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To Tempt an Earl: Lords of London, Book 3

Page 11

by Gill, Tamara

  Cecilia wagged her finger, grinning. “Oh, no you don’t. You’re going to tell me Kat what you’ve done under this roof, if only so I can be there for you. Support you in your choice.”

  Katherine stood and walked to the window to look out onto the back grounds. Sure enough, in buckskin breeches and a day coat of bottle green stood Lord Leighton, deep in conversation with his friend Lord Bridgman. The game made him take a couple of steps, and it was only then that Katherine was reminded of his lean form, his strong arms and very darling bottom.

  She turned and faced her oldest friend. “I slept with Lord Leighton and worse,” she said pausing. “I want to do it again.”

  Cecilia’s eyes went wide, and she placed her tea cup down. “Come and sit. This we need to discuss at length.”

  Katherine did as she was asked, folding her hands in her lap as she waited for Cecilia to either condone or condemn her. She hoped it would the former.

  “I did not think that Lord Leighton wished to have such intimate relations with you. What changed his mind?” Cecilia asked, her gaze trained on her with unwavering focus and concern.

  She shrugged. “I suppose it has something to do with the fact that whenever we’re together the feelings, the desire that we both feel overrides what our decisions should be. I will never marry, at my age it’s too late for me, and I know I’m also not the kind of woman that Lord Leighton has normally chased. Not that he chased me, but I do not fit his ideal mould.” Tears pricked her eyes, and she sniffed, unsure where all this overwhelming emotion was coming from. Did all woman cry after a night of bliss? Surely not. “We parted on good terms, but no mention was made on continuing our liaison. And so, it seems that perhaps he has held up to his end of the bargain by giving me the one thing that I wished and that is that. But I hope it’s not the case. I like him,” she stated. It was the truth after all. “I like him a lot.”

  “Oh, Katherine,” Cecilia said, coming to sit beside her. “Do not despair, not yet at least. Today is a new day, and such liaisons between two unmarried people is highly scandalous, so he will not be forward in his regard with you, not in public. You may find today when you do speak to him, that he feels the same way and wishes a courtship with you. I can have Hunter have a word with him if you like. Remind Lord Leighton of his honor as a gentleman to not dally with unmarried women only to kick them aside when he’s had his fill.”

  Katherine shook her head, hating even the thought of others telling Lord Leighton what he ought to do simply because of what they’d done. After all, it was her idea to have him sleep with her. “Please don’t. I’m sure no matter what transpires today, Lord Leighton and myself will remain friends. I was the one who instigated all of this in the first place, you cannot have someone chastise him simply because I teased him until he did as I wished.” What a conundrum she was in. And one of her own making.

  “Let us join the others outside. I’m merely being foolish hiding away indoors.” Katherine stood. “Shall we?”

  Cecilia expelled a resigned sigh but stood. “Very well, but please confide in me if anything troubles you. I want you to be happy above anything else.”

  Katherine hugged Cecilia to her as they walked out onto the terrace and made their way down the stairs and onto the large expanse of lawn. “I will come to you should anything upsetting occur, but until then, please don’t fret over me. I’m older than you remember. I’m perfectly well and capable of handling my life.”

  “I know you are.”

  Darcy waved and came over to join them, and for a moment the three simply stood and watched some of the guests play croquet. The players’ laughter during the game brought a smile to Katherine’s lips and she found herself forgetting her troubles over what to do with Hamish and simply enjoyed the house party.

  Lord Leighton took a shot and the small white ball went through the hoop, giving him the lead. He whooped, laughing and smiling at his good fortune. She sighed at how good looking he was, especially compared to her. She wasn’t foolish enough that she believed herself a great beauty, not when Lady Savile walked up to Hamish, placing her hand on his arm as they laughed about something going on in the game.

  “It is harmless, Kat. Lady Savile is simply flirtatious by nature. She’s not interested in Lord Leighton. I promise you that.”

  Katherine looked back toward the pair, and caught Hamish watching her, leaning casually against his croquet stick, his dark hooded eyes raking over her in a way that her skin prickled in heat.

  “And from that look,” Darcy said, chuckling a little. “He’s not interested in Lady Savile either, but in fact, another woman altogether.”

  Her stomach twisted in knots and she smiled a little.

  The game ended and as Hamish started in her direction, Darcy and Cecilia joined their husbands who were seated at an outdoor table, fully engaged in what looked to be a very loud and engaging debate over Tattersalls’ upcoming sale.

  “Are you not going to congratulate me, Miss Martin? I won.”

  Katherine raised her brow, nerves fluttering in her belly knowing this was the first time they’d spoken since last night. A night where he’d shown her a great many things a woman and man could do, that even now made her ache. Would he be willing to continue their liaison? Could she trust that what she suspected of him, his liking of her, and his need were real, and not just because she’d been desperate and begged him to make love to her?

  “Congratulations,” she said, “you must be very proud.” Katherine smiled, ignoring the fact that all she wanted to do right now was fling herself into his arms and kiss him.

  He checked the whereabouts of the other guests before he said, “Is that all I’m to receive from you? Nothing else you’re willing to give to the winner?”

  “I do not understand your meaning, my lord,” she said, trying not to look at his full lips that again reminded her of where they been last night on her person, and the pleasure they’d wrought. She failed utterly. His hair was tied back, but in the outdoors little wisps floated about his face. Last night she’d clasped his hair, holding him as she’d kissed him to distraction. She wanted to see him in such a way again.

  “Tell me, Miss Martin, what do you think would be a fitting prize for a gentleman such as myself. A bottle of the finest whisky? A few sovereigns to line my pocket.” He leaned toward her. “A kiss from the woman who keeps me up all night for want of her?”

  She shivered, knowing that if they were to kiss, the embrace would lead to so much more. The duke of Athelby and the Marquess called out to Hamish to come and join their new croquet game. Hamish waved to them over his shoulder, yelling out, “Just a minute.”

  “You want to kiss me again, my lord. I thought after last night our agreement has been completed and you’re free from any obligation to me.” Her stomach roiled at voicing her fears, that what she actually said was true. Would he agree, turn from her and move on to his next lover? Someone more positioned in Society, more to his tastes and desires.

  “I want to do a lot more than kiss you, Kat. I know our interlude was only meant to be one night, but it’s not enough. Not enough for me and I hope for you too.” He walked them along the lawn, giving the illusion that they were simply strolling and enjoying the day. “There is a hot spring here on the Marquess’s lands. I will come to you tonight, and we shall go there.”

  “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Hamish, but it isn’t very warm. We shall freeze.”

  He chuckled, his free hand coming to rest atop hers that sat on his arm. “I’ll keep you warm,” and with those words he threw her a devilish grin and joined the duke and marquess.

  Katherine could do little but stare after him. He wasn’t finished with her. He wanted to spend more time with her, just as she’d hoped.

  She’d never been desired by a man before, and it was a mix of trepidation and exhilaration that Lord Leighton did. Katherine held no illusions that this liaison would go anywhere, but she’d asked to know what life would be like with a man,
and he was going to show her, and no matter the risks she would jump into the void and revel in it.

  Chapter 11

  Later that night they crept out of the house and stole across the lawns down toward the river that ran through the Marquess of Aaron’s estate. The night was bright thanks to the full moon and very little clouds, although in the distance Hamish could see the flash of lightening and hear the low rumble of thunder.

  The hot spring was a fortunate addition to the estate, and many years ago, the Marquess’s grandfather had the spring transformed into a location family and guests could use. Today the spring was lined with stone, and housed paving about the edges, so people could get in and out without making their feet dirty. Inside the spring there was a ledge that ran along the outer edges of the circular bath, giving those enjoying the warm water a seat to sit on while partially submerged.

  “Oh my, this is amazing,” Katherine said, as the path gave way to the spring.

  Steam rose into the night sky, and the closer they came toward it, the warmer the air became.

  “If I were Cecilia I would live in this.” She let go of his hand and went over to the water, dipping her hand into it. “It’s so hot.”

  A condition that Hamish was feeling most decidedly as well. Seeing Katherine under a moonlit sky, her skin translucent and flushed after their exertion of running toward the spring, left an odd ache in his chest. He untied his cravat, laying it on a bench that sat beside the spring. “Shall we get in?” he asked, removing his waistcoat.

  Katherine joined him. He sucked in an audible breath when she clasped his shirt and pulled it over his head. “Most definitely.”

  They undressed quickly, both helping the other with buttons and ties. Hamish stood back and watched as she dropped her shift about her legs, her figure more magnificent than he’d ever thought possible. He’d not thought he would ever want a woman as much as he wanted Katherine, and the emotion gave him pause. To feel more for someone other than merely like was dangerous ground. Such emotions led to marriage and then children, and the latter was an affliction that he would never submit his bride to. The woman he married would not want children. He had his heir, and he would not risk the life of his wife simply to have child. He’d already lost a sister, that was well and truly enough.

  Her hand clasped his jaw, and he met her gaze, surprised to see concern in her rich brown orbs. “Is everything well, Hamish? You seem a little lost in thought.”

  He pulled her into his arms, kissing her soundly. She chuckled through the kiss, before her arms came about his neck and she kissed him back with as much passion as she brought forth in him. Scooping her into his arms, he carried her into the spring, stepping down into the water with care. Releasing her, he allowed her to gain her feet, and watched in delight as she waded into the hot water.

  “Oh, it’s heavenly. Thank you for bringing me here.” She kneeled into the water, covering her body and he missed her puckered nipples that had reacted to the cold night air.

  Hamish went and sat on the bench, watching her as she floated about in the water, simply enjoying their time there before she joined him on the seat. She slid her hands up his chest and kissed him quickly on the lips.

  “Now that you have me here, all alone and…naked, what are we going to do?”

  Her grin was infectious, and he chuckled. “What did you have in mind?” Hamish knew what he had in mind, what he’d thought of all day and nothing else. When Katherine had played croquet, she had bent over to hit the little white ball he’d been decidedly conscious of the fact his buckskin breeches and day coat could only cover so much of his desire for her. He’d had to sit himself down and talk about London’s latest on dit just to distract himself. “Maybe you ought to straddle my lap, and we’ll go from there.”

  Her eyes brightened with interest and she quickly did as he suggested. Her body fit him like a glove, smooth and silky in his hands. Her mons pressed against his cock and she sighed when she purposefully slid against him, her gaze darkening in arousal.

  “And now what?” she asked, running her hands into his hair and holding him tight. Her breathing deepened, and he could see that her continual sliding against his rock-hard member was giving her pleasure, teasing her to do more.

  “Now,” he said, his voice taut. “You’ll guide me within you. And then, my darling.” He ran his hand along her spine to clasp her nape. “You’re going to fuck me.”

  She half gasped half moaned, and the idea of what he’d said threatened his sanity. She reached between them, and clasping his cock, moving it toward her cunny.

  Katherine bit her lip , and with a torturously slow descent, she took him fully within her. Her eyes widened before hunger crossed her features. “I thought it would hurt.”

  He shook his head, holding her hips and guiding her into a steady rhythm. “If we’re doing it right, it will never hurt again.”

  Something shifted in her eyes before she blinked, and it was gone. She moved more forcefully and all thoughts of anything else vanished from his mind. He would have her like this for as long as she wished it. He could not give her up. “I knew one night with you would never have been enough.”

  She shivered in his hold before she kissed him with sensuous heat. He reveled in the arms of a woman who wasn’t afraid to take or ask for what she wanted. To give her the control to take their lovemaking at her own pace. While it might drive him to insanity, he would ensure she gained her pleasure before he would take his.

  Katherine arced her back, giving him a beautiful view of her breasts that rocked in the water. “You’re so beautiful.” He clasped one breast and leaning down kissed the rosy pink nipple. She moaned, increasing her pace and he fought for control. Damn it, he wanted to fuck her hard, sit her on the side of the spring, lay her down on the pavement and take her with his mouth. Wring every little amount of joy that he could while they were here, away from London and their normal lives.

  Her core tightened about him, her pace increased, deepened and he groaned. “Yes, like that,” he said, helping her to keep her rhythm.

  Katherine shut her eyes, threw back her head as she climaxed in his arms. Her satisfied sigh distracted him and at the peak of coming, he pulled out, wrapping his hand about his cock and pulled himself to climax.

  She flopped against his chest and he held her close, running his hand along her back while they both regained their breaths.

  “London will be so very boring when we return. Now that I’ve had you, how will I ever continue the life I had before? You’ve opened my eyes to what I’ve given up on, what I thought I didn’t need,” she murmured.

  She laid her head against his shoulder and he met her gaze, leaning down to kiss her. He too wasn’t unaffected by their joining. Hamish had never had an emotional reaction to having a woman before, he’d never had an overwhelming need to protect, to worry and care about her thoughts, needs and desires. His past liaisons had simply been sterile, non-emotional contacts. But with Katherine, something was different. He was different with her.

  He liked her. A lot.

  “Tell me something that you’ve never told another soul,” he asked, wanting to know her better.

  Her hand idly ran through his hair and she sighed. “I lied to you when I told you I wear breeches to work. I never wear them and had my father found out about my attire I would’ve been locked in my room until I expired of old age.”

  Hamish chuckled, not expecting that declaration of honesty. “You were very comfortable in them. What made you do it?”

  “I found out you were to be at the house that day and I wanted to shock you, tease you even.”

  His hands ran down her back, sliding over one globe of her ass and his cock twitched. “Well, it worked. As I watched you walk up the stairs I thought of nothing other than whipping you into a vacant room, and removing those breeches.”

  “Really,” she said, leaning up and kissing him.

  Yes, really.

  His heart thumped hard in hi
s chest. “Maybe we could continue our affair in London, Katherine.” He was a cad, he should never ask her to continue such an affair. The risk was all hers being unmarried and not his social equal. But he could not help himself. There was no doubt their paths would cross in London, their mutual friends ensured that. How could he turn away from her, not want her every time they met.

  It would be torture and he couldn’t do it. A warning gong sounded in his mind that he was going against his own rules, but at this moment, with the thought of not having Katherine in his arms again, just as she was now wasn’t appealing. Hamish shoved the rules aside. They would simply have to be careful, both with not being caught and not getting her with child.

  Her hand fluttered against his chest, settling over his heart. “You want that?”

  He nodded without hesitation. “I do. You are not rid of me yet, Miss Martin, and until you’ve had your fill of me, that is how things will stay.”

  She sat up, squirming against him again. “What else can we do, Lord Leighton. I’m yours.”

  Her words rang with sincerity and spiked his lust. What was so different about her? What made her so special. “You’re playing with fire, Katherine. Are you sure you want to know?”

  She chuckled, her breasts grazing his chest and hardening his cock to rock. “Oh yes, I want to know and do everything before our time is up.”

  The thought of not having her this way, then watching her walk out of his life and being only an acquaintance left a sour taste in his mouth. He would have her, care for her for as long as she wished him to. He hoisted her onto the side of the spring, sliding his hands against her thighs. “Lay back and open your legs. I want to taste you.”

  She bit her lip and he inwardly groaned. “If I do as you ask, can you promise me you’ll allow me to do the same to you?”

  Last evening she’d touched his cock, stroked it with her hand, but he’d not allowed anything else for fear of losing all control. The thought of her having her beautiful lips wrapped about his member, suckling hard, her tongue licking up his member almost made his eyes roll back in his head. “Very well, but first, it’s my turn.”


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