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Finding Faerie

Page 14

by Laura Lee

  Leo uncapped the vial and stared down into it. “How long does this last?”

  “As long as you’re in Faerie,” Michaela replied. “The warlock here is all yours once you’re back on Earth.” Whoa, was she actually making a funny?

  “Salut!” Leo winked at her and lifted the rim to his lips, downing the contents in one gulp.

  “Everything taken care of?” I asked.

  “Yes.” Leo slid his phone into his pocket. “Takk will stay in Dublin until he hears from me. He can field any business matters if necessary.”

  “And he knows exactly where we are?” I asked Leo to give someone our last known location in case something happened to us. Vance seemed pretty confident things would run smoothly, but I wasn’t so sure.

  “Yes. I had him trace the call while we were speaking. He knows exactly where to start looking if he doesn’t hear from me.”

  Vance sidled up to us. “How long do you suppose this is going to take?”

  He was referring to the witches removing the veil that concealed this supposed temple. I had yet to see anything but a big pile of grass and dirt. The three women had been walking in a big circle for over twenty minutes, burning sage and chanting. They had magically created a spotlight over their work area so we could clearly see everything they were doing. Their light was obviously different from mine because it had no effect on Leo. I supposed it would be like indoor lighting versus UV rays.

  “No idea,” I shrugged.

  The wind picked up, making me shiver. I really wished I was wearing more than a flimsy cardigan and capris. We didn’t have any extra items with us since we didn’t have time to return to our hotel. We were all wearing two-day-old clothes. Wait a minute…Leo and I were wearing the same clothes. Vance was not.

  “Hey, don’t suppose you’d want to give me something a little warmer to wear, would you?” I asked Vance.

  He appraised my body. The heat coming off of him was hard to miss. “What’d you have in mind?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Certainly something that covers more than you’re imagining.”

  He laughed. “Jeans and a sweater good?”

  The temperature was mild, low-sixties or so. “Yeah, that works.”

  He closed his fist to conjure some fairy dust and released it over my head. “Done.”

  One blink later and I had a new outfit. I was now wearing a thin black pullover sweater with a pair of skinny jeans, and black knee high boots. Okay, so the sweater was much tighter than I would have preferred, but overall, he’d done pretty well.

  I smiled. “Much better. Thank you.” My anxiety started to rise again as I watched the witches work their magic. “Do you really think we’ll be okay in Faerie?”

  He nodded. “I do, Karli. I know you’re skeptical because you have no other frame of reference, but these really are good people.” He cast a sideways glance at Leo. “Well, I’m sure they won’t be quite so welcoming to him, but you and I will be fine.”

  Leo growled. “Watch it, Detective.”

  “Be careful with that temper, Vampire. We wouldn’t want you to poison yourself,” Vance admonished.

  Leo’s fangs extended. “We’re not in Faerie yet.”

  Michaela looked back in disapproval. Apparently their argument was breaking her concentration.

  “Knock it off, you two!” I whisper shouted.

  Leo retracted his fangs. “My apologies, love.”

  “My apologies, love,” Vance mocked.

  I smacked Vance’s chest with the back of my hand. “Omigod, are you five? Quit antagonizing him!”

  “What can I say? He brings out the worst in me.”

  “Likewise,” Leo muttered.

  Out of nowhere, a single bolt of lightning crashed into the center of the circle. The fine hairs on my arms stood straight up from the static in the air. “That wasn’t a regular bolt of lightning, was it?”

  A cloud of smoke had formed over the hill, creating a thick fog. We watched carefully, waiting for it to dissipate.

  Vance shook his head from left to right. “I’d say definitely not. Look.”

  The mound was still present, almost forty feet high and easily three hundred feet in diameter, but it was no longer a big pile of dirt. A wall of round, medium-sized stones formed a circle around the earth. In the center, a doorway was formed using three huge boulders. Great power was emanating from it; I don’t know how I hadn’t sensed that before the veil was removed. This thing was massive and mystical and I was completely in awe.

  “Holy shit.”

  Michaela motioned for us to come closer. On the ground, a continuous stretch of oval slabs formed a fence around the perimeter. As we came nearer, I could see that several of them were decorated with large geometric designs. Were those symbols of protection, I wondered. Above the doorway, flat rocks were stacked about three feet high on each side forming an almost perfect rectangle with the large piece of wood that was balanced over them.

  Michaela held her arms open wide. “Welcome to Gheata do na Anamacha.”

  “‘Welcome to what?” I asked.

  “The Gateway for the Souls,” she replied. “This is the ancient Fae temple once used for burials. The portal is located inside.”

  “This is the place that becomes visible on Winter Solstice?”

  She looked impressed. “I see you have done your research as well.”

  I smiled at Leo. “We have.”

  “Shall we go inside? Yulia and Vivien will stay out front to stand guard.” All three of us nodded and stepped forward to follow her lead. “Watch your heads. The ground is uneven and the passage clearance is low.”

  I motioned for Leo and Vance to go first. The amber light continued to follow Michaela so we could easily see where we were going. Incredibly narrow walls forced both guys to pull their shoulders in to pass through. A blend of vertical boulders and various sized rocks formed the walls, and large slabs roofed the passage. Our feet kicked up small clouds of dirt as we walked, and I tried my best to not focus on how unsteady the ground felt with each step. To avoid hitting my head, I had to duck at an awkward angle, but I imagined I looked downright comfy compared to the guys, who were practically bent in half. Thankfully, the ceiling gradually rose in height as we continued down the path.

  After a short while, we arrived at the chamber. The main part was circular, with three small recessed areas; one on each side and one directly in front of us.

  I pointed towards a slight disturbance in the air at the front of the chamber. I would’ve never even noticed it, had I not already known to look for something. “Is that it?”

  “It is,” Michaela confirmed. “This was the first portal ever created, which is why it can never be closed. Once they established the initial connection to this realm, it could not be undone.”

  I nodded at the big plate-like thing on the ground. There was one in each recessed chamber. “What’s that dish thingy?”

  Michaela smirked. “That ‘dish thingy’ is a basin stone. It’s where the Fae placed the cremated remains of their dead.”


  “So their souls could be laid to rest on the mother land. For thousands of years, all Fae living on this planet were here in Ireland. That ended about two thousand years ago, when vampires were created. The fallen god, Khonsu, kidnapped the fairy maiden only a few miles from here. Word spread fast of what became of her—of them. After that, everyone fled to Faerie. A millennium passed before they created other portals throughout the world. They didn’t return to this country and begin using the temple again until many years after that.”

  “So why can anyone step through the portal on the solstice? It has something to do with the sun, right?”

  “Did you see that rectangular window on top of the doorway?” she questioned.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “That roof box was designed with the position of the sun in mind. One day per year, for seventeen minutes, the sun is perfectly aligned with that window. It shines a
path of light through the otherwise black chamber until it reaches the rear tomb. Once that happens, the portal is opened and their souls are called home. The earth’s sun is the only thing on this planet that holds enough energy to activate it.”

  “But why risk exposure like that?”

  “When the temple was designed, the Fae had no enemies. They had no way of knowing that an entire race would be created that would threaten their existence.”

  I considered that for a moment. “Okay, but why not plug the roof box somehow? Especially now that it’s no longer being used for burials?”

  “We’ve tried,” Michaela said. “But we haven’t found any way to reverse the spell.”

  “What spell?” I was so confused.

  “When the temple was built, the original architects used ancient magic to protect it from destruction. It’s no coincidence that every stone is as beautifully polished as the day it was built. No man, erosion, or natural disaster could make this temple fall. Every attempt we’ve made over the years to block the sun’s access, whether by physical or magical means, has been denied. Within seconds, it always reverts back to how you see it now. It’s some sort of ancient stasis spell. While we could not alter the temple itself, we discovered that it wasn’t opposed to illusion-based spells. We decided concealing the entire area was our only option.”

  I looked up at the domed ceiling. Thousands of flat stones were balanced above our heads, layered on top of large vertical boulders. Magical superglue or not, I was suddenly feeling very claustrophobic.

  “So, we have the portal,” Leo piped in. “What’s next?”

  “This portal leads to a forest located off the main village,” Michaela answered. “There will be an advisor waiting for you on the other side. He will lead you to the elders and you’ll be given instruction then.”

  I looked at Vance. “What does it feel like? Stepping through?”

  He cleared his throat. “It’s hard to describe. The best word I can think of would be…sex.”

  “Um, what?”

  He laughed. “Well, maybe not for you. I can only speak from a guy’s perspective. It’s similar to the feeling a guy would get when he...uh, puts himself inside a woman.”

  Leo smirked. “Sounds fascinating. What are we waiting for?”

  Vance actually smiled in return. Wow, could these two possibly be sharing a male bonding moment?

  I faced Michaela. “Anything else we need to know?”

  She looked at Leo. “Don’t forget about the tonic. As soon as you step through that portal, you are bound to your agreement. I would advise you to anchor yourself to the other two. The portal will recognize the permission that was granted, but it still may try to force you out.”

  “Anchor himself?” I asked. “Like holding onto us?”

  She nodded. “Exactly.”

  I stood between Leo and Vance and clasped their hands with mine. “C’mon boys. Let’s make this portal our bitch.”

  We stepped through the portal and were instantly cocooned in a warm, humid space tinted in various shades of pink. I had expected an immediate transition from one world to the next but instead, we were surrounded by vast nothingness with air that seemed to have its own pulse. My skin was stretched tight, my brow dripped with sweat, and my muscles felt like they were being squeezed in a vise. Omigod, I thought. Vance was totally right. This is like one big vagina. Eeew.

  Each new step was more difficult than the last. I wondered if passing through a portal normally felt like walking through quicksand, or was it because Leo was with us?

  I lifted my chin towards Vance as I spotted an opening up ahead. “Are you sure we’re going to be okay?”

  “I’m positive.” The closer we got, the more excited he became. After a few more feet, I could see moonlight slicing through moss-covered tree trunks. Vance tugged on my hand as we were about to take our final step. “You ready?”

  I nodded. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  We each pressed forward and got stuck halfway between the portal and Faerie. As we pushed onward, the resistance became stronger; it felt like the walls were trying to suck us back in. We each put a little extra effort into it and then were violently expelled from its womb. I rolled across the hard ground and landed in a crouch. I was pretty sure I had some nasty bruises forming from the impact. Oh well, I thought. At least we are on the right side.

  Vance brushed himself off and offered to help me stand. “Wow, that was a bit rougher than I remember.”

  Upon taking my first breath, I immediately felt at ease. The scent of jasmine and gardenias perfumed the warm air, causing my olfactory system to do a happy dance. Despite the late hour, birds sang beautiful melodies in the distance and giant fireflies danced through the night as if they had no other purpose in life than to amaze us. This entire place held a promise of absolute love, acceptance, and tranquility. I’d had this feeling two other times in my life: the first was from a vision that Vance had shared with me from his time spent on Faerie. The second was from a dream that I once had...or maybe it was a vision. I wasn’t too clear on the difference anymore.

  Leo looked around. “Where’s this advisor that was supposed to meet us?”

  “I am here,” a disembodied voice said.

  I circled around and saw a man leaning against a tree no more than five feet away. I could swear he hadn’t been there a second ago. Where did he come from?

  He peeled himself away from the trunk and walked towards me with impossible grace. The first thought in my head was how absolutely beautiful he was. He stood about six foot two with messy blonde hair, a chiseled jaw laced with stubble, and a completely flawless body. I could say that last part with confidence because all he wore was a pair of thin cotton workout pants that didn’t leave much to the imagination. His emerald eyes twinkled as they appraised me in return. My body flushed from his perusal and my nipples peaked as his eyes lingered on my breasts. Cripes, wonderful timing for an attack of the hormones!

  He flashed his megawatt smile, took my hand, and bowed dramatically. “My beautiful lady, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Thylus, trusted advisor of the elders. You may call me, Ty.”

  My cheeks warmed. “I’m Karli.”

  Leo was projecting his irritation at me, obviously picking up on my attraction towards Ty. “Have they not invented shirts around here?” he murmured.

  Ty stood up straight as Vance injected himself into our little bubble. “I’m Vance.” He nodded towards Leo. “That’s Leo. Now that introductions are out of the way, care to lead us to the elders?”

  Well, that was rude. Ty looked annoyed but he composed himself pretty quickly. “Of course.” He offered his elbow to me. “Shall we?”

  I took his proffered arm to make up for Vance’s rudeness. It had nothing to do with wanting to touch his bulging muscles. Really.

  Ty guided us through the forest along narrow paths worn into the ground. Vance and Leo grumbled behind us as Ty pointed out different things that he’d like to show me during the day. As we approached the village, I could see the most adorable stone cottages with thatched roofs. Cast iron streetlamps lit the way for small groups of people milling about. Occasionally, someone would cast curious glances our way, whispering as they looked at Leo warily. Did they know he was a vampire? Could they sense it somehow?

  We crossed an arched bridge made of stone into what appeared to be the town square. A picturesque log cabin took up the majority of the space.

  “You’re taking us to the council?” Vance asked. “Will Ornessa be there?”

  Ty looked shocked. “How do you know of our council? Of our elder?”

  Vance smiled. “How old are you, Ty? Twenty-five? Twenty-six maybe?” His tone was condescending. Big time. Vance had once told me that he could usually tell how long someone had been around based on the way they carried themselves.

  Ty looked offended. “I am twenty and eight. What does it matter?”

  “Ah, so you’re a baby immortal. Jus
t as I thought.”

  “Hey!” I whined. “What does that make me?”

  Vance grinned. “The exception. To everything.”

  I blushed. Both Leo and Ty scowled. Oh, great, it seemed we now we had a third contender in the pissing contest. Men!

  Leo sighed. “Your point, Detective?”

  “I was simply trying to determine his age,” Vance explained. “As an advisor, you’re given more responsibilities each decade after becoming immortal. Our buddy, Ty here, clearly hasn’t been trusted with much information yet. If he had, he’d know exactly how I know Ornessa.”

  Ty stopped walking to face him. “Please, enlighten me.”

  Vance gave him a shit-eating grin. “She practically raised me…trained me. I’m like a son to her.”

  Ty looked like he was about to explode. “Impossible! I am her favored student! From what I understand, you have little Fae blood. Why would she take such interest in a mongrel?” He spat that last word.

  Vance waved a hand toward the building in front of us. “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

  We were ushered through the front door into a grand entryway. A spacious sitting area was before us with a giant fireplace casting a warm glow across the room. Two women wearing flowing gossamer gowns passed by, giving Ty appreciative looks. They giggled as he smiled at them in return.

  I rolled my eyes. Apparently we had a real Casanova on our hands. “What is this place?”

  “The council’s quarters,” both Vance and Ty said in unison.

  Ty glared at Vance. “I’ve been asked to take you to the front office. It’s just over this way.”

  We followed him to a room off to the right and stepped inside as he opened the door. I didn’t know what I was expecting but it definitely wasn’t this. We were in an everyday, run of the mill office. A large wooden desk sat at the head of the room with a small Tiffany lamp burning bright. Two wingback chairs were placed in front of it and a small leather couch lined the wall. The room was beautifully decorated in warm tones but nothing about it struck me as extraordinary. I think I’d expected something more fantastical in a place that held so much power.


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