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Slave Species of god

Page 55

by Michael Tellinger

  Enlil was the father of manipulation and propaganda. Towards the end of the Old Testament he realised that humanity was growing increasingly informed and civilised. The other lesser gods under the leadership of Marduk, were causing confusion among people, causing them not to know whom they should obey and worship. Remember that Marduk had proclaimed himself ‘god above all’ and the rivalry between him and Enlil was the main backdrop to the human drama of biblical times. But the humans had evolved, their brains were functioning more intelligently and they had great philosophers, mathematicians and teachers who were uplifting humanity at a rapid rate. Very quickly, Enlil's control over humans was slipping. He had to come up with a cunning plan to reaffirm his supremacy, so that humanity would become fearful and obedient once more. We must remember that by this time there was a whole new sub-species of people called Homo sapiens sapiens or ‘Wise Wise Man’. This newly evolved subspecies emerged very early in human history when “the sons of God saw the daughters of man and had children with them” and by doing so, immediately created a new hybrid human who was more intelligent and more evolved. All signs point to the Aryans as the earliest ‘Wise-Wise’ humans. These hybrid humans became a huge threat to Enlil, and remained a threat for long periods of time. We have already pointed out how god and his bloodthirsty ‘angels’ tried to wipe out those who conspired against him in Sodom and Gomorrah. This kind of persecution carried on throughout the ages with numerous examples in the Bible. At first Enlil tried to curtail such rebellious activity in various oppressive ways but it failed. History has shown us that dictators do not last forever. Eventually the people will rise up against their oppressor. This is exactly what happened to Enlil. By the end of the Old Testament days, he realised that a new strategy was necessary to re-establish total control over humanity.

  The ‘divide and conquer’ principle was successfully introduced, but Enlil tested the process of religious entrapment on a few other occasions, with other so-called prophets. It seems that the Anunnaki had been planting seeds of messianic doctrine for quite some time, patiently waiting for one of or more of the messiahs to take root. And boy, did they! The Hebrew and Christian Bibles are filled with prophets but some delivered less success than others. One such example is outlined in the Book of Enoch one of the Apocryphal scriptures. Melchizedek was a Jewish high priest with great influence in his time, who was also reported to have been brought forth by a virgin birth by his old mother Soparim, without human intercourse.

  2 Enoch 71

  “Soparim, old and barren, conceived Melchizedek without having intercourse with her husband.”

  Enoch writes that Soparim was not only post-menstrual but she had been childless all of her life, when suddenly she fell pregnant on her own. Although I have not read about the presence of any ‘angels’ in this instance, I suspect they must have been present just like in all the other virgin birth cases, making sure that the intended recipient was receptive to the fertilisation process she was about to experience. Enoch must have had some form of contact with the gods who used him as a mouthpiece to prophesy the coming of Melchizedek and another messiah, who would be the most powerful of them all. By using random prophets in this fashion, the gods created an expectation among humans of great heavenly things and salvation from the toil on Earth. They were promised eternal life in the house of god and other fantastical experiences. But only IF they behaved and obeyed their god blindly at all times. It is mind-boggling that since those days, nothing has really changed in popular global religions, and the fear of punishment by god is possibly stronger now than ever.

  Enoch 71:34

  “And afterward, in the last generation, there will be another Melchizedek, the first of twelve priests. And this last will be head of all, a great archpriest, the Word and power of God, who will perform miracles greater and more glorious than all the previous ones.”

  What a wonderfully deceptive promise to make to a confused community of humans without any identity. The wonders do not end here though. The Hindu tradition has many legends of wondrous human beings that are conceived and born in strange and complex manners. Just take a look at the Vedic poems. The Buddha was born from the womb unlike many of the other Hindu gods. Once again there was a bright constellation that signalled the miraculous birth of a great prophet and teacher. The conception by his mother Maya was very peculiar during which she fell into a deep trance in which a white king elephant seemed to enter her body without causing her pain or discomfort. During her pregnancy Maya did not experience any fatigue or depression. The legend surrounding the conception and birth of the Buddha goes something like this:

  “So he issued from the womb as befits a Buddha. He did not enter the world in the usual manner, and he appeared like one descended from the sky.”

  Does this mean that the Buddha had Aryan features, like Enki and the other Anunnaki gods? If so, who was his paternal father whose DNA he inherited.

  “And since he had for many eons been engaged in the practice of meditation, he now was born in full awareness, and not thoughtless and bewildered as other people are. When born, he was so lustrous and steadfast that it appeared as if the young sun had come down to earth.”

  Once again we witness a bright light or some other form of brilliance as in the cave during the birth of Christ.

  “And yet, when people gazed at his dazzling brilliance, he held their eyes like the moon. His limbs shone with the radiant hue of precious gold, and lit up the space all around. Instantly he walked seven steps, firmly and with long strides. In that, he was like the constellation of the Seven Seers. With the bearing of a lion he surveyed the four quarters, and spoke these words full of meaning for the future: ‘For enlightenment I was born, for the good of all that lives. This is the last time that I have been born into this world of becoming.’”

  (Conze, 1959.)

  Based on various historic births of prophets, the people of Israel also expect that the birth of the Messiah would be surrounded by miraculous celestial signs, which would herald the beginning of the apocalypse when god's chosen people would be taken up to heaven. The Jews also expect the visitation of angels and wondrous occurrences to accompany the conception of the Messiah, as it seems to have happened for hundreds of years before. By the time Christ was born the Jews were desperate for a messiah but they had pretty set ideas of what the messiah's job would entail. It certainly did not fall in line with what Jesus started to preach on his return from Asia. For a long time the Jews wanted a warrior messiah to save them from their slavery and torment. They wanted to be told that they were god's chosen people and that he had come to save them, not to tell them that all people are equal in god's eyes, or to turn the other cheek! But sadly for them, the message from the Old Testament had suddenly changed dramatically and Jesus took upon himself the hopeless situation of the ‘slave species’. He believed that he could teach them and ‘really’ save them. Little did he know that there was a much bigger, and more sinister plan by the Anunnaki which plotted his destiny. Once they realised that this Jesus character was well established among a growing loyal group of followers, they would stop at nothing to help elevate Jesus to the highest level of divinity. A good example comes to us in Matthew three after Jesus was baptised, the gods had to add a little spice to entrench the moment in human history. Another incredible example of how the gods interacted with Humankind. Wouldn't it be fascinating if this kind of thing happened today? I wonder what CNN and BBC journalists would make of it.

  Matthew 3:16-17

  “As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.’”

  We begin to suspect that Jesus did not want to go through with his ordeal when he realised what was going on. In the garden of Gethsemane he asks the gods twice if he could ‘not drink from the cup’ basically meaning that he wanted this ordeal t
o pass him by.

  Matthew 26:38-42

  “‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.’… he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me…The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.’ … He went away a second time and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.’”

  It is clear from these words that Jesus had lost his lust for this messianic stuff. But a real moment of truth which reveals the terrible secret about Jesus being manipulated, came on the cross just before he died. If he really knew what was awaiting him, why would he say the following:

  Matthew 27:46

  “About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ Which means, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”

  Why would Jesus suddenly feel that he had been let down, or forgotten? Did he expect to be helped by someone? Surely he must have been aware of his own fate and that he was going to stir the hatred of the authorities who would not let him get away with such blatant anti-establishment behaviour! If he was fully aware of the implications of his actions, why would he expect his god to rescue him? After all Jesus was supposed to be god personified in human form. Surely he knew he had to die for humanity? Or maybe not! It is possible that the road which was laid out for him by the higher powers, did not include the final chapter that ended with a gruesome crucifixion?

  Another example of Anunnaki interference in human entrapment, was the birth and life of the prophet Muhammad. Many extraordinary stories are told about the birth of the great prophet. A brilliant light shone over the entire world from East to West in the hour of his delivery. “When Mohammed was born he was clean and without physical blemish, already circumcised, and with the navel cord already cut. At the age of four, Mohammed was visited by angels. They opened his body, taking a black drop from his heart while washing his inward parts with melted snow from a golden chalice. Furthermore there are many elements within Islamic folklore which imply and support a virgin birth.” (Andras, 1960).

  The paranoia of losing control of their ‘slave species’ is also clearly visible in the events leading up to the reciting of the Koran. As N.J. Dawood states in his introduction to the Koran, that long before Muhammad's call, the Arabic world was worshipping many gods, whom they called the ‘daughters of Allah’. Some of those were female goddesses like Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat. This was another area where Enlil and his Anunnaki gods had to take action before they lost any more control, allowing the humans to organise themselves against him. The power of the church was growing but it had not reached the kind of horrifying muscle which it would exercise during the Crusades some centuries later. Meanwhile, this was some 610 years after Christ, and still the slave species did not learn the lessons from Jesus, that they should only worship one god, and the only way into ‘heaven’ was through him. So, the ‘god’ who had set up Jesus needed another messenger. The famous story of the angel Gabriel appearing before Muhammad, strongly resembles the process of setting up Mary and Joseph, pretty much to their surprise and against their will. Muhammad would become a prophet who is followed by people who fear the violent retribution of their god. According to Muslim tradition, one night in Ramadan about 610 AD, the angel Gabriel came to him while he was asleep or in a trance, and said: “Recite!” He replied: ‘What shall I recite?’ The order was repeated three times until the angel himself said: ‘Recite the name of your Lord who created, created man from clots of blood.’

  That statement is perfectly in synch with the Sumerian tablets outlining the creation of Adam by the Anunnaki gods. What makes this event even more interesting, is that the original Koran translation into English carried the term ‘Lord of Creation’, which has since been changed to ‘Lord of the Universe’ in latter translations. It may be a subtle change to the normal reader, but if you view it from the understanding of the Anunnaki's activity on Earth, it makes a huge difference. Because we suspect that the Anunnaki created man, but they certainly did not create the universe. The term ‘Lord of Creation’ was more appropriate, but it was not grandiose enough for the followers of Mohammed. Once again we are faced with a tragic confusion between god and God, the former of which has kept humanity imprisoned on Earth in a perpetual fear of God.

  The whole concept of angels has always troubled me. Honestly! Why in heaven would the ‘all-powerful’, omnipotent GOD need a bunch of lower spiritual forms in a physical form, to run His errands? To convey messages, to deliver warnings and threats, and to actually do the destruction on his behalf? Why would GOD need this kind of menial support? Surely the all-powerful GOD can facilitate all the interactions with humans in the blink of an eye, instead of long-winded tedious instructions, threats and the monitoring of humans who have apparently been behaving sinfully while conspiring against him! It simply does not wash.

  There are further examples of possible Anunnaki or Nefilim interferences in controlling humans. Many are kept under wraps for fear of ridicule. It seems that people in the 21st century are not as brave to come out with claims of having been visited by angels, as their brethren of ancient times. There was one such occasion in 1820, when the young Joseph Smith had his first encounter with what was described as an ‘angel’ who returned on several occasions to repeat ‘exactly’ the same message of doom and destruction among humans. The way in which the young Joseph relates his story points to a possibility that the message was a recording which was re-played to him several times during the same night. It was beamed into his bedroom leaving the angel ‘floating’ off the ground. The message ended with the floating angel exiting the window in a pillar of light until it vanished in the sky. The next day he had the same message broadcast to him by the same angel while in the field. The ‘angel’ even introduced himself as Moroni, telling Joseph about some ancient metal plates containing the history of North America. Joseph was to find them and have them translated. And so was born the Mormon Church which is many millions strong today.

  I find it incredibly disturbing to contemplate the possibility that GOD would spend virtually 13,000 years, from the emergence of civilisation, plotting a succession of messiahs and prophets to warn people about their sinful behaviour. Then, going on to choose one group of favourites above another, while decimating those who had been ‘plotting and conspiring’ against him. How can people conspire against an all powerful GOD? I can understand how people can conspire against a physical entity or even deity, when they realize that the deities who are causing them harm are vulnerable. But such has been the strategy of ‘divide and rule’ injected into human society by Enlil and the hordes of ‘angels’ who seemed to have run all his errands for thousands of years.

  If there ever was a clear case of evidence of ancient people living in fear of celestial deities, it exists in abundance in the Hindu scriptures. The Vedas, sacred Hindu poems, which have apparently been passed on verbally for as long as 10,000 years, and eventually written down in the Sanskrit language are filled with references to a multitude of gods who display all the violent human traits we have described before. The most striking characteristic once again is the ‘violent gene’. If the Vedas are indeed as old as they seem, they are a vivid testimony of the constant interaction between gods and humanity in the distant past while man was being nurtured into so-called civilisation by the Anunnaki and Nefilim gods. According to Richard Thompson in his book Alien Identities, there are many references to ‘non-human’ interventions in ancient Indian scriptures. I went in search of such references and was astounded at the constant referral to things like sacrifice; fear of the gods; punishment; reward; wealth; goddesses who loved mortal men; immortality; being spared from harm; partying with the gods; gold; riches; victory over the enemy; chariots in the sky; god's bright beams of light; and literally thousands of strange references which cannot be explained in historic terms but rather by today's common sense. Evidence of human manipulati
on by heavenly deities fills hundreds of pages of the sacred Vedic poems. Such manipulation of humans continued over the years with the Bible, Kabala, Koran, and thousands of other documents that have never been brought into the mainframe, such as the apocryphal books of the Bible and writings of other religious groups. In the end, we have to admit that the strategy used by the Anunnaki has worked very well. Although stretched over long periods of Earth time, often appearing to be very disorganised, the gods of our prehistory, the Anunnaki, have achieved their goal. They have divided humanity, turned them against each other and they have conquered them with fear.

  So, now that we have a clearer picture of the suspicious events surrounding the births and lives of some prophets of our human history, we can attempt to answer the question of who Jesus Christ really was. To some readers, the inbred fear of the mere suggestion that Jesus was anything other than the son of GOD, will prevent them from crossing this bridge. I am of the firm opinion that Jesus was just one of many prophets or messiahs who were carefully planned by the Anunnaki gods, in an attempt to keep humanity in line, fearful and obedient, to the great gods who ruled the world, and possibly still rule it today.


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