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Taming Jax (First Wave Book 5)

Page 12

by Mikayla Lane

  Reven gave Grai a smile. “You have a family to get back to and there’s not going to be enough room for four of us in there. You and I, we will talk tomorrow my friend.” Reven said before he held his arm out for a warrior embrace.

  Grai immediately shook with Reven, and as he looked into his eyes, he spoke through the Shengari’. “Thank you.”

  Reven nodded his head and turned to David and Traze. “We have a lot to get done guys. I suggest we pull everything into the living room to build so we have more room. We can put it back in the room when we’re done.”

  The three men started walking to the door as Traze wisely said, “We may want to measure the bed and dresser to make sure we can get it down the narrow hallway and into the room. Those pieces may have to be built in the room.”

  Reven felt like a fool and slapped his forehead. “You are correct. I should have thought of that.”

  The three men entered the house quietly and agreed to try to keep the noise to a minimum so that the exhausted girls could rest.

  David and Traze looked around the horrendously colored living room with open mouthed stares, causing Reven to chuckle. He knew how they felt, that had been his first reaction as well. It was like looking at a completely different side of Jax’s personality she had had kept well hidden.

  He had to admit; he really liked learning more about her. What Reven wanted the most though was to spend more time exploring the hidden passion that she had shown when they had kissed and when she was in his arms.

  Crator was right, her mouth may say one thing but Reven had clearly scented her desire and her need for him. What he needed was time with her, to break down the massive defenses she’d created around her heart. She was the greatest test of wills; he'd ever come across, but he would win. He would accept nothing less.

  As they moved the boxes into the living room, Reven felt a tug at his heart every time he saw Traze pause in the doorway of the guest room and look longingly at the partially closed door that Jax, and the girls were sleeping behind.

  Once the boxes were all moved out except for the bed and dresser, since the boy had been right about them needing to be built in the room, Reven finally caved.

  “You get to look for ten seconds, but if you wake them, I will kill you.” Reven said as he warned the boy not to act… well, like himself, while he was in there. Or Jax would kill them both; Reven thought with a grimace.

  When it looked like the boy would jump out of his skin in excitement, David put a strong hand on his shoulder and squeezed until he got the boy’s attention.

  “Just stay calm, boy. You can do this.” David said, trying to help the boy settle himself before he screwed up the chance Reven was giving him.

  Traze visibly tried to pull himself together, and Reven was actually proud of him when a few minutes later he pulled his shoulders back and nodded his head in determination.

  “Not a word.” Reven warned as he moved silently down the hallway.

  When Reven got to the door, he cracked it open a little farther, thankful that Melina was sleeping on the side of the bed. Jax was closest to the door, to ensure she could shield the children with her body, if necessary, while Bayla slept comfortably between and Jax and Melina.

  Reven’s breath caught in his throat at the vision before him, and his heart clenched with a love he never thought he would experience. The feeling was so intense he was left momentarily paralyzed.

  Traze, who could not see Melina’s face from the doorway, slipped past Reven and moved silently to the side of the bed until he stood in awe in front of his young mate.

  Reven moved closer to the beautiful woman, who even in sleep displayed a fierce look on her face. It was as if Jax was determined to frighten anyone away from the children, even in slumber.

  He smiled to himself as he saw the mussing of the bedclothes near the mattress that told him she had a gun there. Hell, he thought, thinking of all the weapons they had already cleared from the house; her bedroom was probably an arsenal.

  Feeling brave, Reven kneeled down so he could get a better look at her. He breathed in her unique scent and quelled the urge to brush the stray locks of hair from her face that had fallen from her pony tail.

  Her deep, even breaths told him that whatever energy Lara had given her, it had helped her to sleep better. Standing he looked at Bayla and had no doubts he was correct.

  The adorable tot was laying on her back; her arms and legs were flung wide taking up most of the large bed. It was then that he noticed how little room that Jax and Melina were taking up in order to give the little one the extra space to be comfortable.

  Reven grinned at how easily that small child could wrap you around her fingers and turn you into her puppet. That two-toothed smile along with her dark, shining eyes that lit up with her happiness was pretty hard to resist, he admitted to himself.

  Something told him that she was going to be a little handful as she grew, but he actually looked forward to every moment of it. Looking up at Traze to make sure the boy was still behaving, he was surprised that he hadn’t moved a muscle since he came in the room.

  He stood, looking at the pretty, young girl as if he were a statue. Even his energy was fully contained so Reven couldn’t determine what the boy was thinking. Assuming the boy was just stunned and speechless, he let his eyes wander Jax’s private bed chamber.

  He was much less surprised by the colors in here than he had been of the rest of the house. Here she seemed to go for the deeper colors, ones that reflected her passion; Reven thought.

  The comforter was a deep red, while the sheets were black with dark blue and green pillows strew about haphazardly. The plain black lamp shade beside the bed was covered in a red, lacy piece of cloth that would bathe the room in a muted light when turned on.

  Reven spotted something laying over the back of a chair near the table and moved towards it. It took a moment for his mind to process what the light and silky material was as he picked it up and ran it through his fingers before bringing it up to his nose and breathing deeply.

  “Yeah, that doesn’t look creepy at all.” David whispered from the doorway, startling Reven into dropping Jax’s robe.

  Chapter Nine

  She had heard them the moment they had come near the door. Her mind was running through where all the weapons were in the room when they came in. As if on autopilot, her body slowed her breathing and relaxed her muscles, giving the illusion that she was sleeping.

  She fought the instinct to disable the potential threat and waited, seeing what they wanted before giving herself away. When he was standing in front of her, she fought the urge to hold her breath.

  What did they want? She wondered, as her mind reviewed the ways to kill them with the various weapons and items close to her, but she didn’t think she would need them. Now that they were closer, she could feel from their energy that they weren’t there to hurt them, the curiosity and love they felt couldn’t be hidden from her abilities no matter how hard they tried.

  Knowing they weren’t in danger, she relaxed her guard a little. She only wanted to use her energy to see the boy in front of her. Melina didn’t know what she’d done wrong, but she knew she failed when she heard his voice in her mind.

  “I know you are awake. I can feel it. I’m not here to hurt you. I just wanted to see what you looked like. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Traze said honestly as he looked at his incredibly small mate.

  She looked like a small child, not the teenager she was, and he was beginning to feel terrified that he might accidentally harm her with his clumsiness.

  Melina opened her eyes and stared directly into the dark brown of the boy who had spoken to her earlier. “Who are you?” She asked him in her mind.

  Traze tried to keep still and not bolt from the room when her pale blue eyes, with silver beast swirls looked into his own. The impact of seeing her eyes hit him like a fist to the stomach, and he fought himself for control.

  “Take deep b
reaths.” Melina said, worrying for the strange boy who looked as if he was going to pass out in front of her.

  Traze couldn’t resist the strange compulsion he felt to do as his young mate said, and he took several deep breaths until he began to feel calmer.

  “I am Traze T’Alq. I am a friend. Or I hope to be anyway.” Traze said shyly.

  He tried to look away from her compelling eyes, but for some reason, he didn’t have the strength to do it and instead felt as if he were drowning in their clear depths.

  “Why?” Melina asked curiously, continuing to use the private path between them, so they wouldn’t disturb Jax and Reven.

  Traze looked like a deer in headlights and was unsure how he should answer it. As much as he wanted to tell her the truth, the more he looked at her small form, the more he likened her to a much younger child, and he didn’t feel right speaking of such adult things to her.

  Melina used the boy’s momentary distraction to invade his body with her energy. What she found surprised her.

  “You’re my mate. Like Jax and Reven.” She said evenly, wondering if the boy would lie to her.

  Traze panicked a little. “Yes, but I swear I won’t hurt you or try to do anything bad to you. I didn’t come in to scare you. I just wanted to see you and make sure you were ok. I’m sorry…” Traze said, unable to look in her eyes.

  “Deep breath. When you freak out like that, take a deep breath. It will help you control your emotions.” Melina said softly, not wanting the boy to leave.

  She didn’t know why she didn’t want him to leave, but she’d learned to trust her instincts, and they were telling her that the boy was special to her. And not just because he was her mate.

  Traze took the breath as if compelled and couldn’t stop the smile that came over his face at her advice. She was half his size and even younger in age, yet she was trying to help him calm himself. Although, he had to admit she was right, he did feel better.

  “That’s a nice trick. I will try to remember it more in the future. Thank you.” Traze said with a gentle smile for his mate.

  “You’re welcome. Will you be here when I awaken?” Melina asked as she fought the yawn that threatened to come out.

  “I will always be near you, even if you cannot see me. If you ever need me, for anything at all, contact me, and I will be here.” Traze said, meaning every word.

  “Why?” Melina asked curiously.

  “Because I care for you very much, and I want to make sure you are safe and happy. Now rest my young mate, we can speak again when you aren’t so tired.” Traze said gently as he saw and felt her exhaustion.

  “Ok. Can you come tomorrow and maybe we can talk again?” Melina asked, not bothering to hide her yawn this time.

  “I will do my best. Sleep well.” Traze said as he gave her one last look before he forced his legs to carry him to the door.

  He looked back at her small form one last time before he forced himself to fully close the door behind him. Reven gave him a small smile and nodded his head before heading back to David in the guest bedroom.

  “Thank you.” Traze said as he stopped Reven before he entered the room.

  Reven turned to look at the shaken young man and actually felt sorry for him. The boy looked like he’d taken a stomach wound, and Reven could well relate to how that felt. He’d felt the same way the first time he’d laid eyes on his own beautiful mate.

  “You did good, boy. Now let’s get this done, so they can sleep in their own beds tonight.” Reven said giving the boy an affectionate slap on the shoulder.

  David looked over his charge, noting the slight differences in the way he was carrying himself. There was a charming uncertainty about him that wasn’t there before. Gone was the cocky and arrogant boy who believed that he was invincible and acted recklessly. In his place was a young man who was obviously struggling to understand how to grow up and be responsible.

  “Hey, it’s going to be ok. You both have a little growing up to do, and you can do it together.” David said, trying to cheer up the unusually quiet boy.

  Traze looked to David and Reven with fear and hope in his eyes. “Can you teach me to be worthy of her? Make me someone she’ll be proud to call her own, one day?”

  David sighed and put an arm around Traze’s shoulders, feeling sorry for the man-child. “You already are kid. We just need to polish a few rough spots.”

  “More than a few if you plan on claiming my daughter.” Reven said and watched as Traze’s face fell.

  “However, I see a great opportunity to ensure that you will be exactly what she needs. So you can count on my assistance.” Reven added with a grin as he watched Traze nod his head solemnly.

  “Thank you…” Traze said as he choked up a little. He took a deep breath, as his mate suggested earlier, and felt better immediately.

  “You won’t be thanking me for another twenty to fifty years…” Reven said letting the sentence hang as he looked to a smiling David and nodded his head.

  “Oh fuck me…” Traze breathed out with a look of horror on his face.

  “Oh that’s going to take a lot longer than fifty years!” David said with a maniacal laugh that caused Traze to cringe.

  Reven laughed until he realized Traze was getting upset. He put his arm around the boy and looked into his fearful eyes.

  “We are teasing you boy. You will find, where our women are concerned, it is they who will determine what happens and when. Not us. You're just going to be strung along for the ride until they give in, or they’ll twist you up in knots before they give in. Even so, be under no delusions, it will be when she is ready. As it should be.” Reven said seriously, wanting the man-child to understand.

  Traze thought of the small, frightened girl in the other room and understood what Reven meant. Just feeling her exhaustion made him want to help her to sleep until she felt better. There was no part of him that could ever hurt her or do anything that would make her sad.

  He was young and immature, but he wasn’t stupid. She was a child, and it would be a very long time before he would ever look at her as anything but a frightened little girl. That image would last with him until he could turn them into ones of a happy child. He was determined to make sure she was happy.

  “I can be a friend and a protector. That’s how it was done on Valendra in the old days, isn’t it?” Traze asked Reven, truly curious.

  Reven nodded his head with a smile. “Yes, in the old days, when our women were plentiful, if you found your mate when she was too young, you became friend and protector. Until she reached her maturity. But again, that is reached when she is ready.”

  Traze nodded his head. “I get it. When she is ready. Thing is… I’m not ready either.” Traze admitted sadly as he slid down the wall and sat heavily on the floor.

  Reven felt like jumping for joy. He’d been terrified that he’d be dealing with a hormonal man and was thrilled that the man-child was still more child than man.

  His thoughts were interrupted by the request from outside to come in. Reven was a still a little surprised when Grai came into the guest bedroom. When he saw his brother crumpled on the floor, Reven rushed to assure him.

  “He’s ok. He just realized that being a mate is going to be very different and requires him to grow up. He admitted he isn’t ready.” Reven said through the Shengari’ so as not to embarrass the boy further.

  Grai nodded his head in understanding and sat down on the floor beside his brother before putting his arm around his shoulders. “I think it’s been a long time since one of our young ones found their mate at such a young age. There is a lot of responsibility in being the first at anything. However, there is also a lot of leeway for mistakes. For all of us.”

  “I am sorry I tried to send you away. It is not my right, or anyone else’s to determine how you are allowed to grow up with your mate. As long as you never harm her, we have no right to interfere, and we have no authority to come between you. It is our duty to guide you. Both of yo

  “As her adopted parents, you must follow their rules in regard to how they raise her, and you cannot interfere with their relationship. Do you understand?” Grai asked his brother gently.

  Traze looked up at the three men in the room with pleading eyes as he nodded his head vigorously. “And you’ll help me grow up? To be a man she’ll be proud of?”

  Grai blinked away the tears that formed in his eyes. “You’re doing really well already my brother.”

  “Dear God, if you guys are done with the damn bromancing can we please get started on the damn furniture?” Jax said from the doorway as she rubbed her tired eyes.

  Reven wasn’t sure what surprised him more, the fact that she was awake or what she was wearing. He felt like a deer in headlights as he stared at the neon pink pants that were plastered to her body as if they were painted on.


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