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To Tempt an Earl: Lords of London, Book 3

Page 10

by Gill, Tamara

  “Are you really worried about that now? Simply answer the question.” She spoke into the darkness, not able to see anything at all.

  More scratching and another curse. “Where the hell?”

  Katherine gasped as one, large, male hand landed directly on her breast. Her body shot to life, and she hoped, even craved that his hand would curve about her aching flesh and squeeze it a little. Anything to save her from this throbbing need she had for him. “Hamish…”

  His rapid breathing told her without sight that he reacted in kind and he took an awfully long time to remove his hand. “I should apologize. It’s certainly what a gentleman should do.”

  Her breast ached with the lack of his touch when he pulled away, and she wasn’t ready for him to stop touching her. But here and now wasn’t the time for a rendezvous. The whole company at the home were playing a game, and should they go missing, especially Hamish as he was supposed to be finding other guests, it would cause a huge scandal.

  “It was an accident, brought on by the fact we’re stuck in a hidden passageway in pitch black. How on earth are we going to find our way back?” she said, hoping to change the subject. Around Lord Leighton she did not trust herself. Impulses he’d awoken refused to settle and demanded she do as she wanted, not what she ought.

  “There, ahead of us,” he said, his voice close. “There is a small light.” His hand fluttered down her arm before he took her hand. “Let us take it slowly, less we both fall over next time.”

  She chuckled and let him lead the way. They walked slowly, more cautious now that their vision was impaired by the darkness, but the small light that they had spied wasn’t a door at all, a small hole gave them view into the corridor, or what Katherine thought was the corridor at least.

  The groan that they’d heard earlier sounded again and she clutched at his arm. Lord Leighton paused to look through the hole and cursed. “Do not look, Katherine. Come, we’ll continue this way.”

  “What is it? What have you found?” She pushed him aside and standing on tiptoe she looked through the hole. It was something that Katherine had never seen before in her life and loathed to think that such a thing may be located in her room, as it was in this one.

  “Oh my,” she gasped, unable to look away from the vision before her. That of two of the guests, who came without partners following the death of their spouses were enjoying each other very much in private.

  “Come, Kat.”

  His voice was strained, deeper than she’d heard it before and she cursed not being able to see him, see what the vision they’d just viewed was doing to him. “I’m glad they’re enjoying themselves,” she said, grinning at her own words.

  “Are you not enjoying yourself?”

  She reached out for his hand and her palm landed directly on his chest. He was all muscle, a virile healthy man. The only man who’d ever made her weak at the knees. “I would enjoy our time here more if we were doing what was happing right now in the room beside us.”

  In the dark, everything seemed magnified, his breathing, her shivers as his hand came up to cover hers sitting on his chest. After seeing him today with Lady Savile she’d not thought she would ever feel jealousy, hurt even inflicted by someone else, but thinking of Hamish in the arms of another woman, loving her as she wanted left a hollow in her heart.

  She bit her lip. Would he do as she asked, as they’d agreed, or since being here, meeting a women who suited his tastes more, both in looks and social standing, did he simply not want her?

  He pulled her into his arms, and a small flutter went off in her stomach. “If you will have me, Katherine, I will come to your room tonight. I’ve already found out which one it is. And then my dearest,” he said, his hands bracketing her face and kissing her. “We shall do everything you want.”

  Heat pooled between her legs and she moaned when he kissed her again. The thought of them doing what she’d seen the couple undertaking through the peep hole left her longing for the night to end so theirs could begin.

  “Anything?” Katherine hadn’t been shy about reading up on what lovers partook during a sexual act, and there were some very interesting ideas that she longed to try. But would he let her? Excitement thrummed through her veins. She supposed she was to soon find out. If this was her one and only night with Lord Leighton, then she would make the most of it.

  He chuckled, pulling her back along the passage. “I’m yours to do with as you wish, but first, we have to find a way out of this infernal passage. If I don’t return you soon to company, I cannot be held responsible for my actions. Not even in this black hole.”

  Chapter 9

  Hamish paced back and forth in his room, waiting for the house to quieten after the night’s activities. The game had continued after Katherine and he had found their way out of the secret passageway, and with her help, he’d found most of the guests. After that, the party gathered in the music room downstairs for cards, some dancing and good conversations.

  Yet, the entire time, all Hamish could think about was what was to come. He wanted to make Katherine’s first time a pleasurable one and he’d gone over in his mind again and again what he could do to ensure that.

  It was not the best course of action since he was in company at the time, and would not, under any circumstances stand to converse. Katherine had mingled for the remainder of the night, and after their talk upstairs, she seemed to have mellowed a little around Lady Savile and yet, every now and then he caught sight of her admiring the woman and a little alarm went off in his mind.

  Did she think she was not as attractive, not as beautiful as the other women that were present? To him, Katherine was the most beautiful woman he’d ever met, and after tonight she would know that.

  He checked the time, it was past one and still he could hear people out in the corridor, guests heading for bed. Finally. Some minutes later, his door opened, and he turned to see Katherine slip inside and close it quickly. She turned to him, a silk dressing robe over her shift. He let out a pained breath. Damn it, she was beautiful, and his. His to adore and to cherish for the night.

  “You took too long, Lord Leighton. I hope you’ve not changed your mind,” she said, coming toward him and sliding off her robe, only to throw it on a nearby chair.

  Hamish found his voice, although even to himself he sounded breathless. When had she become an expert siren? He met her half way and pulling her into his arms he kissed her, like he’d wanted to kiss her when he’d entered the parlor this afternoon after his ride.

  She melted against him, all soft womanly flesh that sent his wits spiralling. He ran his hands over her back, over her buttocks to pull her hard against his bulging cock that strained against his breeches. That she was here, in his room, and they were alone, wouldn’t be disturbed all night, sent his pulse to gallop.

  He nibbled her lips, explored her mouth with his tongue, groaned when she matched him, stroke for stroke, touch for touch.

  “Katherine,” he whispered against her neck, nipping on the little vein that protruded there. Her skin smelt of soap, and jasmine, her hair of fruits. He had no doubt she’d taste just as good.

  Hamish couldn’t wait much longer to see her, he wanted to gaze down upon her full glory and revel in it.

  She broke the kiss and stepped back, holding his gaze, hers heavy with desire that shot blood straight to his groin. Katherine stood before him, her shift almost translucent and pulled the small ties at the front of her gown apart. He could not pull his attention away from her hands, or what they were doing for anything, and then, with a lift of her shoulder and little shimmy the shift dropped and pooled about her feet.

  Underneath she was gloriously naked. Hamish reached out and traced her collarbone, her audible gasp almost put an end to his resolve to look, to admire and learn every ounce of her. Her breasts, which were larger than he’d thought rose with every breath, her nipples the sweetest pink he’d ever beheld, and puckered into tight buds.

  He wanted to lick them,
suckle and kiss them until she was writhing and begging for him. He licked his lips, imaging it, all the while knowing that within a few moments he’d be doing what he’d wanted to for weeks. His gaze moved downwards to her perfect waist, and hips that flared. She was so beautiful his breath caught in his lungs.

  “You do me such an honor, Katherine.” He grazed his hand over her navel and meeting her gaze, moved it down to cup between her legs. She was gloriously wet, ready for him.

  Her hands came about his neck and she cried out, the sound breaking the little control he held. Swinging her up in his arms, he walked them to the bed, laying her down and coming to lie over her. She shook beneath him, and he kissed her, wanting to dispel any nerves. If he could help it he would never hurt her, but if there were the slightest pain during their joining it would be minimal and soon replaced with pleasure.

  * * *

  Katherine positively trembled with want of Hamish. His strong, lean, muscular body over hers, the wisp of hair that tickled her breasts, the slight grazing of his stubbled jaw as he kissed her, conquered her mouth in a punishing kiss. Katherine promised herself then and there should she never have another such kiss her life would be content. For to have such a kiss from Hamish, one that told her without words that she was wanted, desired, longed for, was more than anything she’d ever expected.

  His hands clasped her thigh and he lifted her leg to sit against his hip. The position allowed him to press himself against her fully, and all her thoughts centered on the one place that begged, throbbed for more.

  “What is this madness you’re doing to me,” she gasped, watching him as he kissed his way down her chest to only stop at her breasts and look at them. Katherine fought not to hide herself, conscious of the fact that she wasn’t as full in the breast area than his usual lovers, but his exquisite unbidden delight when looking at them seemed to say he didn’t mind. One hand cupped her breast and pleasure rocked through her. He leaned down, licking first her nipple before giving it a teasing nip.

  She moaned, a sound that mingled with his own groan. Katherine pushed up against him, his hard member solid against her core and she ached so very much to have it inside her. Although she’d never experienced such things before, surely it would feel as good as his mouth on her now.

  He moved to lavish attention to the other breast, and she speared her fingers through his hair, holding him against her so he might never stop his attentions. His hand slid down her stomach, clasping her there before delving between her wet folds.

  Katherine shut her eyes as he slid his fingers against her most private of places, using his thumb to roll against a part of her that made her want nothing but him. “Hamish,” was all she could manage to say while her mind whirred. Was it like this always between married couples? To know this kind of pleasure would be unbearably hard to only experience once.

  He groaned and kissed his way down her stomach. So, lost in her own enjoyment she didn’t realize what he was doing before his heated breath caressed her mons. She attempted to sit up, but he merely met her gaze, a feral edge to it that made her flustered and warm, before pushing on her stomach, warning her to stay.

  “Lay back and relax. If we’re to only have one night, we’re going to have a long and very varied one.” He bent his head and Katherine sighed, biting her lip as his mouth, his tongue…What his tongue was doing was beyond anything she’d ever thought. When she’d seen such drawings in the books she’d borrowed from the Duke of Athelby’s library, she never imagined how wonderful it would feel.

  He slid a finger across the spot that thrilled with every touch and then slid it inside.

  “Damn Kat, you’re so tight.”

  Katherine was beyond thought or words, she simply clung onto his head, holding him, undulating against his face like a woman gone wild. How had she not known it could be like this with a man. How could she ever move forward in life and only have this once.

  Only make love with Hamish once…

  His ministrations continued, with every thrust of his hand, his tongue matched its purpose and with agonising delight, her body coiled, thrived on his touch and sought something she’d never known.

  “That’s it darling, let go. Come for me,” he said, kissing her again without restraint. His teasing lightened to a slow torment and her body hitched, her hips pushing up to find release. Without any care as to how wanton she might seem, pleasure like none she’d ever known rocked through her body. Tremor after tremor of delicious spasm ran across her skin and she giggled, her limbs weak, her body slackened and sated.

  Hamish kissed his way up her body, hitching her leg over his hip. “My turn,” he said, kissing her deeply.

  She tasted herself on him, and it sent the beginnings of pleasure to build once again. This is what she wanted after all. To have Hamish just like this, her lover, a man who for one night at least would worship her body, make her feel just as beautiful as anyone else.

  He positioned himself at her opening. “I’m sorry, my darling, this may be uncomfortable.” He thrust forward and Katherine gasped at the sting of pain, clutching at his shoulders. He stopped moving, and simply stayed fully lodged within her. It allowed her to get used to the feeling of him being there, inside her.

  It was odd, there was no doubt about that, but when he moved again, instead of pain there was only the residual delight of her own release, doubly so, now that Hamish was going to experience the same.

  He pushed into her, groaning against her neck when she lifted her legs higher.

  “You’re so beautiful, Katherine,” he rasped against her lips, watching her as he took her. His arms strained as he held himself atop her, his corded muscles straining with the effort and never had she seen anything so desirous in all her life.

  His strokes became faster, harder and she found the more he took her like this, the more her body craved release. She was becoming a woman who couldn’t get enough of him, and one night seemed such a waste. Surely, they could have two.

  “Katherine,” he moaned, taking her lips, his hips flexing. Warmth spread through her, and at the last minute he pulled out, spilling his seed across her stomach. Hamish collapsed beside her, and reaching into the bedside cabinet drawer, he pulled out a cloth and wiped her clean before drawing her up against his chest. “We shall rest for a time, and then my dear, I will show you what else we can do.”

  His teasing grin mimicked her own. “There’s more we can do?” The idea never occurred to her, not really. She’d seen images in books, but she’d always assumed those positions were exotic, not performed by well-bred English lords. Excitement thrummed through her as one image she wanted to try came to mind.

  “You look positively naughty. What is going on in your mind?” he asked, kissing her so gently on the lips that her heart gave a flip.

  She leaned up and whispered her thought in his ear, unable to voice it out loud, even though they were quite alone. His eyes went wide, before they darkened in hunger. He rolled her over onto her back, pinning her to the bed.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his body tight and his manhood hard again against her leg.

  She nodded, her body wiggling in renewed need. “Oh yes, I’m sure. Show me everything.”

  He growled. “With pleasure.”

  Chapter 10

  Katherine sat in the morning room alone. Before her was an untouched pot of tea and an assortment of cakes. She stared at the little flowery design on the side of the teapot and thought about what had transpired between her and Lord Leighton last night. Actually, even this morning if she were honest about their interlude. It had been quite vigorous and lengthy and very much enlightening. She grinned. How different she felt now that she’d slept with a man. Wiser in her wisdom, certainly wiser as to what she’d been missing all these years. Silly dolt.

  She kicked her legs out from beneath her and poured herself a cup. Limiting her milk so the tea wasn’t too cold, she took a small sip, relaxing back in her chair. When they’d parted this morning, a
quick chaste kiss in the corridor there had been no mention of any more nights. Would he stick to their agreement of only one night together? They seemed to get along very well in private, and it would be a shame to stop it since it really had only just begun.

  “Oh, here you are, my dear. I’ve been looking all over for you.” Katherine smiled as Cecilia bustled into the room, her morning gown of white embroidered cotton making her look like a summer’s dream. Marriage seemed to suit her friend very well, and if the glow on her cheeks was any indication, she got along quite well with Lord Aaron in private too.

  “I’m just having a cup of tea, before I’m to head outdoors to join in the game of croquet you have set up outside. Do you care to join me?”

  “I’d love to. After all the running about this morning I’m in need of substance.” Cecilia sat, her golden locks were pulled up high on her head, and yet a few wisps framed her pretty face.

  “You do look like you’ve been busy. Can I help you with anything?” Katherine asked, sitting back in her chair and taking another sip.

  Cecilia busied herself pouring a cup of tea and picking up a small biscuit. “No, everything is under control, but I would like to know what happened last evening with Lord Leighton.”

  Katherine coughed, choking on her tea. “I’m sorry. What?” How did she know? When she’d snuck into his room she was very discreet and had made sure the last of the guests had gone to their rooms before she scuttled down the passage way to his suite.

  Cecilia raised a knowing brow. “He’s outside partaking in the games and seems quite jovial this morning. In fact, the poor fellow keeps looking back at the house as if he’s expecting someone and it made me wonder. Especially when everyone who’s here for the fortnight is outside on the lawns. All but one.”

  Pleasure ran through her veins. Was Hamish looking for her? Waiting for her? “These cakes are delicious, Cecilia. You must give my regards to your cook when you see her next.”


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