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Breaker (Book 1): Corrupted Saints MC

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by Kimberly Belle

  I look back to her friend and she looks terrified. Why did Heather bring her here? She most definitely couldn’t be an old lady and she is definitely not looking for an easy lay. I almost feel bad and want to bring her in and protect her. Some of the brothers are giving her “what the fuck” looks. They aren’t used to seeing women with that much clothing on. Every inch of her body is covered except for a little skin near her neck and her hands.

  I turn back to the bartender to order a shot and when I turn back she is gone. I look out and see Heather with Butcher. She is sitting on his lap and laughing. The guys know not to fuck with her. Ever since her brother passed, the brothers of the MC watch her like a little sister.

  I wonder where her friend went, not my business to know but I feel like I need to know.

  Jesus Breaker what the hell is wrong with you?

  “Pres.” I turn to see my VP Tank.

  “What’s goin’ on brother?”

  “Did you see the nun that Heather brought in?”

  “Yeah, what of her?”

  “She looks scared shitless. Why would Heather bring her?” My VP has a soft spot for damsels in distress.

  “I don’t know man. She is a doctor or some shit like that.” I finish off my beer. Thinking of her violet eyes. Where have I seen them before?



  I don’t know what I was thinking coming here with Heather. She introduced me to the President of this biker club named Breaker. I was stunned silent with how beautiful he was. He had the most gorgeous green eyes, brown hair, and chiseled face. The muscles and tattoos that ran along his body, had me stunned. I wanted to know the story of each and every one of them but I could tell he was dangerous. That didn’t stop the feeling between my legs though.

  The way he looked at me while he drank his beer made heat pool in my core. I had to walk away because I felt him bringing out emotions that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I wasn’t a virgin by any means but I hadn’t been with a man in over three years since moving in with my brother. He didn’t let me date. He caught me looking at a man at the market once and went over and beat the guy to a pulp. That was just the beginning. When we got home he turned his bloody fists on me.

  I never told anyone what he does to me because he is my brother. He is the only family that I have left. I always told myself each time he hit me that it would be the last time. I was wrong each and every time, it only got worse. He started burning me with cigarettes but only on body parts hidden easily covered with clothes. It is why I always wear long sleeves and baggy pants. Lately, he has been burning me on my thighs with his cigarettes because he thinks that if any man has the balls to ever get my pants off they will be grossed out by the scars he leaves and not sleep with me.

  I wonder what he would think about me being here at this party. I shudder just at the thought. I’ve heard about the Corrupted Saints only because a few of their members have come into the hospital with those leather vests and because everyone in town knows not to mess with them. They had come into the hospital with serious injuries. I never asked questions, I just did my job. Heather usually dealt with them afterward and I trusted her.

  I shuddered and walked outside. I had my beer and was sitting by myself. Last time I saw Heather, she was sitting by on some guy named Butcher's lap. I don’t want to ruin her night off so I keep to myself.

  I look around and see a bunch of women wearing barely anything. I saw a guy in the corner on a bench with his head bent back and his eyes closed. I wondered if he was okay. The doctor in me immediately got worried.

  I walked a little closer and was shocked, there was a girl on her knees giving him a blowjob.

  He heard me walk up, “You wanna join her honey,” he said. I notice his leather vest said Crash.

  I felt my face turn bright red and walked away. I heard him moan which made me jump. Heather told me on the way here that there would be things I would see but that no one would touch us. She said there were girls called club whores who basically did anything the club brothers wanted or needed.

  I don’t know how those girls can live with themselves but a part of me was kind of jealous. They were free to do what they want.

  I went to sit down and saw Heather approaching me with one of the biggest men I had ever seen in my life he looked like an armored vehicle.

  “Hey girlie, whatcha doin out here by yourself?” She turned to the huge sexy man. “This is Tank, he is the VP of the club. I’ll be right back” she said with a wink. She went to sit down next to another guy, leaving me with the behemoth.

  He extended his hand to me. “She is a firecracker that one. Nice to meet you.” Waiting for me to tell him my name.

  “Charlotte, hi, I am Charlotte,” shaking his hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Charlotte, why are you out here by yourself,” he said sitting next to me.

  I felt immediately comfortable around him like he was the brother I should have had. “I don’t really know what to do in social situations. I am a bit shy and awkward.”

  He turned towards me, taking a sip of his beer. “No need to feel funny here hun, we are all just family here, brothers,” he said opening his arms to say everyone around.

  “Heather said you’re the VP of the club.”

  “Sure I am, sweetheart,” he pointed towards the guy Breaker I met before, “That there is Breaker, he is the President, what he says is law and no one fucks with him or me for that matter.”

  So the sexy mysterious man really is the President. “I didn’t know that. I am not really sure how Motorcycle Clubs work.”

  “Nothin’ to it sweetheart, we have a President, VP which is me, Sargent at Arms, a Road Captain, Treasurer, brothers, and prospects,” he said pointing out each of them to me. “We are a brotherhood and watch out for one another, we are family.”

  “What’s a prospect,” I asked genuinely interested and feeling at ease. This is the first time I have been able to talk to a man without freaking out.

  He smiled down at me. This guy had to be at least 6’5 and over 250 pounds. He looked scary but something about his eyes made me feel comfortable. “A prospect is someone that is trying to be a part of the club. Call it a trial period. They have to prove themselves worthy of wearing our cut and patch. They have “Daddies” which are like sponsors who vouch for them to be a part of the club,” he said.

  “What about those girls?” I said blushing, pointing to BJ girl.

  He laughed, “Noticed them, didn’t yah. Those are hang arounds. They are here to attend to the brothers. They are here by choice and want to be here. We never force anyone to be here.”

  I notice the President guy looking over at us, our eyes connected. He looked pissed. I hope I didn’t do something to make him angry. I don’t want to ruin Heather's relationship with them. She seems really happy to be here.

  Out of the corner of my eye I felt someone stalking towards me. I immediately freeze when I see my brother.

  Tank noticed the shift in my body. “Sugar, everything okay?” he said.

  I nodded. “I-I-I think I should go,” I started to shake not taking my eyes off my brother.

  He put an arm around me. Hugging me sideways sort of. I winced. He backed off for a moment and looked at me with concerned eyes.

  Noticing that I wasn’t gonna say anything, “Let me get Heather and she can take ya home,” he said.

  He started to get up but I grabbed his arm quickly, “No, please stay,” I said.

  “Okay, then,” he said looking down at my hand on his wrist.

  My brother stood right in front of me. His nose flared, his hands clenched down by his sides and his face was red. He was clenching his jaw as well. He was pissed. I just hope he didn’t do something in front of all these people. I asked Tank to stay, that way I can put off being embarrassed in front of everyone.

  “Can I help you, prospect?” asked Tank.

  “Charlotte, what the fuck are you doing here,” my brother Charlie
asked as he grabbed my wrist, making me stand.

  Tank got up and into Charlie’s face, “What the fuck prospect, you need to let her go. I was just talking to her. You have no claim on the lady unless I am missing something here,” Tank said looking at me.

  Charlie got into Tank’s face and said “That’s my sister. Now I know she really is a whore.” I winced.

  Charlie still held onto my wrist gripping tighter. I yelped a little. I knew I would have a new bruise there tomorrow. “Charlie, please don’t fight, we were just talking, nothing more I swear,” I said trying to get my wrist free.

  I saw him bringing his hand to punch me. I saw it moving in and was bracing myself for it, I closed my eyes just like the other times, hoping it wouldn’t be too bad. It never came. I opened my eyes and saw Breaker punching and pushing my brother away. I felt huge arms around me and looked up, Tank had grabbed me and gave me a wink.

  “You don’t fucking touch women, you piece of shit,” Breaker said.

  Breaker’s face was so red and his eyes were bugging out. His arms were rippling from the tension and anger. My brother was on the floor with a busted up lip. I tried to go to him but Tank held me in a bear hug. It was hurting my ribs but I didn’t say anything.

  “Stop squirmin’ honey, I am not gonna let you go, so you best get comfortable right now. Let Pres do his job. We don’t take it well when women are hit,” said Tank.

  I heard my brother saying, “I was just taking my whore sister back home. She knows better.”

  “What I see is a helpless woman that you were about to beat on. I don’t let that shit fly in my club. You’re out,” said Breaker running his hands through his hair.

  “You're gonna regret this, bitch,” my brother said. My brother walked away looking back at me. I saw the fury in his eyes. I would definitely be paying for this later.

  Heather ran up to Tank and I, “Oh my gosh, what is going on here, Char?” she said.

  “Nothing Heather, my brother was trying to stir things up but it was nothing, I promise,” I said.

  Tank snorted, “I wouldn’t say nothing honey, he was about to punch you.” Heather gasped. She looked at me with big eyes.

  “It’s okay nothing happened, I think I am gonna go now,” I said.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Breaker said as he walked up to me. My eyes bugged out.

  He looked really pissed. God I hope he won’t hurt me either. What he doesn’t know is that he made it worse. I have to go back home and I know my brother is going to hurt me.

  Breaker held out his hand for me, I looked into his eyes. I grabbed his hand and he led me inside. He took me down a hall to a door. He opened up the door and there was a giant bed and a connecting bathroom. He closed the door behind us. He stood in front of the door with his arms crossed just looking at me. I was rubbing my wrist.

  Was he going to hurt me? I found my voice finally. “Why are we in here?” I said.

  He got closer and was standing really close to me. He smelled like leather and cologne. His nostrils flared and he closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

  “Let me see your wrist,” he said.

  “Really I am okay, I am just going to go. I have already caused enough problems.”

  “I am not gonna ask again Charlotte, let me see your damn wrist.”

  I held out my arm. He took my hand in his and started lifting my long sleeved shirt up. I didn’t want him to see anything beyond my wrist. He started to examine my wrist and saw a bruise already starting to form. His jaw started to clench and his nostrils flared. He brought my wrist up to his mouth and he kissed it. My breath hitched and I flinched.

  He smiled then dropped my hand and walked to the door and back running his hands through his hair. He came to stand in front of me. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Pushing my sleeve down, “I am fine really, it’s just a little bruise. No biggie.”

  “That,” pointing to my arm, “is a big deal,” he said.

  “Can I go please, I really just want to go home, take a bath and sleep.”

  He came over to me. Looked me in the eyes and got closer. I could feel his breathing on me. He was a huge man. I looked up into his eyes. My breath hitched. I looked down.

  He used his thumb under my jaw to lift my face to him. “You don’t have to be afraid of me.”

  I wanted to kiss him. I shouldn’t want to kiss him, my brother just about abused me in front of strangers and here I am wanting to kiss a stranger.

  I still want to kiss him, I had to just move a little to reach him. I moved closer and pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back. He lifted me up by my butt and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel his hard cock pressed against my core. I was wet and felt it through my pants. He teased my tongue with his and slightly bit my lip. It hurt so bad to be straddling him like that, I had fresh cigarette burns on my thighs from my brother. I tried to hide my pain.

  I unwrapped my legs and came to stand. We looked at each other again with lustful eyes. I backed away and walked to the door.

  I couldn’t let someone get close to me. My brother would never allow it, they’d get hurt.

  “Thank you for what you did. I need to get home now.” I turned and walked out the door to look for Heather. I felt embarrassed, I just kissed a stranger and my brother is an idiot.

  I found Heather with Tank. She came running over to me and hugged me. I told her I wanted to go home, she just nodded. I gave Tank a hug and said thank you. As we drove away I saw all their bikes lined up in front of the clubhouse.

  I faced forward and let out a sigh. Damn, he can kiss.

  Heather dropped me off at home. His bike was in the front and the kitchen light was on. Heather turned to me, “You sure you’re gonna be okay with him in there,” she said.

  “Yeah, I will be fine. I think he was just drunk,” I said.

  “Are you absolutely sure? You know that you can stay with me anytime?

  “Really, Heather this is the first time anything like this has happened. I think my brother is drunk and doesn’t know what he is doing. I promise I will be okay. He is just going to sleep it off and then it will be like nothing happened.” I hope she believes me, I don’t want anyone to get involved with my brother, he is a monster. I want to leave him, but I know he needs me. We are each other’s only family. I wish I was strong.

  “Alright, text me when you get to bed so I know you’re okay.”

  “I will.”

  Hugging me she said, “I will see you in a few days. Try to relax on your days off.”

  “Thanks for the ride.” I got out and walked to my front door.

  I just pray that it wouldn’t be too bad.



  “ FUCK!!” I shouted as I punched the wall. Bloodying up my knuckles. I hated people who beat on helpless women. It reminded me of when my mom’s boyfriend used to knock her around and finally one day he killed her. That motherfucker is in jail now. I testified against him. Now he can rot in jail. That’s the only good thing about the law.

  I may be an outlaw biker but there are some laws I don’t break.

  I fell asleep thinking about kissing Charlotte. That girl’s gonna be mine.

  The next day while sitting in the room we held church in, Tank walked in after I sent him text wanting him to meet me in here.

  Running a hand through my hair and down my face. I turned to him. “Tank, church in 10. I only want leadership in there.”

  “Got it Pres.”

  I heard him walk into the clubhouse and yell church for leadership only. I needed to call a meeting because our treasurer Rock found some discrepancies in the money being handled at one of the tattoo shops. It seems like someone is stealing. No one steals from the Corrupted Saints.

  I try to run clean businesses as fronts. Of course, we do some illegal things but the up and up businesses bring in a shit load of money. Our club owns two tattoo shops, a strip club, an auto shop, a cleaning business and
a custom motorcycle shop. We also deal in transporting cargo for other people, trade in guns, and run security among other things. We have our hands in some local law enforcement as well. Money talks in this dirty world we live in.

  I am sitting at the head of the table and I can’t stop thinking about Charlotte. I realize now her eyes were familiar because they belong to that motherfucker brother of hers. They have the same violet eyes except hers are sad and his are full of hate. I don’t know why I keep thinking about her but there is something about her that makes me want to protect her and fuck her too. Not to mention that she is beautiful and doesn’t seem to notice it. I wish I could see what she looks like without all those baggy clothes on. I wonder why a doctor has such ratty clothes, they make a lot of money.

  I am brought out of my thoughts by the guys sitting down. The guys in front of me are the men I trust most. They live by the same rules that I do and we would all die for one another.

  “Alright guys, Rock here found some discrepancies in the money at Saints Tattoo. Rock, why don’t you explain.” Rock is the treasurer and resident nerd. He takes care of the money and he is also the best hacker and all around computer nerd. He doesn’t look it though, he and Buzz could be brothers but they aren’t, they are cousins. Both of them served in the military but Rock was in the Navy and doesn’t talk about it much.

  I looked over to Rock and nodded. “Okay guys, I was looking over the profit and loss and noticed that we were doing way more tattoos than there was money coming in. Whoever did this thought they could hide the fact that there was less profit by saying they bought supplies. They are shit heads because I went down there and there was actually no supplies and one of the tattoo artists was complaining she needed supplies. I asked her what the fuck was going on and she said she had been trying to get Crash to buy supplies but he never did,” Rock said.

  My first were clenching. I don’t like being stolen from and whoever was doing it was gonna pay. I made sure all my brothers were covered with money and they all had jobs. Everyone got their cut from the business as long as they were loyal and worked hard for the club. That Crash mother fucker is gonna pay if it turns out he is stealing. He is already on my shit list for that peckerhead prospect trying to beat Charlotte and there was talk he was seen hanging with the Death Riders MC. Corrupted Saints and the Death Riders don’t get along ever since they tried to take over my territory. Crash better pray he wasn’t stealing from me for those fuckers.


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