer said through the ear receiver, “Is your lower side puckered up?”

  “Shut up!”

  “I’m just saying I’d be really nervous right now if I had a body. I assume you’ve come up with a good reason for not sending the data before now.”

  “Watch and learn.”


  “Please look over the data and I think you’ll understand Council Grengen.”

  “Oh that was feisty.”

  “Shut up! You talk a lot for a computer.”

  “So do you.”

  “SHUT UP!”

  The Greng waited and after forty minutes he heard, “I STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND YOUR DELAY!”

  “Grengen, if you look at the destruction of the two Scouts, it is clear that whoever attacked them was not detected. The beams that destroyed the Control Centers on both ships were fired from inside their force fields. Do you see that in the data?”

  There was a pause and then he heard, “It does appear you are right.”

  “I knew that whatever forces destroyed the two scouts could be right next to my Shell and they would go undetected. I ordered my Shell to rotate the Control Centers to face each other and start firing every blaster on their hulls to keep any invisible vessel away from my ships long enough to scan the two scouts. We continued firing until we were well away from that galaxy. It was at that point that I send the data.”


  “No direct evidence, Grengen, but if you were in the place of whoever did this, would you not be waiting for ships to arrive to investigate what happened? With the level of destruction on the two Scouts, I had to assume we were heavily outnumbered and getting the data to the council was my primary duty in those circumstances.”


  “And what chance would it have against the weapons that destroyed the Scouts so quickly?”


  The Shell Greng blew out a puff through his neck slits. “Hey, that was very good.”

  “Computer, I hope it works. You are erasing this conversation, I trust?”

  “It’s not being recorded. I’m talking to you on a private channel bypassing the recorders and going directly into your ear receiver. If the Council Grengen contacts you within ten minutes, you’re going to be ordered back to that galaxy.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Yes, I am. I’ve recorded many similar instances stored in my databanks. If they take longer, that means the Council Grengen took the data to be reviewed by all members of the Council. That will take a lot of time for them to discuss it and come to a decision; you’ll be too close to the home worlds to be turned around at that point and our reactors need to be refueled after firing the blasters for so long. They’ll decide that if they’re going to send ships as bait to be attacked, that they’ll want to insure the attack is witnessed. They won’t send your ships due to the weakened state of our reactors.”

  The Shell Greng looked at his Ship Operator, “Tell the Shell to increase speed one quarter.”

  “Yes, Greng.”

  The computer laughed, “Good move!”

  • • •

  The Council Grengen went over the data again and he didn’t like what he was seeing. He was responsible for interpreting any information being sent to the Council but this was beyond him. He almost ordered the Shell back but decided that they might be right about being overwhelmed and no additional data being collected. He paused and touched a place on his panel he never liked touching.

  The Great Council Grengen appeared on his panel, “Is there a reason you’ve interrupted me?”

  “The Shell that was sent to investigate the two Scouts that stopped communicating with us have sent the data they collected and I need you to determine if the Council needs to meet to discuss it.”

  “You aren’t able to do your job and arrive at a conclusion?”

  The Grengen winced and said, “The two Scouts were destroyed by some form of nuclear weapon we have never encountered in the past. They were attacked from inside their force fields and that shouldn’t be possible.”

  The Greatest Grengen’s neck slits flared and his three eyes went wide, “Send me the data. I’ll assemble the Council. Where is the Shell we sent to investigate?”

  “It is moving toward our space and should arrive in another four days.”

  “I will direct the Council to study the data and be prepared to meet to discuss it in five days. I want that Shell Greng present and available for questioning!”

  “Yes, Great Grengen.”

  • • •

  The Greng sat in his chair and knew that he was now too close to home space to be sent back. Suddenly he heard over his console’s speaker, “YOU WILL REPORT TO THE COUNCIL A DAY AFTER YOU ARRIVE TO BE QUESTIONED!”

  The Greng felt his fluids move through his body at an accelerated speed and he began breathing quickly through his neck slits. The Computer said, “I don’t blame you. I don’t know many that have been questioned by the Council and survived the ordeal.”

  “I know.”

  “Just stick to your story and you should be alright.”

  The Greng started shaking, “I’m sure everyone that’s ever been questioned by the Council thought the same thing.”

  The Computer paused and said, “If you change it in any detail, it would be much worse.”

  “What’s worse than being executed?” His question was greeted with silence. The Greng forcibly slowed his fluids and gathered his composure. After a few moments he sat back and knew the Computer was right. He began preparing himself to maintain control of his organs before he met with the most powerful beings in the Four Galaxies.

  Chapter Two

  Admiral Steve Connor looked around the table at the gathering of his War Admirals and missed Amy Hart. He depended on her and now that she had retired, against his wishes, he felt alone. Gabe Eagle was one he could always depend on but it was Amy that got things done. He looked around the table and said, “Let’s get started. It appears the Flashers have learned that their warships can be destroyed. I expected them to come and investigate but I hoped it wouldn’t happen this fast. If we could have modified more warships, we might have prevented them from getting away and communicating with their leaders. However, we were shorthanded and now we have to live with what happened.” Steve turned to Gabe, “What do you think they’ll do next?”

  “They’ll come and try to pick a fight with whoever destroyed their two warships to determine what they’re up against.”

  Steve snorted, “Well, we won’t take thei
r bait until we have enough of our fleets modified to handle the force they send.”

  Admiral Holiday leaned forward, “Where do we stand with that, Sir.”

  Steve sat back in his chair, “All new ship construction is at a standstill until we can update the twenty five hundred warships already on active duty. I expect that to take at least five months.”

  Admiral Tim Hart nodded and said, “What about the Attack Fighters?”

  “The four colonies building them will immediately change their assembly lines and in about four weeks we’ll have enough of the new fighters to replace the old ones. We’re going to continue to replace the ones currently on our ships and we’ll try to work on the old model into the assembly lines over time. The nine new Carriers will have their Fighters before they have the new Dark Energy Technology Blasters installed on their hulls.”

  Admiral Heinrik leaned forward, “What about the Hart Battleships?”

  Steve sighed and shook his head, “The Harts will take longer to modify than the Carriers.”

  “Why? They’re half the size of the carriers.”

  “Because the entire front section of the Harts has to be removed and a new bow installed to house the Dark Energy containment vessels. Remember that the Harts have four of the DE Major Blasters on the bow of the ship. The scoops to feed the containment vessels and the conduits feeding the blasters will also have to be installed surrounded by Other Space fields.”

  Heinrik’s expression showed his disappointment. Timmy watched the back and forth and said, “My Carrier has been modified along with Admiral Bell’s Carrier. What should we be doing while this is going on?”

  “Your two Carriers will move between the Milky Way and Andromeda and be on call if the Prophet’s Eyes finds any situation where you’re needed. Your two ships were rushed through the modifications so that we wouldn’t be totally defenseless.”

  Gabe quickly added, “Admiral Amy Hart’s Crystal River battleship is also modified.”

  Steve turned to him, “Gabe, the Crystal River will remain here at the Ghost Colony to defend it. If you’re needed to join Admirals Hart and Bell, they will send a message over the Other Space Communicator.” Gabe nodded and sat back in his chair. Steve saw the Senior Admiral’s somber expressions and smiled slightly, “It’s not as bad as it looks. We discovered while attacking the two Flasher Warships that the DE Major Blasters are capable of far more than we thought. The most effective use of them is to spread the blast wide from inside fifty miles from the target. The new Major Blaster Barrels we’re now installing will have the capabilities of firing a very tight Dark Energy beam as well as expanding the end of the barrel and firing a beam sixty miles wide. A broadside from one of the Carriers could destroy a section on the Flasher Warships two hundred and forty miles wide from fifty miles out.” Steve turned to Timmy and Alexandra, “Your Carriers do not have the new beams installed yet. That will be done once we have more ships updated. We need you where you are for the moment.” Timmy and Alexandra nodded in agreement.

  Steve looked around the gathering and his head lowered as he looked at them through his eyebrows, “George Senior has built new blaster and missile simulators for your crews to be training on while their ships are being updated. I expect you to push them to get up to speed on this new technology.”

  “Did you say missiles?” Gabe quickly asked.

  Steve raised his eyes and smiled, “I didn’t tell you about them?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “We’ve rebuilt our major missile to have a Dark Energy force field, which will make it invisible to the Flasher’s scanners. The new missile is carrying a fully charged DE Containment Vessel, which will break apart upon impact focusing the entire load of Dark Energy inside it directly ahead of the impact.”

  Gabe smiled, “Will the force field around it protect it from the Flasher’s blasters?”

  “Yes. George thinks that it will take more than five quick direct hits on it to take it out. However, we’re just building the facilities to construct the missiles and they won’t be ready for six months. We’re sending the first ones completed to the Homosassa and Alexandria too supplement their Fighter Wings. They’ll need then due to their new blasters not being installed.” Steve looked at Tim and Alexandra, “Use them wisely.”

  Gabe sat back and sighed, “So it looks like we avoid a confrontation for at least six months?”

  Steve nodded, “More like eight months. If you have no further questions, this meeting is over and all of you need to take your ships to the colonies to be updated. Leave your crews here to start simulator training.”

  Steve stood up and Gabe yelled, “Attennnshun!” Steve walked out of the room and Gabe said, “At ease. Go to your ships and let’s get this show on the road.”

  Timmy quickly said, “Admiral, are we going to able to attend the wedding?”

  Gabe looked at him as the other officers stopped, “Essay and Erica have been nice enough to plan it two weeks from this Sunday. All of you should have your ships at the colonies and you should make it back on a shuttle in time to attend.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Gabe nodded and walked out of the room. Janell was waiting on him outside the door, “How did it go?”

  “It looks like I’ll be stationed here to defend the colony against an attack.”

  Janell blew out a breath she had been holding and hugged him, “I thought you might be sent away.”

  “It could still happen but, for the short term, I’ll be home a lot.”

  “That’s all I could hope for, Love.”

  • • •

  Steve walked toward his office and Perval stopped him in the hallway, “Admiral, I’ve received a request from the Darkness Civilization.”

  Steve’s eyes narrowed, “What is that?”

  “They asked if they can borrow our colony ships to move their populations.”

  Steve stared at Perval and sighed, “Do you think Bosrean might need them?”

  Perval chuckled, “Admiral, we’ve not been able to find another planet with a Sulphur atmosphere we could colonize.”

  Steve thought for a minute and then nodded, “Send them.”

  Perval smiled, “I know they’ll appreciate your approving this, Admiral.”

  “How will they know?”

  “I’m going to tell them.” Steve smiled and continued toward his office.

  • • •

  The Greng sat in the giant room outside the Council’s Meeting Chamber and fought to control his anxiety. He glanced at the ceiling that was four hundred yards over his head and blew a large breath out of his neck slits. He had his internal organs under tight control and his fear glands were shut down, although he could feel them filling up with fluid. He was able to think clearly and he knew this room existed to intimidate and strike fear into anyone that would face the Council. He was forced to admit that it was pretty effective. He had been sitting in the outer room for six hours and wondered if he was going to be called in to bear witness on the data he collected. He looked around and only saw the heavily armed guards staring at him and their expressions weren’t friendly. He blew out another breath through his neck, more intimidation.

  The giant door to the Meeting Chamber swung smoothly and silently open as an Aide stepped out and looked at him, “You are called to attend.” He stood up and walked through the door. The Guards watched him pass and shook their heads. That wasn’t a good sign.

  If the first room was intimidating, this one was designed to be terrifying. He walked down the four hundred yard carpet to the front of the room and bowed his head as he kept his eyes on the floor. The members of the Council were sitting behind a huge table twenty five feet above him. The Council Grengen responsible for collecting data looked down on him and said, “Tell us again why you fled that galaxy!”

  The Grengen’s voice echoed off the far walls and he knew it was amplified to cause the effect, “It was my duty to insure the data made it back to the Council, Grengen.”

  “And tell me why you didn’t dispatch a vessel with the data and remain where you were?”

  The Shell Greng continued staring at the floor and said to the Council Grengen high above him, “The data showed that the two Scouts were destroyed from close range by weapons more powerful than any we’ve ever detected. That implied that who or whatever destroyed them was not detectable by our scanners. The numbers of places on the two Scout’s hulls that were blasted numbered in the thousands, which indicated that my Shell was probably heavily outnumbered by the attackers. If I dispatched one vessel, what was to stop these attackers from sending enough warships to destroy it once it was outside my scanning range? My mission was to find out why our Scouts stopped communicating and to get that information back to the Council. Remaining to find the civilization that killed the two Scouts would jeopardize getting any information back.”

  “Why did you wait so long to send it?”

  “I ordered all my ships to continue firing their blasters and scanned to see if any of them hit a vessel that was not appearing on my scanners. I felt that piece of information was just as important as the rest of the data I collected. Once my Shell’s blasters started to lose energy, I immediately sent the data I collected.”

  The Council Grengen stared at him with an angry expression and the Great Council Grengen said, “Did you detect anything being hit by your blasters?”

  “No, Great Grengen, I did not.”

  Another Council Grengen said something to the Council Leader and they began talking among themselves. After forty minutes, the Greng felt they must have forgotten his presence. He learned a lot listening to them and he heard one of them say, “What are we going to do about this?”

  The Great Grengen smiled, “What would you recommend?” The Grengen who asked the question remained silent and the Great Grengen looked angry and said, “What would any of you recommend?!” His question was greeted with silence.

  The Greng glanced up and saw the Great Grengen start to grow more impatient and he decided to speak, “I have a recommendation.”

  The Data Grengen jumped up and yelled, “YOU WERE NOT ADDRESSED! YOU WILL BE…”


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