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The Twilight War: The Secret History of America's Thirty-Year Conflict With Iran

Page 90

by David Crist

  as unwilling to present disagreements to Bush, 442–43

  on using People’s Mujahideen of Iran, 459

  Richter, Stephen, 372–74, 376

  Rinn, Paul X., 322–34

  Roberts, Samuel B. (ship), 321–36

  Rodman, Peter:

  on Ahmadinejad’s election, 499–500

  and Ghorbanifar plan, 450

  Gulf Security Dialogue venture, 516–17

  on Iran and terrorism, 433, 436

  and Iranian-provided EFPs, 524–25

  on Iraq and September 11 attacks, 427

  on organizing Iranian exiles, 502

  on Rice’s Iran policy, 443–44, 446

  Rogers, William, 363–64, 365, 367, 368

  Ross, Dennis, 391–92, 542, 543, 544

  Rumsfeld, Donald:

  on Abizaid’s Iran strategy, 516

  on Ahmadinejad’s election, 499

  and Bremer, 472

  and Bush’s freedom agenda, 486

  and Chalabi, 469

  and Cole attack, 419

  on counterattack against Iranian interference in Iraq, 526

  Defense Department shaken up, 419

  desire to pull forces out of Iraq as quickly as possible, 473, 481

  on Iranian influence in Iraq, 470, 471, 473

  and Iranian-provided EFPs, 524, 525

  Iran policy, 420, 444, 445, 446, 474, 475

  Iraq policy, 420, 422

  management style, 416

  meets with Saddam Hussein in 1983, 99–100

  on “Old Europe,” 488

  plan for global war on terrorism, 426, 427, 444

  on plan to attack Iran, 418–19

  on regime change in Iran, 454

  and September 11, 2001, attacks, 423, 424–25

  and tanker war, 164

  al-Sadr, Muhammad Baqir, 467

  al-Sadr, Muqtada, 518–22, 529, 536, 559

  Safavi, Yahya Rahim, 431, 466

  Saudi Arabia:

  al-Qaeda attacks of May 2003, 480–81

  assistance to Iraq from, 206

  bilateral defense arrangement with U.S., 170, 172

  and George W. Bush’s freedom agenda, 487

  Central Command welcomed by, 56

  democracy lacking in, 435

  and al-Faw Peninsula operation, 166

  and Gulf War of 1990–1991, 386

  and Integrated Air Defense Center for Excellence, 558

  and Iran-Contra affair, 204

  Iranian attacks on, 300–310, 374

  on Iranian interference in U.S. occupied Iraq, 528

  Iranian Mecca uprising plan, 262–63, 301

  and Iranian mining campaign, 248–49

  on Iranians in Iraq during U.S. invasion, 470

  Iranian sleeper cell in, 401–3

  and Iran-Iraq War, 95–98, 102, 105, 167

  Khobar Towers attack, 402–6, 409, 411, 412, 413, 443, 618n14

  and National Intelligence Estimate on Iranian nuclear program, 508

  Patriot missile deployment, 557

  and Red Sea mining, 236

  relations with Iran in 2000s, 563–67

  Shia population, 171

  in tanker war, 159–63, 164, 206, 210, 217

  U.S. bases refused by, 40

  U.S. plan to defend oil fields, 38–39, 41, 44–45

  U.S. surveillance aircraft based in, 314, 326, 609n30

  and U.S. financial restrictions on Iran, 507

  Sayeed Ali, 123–24, 126–30, 135, 155

  Sazegara, Mohsen, 28, 90, 91, 92

  Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 88, 371, 372, 385

  Scowcroft, Brent, 380, 383–84, 387, 388


  in Crist’s sea-based strategy, 288, 289, 292, 335

  Crist’s view of, 284

  Evancoe, 283

  Flanagan, 282, 606n16

  in Franks plan to attack Iran, 418

  in Iran Ajr operation, 296–98


  in plan to kill al-Zarqawi, 438

  in Rostam oil platform operation, 311–12

  in Sirri oil platform operation, 341–42, 612n15

  in U.S. invasion of Iraq, 461, 463–65, 472

  Secord, Richard, 186, 195, 203

  Security Council Resolution 552 (UN), 161

  Security Council Resolution 598 (UN), 371

  Security Council Resolution 1737 (UN), 507, 532

  Security Council Resolution 1803 (UN), 507

  Security Council Resolution 1929 (UN), 549

  September 11, 2001, attacks, 423–28, 430, 485

  Shahlai, Abdul Reza, 562, 564–66

  Shakuri, Gholam, 565, 566

  Shalikashvili, John, 393, 399, 490

  Sharon, Ariel, 108–14, 123, 124

  al-Sheibani, Abu Mustafa, 520, 521

  Shelton, Hugh, 416, 417, 422, 423

  Shia Islam:

  in attack on U.S. embassy annex in Beirut, 151

  Badr Corps, 467

  in Bahrain, 171, 563

  concern about Shia crescent across Arab world, 171

  in fragmenting of Lebanese army, 150

  in Iranian Revolution, 12–13

  Iranians make use of, 401

  Iran sees itself as defender of, 571

  in Iraq, 86, 388, 452, 460, 467, 468, 470, 472, 483, 512, 518–20, 528, 529, 536, 558, 559

  Israelis attack base at Nabi Chit, 145–46

  Israelis imprison Shia, 154

  in Lebanon, 106, 107, 113, 114, 118, 122–31

  al-Qaeda as anti-Shia, 428, 444

  and suicide bombers, 129

  ties between Lebanese and Iranian, 124, 125

  in Yemen, 562

  Shulsky, Abe, 427, 451, 452, 472, 479, 493, 507, 523

  Shultz, George P.:

  on attack on U.S. embassy annex in Beirut, 152–53

  on attack on U.S. marines in Lebanon, 139, 140, 141, 150–51

  on CIA kidnapping plan, 157

  in interagency effort to halt weapons to Iran, 205

  and Iran-Contra affair, 180, 185, 186, 189, 198–99, 201, 204, 596n8

  on Israeli invasion of Lebanon of 1982, 112, 115

  on Kuwaiti request to reflag its tankers, 213, 214, 215, 599n38

  and tanker war, 162–63

  on U.S. bilateral defense arrangements with Gulf countries, 170

  on U.S. marines in Lebanon, 116

  Zarif meets with, 455

  Soviet Union:

  Afghanistan invasion, 34, 39, 60, 66–67, 163, 165–66, 181, 373

  Armish-Maag plan against, 62

  as arms supplier to Iraq, 96

  Casey’s opposition to, 66–67

  CIA agents in Iran keep watch on, 80

  CIA assessment of Soviet-Iranian relations, 68

  and Iran-Contra affair, 192, 201

  on Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 110

  Kuwait requests reflagging tankers as Soviet, 211, 212, 213–14

  nuclear arsenal, 46

  Reagan on, 50, 63–64

  seen as threat to Middle Eastern oil, 36, 38, 67, 166, 176

  Syria as client, 108–9, 119

  U.S. Navy’s code broken, 143

  U.S. plans for invasion of Middle East by, 44–47, 59–60, 78

  Stark incident, 220–29, 233, 263

  Staunch, Operation, 101–2, 205

  Stiner, Carl, 119, 120, 133, 156–57, 590n47

  Strait of Hormuz:

  CIA aircraft monitor, 315

  Iranian blockade of Iraq, 167

  Iranian bunkers constructed around, 397

  Iranian military buildup on islands near, 399

  Iranian naval districts in, 210

  Iranian Silkworm missiles around, 80, 218, 233, 259, 288, 314, 335, 352, 356

  Iranian threats to close, 6, 48, 74, 161, 569

  “Martyrdom” exercise, 262, 263, 302

  Masirah Island in defense of, 40

  mines for closing down, 236, 237, 238–39, 297, 316

  Ras Banas in defense o
f, 41

  Reagan on defending shipping, 163

  Roberts attack, 321–36

  slipping Guadalcanal past, 260–61

  strategic importance of, 1

  U.S. plans to defend against Soviet attack, 44, 45, 59

  U.S. warships at entrances to, 230

  Suleimani, Qassem, 519

  in attacks on Saudi diplomats, 564, 566

  headquarters, 521

  operations in Iraq, 536, 537, 558, 559

  and Shahlai, 562

  on taking fight to Americans, 466

  U.S. government targets, 532

  U.S. Special Forces attack, 528–29

  and Yemeni insurrection, 563

  Sullivan, William, 17–22, 25, 579n36


  Abizaid on enticing it away from Iran, 515, 516

  Hafez al-Assad, 107, 110, 113, 123, 515

  and attack on U.S. marines in Lebanon, 144

  and Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 111, 112

  Lebanese rebels supported, 133

  Quds Force opposes protests in, 566

  Saudi Hezbollah in, 402

  seen as next target in war on terrorism, 473

  as Soviet client, 108–9, 119

  terrorism sponsored by, 152, 426, 427

  troops sent to Lebanon, 107

  U.S. reconnaissance plane attacked, 148–49

  Taherian, Mohammad, 431, 479


  Iranian diplomats killed, 428, 437

  Iranians opposed to, 431, 432, 435

  Iran provides intelligence on, 479

  rout by U.S., 439, 440

  September 11 perpetrators opposed to, 428

  victory in Afghan civil war, 429

  Wolfowitz on action against, 426

  Tannous, Ibrahim, 114–15, 118, 119, 120, 121

  Tenet, George, 409, 418, 427, 445, 449, 454


  in Bonn framework for Afghan government, 435

  George W. Bush briefed on threat of, 418

  Iranian sponsorship of, 67, 391, 392, 394–95, 418, 427, 430, 432, 448–50, 456, 470, 501, 572

  Khalilzad-Zarif meetings about, 478

  Khatami rejects, 410, 412, 428

  Quds Force accused of, 493

  September 11, 2001, attacks, 423–28, 430, 485

  state-sponsored, 426–27

  U.S. demands that Iran renounce, 411, 413

  weapons of mass destruction in, 426, 427

  See also war on terrorism

  Thomas, Marc, 296–98, 311–12

  Toufanian, Hassan, 76, 586n28

  Trost, Carlisle, 216, 249, 268, 271–74, 282, 290, 331, 363

  Tuttle, Jerry O., 143, 146, 147, 149

  Twetten, Tom, 187, 313, 373, 593n12

  United Arab Emirates (UAE):

  and Gulf Security Dialogue, 517

  Integrated Air Defense Center for Excellence in, 558

  and Iran-Contra affair, 205

  and Iran-Iraq War, 97

  Iron Magic exercise, 398

  Patriot missile deployment, 557

  in tanker war, 210

  U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq:

  bad feelings against neocons as result of, 498

  Bush and, 439, 459, 485, 488

  Iran and, 461–70

  Iranian concern leads to back-channel overtures, 455–60

  Iran’s influence in post-Saddam Iraq, 453, 460, 466–74, 481–84, 509–10, 512–13, 518–37, 558–59

  Iraqi governing council formed, 483

  Karbala training center attack, 562

  Obama on, 539

  overthrowing Saddam Hussein seen as having positive effect on Iran, 452–53, 455, 475

  Pace’s new plan for winning, 511–12

  planning for, 454

  the surge, 512

  U.S. as bogged down in Iraq, 484, 495, 500

  U.S. counterattack against Iranian interference, 525–37

  U.S. withdraws, 571

  Wolfowitz urges, 425, 426, 427

  U.S. marines in Lebanon:

  attack on, 131–38

  debate over mission, 115–21

  Reagan orders, 114

  retaliation for attack, 139–51

  withdrawal, 140, 150–51

  Vance, Cyrus, 11, 16, 20, 21, 29–30, 39, 578n13, 582n23

  Velayati, Ali Akbar, 94, 370

  Vessey, John “Jack,” 51

  on attack on U.S. embassy annex in Beirut, 152

  on commander of CENTCOM, 55

  Crist appointed to CENTCOM by, 164

  on Iranian blockade of Iraq, 168

  on Iraqi army, 95

  and Syrian attack on U.S. reconnaissance plane, 148–49

  on U.S. marines in Lebanon, 111, 112, 117, 141–47

  Vincennes (ship), 363–70, 377

  Voice of America, 69, 70, 497–98

  Warner, Volney, 53, 54, 55–56

  war on terrorism:

  Bush on, 427, 540

  Chalabi on Iraq as ally in, 469

  covert action, 540

  Gingrich on, 433

  Iran, Iraq, Taliban, and al-Qaeda lumped together in, 435

  Iranians fear they are targets, 434, 475

  matrix of global terrorist network, 426

  regime change in Iran seen as part, 451–55

  Rumsfeld on, 444

  Syria seen as next target, 473

  Wolfowitz on Iraq and, 425

  Webb, James, 250–51, 258, 272, 289, 603n43

  Weinberger, Caspar, 52

  on attack on U.S. embassy annex in Beirut, 152

  on attack on U.S. marines in Lebanon, 139–46, 149–50

  on Chinese missiles in Iran, 218

  and CIA aircraft, 313

  and Crist, 269, 281, 286–87, 290–92

  includes Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force in CENTCOM, 53–56

  on intelligence gathering for sea-based force, 286

  and Iran Ajr seizure, 296, 299

  and Iran-Contra affair, 180, 185–86, 188, 190, 198–99, 201, 206, 250, 596n8

  on Iranian blockade of Iraq, 168

  and Iranian mining campaign, 240, 242–43, 245, 249–50

  and Iran-Iraq War, 96, 97

  and Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 107, 109–12

  on Kuwaiti request to reflag its tankers, 213, 214, 599n43

  and Lyons, 257–58, 272, 603n43

  and McFarlane, 117, 119, 175, 176

  Persian Gulf policy, 51

  on Poindexter, 185

  principal aides, 52–53

  and Red Sea mining, 236

  and regional response to CENTCOM, 56–57

  as reluctant to use military force, 52, 142

  and Stark incident, 226, 228, 229

  on supporting an Iranian insurgency, 71

  and tanker war, 162, 163

  on U.S. bilateral defense arrangements with Gulf countries, 169, 170, 172, 595n35

  Weinberger, Caspar

  on U.S. marines in Lebanon, 117, 119, 120

  on Vincennes to Persian Gulf, 363

  Webb appointment, 250–51

  Window of Opportunity, Operation, 30, 257–59, 270–72

  Wolfowitz, Paul, 420

  on Crocker mission, 430

  and Free Iraqi Forces, 448

  and Ghorbanifar plan, 449, 450

  on Iranian nuclear program, 393

  Iran policy, 445

  Iraq as concern, 420–21

  leaves Bush administration, 487

  and September 11, 2001, attacks, 425

  and U.S. invasion of Iraq, 425–27, 459

  on U.S. support for Iraq in Iran-Iraq War, 96

  on using People’s Mujahideen of Iran, 459

  Zarif, Javad:

  on al-Qaeda in Iran, 437–38

  on Bush’s “axis of evil,” 441–42

  on funding of CIA covert operations, 401

  negotiations with U.S., 384, 387, 434, 435, 455–59, 477–80

  on reality of U.S.-Iranian power relations, 57

  and U.S. aid after earthquake of 2003, 483

  al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 438

  Ziegler, Howell Conway, 245, 264, 265, 276–78, 294, 314

  Zinni, Anthony “Tony,” 406–9, 417, 418, 453, 482

  Navy SEALs seize the Iranian oil platform Rostam following shelling by American warships, October 19, 1987. The attack was in retaliation for an Iranian missile attack that damaged a U.S. flagged oil tanker. (U.S. Special Operations Command)

  An American helicopter and surface minesweepers search for Iranian mines in the Persian Gulf, December 1987. Iran laid nearly one hundred mines in international waters, threatening to disrupt the entire world’s economy. (Department of Defense)

  National Security Adviser Colin Powell updates President Reagan on the morning of April 18, 1988, about the military retaliation against Iran for the mining that nearly sank the frigate Samuel B. Roberts. (Reagan Library)

  Iranian oil platform Sassan burns following an attack by the U.S. Navy and Marines. The large complex served as a base for Iranian operations against American convoys. (Department of Defense)

  The Iranian warship Sahand before and after being hit by nearly twenty bombs and missiles by U.S. naval ships and aircraft, killing almost a third of the crew. (U.S. Navy)

  The American air force housing complex, Khobar Towers, following a bombing by Iranian surrogates, June 1996. (Department of Defense)

  The commander of U.S. Central Command, General Anthony Zinni, developed new set of military plans against Iran following the bombing of Khobar Towers and increased harassment of American warships in the Persian Gulf by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. (Department of Defense)

  President George W. Bush meets with his foreign policy team in the secretary of defense’s office during the invasion of Iraq, March 25, 2003. Their war plans failed to take into account the impact Saddam Hussein’s removal would have on the larger Persian neighbor. (Getty Images)

  Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats interdict U.S. boats trying to move up the Shatt al-Arab, April 3, 2003. The Iranians were supporting a massive influx of Iranian and surrogate forces moving into Iraq during the American-led invasion of Iraq. (Author’s collection)

  U.S. troops raid a compound used by Iranian-backed militias in Iraq, 2007. (Department of Defense)

  Soldiers uncover a cache of explosive formed projectiles (EFPs) in Iraq. Iran’s Quds Force provided these deadly devices, which killed and wounded several thousand American troops, to their Iraqi allies. (Department of Defense)

  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Richard Meyers (left) and Central Command commander John Abizaid (right) testify before Congress. Both men grappled with growing Iranian influence in Iraq and increased covert military activities across the Middle East. (Department of Defense)


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