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Taming Jax (First Wave Book 5)

Page 13

by Mikayla Lane

  The yellow tank top only accentuated the pants and drew your eyes to her shapely derriere and her strong thighs. His body began to react to her immediately, and he moved to stand behind one of the boxes.

  “Why are you awake?” Reven asked as he cleared his throat to remove the lump that suddenly formed there when he saw her.

  Jax turned dark-brown eyes to his and gave him a sarcastic look that did nothing to quell his sudden hunger for her. “Oh I don’t know, maybe the opening and closing of the bedroom door and the back door. The muttered voices and shuffling of feet. Pick one of those.” She said with a glare at Reven and Traze.

  “Or the front door.” Jax said with a narrowed gaze at Grai before looking over at David as well.

  “This shit,” Jax began, making sure all of the men were listening. “Will not happen again or I will be telling my friends that everyone is to be encouraged to stay away after six pm. Those little girls need structure, and that means no late-night visitors again. Do you understand?” Jax said giving everyone a warning stare.

  Jax wasn’t satisfied when everyone just nodded their heads mutely. “I’m serious. You!” Jax said pointing an irritated finger at Traze.

  “You will contact me and ask before you come over from now on, and you will not stalk her!” Jax felt better when the young man just nodded his head like a shaken bobble head.

  “You!” Jax said singling out Grai this time. “You will back off the boy a little bit. A little bit! And you,” Jax said pointing at David. “Will help keep him under control. Do you understand me?”

  David looked helplessly at the intense woman and nodded his head. “Yes ma’am.”

  “Good. Now let’s get this stuff built. I don’t think I can sleep with that little one again. She takes up most of the bed and still smacks you around in her sleep!” Jax said in exasperation as she looked around for the nearest box to start on.

  Grai chuckled, remembering how his little Tristan did the same thing. Still does, he thought with a smile. “I think they all do that. It is a sign of trust that they can sleep so deeply with you. It is humbling.”

  Jax turned thoughtful eyes to the sweet man. “I didn’t think of it that way. You’re right; it is humbling.” Jax gave him a bright smile before she bent down and looked at the picture on the box in front of Reven. She was a little surprised when he pulled it closer to him.

  Reven stared back at Jax, praying that she didn’t notice how panicked he felt. Watching her bend down and seeing her perky, full ass on display as if teasing him to accept the unintentional invitation was more than his body could take. And she was dangerously close to seeing just how much she affected him.

  Grai looked at the two and immediately realized what was going on. The energy in the room vibrated with the intensity of their mutual attraction. Whether Jax would admit it or not he thought as he looked at the scowl on her face as she stared at Reven.

  Clearing his throat, Grai stood. “I believe I saw a bunch of boxes in the living room that we can start on.” Grai looked pointedly at David and Traze, although the men sprinted to the door as if they had been waiting for an excuse.

  Jax looked around the now empty room and glared at Reven as she put her hands on the box in front of him. “What is your problem this time?”

  Reven looked at her flashing brown eyes and realized he’d never seen anything more arousing than her standing there, leaning on the box, as her full breasts strained against the tank top while her sexy ass was pushed out behind her invitingly. He stepped closer to the box, in between her hands, as he desperately tried to control his raging desire.

  Jax stared at Reven, who looked almost like he was in pain and immediately felt bad for being mean. “Are you ok?”

  Reven just nodded his head, afraid if he spoke he’d say something stupid. With all of his blood not currently in his brain, he thought erring on the side of caution his best course of action.

  It took her several moments before it finally dawned on Jax what Reven’s problem was. If she’d been less tired, she might have noticed it bleeding from his energy sooner. Now that she’d noticed it though, she couldn’t seem to escape it.

  His desire and need wrapped around her like a blanket, flooding her senses and heightening her own until she couldn’t tell where his began, and hers ended. Her breathing increased as her body clenched with a need of its own, as the scent of his desire invaded her lungs.

  Jax lowered her head and gripped the box with curled fists as she tried to fight the overwhelming need to kiss him, to pull his sexy body to her own and feel him around her. She silently prayed for him to say something, anything that would break the spell he cast over her mind and her body.

  Instead, he growled sexily and putting his hands under her arms; he lifted her over the box and into his arms. With one strong hand under her ass and the other at the back of her neck, he held her easily as he crushed his lips to her own.

  Jax couldn’t think; her mind was a haze of feeling as Reven’s lips softened and coaxed hers to open. The smallest opening of submission and he dove his tongue inside her mouth, taking and giving as he matched her need with his own.

  Reven couldn’t stop. Not now. Not when she opened to him like this. He knew it had to do with her exhaustion, but he didn’t care anymore. He’d waited so long and needed her so badly that he didn’t care why she was submitting, only that she was.

  His tongue explored every part of her mouth as hers matched him stroke for stroke, heightening the desire they both felt until everything around them disappeared. Everything but each other.

  He lowered them to the floor behind the large bed box and easily covered her body with his own. He sucked in a deep breath when Jax kept her legs around his waist and ground herself against him. He’d never been so close to exploding in his pants since he was a young boy.

  Reven knew he needed to slow this down, to tread more carefully, but he couldn’t stop himself. With one arm bracing him on the floor, he used the other to grab her ass more tightly as he pressed her close to him again. Her groan mingled with his own, driving him to go further.

  He retook her lips as he pressed his hips down until she was resting on the floor, and he was cradled between her legs. He gasped against her lips as he rocked himself against her. Hearing her whisper breathlessly, “Oh God!” as she arched against him drove him to take it further.

  He rocked against her again as his lips traveled to her neck, kissing and licking the soft skin as Jax turned her head to give him more access. Her hands clutched his shoulders, her short nails biting erotically in his skin as she panted and moaned, her reaction driving him wilder.

  He pressed his hardness tighter against her as he leaned down and pulled up her tank top with his hand. Her dark-brown eyes clashed with his own for a brief moment before she arched her back when his hand cupped her breast.

  Oh God is right, Reven thought as he groaned at the feel of her full breast taking up most of his palm. He closed his eyes and dropped his face back to her neck as he gently caressed her. He opened them and looked down at her when she began panting and clawing at his shirt, trying to pull it out of his pants.

  He didn’t bother to control his breathing as he moved to yank off his belt and pulled the shirt out of the waistband. Seeing him sitting up like that, his broad, muscular chest gleaming as he ripped the lower buttons pulling it out of his pants, only made Jax hotter.

  She grabbed for him and was surprised to feel his hot, hard cock peeking out of his opened velcro pants. Her breath caught as she gently stroked the silky, broad head.

  Reven sucked in a sharp breath and leaned forward as if in pain. He was so close to losing it and refused to allow that to be her memory of their first time together. He pulled himself together with a strength he didn’t know he had, and stopped her soft hand from pleasuring him.

  His stormy blue eyes clashed with hers, and he gently shook his head as he panted slightly, trying to control his raging desire. When she moved as if to ignore
him, Reven took both of her hands into one of his own and moved them above her head.

  He growled lowly at how beautiful she looked with her breasts pushed up invitingly; her legs spread beneath him. With her arms above her head, she looked deliciously helpless he thought as he pushed her shirt back up with his other hand and sucked her taut nipple into his hot mouth.

  “Oh!” Jax whimpered as she arched her back, pressing her breast closer to Reven’s hot mouth as his tongue teased her.

  Reven could feel his cock get impossibly harder the more Jax rocked her thinly clad body against him. He’d always known she’d be passionate, but he hadn’t expected the intensity and the way it heightened and expanded his own.

  “Behave yourself.” Reven growled before letting go of her hands. Before Jax could argue, he ripped off her thin tank top, his hands caressed up her sides before he took her other nipple into his mouth.

  Jax ran her hands through his soft, short hair and pulled him closer to her. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and ground herself against the hot, hard part of him that she wanted much more of and groaned in need.

  “Please… Reven please.” Jax said, pleading with him to give her what she needed.

  Reven had every intention of finally making her his. He waited far too long for this moment he thought as he started to peel her tight, stretchy pants down.

  “Hey guys, do you have an extra screwdri… oh shit!” Traze began before the erotic energy in the room slammed into him. He gasped for breath for a moment before sprinting back down the hall.

  At the sound of Traze’s voice, Reven had jumped up to stand in front of a partially clothed Jax, who huddled behind a furniture box. It had only taken seconds for Traze to come and go, but it was long enough for Jax to come to her senses; Reven thought with a sigh.

  He turned to her to apologize, but the look on her face said that he wouldn’t get real far if he opened his mouth at all. She blamed him for this, and she was right. Not only had he left the door open like an untried youth, but he’d been so caught up in her that he hadn’t even remembered anyone else was in the house, much less Traze coming down the hall.

  The passionate energy that had clouded the room like a thick fog earlier, had dissipated to the point where all he could feel now was his own regret and Jax’s anger and embarrassment.

  The moment Jax knew that the hallway was clear, she grabbed the only thing she found on the floor to cover her chest with and bolted for the door before Reven could stop her.

  “Wait!” Reven yelled quietly at her, but he heard the lock click into place on her door before he could get her to listen.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck! Reven thought angrily as he punched and kicked the air around him. Finally, he just sat in the middle of the floor with his legs crossed and put his head in his hands, wondering how the hell he’d screwed this up so bad.

  He could still feel her anger and embarrassment lingering in the room and was ready to kill Traze when he heard footsteps coming down the hall. He stood and got ready to punch the cock-blocking pain in the ass when Grai peeked his head around the doorframe.

  “There are no words… I know. Let’s get started on these beds.” Grai said as he moved into the room with the frustrated and angry man.

  “We can’t.” Reven said with a frustrated growl.

  “I can assure you; this isn’t my first rodeo with flat pack furniture. We can do this.” Grai assured his friend with an encouraging squeeze to his shoulder.

  Reven turned frustrated, stormy blue eyes to Grai. “No, we can’t. Jax used the instructions to cover herself. They’re locked in there.” He said pointing to Jax’s bedroom door.

  Grai looked to the closed door and couldn’t ignore the angry and embarrassed energy that radiated from it. He shook his head dramatically. Hell no. There was no way in hell that he was disturbing that angry woman. Not that he could blame her. Traze had always had bad timing.

  Grai looked at Reven and realized the poor man was in no shape to play guessing games with the furniture. “All right, we can do this. We’ll start on the crib, and I’ll have Lagor and Cristali hack into their corporate computers and get another copy of the instructions for Melina’s bed.”

  Reven just shook his head distractedly as he paced between the boxes. How the hell was he going to fix this, he wondered? Then it dawned on him; Jax had almost allowed him to mate with her. Reven sat back down on the floor. Hard. As the memories flooded his senses.

  He relived each moment with relish, and each remembered scent encouraged him more until the grin broke out on his face. She’d begged him; he thought. His beautiful mate had surrendered to him. If she felt enough for him to do it once, he could stoke that passion in her again, he thought confidently as he turned to Grai.

  “Let’s do this.” Reven said with a smile, already planning the taming of his wild and passionate mate.

  Chapter Ten

  Jax had been up for hours, but refused to get out of bed. Instead, she lay beside a sprawled out Bayla, who periodically smacked or kicked you if you weren’t quick enough. Jax was distracted enough to have taken a few hits before moving farther away from the baby.

  She had run through what had happened with Reven so many times that she knew every second by heart. Every emotion, feeling and scent assailed her again and again as she went through every moment trying to figure out how the hell it had happened. How she’d let it get so far.

  There was no explanation. She’d lost it. No matter how many times she’d laughed off the mating talk and no matter how determined she was to have nothing to do with it; she could no longer deny the truth. She actually had feelings for the man. There was no other excuse for her uninhibited display the night before.

  Jax knew she was attracted to the man physically. Hell a woman would have to be dead not to be attracted to him, she thought, trying to justify her feelings. Even now, the memory of his hard body pressed so closely to her own sent ripples of excitement through her.

  She rolled onto her back and stared at the morning shadows drifting across the ceiling. She wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep but knew it would be impossible. Even now, she could feel Bayla’s energy slowly awaken, and she was pretty sure Melina was already up and wrapped in her own thoughts.

  Even if she could sleep, Jax knew she’d continue to be plagued by the erotic dreams she’d had all night. It had taken forever to get to sleep after she’d run out of the room, and she still had awakened half a dozen times because of the intense dreams.

  Maybe that’s her problem, she thought. Maybe it’s just exhaustion that’s making her more susceptible to all this… this family stuff that just popped into her life. Yeah, Jax thought, liking the idea the more she considered it.

  It’s probably just female instincts when you’re around kids and a hot guy who wants to play daddy. Jax sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She could fight this. She had no problem being a mom to the kids, but she damn sure wasn’t ready to quit the fight and be a soccer mom either.

  If she could just get Reven to stop pawing at her, they could make this work. With the kids anyway. Their teams could take turns on missions so one of them would always be with the kids. They could get them registered at school today, start a routine for them all. One that she and Reven could work with. She could easily convince Ivint that it would be the better option for the sake of the children.

  So what if it had the added benefit of keeping her and Reven apart all the time. The children would always have a parent with them, and it was the children who mattered; Jax thought with a grin.

  Feeling better now that she had a plan to put an end to this frustration and misery she was in, Jax quietly got dressed and mentally prepared herself for dealing with Reven. Jax sneered as she pictured him all gloating and arrogant about it. Like he won or something. She’d show him; she thought confidently.

  “Can I go to the bathroom please?” Melina’s voice startled Jax, who turned quickly, knife in hand.
br />   Jax looked down at the knife she’d grabbed from the top of the dresser and blushed before quickly putting it back.

  “Sorry. Of course you can. You don’t have to ask. This is your home now too.” Jax said gently as she crawled across the bed and tickled an awakening Bayla, causing both girls to giggle.

  The knock on the door startled all three girls. “Is everyone decent?” Reven asked from the other side, causing Jax and Melina to look down at themselves.

  “Yes.” Melina said, as if she were happy that Reven was still here.

  Jax sighed, thinking it was too bad the girl was so enamored of him. Otherwise, she’d make a great single mom.

  Reven pushed open the door and carried in a large tray that he sat on the end of the bed. Both girls scrambled across the bed and smelled the steam coming off of the piping hot food.


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