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Succubus Dungeon

Page 4

by Eden Redd

  Lucian and Lota were already running away.

  “That…was…dangerous,” Lota huffed.

  “Calculated…risk. I’m running…out of mana. The fire…and smoke will slow them down,” Lucian huffed, his lungs burning.

  The corridor seemed to go on forever until a shadow leapt at them. Lota raised her mace as Lucian prepared a spell when familiar hands grabbed them by their collars and pulled. Rayce kicked out his leg against a wall, the edge pushing in to reveal a secret chamber.

  No words were spoken as the three stumbled into a secret chamber. Rayce let go of his companions and rammed his shoulder into the wall, pushing it back into place. When it sealed shut, he let out a silent exhale as he fell to his knees and listened.

  Lucian and Lota huffed with heavy breath, but remained quiet. Senses dialed to eleven, they all waited. The barest whisper of running feet touched their ears. The trio held their breath as the foot claws scraped against stone, continuing their run past them. When the sounds of succubi feet faded away, all three companions let out all the air in their lungs and sank down to the floor.

  Rayce turned and pressed his back to the secret entrance wall, “I wondered why they seemed to appear out of nowhere part of the time. As I scouted ahead, I chanced on this secret chamber. The dungeon must be littered with them to surprise anyone who walks by.”

  Lota nodded while Lucian turned his head and took in their surroundings. The room was medium sized, several chairs stood around an oak table. A lone lantern illuminated the room and a tall cabinet stood by a wall. It was a simple place, but just comfortable enough to let dungeon denizens wait in moderate comfort.

  Gaze drifting to a dark corner, Lucian’s hands went up and an incantation on his lips. In the corner, two skeletons stood. Bones white like the driven snow, their skulls turned slightly toward the room’s new occupants.

  Rayce leapt to his feet, hands out. He darted over until he stood before Lucian and the skeletons. “They won’t hurt us!”

  Lucian eyed the shadowmancer before letting his hands drop to his sides. Lota was to her feet, eyeing the undead as they began to move from their places along the wall. The two skeletons didn’t have any weapons. Instead, a waterskin hung from a shoulder of each skeleton. Boney hands grasped the waterskins and pulled them free, holding them out to the paladin and mage.

  Rayce took a step back with a knowing grin. “I had a quick chat with them when I saw them. They are here to help clean and supply water to any who are thirsty. They are just two of an army of undead that help keep the peace, share supplies, and giving directions.”

  Lucian took hold of the waterskin presented to him, pulled off the cork and began to gulp down water. Lota waved away the skeleton’s offering, picking up her own waterskin from her pack and drinking deep. Rayce made his way closer and took the waterskin and began to drink. The skeletons waited patiently as they the adventurers drank down water. When they were finished, they wiped their mouths. Lucian and Rayce handed the skins back while Lota put hers away.

  Rayce bowed to the skeletons, “Thank you for the water.”

  The skeletons nodded, turned and stepped back to their places. When their spines touched the wall, they became still as statues.

  Lucian made his way to a chair and sat down. “We should rest here for a few hours before we continue. I’m low on mana and to tell you the truth, we all deserve a rest.”

  Lota and Rayce nodded. The troll moved to another empty seat while Rayce stepped to the tall cabinet. Hands took hold of the knobs and pulled the doors open. Looking over the contents, the shadowmancer nodded in approval.

  “The cabinet is filled with water, wine, and glasses. We should partake to ease our spirits,” the shadowmancer smiled.

  Lucian shook his head, “Water yes, but not the wine. We have no idea if its tainted to dull our senses.”

  “I can cleanse it, if that’s what your worried about,” Lota shot the mage a playful smirk.

  Lucian eyed her, “It’s not just that. We have to be ready for anything.”

  Rayce turned around, annoyance filling his brow. “This is the worst dungeon raid I’ve been on. We are running from demons who want nothing more than to drain some energy from us. They don’t even want to kill us!”

  Lucian gave the shadowmancer a hard stare before he spoke, “You agreed to my terms.”

  Rayce shook his head. “I agreed to follow you and get to the lower levels, but we are already on level five. It’s only going to get more difficult from here and I haven’t had a chance to see if any of those beautiful succubi want to be my wife!”

  Lota raised an eyebrow, “Wife? You’re looking for a demon bride?”

  Rayce nodded with stern eyes. “Yes, I am. I’m not as handsome as our mage friend here and my tastes tend to repulse any who show a glimmer of interest. You won’t even sleep with me and you’re a fucking paladin of Vala. It’s your duty to ease suffering.”

  The room took on a serious edge as Rayce glared at his party members.

  Lucian leaned forward in his seat, his expression serious. “I promise, you will have your chance when we are on the lower floors. I know it’s frustrating, but we are halfway there. There are plenty of demons to see if they wish to be with you, but for now, we stay to the plan.”

  “So, I have to wait,” Rayce growled.

  Lota was to her feet. The troll crossed the small distance and stood before the smaller man with concern in her eyes.

  “I can sense it now, you are suffering,” the paladin’s eyes taking on a sadness.

  Rayce bowed his head. “I need a partner to match my hunger. I became a shadowmancer because the dead love us, but even we cannot stay too long with one for they will drain our life completely. Had I known I would be shunned by most others, I may have reconsidered, but this is the bed I lay in now.”

  “You seek a bride to match your soul,” Lota said in a low tone.

  “I seek a partner…a real partner who will accept me for who and what I am. Isn’t that what we are all looking for? I don’t want to just share my body, I want to share my mind and experiences with them.”

  “Your eagerness is vast. You wear it like a cloak and others see it too, that is why they run. If you…” Lota was cut off.

  “Don’t. Don’t tell me I have to change for others. Your words are easy with your beauty. I don’t have such an advantage or gift. Many on Lukken are beautiful, but there are also many of us who are not. Succubi do not see the surface like we do. They see souls, the brighter, the better.”

  Rayce turned away, the shadows of his hood covering his face. “I know I have a bright soul. The right demon just needs a taste and she will never leave my side.”

  Lota lifted a hand to touch the shadowmancer’s shoulder when she stopped inches away. Lucian watched with intense eyes as Lota’s fingers curled back and her hand dropped to her side.

  “You both should rest and get some sleep. I’ll take first watch. I can’t sleep anyway,” Rayce said in a soft tone.

  Lota stepped back, no words rising to her lips. Lucian tilted his head forward, shadows covering his eyes. The mood turned gloomy. Rayce stepped to the edge of the hidden entrance, pressed his back to the wall and slid down until he was sitting.

  Lucian looked to the thin rug covering most of the floor. Standing up, he looked around to see where he could make himself a little more comfortable. Rayce’s words hung in the mage’s mind. The smaller shadowmancer came off desperate and eager which gave weight as to why no one would take him in their party. He was capable and so far, had proved to be an asset, but his desires stormed on like a hurricane. He couldn’t see beyond the here and now and it rattled his spirit, never understanding why no one saw him for who he was.

  The mage turned his attention to Lota as she pulled a thin bedroll from her back and spread it out. The troll was a paladin of Vala. From experience, Lucian knew paladins and clerics to be free with their bodies, happy to bring Vala’s joy to another soul. Their arts often heal
ed, mending broken hearts or quelling a shattered mind. The mage knew the paladin could heal Rayce’s pain, even if for just a night, but she hesitated.

  Lota finished laying down her roll and sat on it, her gaze darting to the mage before looking away.

  It was a moment in time, Lucian seeing it for what it was. Followers of Vala often had a difficult time hiding their true affections. Their souls and hearts were one and often knew instantly if they were compatible with another. Lucian guessed Lota didn’t want to chance healing others until she knew for sure. The only way she could be sure is if they shared their bodies. Last night at the tavern, she tried to tempt him and he rebuffed her advances. It didn’t stop the flame burning bright with desire.

  Lucian reached into his satchel and pulled out a bedroll. It was much too big to fit in a normal satchel but the mage had it enchanted to hold more than it appeared to hold. The roll cleared the opening and unfurled. The mage laid it down before lying on top of it. Lota looked to the mage once again, but Lucian ignored her, turning on his side and showing his back to her. Reaching into his satchel again, he pulled out a small book and began to read in the dim lantern light.

  Rayce sat, stark blue eyes watching as Lota pined for the handsome mage and Lucian giving her his back. It stung, for the troll simply laid down, facing away from Lucian and Rayce before settling in her bedroll.

  The air grew still as Rayce calmed his mind and heart. Mental curses cut through the attempt, berating himself for losing control like that. Spending weeks in town, trying to find a party to join had exhausted him. Now, he was part of a small one and yet, he took no pleasure in it, having to wait because their leader wants to see the bottom, probably for some reward he will never understand, nor keep.

  Time ticked on. Rayce watched like an ever-watchful sentry as his companions slowly drifted off to sleep. Lota was first, her tense body easing down and her breathing carrying a gentle rhythm. Lucian was next, closing his book, sliding it into his nearby satchel and his body becoming very still. Rayce pondered on the book the mage was reading. It was smaller, unlike the spellbook he noticed at the tavern. Speculation turned into annoyance, seeing that their defacto leader seemed to be harboring secrets of his own.

  Long moments stretched on and when the shadowmancer felt they had been asleep long enough, he rose up like one of the undead. Silent as a wraith, Rayce opened the secret door, slipped out and closed the door behind him.

  Cool air flowed along the dark corridor. Lantern light flicked, but the shadows seemed to grow thicker, threatening to snuff out the precious light. Rayce slinked along, hidden in the shadows. A little exploration would be helpful. Scouting out the area may provide important details they could use later. Rayce mentally told himself these lies but, in his heart, he hunted. Gold and lust swirled in the back of his mind as he followed his own agenda, knowing he had a few hours to spare.

  Whispers touched his mind as he moved from shadow to shadow, the gentle caress of ghosts trying to speak to him. Dungeons often had many spirits, those who died long ago unable to rest or move on. To many, it would be disconcerting, but to Rayce, it was comforting. Much like memories of his family, the soothing whispers brought a sense of peace to his battered soul. The notion of family consumed him at times and he hated and loved it at times. It was a contradiction he could not understand, but he knew he had to live.

  Hunched over and moving with skill and grace, the shadowmancer came across several doors along a small corridor. A small smirk forming, he moved to each one, checking to see if they were locked. The doors opened easily, but two of the rooms were empty. Stepping to another door, he opened it and peered in. This room had something in the corner and a glint of metal shone in the dim lantern light spilling in from the hallway. Rayce slipped in and closed the door behind him.

  There was no light in the room, but Rayce’s special ability to see in the dark glowed along his eyes. Shadowmancers were able to use thief and necromancer abilities together. They could never specialize in either, but the combination was too powerful to ignore. Ghostly lines appeared along corners, giving the room dimension and shape. At the back wall, a chest stood.

  Rayce rubbed his hands as he stepped closer. Eyes grew wider as he saw he may make some gold after all. When he stood before it, he eyed the lock. That was when an eyebrow rose up. There was no lock on the front between the lid and trunk. Looking it over, he spotted two locks, one on each side of the chest. The oddness baffled him as he could not understand why there were two and they were on the sides of the lid. Taking out his lock picking tools, he shrugged and prepared to go to work. It didn’t matter, he knew he could get in and take whatever treasures lay within. Moving to the side, he knelt down to a knee and inserted two thin rods. After a moment of feeling around, he heard a familiar click.

  Smiling, the shadowmancer stood up and moved to the other side. Kneeling down, he worked on the other lock. A click filled the chamber. Rayce reached for the lid to open it up when another click from the other side snapped back into place. Hand on the lid, it did not open.

  Rayce stood before the chest, brow wrinkling in thought. It appeared the chest was not a simple one to open. There must be something valuable inside if it had a trick lock such as this. Rayce pulled out two more rods, a pair in each hand. He was thankful he was ambidextrous. The chest puzzle would not stop him from the prizes within.

  Standing before the chest, he spread out his arms and put each hand with lock picking rods between fingers to each side. Rods slid in and he fiddled with them, his body bent and chest just above the lid. When both locks clicked, the lid popped open slightly.

  Something strong grabbed the front of Rayce and held him in place. Eyes wide, the shadowmancer dropped his tools and reached for a dagger when tentacles wrapped around his wrists and pulled. Panic swelled as the shadowmancer struggled. Legs pushed, but the thing held him in place. Tentacles lashed out from within the chest, grabbing his leather leggings and pulling them down.

  “No!” Rayce began when a warm sensation cascaded over his exposed member.

  Looking down, a long tongue caressed him his limp cock, breathing new life into it. Panic fell away and warmth touched him, goading his member to react. The shadowmancer watched in fascination as the long tongue curled around his now hard member and giving it gentle strokes.

  “You’re…a mimic,” Rayce hissed as pleasure ran along his manhood.

  The tentacles slacked as the chest pulled the shadowmancer closer. The edge of the lid and the trunk of the chest shapeshifted into plump lips. Pink touched the front as it closed its mouth over Rayce’s rock hard cock. The chest moved, sucking back and forth, inches appearing and disappearing.

  A stupid smile grew from ear to ear before lust washed over the shadowmancer. Each stroke and sensation sent shivers up and down his spine. Remembering every blowjob he ever had, they simply didn’t compare to what was happening now. The gentle rhythm pulsed and frustration pushed at his full loins. Sucking in breaths, Rayce found his hands on the sides and pushing his hips in, helping the strange creature along. The moment took full hold of his senses, thrusting while the creature gently pressed its tongue under the shaft, coaxing for release.

  “Fuck,” Rayce grunted as his cock thickened.

  The mimic increased the tempo, trying to suck Rayce’s soul through his engorged member. The shadowmancer bent his head back and let out a hiss of ecstasy. Spurts of seed splashed within the mimic’s mouth, followed by a few more. The chest made a small moan as it quickly swallowed white seed and continued to suck, pulling out every last drop.

  Tentacles released and Rayce pulled back, stumbling over his leggings around his ankles and landing on his ass. Breathing heavy, he stared at the strange creature as lines of pink ran along just under the lid.

  “I want more,” the chest said with a hungry edge.

  “I’ll need a moment,” the shadowmancer grinned and made no attempt to pull up his leggings. “I didn’t know your kind…worked with the succ

  The lid moved up and down as it talked, “Here we do. My kind can feed on almost anything. We have been here so long, we have learned to feed on adventurers, much like our succubus mistresses.”

  “Sounds, fun,” Rayce smiled. “What’s your name?”

  The pink lines along the chest grew brighter. “No one bothers to ask for our names.”

  “Well, I’m asking. I have to say, that was amazing.”

  “Roxxy,” the chest said, its front turning hot pink.

  “Hi Roxxy. I’m Rayce,” the shadowmancer said as he kicked off his leggings and pulled off his cloak.

  Roxxy said nothing, watching the dark-skinned man removing his clothes and his manhood hardening once again.

  “It’s been a long journey and you have an amazing mouth,” the shadowmancer said with eager intent.

  The chest was silent for a long moment before it began to shift and change. Rayce watched as the chest took on a humanoid form. Long limbs stretched out as breasts formed. A head appeared, taking shape. Thick, cable-like hair sprouted and fell to the sides while the face took on almost skeletal features, wood colored skin covering it. The rest of the body finished changing, Rayce noticing the wood pattern along her skin.

  Roxxy bowed her head and looked away. “I don’t often change into my true form. Many adventurers like me in my chest form, taking turns when they feed me.”

  Rayce stepped closer and lifted a hand. When he touched her hip, he expected it to be rough like it appeared, wood-like and hard. Instead, the mimic’s skin was soft to the touch and the wood-like skin was more like a design than actual wood. Hand sliding upwards, he cupped her full breast and it was soft to his touch. Black nipples hardened and pink touched Roxxy’s black cheeks.

  “You didn’t seem shy before,” Rayce said as he ran a thumb over her hard nipple.

  “I was hungry. We don’t get many people down here. Sometimes I’m moved to the upper floors but we are on a rotating schedule. I have been down here a while.”


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