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Breaker (Book 1): Corrupted Saints MC

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by Kimberly Belle


  Book 1

  By: Kimberly Belle



  I wish I didn’t feel like such a hypocrite. The pair of eyes staring back at me bruised and battered reminded me too much of my own life. Mrs. Jackson is 32 years old and was brought into the emergency room with multiple broken ribs, a broken wrist and multiple contusions all over her body. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen her.

  I sigh and turn to her, “Ms. Jackson, I need you to reconsider speaking with the police.” She lifts her head to look at me, “You don’t understand doctor, nothing happened. I slipped on a toy and fell down the stairs,” she pleads with teary eyes.

  I knew she wasn’t telling the truth. I knew all about making excuses for those we love. How? Because I know firsthand what she was experiencing.

  “Alright, Mrs. Jackson. I am going to give you some pain medication for those broken ribs and discharge instructions. The nurse is going to come in here and go over those with you and have you sign some paperwork,” I said.

  She looked up at me about to say something but her husband cut her off barging into the room, “Mary! What the hell are you doing in here? I told you before…” I cut him off.

  “Sir, your wife took a tumble down the stairs as you know,” I said through clenched teeth. I try to be as professional as I can but I hate men who beat on women. “Your wife is free to go once she signs the discharge papers.”

  I sigh once again and seek out my nurse to discharge Mrs. Jackson. I say a silent prayer hoping that she will be okay.

  I am jolted from my train of thought, “Charlotte? Are you okay?” my nurse Heather asked. Heather is my best friend. We both started working at the hospital at the same time. She is the complete opposite of me. She is thin, beautiful and full of life. I, on the other hand, have curves, dark brown hair and super shy.

  “Yeah, I am fine. Just thinking about that patient,” nodding to the curtain Mrs. Jackson is behind. “Do you mind discharging her? I’m gonna go take my dinner break. I already signed all the paperwork.”

  She looks up at me and lets out a huge breath, “Yeah, no problem. I really wish she would talk to the police. This is the third time that she’s come in here. Each time is worse. Her asshole husband doesn’t even try to hide the fact. It is almost like he knows she isn’t going to talk,” she said.

  “Yeah I wish she would too, but she doesn’t want to talk. I will see you later girl.” I turn and walk down the hall to the cafeteria.

  I really wish she would seek help. The police were right there for her but she refused. I tug down on my long sleeved shirt. Who am I to talk?



  B ANG! BANG! BANG! “What the fuck!!!” I yell as I rise off my bed. Who the hell is banging on my door like a lunatic? I open the door so pissed off it slams into the wall causing a dent.

  Standing in front of me was my VP, Tank rubbing a hand over his face, “Sorry Pres, but we got a problem,” he said.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I pull my phone out and look at the time, it’s only 2 am. I stare at the giant motherfucker, built like a tank. He is huge and one of the only people I trust with my life. That’s why he is my VP.

  “There was a fight at the Dancing Lotus,” he said. Shit! The Dancing Lotus is our strip club. We just opened it six months ago and it has been a cash cow. I handpicked all the girls myself. We don’t do prostitution and the girls get tested regularly for drugs and STDS. It’s a classy motherfucker and makes me a shit load of money.

  “What happened?”

  “A few lone bikers came in and started causing havoc. There was a prospect, and Butcher was there. They told them to get the hell out and a fight broke out. One of the girls got hurt and the prospect was stabbed,” he said.

  “Shit! Where is Butcher?” I said as I rubbed my face and grabbed my cut.

  “He and the prospect are with Heather.”

  Grabbing my shirt and walking out. I slam the door behind me, this time knocking it off its hinges. Heading towards the sick bay. We call a makeshift room with medical supplies sick bay. We have Heather, a nurse that helps us out from time to time, she works at the local hospital. We helped her out when she was being stalked by a psycho ex and her brother was part of the club but cancer took him from us.

  I, the President of the Corrupted Saints MC, don’t tolerate women beaters or child abusers. Those motherfuckers deserve to be six feet below. One of the first things I did after being voted in as president of the Corrupted Saints was to clean house. I won’t have a brother watching my back that beats on women and kids. It didn’t go over well with a few members but I gave them an out, to transfer to another chapter or die. A few chapters took in a few members but the rest were turned away, the other chapters not wanting to have those sick motherfuckers watching their backs either. Corrupted Saints may not be the most outstanding citizens but we take care of our own.

  Reaching sick bay, I open the door to see Heather taping up the prospect. “Hey Breaker, I am just about done here, it was just a flesh wound,” she said.

  I nod to her. I look at the prospect. I think his name is Charlie. He looks at me and nods, “Pres.”

  “Prospect, I want you in my office after Heather finishes. Where’s Butcher?” I ask. I cross my arms, flexing, waiting for him to answer. My veins bulge out of my arms. Butcher is one of my brothers and has been with the MC since it first started, he wouldn’t start a fight for no reason.

  From behind me I heard my VP, “He is at the bar with a hang around,” Tank said.

  As I turn to leave, I thank Heather with a nod. She nods back.

  I leave sick bay in search of Butcher. I find him nursing a beer with a club whore rubbing her fake titties all up in his face. He’s got an old lady, Norma but what goes on in the clubhouse is not anyone’s business, let alone the old ladies. I would never cheat but what my brothers do is not my business unless it brings trouble to the club. Old ladies are only allowed in the clubhouse when we have family days and picnics. When I first became President of the Corrupted Saints, I bought this old shoe factory we now use as the clubhouse. It’s got a huge open floor plan with church off towards the back and rooms for the brothers and me to sleep in if we need to. Some of the brothers stay here full time. The main room has a bar, kitchen in the back with pool tables, couches, and a TV.

  I make my way towards Butcher and clear my throat. There’s a bunch of brothers around nursing beers and smoking a few joints here and there. A few nod their heads giving me chin lifts as a sign of respect. I don’t allow hard drugs in my club. There is always plenty of pussy and booze for them but anything more than a joint and you’re out. We may transport the hard shit but we don’t do the shit.

  The club whore looks up at me as I reach Butcher and licks her lips. “Hey Breaker baby, you want to join in on the fun,” she says with her squeaky little voice.

  Butcher finishes his beer and turns around to face me. He turns to the whore, “Candy, baby we are gonna finish this later,” he says as he motorboats her fake tits. I never liked fake tits, they feel like sandbags to me.

  “Awww, I wanted to meet the Butcher tonight,” she says pouting her fake as lips and rubbing her tits on his chest. Butcher got his nickname because he apparently butchers a girl’s pussy after he is done with her. I’ve seen some of them leave his room barely walking right.

  I growl in my throat making sure they know they are keeping me waiting. The girl looks up at me and scatters away.

  “Butcher, what the fuck happened tonight?” I said.

  He turns to me just as the prospect walks up. “Some motherfuckers decid
ed to touch one of the dancers,” he said while rubbing his face. Butcher is an original MC member, I know he wouldn’t get into a fight for no reason.

  “How’s the girl that was harassed?” I ask. They may be strippers but I watch my own.

  The prospect opens his mouth to talk. I stop him before he gets a word out. “Did I ask you prospect?”

  “No sir,” he says turning red. I turn to Butcher. I am starting to wonder about this prospect. This isn’t the first time he has been caught in some trouble. He was causing trouble at the tattoo shop a few weeks back.

  “The girl’s fine, she was a little scared but I threw in a few hundreds and told her to go home. She was more scared than anything but she wasn’t physically hurt,” he said.

  “What about the motherfuckers who touched her?”

  “They ran away like the pussies they are. We beat them and they looked like chopped meat. I told them to never come back. I think they go the point,” Butcher said.

  “Alright man,” I nod to him. I turn to the prospect, “You fine Prospect?”

  “Yeah, Pres,” he says. Something is off with this guy.

  “You’re on bike clean up until that arm heals up,” I say to him. I don’t need an injured guy keeping guard when he has a weakness. Plus I don’t trust this guy. I’m gonna ask Tank about him later and have Rock look into his background. If there is something he is hiding, we will find it.

  “Are you serious?” the prospect says to me.

  I am about to grab his collar, when, “What the fuck you say prospect,” it’s Buzz, my Sargent at Arms. “You need to learn your manners boy and know your place, motherfucker.” Pushing him away so he tumbles to the floor. The prospect walks away, not daring to look at me. We call my Sargent at Arms Buzz because he always keeps a buzz cut. He did three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and he is one tough motherfucker, almost bigger than Tank.

  I nod towards him, “Buzz.”

  “Pres, something is wrong with that prospect. I don’t like that motherfucker and he shows disrespect,” he says.

  “Something is wrong with him. Talk to Crash and find out why he wanted to be his Daddy,” I said. Being someone’s daddy means they basically sponsor a prospect and vouch for them to come into the club.

  He nods then walks away. He is such a big, mean motherfucker but has a baby face.

  I sigh and rub my face. I yell to another prospect behind the bar to bring me a beer and a shot of whiskey. I shoot the shot and chase it with my beer. I need to get myself into something warm tonight. Where’s Mags, she was the newest club whore and doesn’t have a pussy the size of a hallway. I scan the room and find her by the pool tables. She sees me and starts to walk over.

  She rubs up on my chest, “Breaker baby you look like you need some lovin’.”

  She tries to lean up and kiss me. I turn away. There is one thing I don’t do and that is kiss. Her mouth has been on every brother’s cock and I don’t need that shit on me. “I don’t kiss,” I say, as I yank her to me by the wrist. I can feel her breathing harder. I stand up and pull her to my room and she immediately drops to her knees and starts to undo my pants.

  She pulls out my cock and starts to swirl her tongue on the tip. “Damn baby, this is the biggest cock I have ever seen,” she said.

  I don’t feel like talking. I grab the back of her head and start to fuck her mouth.



  I am laying in bed just staring at the ceiling. The beginning of my week off just started. I ended my shift at the hospital about an hour ago.

  I was brought out of my staring contest with the ceiling by my phone buzzing. I reach to my nightstand and see Heather calling.


  “Hey girl, whatcha up to,” she said in a very happy tone.

  “Nothing, just lying in my bed staring at the ceiling and wondering what I am gonna do with a week off.” What she doesn’t know if that I am afraid to stay at home for so long because of my brother. He gets angry a lot and he is the one responsible for putting the fresh set of bruises on my ribs and the fading ones on my arms. I got those because I forgot to take out the trash, even though I wasn’t home for two days, I was on call at the hospital.

  “Come out with me then. A few friends and I are going to go to a party. There will be lots of hot men and you haven’t been out with me in a few weeks. I miss you when you aren’t Dr. Charlotte.”

  I let out a sigh. My brother told me that he wasn’t going to be home for a few days so he wouldn’t know. He doesn’t let me out unless he knows where I am going. He only lets me go to work because I bring in a lot of money with my doctor's salary. He always takes my money though. He was the one who set up my bank account. He also is the one who shops for me and doesn’t let me wear anything tight. I learned that the hard way. “I don’t have anything to wear Heath.”

  “Don’t you worry about that, I’ll come over and bringing you something sexy to wear.”

  “No that’s okay, I don’t want to go anymore. I don’t do sexy, you know this.” She is always trying to get me to wear something other than my baggy shirts and pants and long sleeves. She is beautiful and I looked like chopped meat with my bruises and burn marks.

  “Oh come on Char, I really want you there tonight. You always look so sad and I think you would have fun. You can wear whatever you want, I promise I won’t say anything about your clothes.”

  I breathe out heavily. “Okay.”

  She squeals into the phone. “Yay!! I will pick you up in an hour. See you soon girl.” She hangs up.

  I let out a breath and walk to my closet. I just hope my brother doesn’t find out. My brother wasn’t always a monster. We are twins, born only minutes apart. We used to be close as can be but he changed for the worse. Our parents died when I was in my third year of medical school and after that, he started to withdraw. He got involved with the wrong crowd and even turned to drugs and alcohol. I knew the classic signs of depression but he started to become aggressive especially towards me. He said that I reminded him too much of our parents. When I came back home after graduating and got a job at the local hospital, we moved in together. I thought it would be good for him have family nearby but boy was I wrong. It started with a smack after I had burnt some dinner and then afterward he became more and more controlling. He told me that if I ever told anyone he would ruin my career. My career was the only thing I had, so for now, I do what he says. My brother has told me numerous times that if I ever said a word about what he was doing to me he would go to the medical board and tell them I was self-harming myself. It wouldn’t be hard to prove because if someone was to take one look at my legs it would look as if I burn myself to feel pain just like a cutter does.

  I pull out a pair of baggy jeans that sort of look normal and a black long sleeve shirt. I decided to put a little more makeup than normal and let my hair down. My brother never lets me wear makeup and once punched me in the stomach after seeing me wear a dark purple lipstick I bought from MAC. He told me I looked like a whore. After that, I threw away all my makeup. I don’t need to worry about covering up bruises on my face or neck because my brother only hits and hurts me in places that are covered by clothes.

  I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and grabbed my purse. Heather is honking downstairs.

  I say a silent prayer and hope my brother doesn’t find out.



  I t's Friday and we’re having a party. There is tons of booze and women. I am at the bar in the clubhouse when I see Heather walking in with a very frumpy looking girl. They are walking towards me. I can’t help but think Heather is gonna have trouble tonight. She is wearing a short black skirt and a tight skimpy shirt showing off her fake tits and pierced belly button. She also has a little Fleur de lis tattoo which is the symbol for a Saint tattooed on her hip. It’s to show her loyalty even though she isn’t a member, she is like family.

  “Hey Breaker,” she says giving me
a hug. “This is my friend Charlotte.” Pointing to the nun. “Charlotte, this is Breaker, he is the President of the Corrupted Saints.”

  I look the girl up and down before meeting her eyes. She has to most beautiful eyes, they are violet. I nod my head and tip my beer to her. Her eyes look familiar. She has hair covering the rest of her face.

  “Hi,” she said very quietly trying to not make eye contact with me. She looks terrified.

  I pull Heather aside. “Is your friend okay? She looks scared shitless. I don’t want any problems, Heath”

  Heather laughs, “She is fine, she is just super shy. She is a doctor at the hospital. I wanted her to get out of her shell a little.”

  A doctor huh, I would have never expected that. I wonder how she is able to work in those clothes. She probably wears scrubs or some shit like that. I turn back to her friend and look directly at her face. She moves some of her hair out of her face. My breath is taken away. She is beautiful. I nod to the prospect and hold out three fingers, to bring over three beers. He sets them down in front of me.

  Grabbing two beers and extending them to Heather and her friend, “Here you go ladies.”

  I look directly into her eyes as I sip my beer. “Thank you,” she says as she takes the smallest sip.

  “You’re gonna have to take a larger sip than that if you wanna taste it darlin,” I say to her taking a larger sip of mine.

  She brings the bottle to her mouth and takes a large gulp. I watch her throat as she swallows. I am getting hard just watching her. Those lips are delicious, I want to bit that bottom lip. What’s wrong with me, this girl is a nun and probably doesn’t give up pussy for anyone but god. Man, I need to get laid. Mags was good for head but her pussy was rank. I couldn’t put myself into that and she kept asking about becoming an Old Lady. I won’t take a whore as an old lady.


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