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Slave Species of god

Page 54

by Michael Tellinger

  The Essenes believed that priests and Levites were incarnations of heavenly beings or ‘gods’ and ‘angels’. The fact that Joseph did not have sex with Mary after their first wedding and yet she fell pregnant, made her a virgin. Joseph fell into a lower rank of priests and kings which made him a ‘spirit’. And so the mystery of the baby being conceived by the ‘holy spirit’ is answered by Joseph's lower rank. Although the latter version is interesting, I find it almost too complicated, while the story of the Apocrypha has simplicity in its favour. William Bramley exposes much evidence which outlines Jesus' Essene lineage while also linking it to the secret societies like the Brotherhood and Freemasons who also happen to use a symbolic ‘apron’.

  The lack of information about the young Jesus' life is disturbing. Shouldn't the messiah have been the idol of humanity as he was growing up, spreading truth and wisdom even at a young age? Surely, that would have been the obvious thing to do, if you really wanted to impress people everywhere? But that was not the case. Instead, Jesus was whisked off to a faraway land, where he was prepared and most likely indoctrinated for the big role in the great human deception. He briefly appeared at the age of 12 before a group of Hebrew scholars but then he disappeared for another 18 years. The Anunnaki gods were too well known around the Near East, Israel and Egypt. Enlil had to find a more discrete location for the grooming of his protégé. By the age of around 30, Jesus reappeared out of the blue to start his short life of ministry, lasting only an incredible three years before his crucifixion. Just think about this practically. In today's world of extreme wealth and mass media, it would be very difficult to create a global brand within three years. And yet, in only three short years 2,000 years ago, one man became a global phenomenon? The PR around his activities and the way in which his awareness spread, lead me to believe that there were very powerful forces like the Anunnaki gods behind such a masterstroke. But Jesus was not such a big hit in his time as we are led to believe. It actually took 2,000 years to make Jesus the phenomenon he is today, because at the time of his life he had a small following and caused much upheaval with his preaching. If it was not for Emperor Constantine some 300 years after Christ's death, Christianity would most likely have remained a small cultish religion.

  A substantial number of historians have unravelled a fascinating history of the young Jesus in Persia and Asia which is too detailed to be a fabrication or coincidence. They are not like the predictable stories which state that he worked with his father in the carpentry workshop. If that was the case, who was responsible for his spiritual and philosophical education, and why did we not hear about him at all during those years? It is highly unlikely that he would have gone unnoticed if he was around the Nazareth area all his life. The local custom dictated that Essene boys entered a monastery at about the age of five where they received the appropriate education. Some historians claim that this was exactly what happened to young Jesus, at a monastery on the Mediterranean sea near Haifa. The reason why Jesus seemed to have made a short appearance in the New Testament at the age of 12, was for his bar mitzvah preparation, after which he mysteriously vanished for another 18 years. Historians and documentary makers have done extensive work on the hidden life of the young Christ. Many of them agree that Jesus spent the time travelling through Asia absorbing the religious principles of their spiritual leaders. Those travels by Christ were probably sponsored by the Essenes as their religious culture was deeply rooted in the Aryan and Zoroaster religions which originated from the East. Ancient Buddhist scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet from the age of thirteen to age twenty nine. He was both a student and teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men. The story of his journey from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahman historians, who until today still know him and love him as St. Issa, their ‘Buddha’. This was revealed in 1894 when a Russian doctor and explorer by the name of Nicolas Notovitch published a book called The Unknown Life of Christ. Notovitch journeyed extensively throughout Afghanistan, India, and further through the spectacular passes of Bolan, over the Punjab, down into the arid rocky land of Ladakh, and into the majestic Vale of Kashmir of the Himalayas. During one of his journeys in 1890 he was visiting Leh, the capital of Ladakh, near where the Buddhist monastery of Himis is located. Because of an accident in which he broke his leg, he had the opportunity to stay for some time at Himis. While he was there, he learnt that the Buddhists had ancient records of the life of Jesus Christ. Notovitch was stunned, and with some scratching he located a Tibetan translation of the legend and carefully noted in his ‘carnet de voyage’ over two hundred verses from the curious document known as The Life of St. Issa. He learnt that ‘Issa’ is the direct translation of the name ‘Jesus’ which is also used by many Muslims today. He was shown two large yellowed volumes containing the biography of St. Issa. Notovitch enlisted a member of his party to translate the Tibetan volumes while he carefully noted each verse in the back pages of his journal. When he returned to the Western world there was much controversy as to the authenticity of the document. He was accused of creating a hoax and was ridiculed as an impostor. In his defence, he encouraged a scientific expedition to prove that the original Tibetan documents really existed. One of his sceptics was a Hindu monk and a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna called Swami Abhedananda. In 1922, Swami Abhedananda, journeyed to Ladakh in hopes of exposing Notovitch as a fraud. Upon questioning the head lama about St. Issa, he was shown a manuscript which he recorded in his travel notes. He was astounded to find a manuscript of Bengali translation of two hundred twenty-four verses virtually identical to what Notovitch had written. Abhedananda was thus convinced of the authenticity of the Issa legend.

  While on a trek through central Asia during 1925, Nicholas Roerich, the artist-philosopher, also encountered the infamous manuscript. One of the many reasons for Roerich's trek was to record customs and legends of the peoples of central Asia. He published two of his diaries called Heart of Asia and Altai-Himalaya which both contain such tales of St. Issa. Roerich says that more important than the find of the manuscripts itself is the cultural phenomenon of the spread of Jesus' legend to these ‘remote’ regions. He writes the following in Altai-Himalaya concerning this:

  “Whoever doubts too completely that such legends about the Christ life exist in Asia, probably does not realize what an immense influence the Nestorians have had in all parts of Asia and how many so-called Apocryphal legends they spread in the most ancient times ... Many remember lines from the book of Notovitch, but it is still more wonderful to discover, on this site, in several variants, the same version of the legend of Issa. The local people knew nothing of any published book but they know the legend and with deep reverence they speak of Issa. One might wonder what relation Moslems, Hindus, or Buddhists have with Issa. But it is still more significant to see how vital are great ideas and how they penetrate even the most remote places. Never may one discover the source of such legends. But even if they originated from ancient Nestorian Apocrypha, at present it is instructive to see the widespread and deep consideration paid to the subject. It is significant to hear a local inhabitant, a Hindu, relate how Issa preached beside a small pool near the bazaar under a tree, which no longer exists. In such purely physical indications you may see how seriously this subject is regarded.

  (Roerich: Altai-Himalaya, pp. 89-90)

  According to the Buddhist legends, Issa arrived in Asia at the age of about 13, studied under various masters, absorbing much knowledge while engaging in some preaching of his own. The document further states that the ‘blessed one’ then returned to Palestine some 16 years later at the age of 29. This fits the mysterious life of Jesus like a glove and since there aren't any other similar coincidences that we know of, it certainly sounds like Jesus was a well-travelled and well-learned man by the time he began his world-changing ministry in Palestine. The ‘Legend of Issa’ further strengthens the Essene and Aryan link when it states that:

  “In his fourteenth year, young Issa, the Bles
sed One, came this side of the Sindh and settled among the Aryas (Aryans)…”

  Sindh was a province of western Pakistan and Aryas was their term for Aryan. The legend goes that Jesus studied under the white Aryan Brahman Priests who were overjoyed by his arrival. “The white priest of Brahma welcomed him joyfully,” states the legend. He was taught to read and to understand the Vedas, and also how to teach and expound these Hindu scriptures. But Jesus started to show his true colours very early in life when he disregarded culture and began to associate with the lower castes. He protested against their discriminatory practices and questioned why God would make any difference in his children. The Sudras (people of the lower castes) were not only forbidden to attend the reading of the Vedas, but they were even forbidden to look on them, for they were condemned to perpetual servitude as slaves to the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas and even the Vaishyas who were of higher caste levels. Jesus strongly disagreed with their philosophy and openly questioned their morality.

  “God has made no difference between his children, who are all alike dear to him,” said Issa. Disregarding their words, Issa remained with the Sudras, preaching against the Brahmins and Kshatriyas. “Those who deprive their brethren of divine happiness shall be deprived of it themselves. The Brahmans and the Kshatriyas shall become the Sudras, and with the Sudras the Eternal shall dwell everlastingly.” (Notovitch, 5:23) Please note that some historians spell the word Shudras as Sudras. There is also a different spelling for Vaishyas and Vaishas.

  Issa's teachings in Asia are astounding as they mirror the words of Jesus some years later. Take a look at some of the things he had to say, long before the people of the Holy Land got to hear his words of wisdom.

  “... He passed his time in several ancient cities of India such as Benares. All loved him because Issa dwelt in peace with Vaishas and Shudras whom he instructed and helped. But the Brahmins and Kshatriyas told him that Brahma forbade those to approach who were created out of his womb and feet. The Vaishas were allowed to listen to the Vedas only on holidays and the Shudras were forbidden not only to be present at the reading of the Vedas, but could not even look at them.

  Issa said that man had filled the temples with his abominations. In order to pay homage to metals and stones, man sacrificed his fellows in whom dwells a spark of the Supreme Spirit. Man demeans those who labour by the sweat of their brows, in order to gain the good will of the sluggard who sits at the lavishly set board. But they who deprive their brothers of the common blessing shall be themselves stripped of it.

  Vaishas and Shudras were struck with astonishment and asked what they could perform. Issa bade them ‘Worship not the idols. Do not consider yourself first. Do not humiliate your neighbour. Help the poor. Sustain the feeble. Do evil to no one. Do not covet that which you do not possess and which is possessed by others.’

  Many, learning of such words, decided to kill Issa. But Issa, forewarned, departed from this place by night.

  Afterward, Issa went into Nepal and into the Himalayan mountains ....

  ‘Well, perform for us a miracle,’ demanded the servitors of the Temple. Then Issa replied to them: ‘Miracles made their appearance from the very day when the world was created. He who cannot behold them is deprived of the greatest gift of life. But woe to you, enemies of men, woe unto you, if you await that He should attest his power by miracle.’

  Issa taught that men should not strive to behold the Eternal Spirit with one's own eyes but to feel it with the heart, and to become a pure and worthy soul.... Not only shall you not make human offerings, but you must not slaughter animals, because all is given for the use of man. Do not steal the goods of others, because that would be usurpation from your near one. Do not cheat, that you may in turn not be cheated .... Beware, ye, who divert men from the true path and who fill the people with superstitions and prejudices, who blind the vision of the seeing ones, and who preach subservience to material things.”

  “Then Pilate, ruler of Jerusalem, gave orders to lay hands upon the preacher Issa and to deliver him to the judges, without however, arousing the displeasure of the people.

  But Issa taught: ‘Do not seek straight paths in darkness, possessed by fear. But gather force and support each other. He who supports his neighbour strengthens himself. I tried to revive the laws of Moses in the hearts of the people. And I say unto you that you do not understand their true meaning because they do not teach revenge but forgiveness. But the meaning of these laws is distorted.’

  Then the ruler sent to Issa his disguised servants that they should watch his actions and report to him about his words to the people. ‘Thou just man,’ said the disguised servant of the ruler of Jerusalem approaching Issa, ‘Teach us, should we fulfil the will of Caesar or await the approaching deliverance?’

  But Issa, recognizing the disguised servants, said, ‘I did not foretell unto you that you would be delivered from Caesar; but I said that the soul which was immersed in sin would be delivered from sin.’

  At this time, an old woman approached the crowd, but was pushed back. Then Issa said, ‘Reverence Woman, mother of the universe,’ in her lies the truth of creation. She is the foundation of all that is good and beautiful. She is the source of life and death. Upon her depends the existence of man, because she is the sustenance of his labours. She gives birth to you in travail, she watches over your growth. Bless her. Honour her. Defend her. Love your wives and honour them, because tomorrow they shall be mothers, and later-progenitors of a whole race. Their love ennobles man, soothes the embittered heart and tames the beast. Wife and mother-they are the adornments of the universe.’

  ‘As light divides itself from darkness, so does woman possess the gift to divide in man good intent from the thought of evil. Your best thoughts must belong to woman. Gather from them your moral strength, which you must possess to sustain your near ones. Do not humiliate her, for therein you will humiliate yourselves. And all which you will do to mother, to wife, to widow or to another woman in sorrow - that shall you also do for the Spirit.’ So taught Issa; but the ruler Pilate ordered one of his servants to make accusation against him.

  Said Issa: ‘Not far hence is the time when by the Highest Will the people will become purified and united into one family.’”


  It is fascinating to see that Jesus came face to face with some of the deities or angels who ruled the East. “Near Lhasa was a temple of teaching with a wealth of manuscripts. Jesus was to acquaint himself with them. Meng-ste, a great sage of all the East, was in this temple.”

  This behaviour caused so much friction, that a group of white priests sent some servants to kill Issa. He was however warned against the plot and escaped to the holy city of Djagguernat and further into Buddhist lands. Jesus stayed there for six years learning the Pali language and the holy Buddhist writings called ‘Sutras’. The legend goes that Jesus “could perfectly expound the sacred scrolls.”

  This kind of teaching flies right in the face of the ‘god of vengeance’in the Old Testament where god would choose his favourite group of people over another. It was the rebellious Jesus who began to preach in earnest that ‘all men are equal’. This was a brilliant piece of strategy by the god Enlil, who was setting up the young messiah for the biggest day in human religion, the crucifixion.

  But even before Jesus returned to Palestine he preached and performed miracles among the people of Asia, even raising some from the dead. This is another excerpt from Roerich's translations of the Legend of St Issa.

  “Finally Jesus reached a mountain pass and in the chief city of Ladakh, Leh, he was joyously accepted by monks and people of the lower class .... And Jesus taught in the monasteries and in the bazaars (the market places); wherever the simple people gathered, there he taught. Not far from this place lived a woman whose son had died and she brought him to Jesus. And in the presence of a multitude, Jesus laid his hand on the child, and the child rose healed. And many brought their children and Jesus laid his hands upon them, healing them.
Among the Ladakhis, Jesus passed many days, teaching them. And they loved him and when the time of his departure came they sorrowed as children.”

  By the time Jesus returned to Palestine he was 29-30 years old and immediately started his public life of ministry. The relationship between him and his Essenes sponsors was showing great signs of distress, mainly because of his lack of respect for their Aryan brethren in Asia. The Essenes had a lot of time and money invested in Jesus and they were keen to have him proclaimed the new ‘messiah’, but Jesus wanted nothing to do with it. According to some historians, he denied his Davidic descent and even forbade his disciples to call him the ‘messiah’, which is another perfect example of how the principle of 'divide and conquer' was being implemented by the cunning Enlil. While some writers of books dealing with the Anunnaki influence on human history believe that Jesus became a rebel within the environment which was prepared for him by his ‘heavenly gods’, I have a slightly more sinister hypothesis. The most important message we extract out of these activities is the masterful precision with which Enlil, the supreme Anunnaki commander was orchestrating the ‘messiah prophesies’. Day by day, step by step, he manipulated events while setting Jesus up to be the martyr for humanity, while he continually and unwittingly promoted the power of his ‘good’ god, Enlil, the one and only god. Together with the books of the Old Testament they provide the irrefutable evidence of manipulation, control and oppression of humanity from the dawn of history. There is simply no other way to digest all the confusing and conflicting events of the distant past. The only sensible answer lies in the well supported historic findings which outline the arrival of the Anunnaki or Nefilim on Earth, which led to a chain of events nobody could have ever predicted in their wildest dreams.

  Adding to the confusion about a messiah, which was being spread by the Anunnaki gods and ‘angels’ was the constant need displayed by the people of the day to find this elusive messiah. Their desperation for a saviour was so great that they willingly proclaimed Jesus to be the new messiah, adding fuel to the fire. But once again the fuel was actually being poured on by the Anunnaki ‘angels’ who were the real agitators, spreading the word of the messiah to humans all over the place. Within three short years, Jesus had made such waves and created so many enemies, that neither the Hebrew leaders nor the Romans were too fond of him. He was a real rebel, unconsciously creating a legacy which would be masterfully crafted by a controlled group of priests between about 325 AD and 1150 AD, into the New Testament. A stunning conclusion to the religious entrapment of the Old Testament, which needed to evolve into a true human drama of unconditional love, faith and sacrifice of the New Testament. By its conclusion, the god Enlil had set the eternal trap of enslavement through religious dogma. A masterfully executed plot by the vengeful god, whom humanity still fears today.


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