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The Last Prophecy (The Death Prophecies Book 6)

Page 4

by Saxon Andrew

  The Great Grengen said, “I want to hear his suggestion. Did I not say does any of you have a suggestion? I did not exclude anyone in this room did I?” The Data Grengen sat down and the Leader looked at the Greng, “What is your suggestion?”

  “The question facing us is whether or not the ones that destroyed our Scouts is one of the two civilizations we know or a completely new one.” The Great Grengen nodded for him to continue. “We do know the location of the Human’s home world.”

  The Data Grengen said, “That planet is no longer technologically developed enough to have built the warships we’ve scanned attacking the Black Warships.”

  The Great Grengen looked at the Data Grengen, “Be silent!”

  The Data Grengen lowered his head, “I apologize, Great Grengen.”

  The Leader turned back to the Shell Greng, “Continue.”

  “One way to determine if it was the Humans or a completely different civilization that destroyed our scouts is to attack their home planet and if the ships that come to defend it possess the weapons that destroyed our scouts, we’ll know it was the Humans that did it.”

  The Great Grengen stared at him and said, “How do you know it wasn’t the civilization in the center of the other spiral galaxy?”

  “Great Grengen, our data shows that the two Scouts were destroyed while the Tiny Beings were still in the process of leaving the other galaxy. I do not believe that civilization would have taken any aggressive actions while that was taking place and I also believe they could not have launched an attack that quickly. They were still struggling to get their giant towers moved to the black hole when my shell went through the black hole. It has to be the Humans or another civilization we’ve not seen that destroyed the scouts.”

  The Great Grengen stared at the Greng with his eyes little more than slits. Then he said, “And if the Humans don’t come to defend their home world?”

  “Then we’ll know it’s not them that did it but another civilization. And if the Humans do come and defend their home world and they don’t possess the weapons to harm our vessels, we’ll still have our answer. I really don’t think they’ll come to defend that world if we attack.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because if their ships are the same ones we recently scanned, it would be certain death to try. Those warships can’t stand up to our warships. The Humans aren’t stupid. They won’t throw away their ships.”

  “How would you conduct this attack you’re suggesting?”

  “I’d send in overwhelming forces to attack the planet and have another full fleet hidden far out from the planet. Once the surface bombardment begins, if the Fleet at the planet is attacked by the weapons that killed the scouts, I would call in the other fleet and have them form up another layer of warships outside the warships above the planet. At that moment, I would have every blaster on every warship to open fire between the two layers. If the second fleet arrives quickly enough, the warships attacking the fleet at the planet will be caught in a murderous crossfire.”

  “And if both fleets are destroyed?”

  The Shell Greng lifted his arms, “Then the plan to invade that space might need to be revisited.”

  The Great Grengen stared at the Shell Greng and then said, “You may leave.” The Shell Greng bowed, turned, and walked out of the giant chamber. He exited the giant door and started running to his shuttle; he needed to get back to his ship as quickly as possible to have the breakdown he so desperately needed.

  • • •

  The Great Grengen looked at the other members of the Council, “What do you think about what the Shell Greng suggested.”

  The Defense Grengen moved his ears in agreement, “I believe that attacking the Human Home World is probably the only way to bring their warships out of hiding. His suggestions were really quite remarkable.”

  The other Council Members were nodding and the Leader smiled, “This is a rare Greng that just spoke with us. I want him promoted to command the Sixth Sector Fleets.”

  The Military Council Member said, “What about the current Sector Grengen?”

  The Leader smiled, “I think it’s time for him to retire and pursue more peaceful activities. Tell this new Grengen he has six months to train his fleets to make the attack on the Human Home World. I expect him to produce results at that time.”

  • • •

  The Shell Greng was in his quarters shaking so hard he was almost breaking the cartilage that held his upper body together. He had finally released his body and it overwhelmed him with the enzymes it had produced during the meeting with the Council. The meeting had taken place two days earlier and he was still shaking. “You need to get it together!”

  “Wh, wh…why?” he stammered barely able to speak.

  “A Council Shuttle has asked permission to board and you don’t want whoever is on board to see you this way.”

  The Greng closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. In ten minutes, he had forced his body back to tight control. He knew his fear glands were still producing more enzymes than he could handle but he’d just have to go through the shakes again later. He arrived at the giant landing bay and saw that the Ship’s Computer had issued the appropriate orders and the crew was standing rigidly upright. He walked in front of them and stood rigidly as the Council Shuttle entered the giant landing bay and settled to the deck. The Military Council Grengen stepped out of the port and he shouted to his crew, “Crew, Give Respect!” Every being in the landing bay bowed their heads to the approaching Council Grengen and kept them lowered. The Military Grengen was followed by two Aides that were carrying two bulky containers. The powerful Grengen walked up in front of the Shell Greng and shouted, “All see!” The crew raised their heads and the Grengen said, “I have been sent her by the Council to deliver a Council Directive. You have been promoted to Sector Six Grengen and will immediately go and assume command.” The Greng’s eyes went wide. “My assistants have brought you your new uniforms and you are instructed to train your new command to make the attack you suggested to us six months from today. The Council welcomes you into the ranks of our Senior Leaders and we expect you to present us with good results at the conclusion of your campaign.”

  The Council Grengen turned and walked back to his shuttle. The Aides gave the boxes to two members of the crew and joined the Military Grengen on the shuttle. The crew began cheering and the Greng found that he no longer felt the stress of his overworked body. The fluids that had backed up disappeared with this shocking news. The new Sector Grengen heard in his ear receiver, “Well I am shocked.”


  “Because now your father reports to you.”

  The new Sector Grengen’s head went up as he smiled, “You’re right!”

  “With great risk goes great reward, however, you need to remember something?”

  “I know, computer. Whoever destroyed the scouts knows our technology now.”

  “Make sure you take enough ships.”

  “You don’t need to worry about that.”

  • • •

  Essay’s and Erica’s wedding was beautiful. It took place next to the inlet where the manatee’s lived and many of them had their heads out of the water watching the proceedings. Ali tried to comfort Gabby who cried the entire ceremony. She insisted she was happy but just couldn’t control her tears. Essay’s sister, Leila, was the Maid of Honor, and Timmy Hart was the Best Man. Amy and Scott delayed their departure to Earth to attend the ceremony and they both held each other remembering their own wedding years earlier.

  “I wish John could have been here,” Amy said as she wiped her tears.

  Scott pulled her closer and whispered, “He is, Amy.” That’s when Amy’s tears began in earnest.

  Essay and Erica only had eyes for each other and they were lost in the moment. Steve looked on with pride as his son married the woman he had chosen to be his mate for life. He sighed and looked at Lani, who was also crying. “Why is it that women cry at weddings, La

  “Because most of us remember our weddings and are overwhelmed by the memory of the love we felt that day.” She looked up into Steve’s eyes, “I love you so much!” Steve leaned down and kissed her as Essay kissed his bride. The party started and the Colony was the happiest it had been in a very long time. Forgotten were the threats to its survival and the dangerous universe they inhabited. For this moment, there was only Essay and Erica.

  Chapter Three

  Levi sat in the Main Control Room and stared at the giant wall monitor. It was currently spit into six separate windows showing the giant colony ships lifting from six different planets and moving into high atmosphere. This launch was one of the last and it had been on his mind for weeks. Six months had passed since the Builders fled his galaxy and he was frightened that the giant warships that had come through the black hole would return.

  He would have never believed that most of the planet’s populations had been moved to distant galaxies to start building new homes on new worlds. He knew that seeing the giant Builder Worlds in orbit preparing to bombard them added a sense of urgency and he had to admit he felt the same. The only thing that made it possible was the colony ships provided by the Bosrean and using the giant gravity towers that were loaded with thousands of colonists along with the materials needed to build a new civilization on a planet as well as defend the new worlds being settled. Only six gravity towers remained and there were still thousands of citizens to be moved on each of the hundred planets, but the vast majority had left and this final launch would take those remaining to the new planets chosen to colonize. Perhaps he wouldn’t have to use the message he recorded months before. He sat back in his chair and watched the giant ships exit the atmosphere of six planets, turn to orient on their chosen course, activate their stardrives, and disappear.

  The only ones now left behind were the forces used to organize the exodus and they would be leaving when the colony ships returned. The Alarms went off so suddenly that he almost fell out of his chair. He jerked his head around toward the giant monitor on the side wall and his mouth fell open. Giant Flashing Warships were coming out of the black hole’s event horizon at an incredible pace. The Warships fanned out and began moving toward the six remaining Gravity Towers as they started firing massive red blaster beams at them. The towers responded and six of the giant warships exploded when the tower’s beams hit but there were too few towers to stop the massive wave of incoming warships. He saw that more than a thousand of the Flashing Ships were moving toward his planet and would arrive within ten minutes. He sat down, took a breath, and pressed a button he hoped he’d never press sending a message he recorded months earlier. The planets were undefended and there was nothing in place to oppose the death sentence moving toward them. He remained in his chair until the giant warships arrived and started firing a massive barrage of red beams at his Governing Center. At the end, Levi was at peace. His species was saved and his task of protecting them was now coming to an end. When a red beam broke through the walls he smiled and knew he had done is duty; in an instant he and everything in the room was gone.

  • • •

  “Kamela, it’s been a long time since we’ve been on this ship.” Kamela nodded and smiled at them.

  “It’s good to have you back on board Admiral Connor. Lani, it’s also good to see you as well.”

  Steve smiled, “Thank you, Poul. Essay and Erica should be back in another month.”

  Kamela smiled, “I think taking this much time off is good for them, Admiral. They really do deserve it.”

  Steve nodded and smiled, “I think this is the time they’ll remember the rest of their lives. With the colonies working on the fleet, I like being able to get away for a while.”

  Lani smiled, “So do…”

  The Alarms went off at full blast and Steve looked up and yelled, “WHAT’S GOING ON, POUL?”

  “A message from Levi just came in, the Darkness Civilization is under attack by thousands of Flashers!”


  The Prophet’s Eyes’ stardrive activated and the three heard the tone move from a low note to high frequency in seconds. The small Warship disappeared from orbit above the Ghost Colony in an instant as Steve stared at the central wall monitor as a message came in and he saw Levi sitting in his familiar chair staring out at him, “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to send this message. I’m recording it now because I believe that if those giant flashing warships return, I won’t have time to say what I want. Since you’re watching this, I can assume my civilization is under attack. However, due to your and the Bosrean generosity, most of my populations have left this galaxy for new planets in other distant galaxies. You and the Builders were right to leave and avoid this new threat. I’ve never thanked you for saving us and I want to say that I’m sorry for my past behavior. I cannot express my thankfulness for all you’ve done to save my species after I acted so poorly. I hope you prevail against this new enemy and if I survive this attack, I’ll thank you in person. Goodbye, my friend.”

  “HOW LONG, POUL?!” Steve yelled.

  “We’re already in scanning range of Andromeda’s core and Levi was understating the numbers coming through the black hole.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve already scanned more than a hundred thousand Flashing Warships and they’re still pouring out of the event horizon.”

  Kamela looked up, “Move us in closer, Poul. I need to hear what’s going on.”

  Steve saw Kamela close her eyes to listen to the thoughts of the invaders and he looked at Lani, who was staring at the monitor. “Steve, this is frightening!”

  Steve nodded and turned back to Kamela, who still had her eyes closed and a frown on her lips. He looked up, “Poul, what are they doing?”

  “It appears they attacked the six remaining gravity towers and blasted them into rubble. Six of the Flasher Warships are burning and stationary in space so the Towers got their licks in before they were taken out. However, it appears now that the Flashers are moving on different courses toward the planets inhabited by the Darkness Civilization.”

  “What about the main planet?”

  “It’s already been attacked, Admiral. It was closer to the black hole than the others and was hit first.”

  Steve stared at the monitor and looked up. “Poul?”

  “Sir, the planet is little more than blasted bed rock. The site of the Government Center is a three mile deep crater.”

  Steve lowered his eyes and shook his head. Levi was gone. Steve activated his Other Space Communicator and said, “ADMIRALS HART AND BELL, GO TO BATTLESTATIONS AND PREPARE TO COME TO ANDROMEDA NOW!! ALL SHIPS IN THE FLEET, LOAD YOUR MUNITIONS AND PREPARE TO LAUNCH!!”

  Kamela’s eyes opened, “STOP THEM, STEVE!!” Steve looked at her shaking his head as Kamela said, “They’re not here to attack the Darkness! The Darkness are only a secondary objective. They’re here to attack Earth and trap our fleets.”


  “I’ve been listening to the Leader of the invasion and he plans to surround Earth with a hundred thousand of those giant Flashing Warships and, when you move in to attack them, another two hundred thousand will come in at high speed to surround the Flashing ships above Earth and they will then open fire at the space between them with every beam they’ve got! It’s a trap.”

  Timmy and Alexandra were on Steve’s panel and neither of them spoke as they heard Kamela’s thoughts as she shouted at the Senior Fleet Admiral. Their expressions showed their shock at what they were hearing. Steve’s mouth was open and he could only shake his head in shock as he said, “How many warships? Why would they attack Earth, it represents no threat.”

  “Admiral, they know Earth is no longer a threat but the destruction of their two ships has them worried. They don’t know if humans destroyed them or if another unknown civilization did it. They believe that if they attack Humanity’s Home World, that our warships will come out of hiding to defend it. If th
ey see the new technology that was used to destroy those two scouts being used during that attack to defend Earth, then they’ll know that we did it. They have an elaborate attack scheme to trap any ships that attack their warships bombarding Earth and catch them in a giant crossfire. If you attempt to defend Earth, you will lose every ship in the fleet.”

  Steve was in a state of shock, “I just can’t stand by and allow them to destroy Earth.”

  Lani closed her eyes and said, “The Unknown Enemy will kill you. Three hundred thousand of those Giant Warships and we only have a few more than four thousand to meet them? They outnumber us seventy five to one and if you attack, you will give up our unknown status along with every ship in the fleet.”

  Steve stared at her and lifted his communicator, “All ships in the fleet will remain where they are! I repeat, you will remain where you are. Stand down, now!”

  “Admiral, what do you want us to do?”

  Steve looked at Timmy on his panel’s monitor and said, “Move close enough to record what happens to Earth but do not move close enough to allow them to see you and endanger your Carriers.”

  Steve looked at the Tactical Monitor and heard Poul announce, “The Flasher Fleet is moving away from the Darkness Civilization and is headed toward the Milky Way.”

  “Admiral, what do you want me to do?”

  Steve looked up and closed his eyes, “Poul, we will follow these ships and give Kamela every opportunity to listen in on their thoughts and learn as much as possible about their plans.” Steve sat in his command chair and saw the telepathic Kindred close her eyes. Lani stood up and came to him. She sat down in his lap and started crying. He held her close and tried to think of something that could be done to stop what was happening. He didn’t have enough assets to do anything but get them destroyed if he attempted to do anything.

  • • •

  Timmy looked at George, “All hands to Battlestations and I want the ship moving at maximum speed toward Earth.”

  George looked at Timmy, “Would it not be better to move in after they start their attack?”


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