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One Heart to Give (Heart's Intent Book 1)

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by Brower, Dawn

  One Heart

  to Give

  Heart’s Intent

  Book One

  Dawn Brower

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  One Heart to Give Copyright © 2016 Dawn Brower

  Edits and cover art by Victoria Miller

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


  This book wouldn’t be what it is without my fabulous editor. Big thanks to Victoria for helping me create a better story.

  Thanks to Elizabeth for being my awesome proofreader. I appreciate all you do for me.


  In life we are faced with many choices. One of the best choices I made was starting to write. Above that the only thing that tops it is my two boys. Luke and Nathan I love you so much and you are truly the biggest blessing and best thing to come into my life.

  This book, more than any I’ve written, holds a piece of me in it. We all have that one person we let get away. This story is for those that play the what if game and wonder what might have happen if they’d taken a different path.

  One Heart to Give

  When tragedy strikes Dani’s business partner it brings Ren back into her life. She’d thought she moved past her feelings for him, but one glance and they come flooding back.

  Growing up as an orphan, Daniella Brosen has trouble connecting with other people. She has no room for anyone in her life, except her best friend, Rendall Sousa. He is the only male she’s ever loved or will love. Circumstances beyond her control tear them apart, and she has no choice but to leave him behind.

  When Daniella left without a word it broke Ren’s heart. If she’d given him a chance he’d have told her how much he loved her. Dani was everything to him, but she made her choice. There was only one course of action left to him—move on without her.

  As their lives become intertwined again, can Ren convince her he’s always loved her or will she push him away forever?


  Ten years earlier

  Daniella spun around in her prom dress. The dark green gown shimmered in the sunlight streaming through her bedroom window. She didn’t have a date. It should bother her, but it didn’t. There was one boy she wanted to go with: her best friend, Rendell Sousa. Ren was so handsome, strong, and perfect in every way. The only downside was he had a girlfriend. She hated Jessica Clarke. The girl owned a part of him Dani never would.

  She’d planned on skipping prom, but Ren had talked her into going. He said he could have two dates. It would have been easier to say no… He made it impossible to turn him down, stating he couldn’t go to prom without both his girls. Jessica wouldn’t be happy at the idea of sharing Ren, and Dani didn’t want to upset her by going along with his plan. She told him no until he agreed to arrange for a group of friends to join them. Even with that idea, Dani decline anyway. Ren was insistent and too persuasive for her to resist. Not having a dress wouldn’t even be a deterrent.

  He’d talked Sarah, another friend of theirs, into taking her shopping. Dani had dipped into her savings, using the money meant for college to pay for it. Her foster family didn’t help her with anything they didn’t deem necessary. A prom dress was not high on that list, like most things Dani may want or even need. It was why she worked after school most days.

  Now she stood in front of her bedroom mirror, admiring the green satin dress. It was worth it. The dress was amazing and it made her feel like a fairytale princess. She glanced at the clock and hurried to finish the last minute preparations. Ren would be by to pick her up at any moment.

  “Dani,” her foster mother yelled. “Ren is here.”

  “Time to face the music.” She ran her hands over her dress to ease her nerves. Would he like what he saw? It wouldn’t matter. She couldn’t let it because Ren had a girlfriend. She started down the stairs and stopped at the bottom. Ren looked gorgeous in his tux. He’d opted for a white jacket with a black tie. It wasn’t the usual black penguin suit almost every other boy would no doubt choose to wear. He looked amazing and absolutely gorgeous. His rich golden brown hair was brushed back and his wicked grin made him even more devastating.

  “Are you ready?” he asked. “Jessica’s already in the car.”

  She nodded and let him lead her out the door. This was foolish. Dani hated being the third wheel on his date. It didn’t matter that a group of friends were going together. She would end up between Ren and Jessica in some way. He wouldn’t allow her to essentially be a wallflower. He had always been protective of her. She should have said no. It would have been better for them both if she had. Why had she let him talk her into this? Jessica would do something to make her miserable. Ren didn’t see her the way Dani did. Her viperous tongue only came out when Ren wasn’t around to hear it. Jessica made sure they were in private when her worst came out to play.

  “Are you excited?” Stupid question. Why would he be?

  “I’m looking forward to dancing with you later.” He smiled softly. “And with Jessica too.”

  Dani frowned. Why did he feel the need to add that part in? Of course he would look forward to dancing with his girlfriend. He didn’t need to remind her of that. Tiny pinpricks of pain shot through her heart. She couldn’t let him know how much it hurt her to see him with Jessica. He deserved to be happy. She chose this path. He was her best friend, and she wanted him to be happy. She’d smile and fake it as long as she could. Ren didn’t need to know she’d fallen in love with him. The burden was hers and hers alone.

  He opened the door to the limo. She peeked inside and let out a relieved breath. A group of their friends were already inside. Most of them were also dateless. At least she didn’t have to suffer in awkward silence while they picked everyone up. Ren must have saved her for last. She waved at them and hopped in. She sat across from Ren and Jessica next to another male friend of theirs. It didn’t take long for the car to get to their destination. Prom was being held at the Tempest Ballroom on the opposite side of town. It was where it was always held. Ren was the first out of the limo and helping all the girls out.

  “I forgot to tell you how pretty you look,” he said as he held his hand out to her. “You’re going to break some hearts in there.”

  She laughed. “I doubt it.”

  His gaze seemed to go unfocused for a second before he shook his head. Something bothered him; whatever it was he was holding it inside. “Trust me on this.”

  She wouldn’t push. The night was supposed to be fun. If he wanted to tell her he would. For now, they would go inside and enjoy the evening. “If you say so.” She shrugged. “I’m not holding my breath.”

  “Can we go inside now?” Jessica whined. “You’re supposed to be my date.” She glared at Dani, letting her gaze roll over her as if she’d witnessed something disgusting.

  Ren turned to her and pulled her into his arms. He placed a quick kiss on her lips. “And that I am. Let’s go see what the fuss is all about.” He held out his arm to Dani. “You coming?”

  She shook her head. “Give me a minute. I’ll be in later. Take Jessica inside.”

  He frowned. “Are you sure?”

  She didn’t want to explain that she needed time to build up her strength. It would take all she had to get through the evening of their lovey dovey affection. She couldn’t stand Jessica, and that
wasn’t only because the other girl had something she wanted. Jessica was mean and spiteful. For the life of her, Dani couldn’t figure out what Ren saw in her.

  “Go.” She pushed at him. “I’ll be fine. Promise.”

  He stared at her for a few seconds and then nodded in agreement. Dani breathed a sigh of relief as she watched them go.

  “Why aren’t you going inside?” Brian asked. He was one of the friends who’d traveled with them in the limo. “Something preventing you from entering? Did Cinderella already lose her shoe?”

  “Ha. Ha,” Dani mocked. “I’m far from the unwanted stepsister.” No she was plain unwanted. Her mother had tossed her aside when she was a little girl, left her on a church doorstep for someone to find. She’d never know who her real parents were. They probably had been teenagers with no ability to care for her.

  “Why don’t you push her out of the way and claim your prince,” Brian asked. “You know you want to.”

  She scrunched up her nose and winced. “Ren is not my prince.” He never would be.

  “Maybe not. But don’t you think it’s time to admit that there’s more than friendship between the two of you?”

  Was Brian drunk? There was, and always would be, nothing but friendship between her and Ren. She was all right with that. Honestly she was. Yeah, keep saying that Dani, maybe one day you will convince yourself it’s true. She loved him. Unfortunately, he loved Jessica. Maybe it was time she put some distance between her and Ren. Being around him hurt too damn much, and she wasn’t strong enough to handle it. Graduation loomed on the horizon. She’d make a break for it and not look back.

  “Deny it all you want. It’s not my place to convince you. Come on, let’s go inside.”

  Nothing would persuade her. Ren loved Jessica. Dani wouldn’t get between them. She followed Brian inside and steeled herself to pretend to be happy.


  Ren watched for her to enter. He didn’t know why she refused to come inside with him and Jessica, but he worried. If she didn’t show up soon he’d go look for her. The dress she’d chosen was sinful on her perfect body. The shimmering green matched her eyes, and her dark midnight tresses fell down her shoulder in curls. He wanted to run his hands through her hair and feel the silky softness. Why couldn’t he feel that way about Jessica? She was nice enough, and lovely to look at. He’d started dating her to try to take his mind off the one he wanted, his best friend. Dani had said over and over how much she appreciated him. She was glad they were friends and she could rely on him—how lost she’d be without their friendship. It grated on his nerves every time those words came out of her mouth. Didn’t she see how much he wanted her? Dani owned his heart. If only she wanted to be more than friends…

  But she didn’t, and why not date Jessica? At least she saw him as boyfriend material. Sometimes he regretted that choice. All right, most days he did, and he’d almost broken up with her several times. Then Dani would repeat her friendship tirade. Nothing pissed him off more and made him dig his feet in with innate stubbornness than listening to that. He shouldn’t let it bother him, but he couldn’t help what he felt. In truth, he wasn’t doing himself, Jessica, or Dani any favors by denying them. Both girls deserved better, and soon he’d own up to everything. When the time was right he’d break up with Jessica and be honest with Dani. Prom night wasn’t the night for shattering hearts and confessions.

  Ren frowned as she walked in with Brian. Were they seeing each other? He’d thought they were friends, but he could be wrong. Jealousy welled up inside of him. He clenched his fists at his side. He would not make a scene. If Brian was the one Dani wanted, he wouldn’t get in her way. He had a girlfriend, and he shouldn’t be mooning over his best friend. She would be the first to tell him that.

  “Come on, let’s dance.” Jessica pulled him toward the dance floor.

  He allowed it and did the best he could to pretend Dani wasn’t staring at another boy. He wanted her, always had. It hurt to watch her with someone else, especially since she’d never seemed interested in someone else. She didn’t date, said it was a waste of her time. She had plans and a boyfriend would deter them. Dani worked hard at everything so she could leave their small town behind and never look back. Had she changed her mind? Did she consider dating an option now? Maybe he could finally convince her they should be more than friends. He gulped back the lump in his throat and glanced down at Jessica. She seemed so happy and carefree. The strands of music ended and everyone broke apart. Ren didn’t want to dance any longer. He had to find Dani. It was an impulse he couldn’t resist. She was on the other side of the room laughing with Brian. He headed toward them, Jessica close behind.

  “I see you made it inside,” he said.

  Dani smiled. “Did you think I’d get lost?”

  He pasted a happy expression on his face. She didn’t need to know he’d worried. “Of course not.”

  “They have some awful punch and snacks set out.” Brian gestured toward a table nearby. “I damn near spit the crap out. I barely managed to swallow it, and choked it down. Dani thought it was hilarious.”

  “Oh, come on.” She laughed again. “It couldn’t be that bad.”

  Ren gritted his teeth together. He had to do something to stop this…whatever it was between Brian and Dani. He couldn’t take it. It was time to stop fooling himself. He wanted to step back and let her be happy with someone else, but in reality it was impossible. The strands of a slow song started to fill his ears. He held his hand out to his best friend. “Come dance with me.”

  She nodded and placed her hand in his. “Oh yes, please, I love this song.”

  He didn’t stop to look at anyone. His gaze was locked firmly on Dani’s face. He didn’t care if Brian was mad he’d usurped his time with her. Jessica knew Dani was his best friend. This wasn’t the first time they’d danced, and she’d understand. Well, as much as any girl would he supposed. Ren couldn’t make himself care. This was what he wanted and the rest of them be damned. He glanced across the room and noticed there were a lot of people dancing with someone they’d not arrived with. It was perfectly normal for him to enjoy a dance with someone other than Jessica. It was high school and prom was supposed to be fun—a memory they’d keep forever.

  Let me love you… He wanted to say that to her. The song wasn’t a perfect fit. But he wanted to say some of those very words to her. She deserved to be cherished. They swayed to the music. She glanced up at him and stole his breath. For a moment, he could pretend they were together and had a future together. He wanted to give her everything, show her the way love was supposed to be. He wanted to hold her as more than a friend.

  The music ended and they stood there, staring at each other. Everything else ceased to exist. It was just the two of them locked in beautiful moment he wanted to burn in his memory. Her full sultry lips tilted into a brilliant smile, and her gaze radiated happiness. It left him with a warm and fuzzy glow spreading through his whole body. Until the spell was broken by his actual girlfriend—Jessica always did have the worst timing.

  “It’s my turn,” Jessica demanded and pushed Dani aside.

  For a brief moment, everything had been so perfect. The smile on Dani’s face fell before she turned to head off the dance floor. He reached for her, but Jessica demanded his attention. Dani was all the way across the room before he could do anything to stop her. The dance had been worth every second of the clinginess he was about to endure from his girlfriend. She said she understood his friendship with Dani, but if he paid any amount of attention to her, Jessica ultimately became jealous.

  He understood it, even as it irritated him. He couldn’t blame her. They were dating, but he wouldn’t stop being Dani’s friend, even if it tore at him in every possible way. Ren glanced across the room and located Dani. He couldn’t go after her to see what was wrong, at least not yet. He would later when he could shake Jessica for a few minutes.

  “Finally,” Jessica complained. “I thought that song would never end.
I don’t know why you feel as if you need to placate her.”

  Ren clenched his hand into a fist at his side and reminded himself Jessica didn’t understand. She didn’t realize he loved Dani in a way he could never love her. It was time to break up with her. Not at the dance, but definitely before graduation in a couple weeks. He’d tell Dani how much he loved her. It was time to man up and own his feelings.


  Dani pushed her way into the girl’s restroom and sighed in relief when she found it empty. She needed a breather from the hot dance floor and Jessica’s glaring eyes. Every time she looked over at Ren, she would meet Jessica’s gaze. The girl had every right to hate her. Ren tended to drop everything if Dani needed him for any reason. That’s what friends did for each other. Dani didn’t want to make him stop either, and yes, she depended on him. He was the only one she let get even remotely close to her.

  She loved him.

  The dance had been perfect. For a small moment in time she could pretend they were more than friends. That she allowed him to be hers in every way she wanted him to be. It had all come to a screeching halt when Jessica stormed over to them at the end. The spell had been broken and she had to go back to being his best friend.

  Dani headed over to the sink, turned it on, allowing the cool water to run over her fingers. She splashed a little on her heated cheeks. It felt amazing washing over her warm skin. She turned the water off, grabbed a paper towel to dry her hands, and then tossed it in a nearby trash can. It was time to go back to the dance and pretend everything was all right.

  “I saw you come in here, and I think it’s time you and I have a little talk.”

  Dani spun around and met Jessica’s gaze. She wanted to groan, but repressed it. At some point she should have known Jessica would confront her. She always did. Ren’s girlfriend would spout out her demands to leave him alone and then drive home the final point—she was his girlfriend, not Dani. As if Dani needed the reminder. Maybe she did on some level. She hated sharing him. It grated on her in so many ways. She made her choices though, and now had the pleasure of living with them. Dani grimaced as she swallowed down that bitter pill. Pleasure? It was far from it.


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