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Breaker (Book 1): Corrupted Saints MC

Page 3

by Kimberly Belle

  Rock continued, “I don’t like to point fingers but I think Crash is stealing the money and giving it to the Death Riders. Has anyone noticed how he seems a little cracked out? I think he might be using again and using the money from the shop to fix his little habit. He also has that prospect with the crazy eyes.”

  “Motherfucker is gonna pay if it is true,” said Buzz my Sargent in Arms, slamming his fist on the table.

  “Calm down brother, I am not gonna point fingers unless we have proof. I don’t believe in pointing fingers unless we know a hundred percent he is a traitor to the club.”

  “What do you suggest then, Breaker,” said Tank.

  “I think we need to set up a security system off the record and see what happens. I also want a tail on him to see if he is talking to the Death Riders. Also get the girl her supplies and we wait and see what happens. I don’t want anyone that isn’t in this room finding out,” I said.

  They all said a collective “Got it.”

  “Alright Rock, let’s do a rundown of the other businesses,” I said.

  Rock began to go through all the financials of the other businesses. Everything was running smoothly. We had a security job coming up for a cartel wanting to transport. We weren’t hurting for money by any means but we did jobs to keep up alliances.

  I turned to Winger, my Road Captain, “Winger, I want you to take a group of men and run security for this deal.”

  Winger nodded. “I don’t want any hiccups and you take the prospects with you,” I said.

  “Pres, what are we gonna do about that fucker who punched Charlotte,” asked Tank.

  My fists clenched. I slammed the gavel. “Meeting adjourned, Tank, hold up. Everyone else go. Winger, I want updates on how everything goes.” He nodded.

  Tank was looking at me and I wanted to punch him for asking about her. Just thinking about her brother putting his hands on her had me seeing red.

  “Calm down, Mason, it’s just you and me, Mason and Theo right now. What’s going on with you?” he asked.

  I looked to him. He has been my friend since we were kids. We patched in at the same time and took rank at the same time. We had each other’s back. If I had to count on anyone it would be him.

  “Look Tank, I can’t stop thinking about her brother and what he did. I have a bad feeling about that fucker,” I said.

  He grabbed my shoulder. “I feel the same way, she feels like a long lost little sister to me. I tried to hug her and she winced like she was in pain. Something bad is happening to her. I just hope she stays away from that mother fucker cause I will hurt him,” he said. My brother is always the protector of the innocent. He may be a mean motherfucker and I wouldn’t mess with him but he had a soft spot for damsels in distress. He lost his sister young and now tries to be the best protector he can be.

  I let out a breath. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. “There is nothing we can do, we don’t know where she lives or anything except she is a doctor.”

  “What if we called Heather, they were here together,” he said.

  “Do it.”

  I got up and grabbed myself a whiskey straight from a roll away tray in the back of the room. Someone is stealing from my club, possibly a traitor, the cartel run and this girl that I can’t get out of my mind. I think I am going to need more whiskey.

  I told Tank that I would be in my room. “If you find anything out, let me know.” I turned and left.

  I got into my room, took off my shirt and laid on my bed. I immediately fell asleep.

  2 hours later…..


  “What the fuck!!”

  “Breaker, I just spoke to Heather.” It was Tank. I got up and opened the door.

  “What the fuck man, you and this banging on the door business. If I had to guess you were the repo man,” I sighed. “What did you find out?”

  He walked in and sat on the leather sofa I had in the corner. “Heather said that Charlotte came back to work after her week off but that she had some bruises on her face and a dislocated shoulder. She asked Charlotte about it and she said she was in a car accident. Her brother has been bringing her into work,” he said.

  I saw red, I felt my teeth grinding against each other and my fists clenching. That motherfucker was beating her. I don’t take old ladies, but I’ve met this girl once and she is ruining my world. I need to make her mine so I can protect her. The Corrupted Saints are just that, we can be Saints but we have our corrupted moments. We aren’t angels but we protect the unprotected and helpless. I can’t stand to watch a women get beat. It makes my blood boil.

  “That sounds like shit man. I think we need to pay her brother a visit while she is at work.”

  “Sounds like a plan, you want me to get a couple of the guys,” he asked.

  “Just you, me and Buzz, he never liked that prospect.”

  Ten minutes later, I got on my baby, my Harley and we rode out to the prospects house.

  We knocked on his door.

  “What the fuck do you want,” he said as he opened the door. He looked white as a sheet as Tank pushed him in.

  I walked in after Tank and Buzz and noticed two cars in the driveway. Car accident, my ass. I walked into the house and smelled peaches and vanilla. It smelled just like her. My fists clenched together. She lives here.

  “You, my friend think it is okay to beat on women,” said Buzz.

  “I-I-I don’t know what you are talking about, I didn’t touch anyone. I was drunk that night and I didn’t even hit her. You stepped in before anything could happen” he said.

  I stepped up to him, where Buzz and Tank were holding each of his arms. “Then how do you explain Charlotte with a dislocated shoulder and a bruised up face,” I punched him in the gut. “You like to hit helpless women,” another punch. “You don’t touch her again, and if I hear that you do, I will kill you and that is a promise.” I hit him one more time and this time he blacked out.

  “Let’s go, leave the scum there,” I said.

  We walked out of there and closed the door making sure that no one saw us. If he touches her one more time, I will kill him.

  I need a long ride to clear my head. I needed to think. I told the guys to head out to the clubhouse and that I would be back later.

  I needed to be alone.



  I hated lying. It’s been a little over two weeks since I went to the clubhouse party with Heather. I had to lie to my boss this morning. There was no way to hide the split lip and black eye. Not to mention that I was wearing a sling. I couldn’t tell them that my brother beat me until I blacked out or that he continued to do it for two days. So I lied, like I always do for him. I told them I was in a car accident out of state. They believed it.

  The only person who had a problem believing what was wrong was Heather. She was at the party that night and she saw how my brother was. She kept telling me that if I needed help that she was there for me. I knew it was her way of saying I know what your brother is doing and I am here to help.

  I couldn’t bring anyone else into my drama. I didn’t want anyone to be hurt on account of me. My brother is a psycho. No one knows this but we used to have two beautiful baby huskies. They were like my babies. One drunken night my brother killed them. He buried them in our backyard. I know he did it to hurt me and it worked. Ever since then he has been the monster he is now.

  “Hey girlie, how are you doing?” asked Heather. Bringing me out of my trance of thoughts.

  “Hey Heather, everything is good. I can’t wait to drive again. I hate riding with my brother. He is such an asshole sometimes.”

  “Yeah I can only imagine,” there was a small pause. “You have a patient in room bed five asking for you,” she said.

  “Oh? Who is it?”

  “It is Mrs. Jackson. Do you remember her?”

  “Yeah, of course, I remember her. Oh my gosh, what did he do to her now,” I said as I rushed over to bed five. />
  I opened the curtain and saw Mrs. Jackson there looking healthy and happy. My jaw dropped and I smiled.

  “Mrs. Jackson! Wow, you look great. How are you?”

  She smiled at me. She looked like a different person. She was happy. “Hi Dr. Charlotte,” she said. Everyone called me Dr. Charlotte even though my name last name was Worthington. She continued, “I just wanted to thank you for giving me that extra push to not be in my relationship anymore. I saw how it was damaging to my kids, I called the police the next time he touched me and I filed charges. He is now in jail awaiting sentencing.”

  She got up and gave me a hug. “I am so glad to hear that. Is everything okay?” I said looking her up and down, she was in the hospital after all.

  “Yes, I just wanted to see you. They wouldn’t let me in unless I was a patient so I told them I had a cold.”

  “Thank you so much for coming to see me,” I hugged her. “Please if you need anything don’t hesitate to come back to the hospital.”

  I sighed. I felt a pang of jealousy mixed in with my happiness for her. She was finally free. If I could ever be that free I would take the chance, I think the only thing that would let me be free is if my brother disappeared from my life.

  Five hours later, my brother came to pick me up. I got into the car and gasped. He was completely bruised and beaten.

  “Charlie, what happened to you?”

  “Nothing, you bitch,” he said. He slapped me.

  I brought my hand up to my face where he hit me. He opened up the cut on my lip again.

  He drove in silence. I tried to get as close to the door as I could as possible. I saw his knuckles on the steering wheel and they were turning white from his grip.

  Twenty minutes later we were home.

  I got out of the car and walked into house straight to the kitchen to make dinner. Charlie expected me to have dinner on the table in an hour.

  I went to the fridge, pulled out some steaks and vegetables. I grabbed a cutting board and a knife to slice the veggies.

  Charlie walked in and had a look on his face. “Dinner will be ready in twenty,” I told him.

  He walked up to me and punched me right in the stomach. “You couldn’t keep your legs together could you, you had to go cry wolf to the Corrupted Saints, didn’t you. You spread your legs like the whore you are.” He punched me again on my already broken ribs.

  “Charlie, please. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I only talked to them that one night,” I screamed through tears.

  He came at me again. Hitting me in the face this time, multiple times. I tried to get away but he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me back to the kitchen. He grabbed a knife that was on the counter and stabbed my leg and left it there. I pleaded, “Please Charlie, stop, I haven’t talked to anyone. I am your sister, please stop, you’re going to kill me!”

  “You’re not my sister, you’re a whore. I saw you with Tank and that cocksucker Breaker.”

  He punched me more and I felt that I was going to pass out. I kept thinking I need to leave otherwise he is going to kill me. I need to stay awake. I gathered the last of my strength and kicked him in the balls. He went down and tried to grab at me. I grabbed the cast iron pan on the stove and hit him with it. I heard him groaning as I ran out the door grabbing my side and leg that still had a knife in it.

  I didn’t dare take a car because he had all the keys. I ran and ran not realizing I was dripping blood as I went.

  I kept telling myself just a little bit further. I didn’t realize where I was going until I reached the clubhouse for the Corrupted Saints MC. The Corrupted Saints clubhouse was 3 miles from my home. I really hope they let me in. Heather told me that unless they know you, expect you or are a patched member they wouldn’t let you in.

  I walked up to the gate holding my bloody leg. The guy at the gate told me to leave and that I wasn’t welcome.

  The last thing I remember was saying “Breaker” before I passed out.



  “ What the fuck is going on,” I said as I walked out of my room zipping up my pants from fucking Candy’s mouth. I told her to beat it after I got my fill. She kept wanting to stay and talking about becoming my old lady. I told her to fuck off.

  “Breaker,” I heard Tank yell. I whipped my head towards him and saw him holding a bleeding Charlotte. “Call Heather now!”

  I stood there frozen. The girl that I couldn’t stop thinking about was in my best friend’s arms bleeding and swollen beyond recognition.

  “BREAKER!,” Tank yelled bringing me out of my shock. I pulled out my phone and called Heather. She was panicking on the phone and said she would rush over. I would have called an ambulance but if this was club related, I didn’t need the police snooping around. Heather would fix her.

  I followed Tank back to sick bay. When I walked in, I saw Tank and Buzz working on my girl. They were trying to cut her clothes away. I growled. They both stopped and put their hands up. I stood and stared at them.

  “Calm down Breaker, we need to get her clothes off to help her,” said Buzz.

  “Fine but you don’t stare at her,” I said. I knew I was being an unreasonable jackass but no one should get to see her except me. I walked over to Charlotte and saw her face, it didn’t even look like her.

  I stood and stared down at this swollen human on the table. “How do we know that it’s her, I don’t recognize her,” I said.

  Tank threw something at me. I caught it. It was her hospital ID badge. Dr. Charlotte Worthington.

  “Buzz, how about we clean up the blood on her face and see if anything is still bleeding,” said Tank. He was looking at the knife in her leg, holding gauze to it.

  Buzz and Tank started cleaning my girl’s face. I stood by her hair and was in shock. They ripped open her baggy pants and what was underneath almost made me throw up. Her legs aside from the knife sticking out was full of cigarette burns.

  “Where is she,” said Heather rushing in. She had her medical bag with her. She came to a stop when she saw Charlotte. She started crying.

  I walked over to her and grabbed both her shoulders, “Heather, look at me,” she looked up with tear filled eyes. “I need you to help Charlotte. There is a knife in her leg and I think she needs stitches. Please help her. She needs you.”

  She nodded her head and said “Okay.”

  Heather started to get to work. She worked on removing the knife from Charlotte’s leg and gave her stitches on her leg, lip, and forehead. She also set up an IV for her and gave her some meds to keep her asleep for a while. She said she would be in a shit ton of pain when she woke.

  We moved her to my room and I stayed with her. I sat on my leather chair and watched her sleep, making sure that she kept on breathing. Heather came to visit every day to make sure her wounds were clean and that nothing tore open. This woman grabbed ahold of my heart and I only met her once.

  On the third day, I got up from my bed to shower. I had Tank come in to watch her. I wouldn’t leave her alone, not even for a second. I always had a brother in with her while I took care of club business if I wasn’t able to. I was afraid she would stop breathing. I was able to shower and eat something before I went back to her. She was mine and I take care of what is mine.

  I was walking back to my room to find Tank running out. “What’s going on man, I told you to stay with her,” I said.

  “I was coming to get you,” he said.

  “Why? Did something happen?”

  I heard a tiny voice, “Breaker.” My heart dropped. It was Charlotte, she was awake.

  I rushed into the room and went to her bedside.

  Tank followed behind me and said, “I called Heather, she said she was gonna come in after her shift.”



  I was waking up after what felt like the best sleep I had ever had. I was dreaming that Breaker was in bed with me and that I was free from my brother. That he just left
me alone.

  I started to slowly move my body and winced in pain and a flood of memories came back to me.

  Charlie. Charlie almost killed me. He stabbed me. Is that what I feel on my leg? I was afraid to open my eyes.

  I heard a voice. It sounded familiar but I was still waking up to really hear it.

  “Charlotte, it’s Tank. You’re safe. You’re safe.”

  I opened my eyes and saw his beautiful behemoth of a face. I tried to smile but it hurt.

  “Easy there sweetheart. I know you want to flash me those pearly whites but for right now I need ya to take it easy.”

  I saw him get up to go to the door. I didn’t want him to leave. I tried to get up.

  He stopped me, “Don’t try to move honey, I am not leaving you, I am just gonna go get Breaker.”

  Breaker. That was the last thing I remember saying before I passed out.

  I heard his voice, “What’s going on man, I told you to stay with her.”

  “I was coming to get you,” Tank said.

  “Why? Did something happen?” Breaker said.

  I opened my mouth and gathered my strength “Breaker,” I said.

  He rushed to my bedside as I followed him with my eyes. My throat was so dry like sandpaper and I felt like someone put me in a washing machine on high spin.

  My throat was so raw, I needed water. “Water, please,” I said.

  Breaker grabbed a bottle of water he had by the bed and brought it to my lips.


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