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One Heart to Give (Heart's Intent Book 1)

Page 2

by Brower, Dawn

  “I think you’ve said everything you need to say to me.” Dani turned away from her. “You say it so often I could repeat it verbatim.”

  “No. I haven’t said all there is to say.” Jessica pushed Dani’s shoulder. “Look at me.”

  Dani rolled her eyes and turned back to Jessica. What did she want now? Did she really feel the need to mark her territory again? And yeah, in Jessica’s mind Ren was hers to mark. He couldn’t be friends with Dani while he dated her. Yes, Dani loved him, but she never made a move on him. She kept things strictly platonic. That was the whole meaning of friendship after all. Anything else would muddy the waters, and she could lose what little she did have with him forever. It was why she insisted at the beginning they be just friends. Friendships lasted far longer than any other relationship.

  “What do you want?” Dani folded her arms across her chest. “I would like to get back to the dance.”

  “Why?” She raised an eyebrow. “So you can insinuate yourself further into Ren’s life?”

  She wasn’t having this argument with Jessica. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that Ren and I are friends.” She glared at her. The more Jessica said the more pissed off she was becoming. She got it. Honestly she did, but she was sick of listening to it. Nothing she said to Jessica would make her feel better. “There is nothing other than that going on between us.”

  “I have eyes, you know.” Jessica took a step closer. “I can see how you look at him. I know you want to be more than friends. I’m not going to stand here and let you come between us. I’m done with you and your neediness.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you.” Dani sighed and shook her head. “I’m not going to stop being Ren’s friend to make you feel secure in your relationship.” She couldn’t imagine a life without Ren in it. He was the one person she could always depend on when everything seemed to be falling apart. Every one needed at least one person they could rely on. For Dani, it had always been Ren.

  “Do you even know how he really feels about you?” Jessica sneered and took a step closer to Dani. There was barely any room between them as she angrily retorted, “Because let me tell you, he’s not as happy as he seems when having to constantly run whenever you need him.”

  She was lying. Ren wouldn’t talk badly about her. Would he? He always seemed happy to help her. He was the one who’d talked her into going to prom. It was his idea for them all to come together. Jessica was pissed because Ren danced with her. That was all this was about, and she wouldn’t let her get to her. “Ren is a big boy. He can make decisions for himself. He doesn’t need you to fight his battles for him.” If he was annoyed with Dani for any reason, he’d tell her himself. It’d never stopped him in the past. Ren was the most vocal person she knew.

  Jessica lifted her hands and pushed Dani hard, taking her by surprise. Pain shot through her backside as it met the floor with a hard thump. She wanted to jump to her feet and punch Jessica’s perfect face, but it wouldn’t do any good. The girl wanted to fight. Dani wouldn’t humor her. Ren would be in the middle of it all, and Dani wanted to do what was best for her friend. Fighting with his girlfriend wasn’t going to make things easier on any of them. She took a deep breath and prepared to reason with the girl. “Go back to the dance.” Dani said calmly. “I don’t want to do this with you.”

  “Too bad. It’s time we settled things once and for all. I’m tired of you getting in the middle of my relationship. School is almost over, and Ren and I have plans. They don’t include you.”

  Dani knew what Ren’s plans were. Where he was going to college, what medical school he hoped to get into, and his need to help others. Jessica should know he would share that with her. “I don’t have time for your histrionics.” Dani got to her feet and brushed down her skirt. “I won’t mention any of this to Ren.” She walked past Jessica and headed to the exit.

  “Not so fast.” Jessica grabbed her arm preventing her from leaving. “I’m not done. You don’t leave until I have my say.”

  She gritted her teeth together. Jessica was so damn demanding. Dani couldn’t believe she called her the needy one. The girl insisted on getting her way far too often. This was the last time she gave in and conceded. “You always have something you have to say. What is it this time?” Dani raised an eyebrow mockingly. “Ren actually hates me? He only puts up with me out of a habit? I’ve heard it all from you. What makes this any different?”

  Jessica raised her hand and slapped her. The sting spread across her cheek in tiny pinpricks. Dani rubbed her hand over her face and glared at the other girl. “I’m done with you. Don’t corner me again. If you leave me alone, I’ll do the same.”

  “No. I’m not going to step aside and let you ruin my relationship with him. I’m tired of him always running to do something for you. Find your own boyfriend. Ren is mine.”

  Dani stepped close to Jessica and stared into her eyes. “Ren is my friend. Get used to it. I will always be a part of his life.” Even when it hurt too much to be around him… It was the path she chose. “Now I’m going to go back to the dance and try to enjoy what’s left of it. I’ll do you a solid and not mention this to Ren because I’m not the vindictive bitch you seem to think I am.”

  Dani turned to leave once again but stopped short when she heard Jessica say, “I’m pregnant.”

  Dani closed her eyes as her words washed over her. They froze her heart. Any hope she’d thought she had with Ren evaporated. He would never abandon Jessica and his child. She turned toward Jessica. Tears were falling down her cheeks. She was fighting to hold onto Ren. It didn’t matter how Dani felt about the girl. She was going to have Ren’s baby. There was only one decision she could make.

  “Does Ren know?”

  She shook her head. “I haven’t told him yet.”

  “Why are you telling me?” She should be having this conversation with Ren. “You should tell him.” What game was Jessica playing? There had to be a reason she was dropping this particular bomb on Dani.

  “I want you to leave us alone. We don’t stand a chance with you constantly around us. We deserve to have the best possible start. Our child needs both parents to be completely devoted to it.”

  She was right. Dani knew it. She was done fighting fate. Ren couldn’t even be her friend anymore. He wouldn’t be solely focused on his family if he was always hanging around with her. If she needed him, he’d come running. For his sake, and his child’s, she would have to disappear and allow him the chance to be happy.

  She nodded. “You win. You have until graduation to tell Ren. If you don’t, I will.” Dani turned and left the room. The roles had reversed, and now she was the one fighting tears. She’d lost something significant to her, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. She left the dance and walked the entire way home. It gave her time to work out what had to be done. There wasn’t much of a choice left. She had to leave, and the sooner the better.


  Ren never got the chance to tell Dani he loved her. She ran away before graduation. He’d been blindsided by her choice, and beyond pissed off. What had he ever done to her to deserve such little regard? He searched for her. She’d hidden herself too well. If she really didn’t want him in her life any longer, he’d respect her wishes. Ren always did what Dani wanted. Probably always would. They’d set that pattern up early on in their relationship. “Friends forever,” she’d said. How wrong she’d been; how pitiful he was. He’d been a fool to believe they could have anything…

  “Damn you, Dani,” he shouted. Tears fell from his eyes. How was he supposed to let her go? She’d been a part of his life for as long as he could remember. Now he was alone. A piece of him would always be missing without her in his life. What if he never loved again? He doubted he truly could. He only had one heart to give—and Dani owned it. She left him with a hole in his chest and nothing to fill the void.

  Jessica had become more attentive. He’d allowed her to somewhat fill what was missing, e
ven though a part of him screamed in protest. What else was he to do? There wasn’t much choice left to him. Dani had taken all of them away. He wanted to hate her for it, and maybe he even did on a small level. One day maybe they would see each other again, and he’d be able to ask her why. Until then he was left with so many questions, and absolutely no answers.

  He always came back to one thing. Why. Why had she left? He should have known something was wrong. She’d been so weird at prom—after they danced. He’d meant to ask her what was bothering her, but she’d disappeared before it ended. Brian had been no help, when he’d asked him about Dani. No one had seen her or noticed when she’d left. The next day she’d been gone. All her foster parents were able to tell him was she had decided to leave for college early.

  So much for confessing he’d love her forever.

  He was a damned idiot. The biggest and most moronic fool alive—how could he have believed he could have it all? Some things were not meant to be. Sadly he couldn’t do anything to change the feelings rolling through his heart. He’d always love her, nothing, and no one would ever change that. His heart would be hers, and anyone else who came into his life wouldn’t compare.

  No, this couldn’t be the end. He wouldn’t accept that. Someday, he promised himself, if he found Dani again he’d make sure she stayed around long enough to realize what she meant to him. What they’d lost by her actions. It was the only thing he could hold onto. When he saw her again, and he fully believed he would, there would be nothing to stand in his way—even Dani herself.

  “One day, Dani, love.” He stared up at the sky. “I will find you, and if we’re both lucky enough we will find a way to be together.” Ren rubbed his chest trying to erase the ache that filled his heart. “Nothing will be the same until that day, but I promise we can make it right if we fight hard enough.”

  She was worth fighting for. The best things in life were. It might just take longer than he’d like to make his promise a reality. As time went by, he’d do everything in his power to hold on to hope. It was the only thing he had left. If he lost it, then all would be lost. There would never be a Dani and Ren. There would be nothingness.

  “I’ll do my best,” he whispered. “But I’m far from perfect.”

  And there was Jessica. She wanted more than he’d been willing to give. It was a temptation he was finding harder and harder to resist. In time he was afraid he’d give in. Life had a funny way of throwing a wrench in even the best laid plans. There was no telling what his future had in store for him, but he had hopes, dreams, and wishes he hoped to one day see fulfilled. Dani was one part of that bigger picture. If he couldn’t have her, at least he could have the rest. He’d work hard and achieve what he could. Maybe, somewhere along the way, he’d discover that he could live without her.

  He snorted. “Not likely.”

  But he’d attempt to. Oh he’d try; he had no choice after all.

  Chapter One

  “Excuse me, Ms. Brosen,” Claire said as she knocked on the door. “You have a call on line one. It sounds important.”

  Dani sighed and set down the motion she was reading over. She didn’t have time for interruptions. Her partner, Matthew Price, had been a no-show at the office. The case they were working on was both high profile and potentially career making. It could make or break their practice. He knew how important the motion was. He was late. It both irritated and worried her. Matt was usually reliable.

  She lifted the receiver and placed it against her ear, and then pressed the button for line one. “Daniella Brosen, how can I help you?”

  “This is Lana Kelly. I’m calling from Envill East.”

  “Yes?” Why was someone from the hospital calling her? They didn’t deal with Malpractice cases…

  “Matthew Price was brought in. You’re listed as his emergency contact. Could you come to the hospital?”

  Panic seized her heart. Matthew was her only friend and if something had happened to him… How would she go on without him? He’d been her rock for so long. This couldn’t be happening. She’d finally managed to feel safe and content with her lot in life. Without Matt, it might fall apart all over again. She reminded herself to breathe. It’d do no good to suspect the worst before she had all the information. The hard question needed to be asked, even if she was afraid of the answer.

  “Is he…”

  Lana interrupted her, “He’s fine—or well—as okay as he’s going to be for now. The doctor can explain more when you get here.”

  Dani gulped. She could handle this. She dealt with more complicated problems in court. Her friend needed her and she would go to him. The case could wait. It was minor in comparison. She wasn’t about to lose another friend. Leaving her best friend behind in high school had devastated her. An image of him floated through her mind, and she brushed it away. Thinking about him would only make things worse. She couldn’t let her old doubts fill her now. Matt’s condition was an immediate concern. The things she couldn’t change had to stay firmly where they belonged…in the past.

  She shook her head clear and focused on the call. “I’ll be there shortly.”

  “Come in through the emergency room. They can direct you where to go. Mr. Price isn’t in a room yet.”

  “Who should I ask for?” She hated to go into a situation with little to no details. The least she could do was figure out who to direct her questions to. This woman wasn’t being forthcoming at all. Dani was on the brink of becoming pissed off.

  “Ask to be taken to Mr. Price. When the doctor has time, he’ll come by and speak with you,” she replied briskly.

  Dani reluctantly agreed and set the phone back down on the receiver. She stood and realized she forgot to ask who Matt’s doctor was. She would have to remember to do so when she arrived at the hospital. Information was power, something she learned the hard way in law school. The more she had, the better equipped she was to handle a situation. If she was going to take care of Matt, she had to learn everything she could about his circumstances.

  “Claire, hold all my calls and reschedule any appointments for either Matt or myself for next week.” She paused and revised her statement, “Wait, for Matt don’t reschedule at all. Cancel them and let them know we will call them back when we are able to reschedule.”

  She lifted her head to meet Dani’s gaze. “Is everything all right?”

  “I’m not sure.” Dani bit her lip. A rush of anxiety filled her. “Something happened to Matt. I don’t have the facts yet. When I know more, I will let you know. I’m heading to the hospital now.”

  Claire nodded. “I will handle the office. Please tell Matt…” She frowned and shook her head, appearing to rethink her words. “Call me when you get a handle on the situation.”

  Dani didn’t have time to figure out what that little slip meant. Claire seemed to be even more anxious than she was. What was going on between Claire and Matt? When she had the chance she’d have to ask him. It could be her imagination.

  It took her twenty achingly long minutes to get to the hospital. She ran into the emergency room after she parked her car. Tears burned at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill freely. She fought them. They were a sign of weakness and she refused to give into them. Matt would be fine. He would. If she kept telling herself that she might actually believe it.

  “I got a call from a…” What was that woman’s name? Damn it, she forgot. The woman hadn’t been helpful, and she had a name that wasn’t easy to remember too. “It started with an L. Lisa… Laura…” She was usually much better with details. Dani waved her hand. “It doesn’t matter. Matthew Price was brought in. I’m his emergency contact.”

  The nurse handling admittance in the emergency room typed away at her computer. She was probably used to frantic people in search of their loved ones. She didn’t appear fazed at Dani’s inability to remember the other woman’s name.

  She stood up and gestured. “Follow me. I will take you to Mr. Price.”

  Dani trailed
behind her until they reached a set of double doors. The nurse lifted her identification card and held it against an electronic panel. The doors slid open to let them on the other side. Dani followed her down a few halls and into an exam room. Loud steady beeps from monitors filled the entire area. Matt lay upon the bed, still and silent. What was visible of his body appeared to be an immense bruise of various shades of purple and blue. His eyes and the entire top of his head were covered with white gauze, and his left arm was splinted and wrapped.

  “What happened?” Dani turned to the nurse. It hurt to look at him. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat and asked, “What’s wrong with him?”

  The nurse shook her head. Her mouth was set into a firm line. “I’m not at liberty to say. I’ll let the doctor know you’ve arrived.”

  She hated not having answers. It was a simple question. The nurse should be able to tell her what happened to him. She might not be able to disclose his exact condition, but surely she knew how he came to be injured in the first place. Dani reined in her frustration. It wouldn’t do any good to interrogate the nurse. The answers would be given to her as soon as the doctor came to see her. Until then, she would remain patient.

  “Will Matt regain consciousness?” Dani could feel tears threatening to fall again. “He looks so…is he in pain?”

  “He is sedated and has been given something for the pain. He’s comfortable.” The nurse shook her head again. “I can’t give you any more details. I promise I’ll let the doctor know you’re here. He can explain it in more detail and tell you what we need from you.”

  Dani grabbed a chair and pulled it up to his bedside. She lifted his uninjured hand into hers and held it against her cheek. “Please have the doctor come in as soon as possible. I need to know what is wrong with my friend.”


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