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Succubus Dungeon

Page 5

by Eden Redd

  Rayce lifted his other hand, both of them running along Roxxy’s sensual curves. One dropped to between her legs, fingers exploring her slit. Wetness greeted the shadowmancer as he touched her. Roxxy let out a small gasp, but did nothing to stop him.

  “Sometimes we are put in the orgy rooms to help the succubi,” the mimic whispered.

  “Do you like it here?” Rayce said and he pulled her closer, his cock throbbing against her thigh.

  Roxxy looked down before her black hands touched the throbbing member and began to stroke.

  “I sometimes dream of the outside world. It’s so strange, you talking to me. Many are happy to dump their seed in my mouth.”

  “Is that the only way you like to feed?” Rayce said as the heat of the moment began to take hold.

  Roxxy gave a shy smile. “I’m a shapeshifter. I can feed any way I want.”

  “Roxxy, you are beautiful and I have a lot of love to give. Mind if we test what you’re saying?”

  The mimic watched the maddening hunger in Rayce’s eyes. The moment she nodded and smiled, Rayce gently pushed her to a wall and turned her around. Looking down, he saw her plump ass and grabbed it, spreading her cheeks and seeing she indeed had an asshole. Taking hold of his member, he pressed the head of his cock to her tight hole.

  “You don’t have to be gentle,” Roxxy whispered.

  Rayce ran a hand along her skin until he touched her firm breast. His hips moving, the end of his cock penetrating her tight hole, inches forcing her to open to him. A small gasp fell from the mimic’s lips as Rayce slowly invaded her. Leaning back, she let him run his hands along her body while his manhood reached the hilt and pulsed.

  “You feel so nice,” Roxxy said.

  “So, do you,” Rayce said with a small smile before his hips began to move.

  The pair enjoyed the interplay between them, bodies moving to a primal rhythm. Rayce couldn’t deny the scents and touch of the mimic. Her soft body against his hard member and chest sent spirals of bliss. Hand letting go of her breast and trailing down her smooth stomach, he reached the apex of her womanhood and felt her clit. With gentle swirls, he played with her, listening for gasps to know he was helping her to feel good. It didn’t take long before she moaned her pleasure, hips moving to his touch and his hard cock buried deep within.

  “You are full of surprises,” Roxxy gasped, pleasure riding every nerve.

  “I never thought your kind could be this beautiful,” Rayce managed before his hips increased the tempo.

  Roxxy shuddered with each thrust, fingers dancing along her clit and wetness streaking down her inner thighs. Rayce pressed his face to her neck, snuggling to her as his granite hard member pushed to the hilt. When he kissed her neck, a shrill cry rang out.

  Roxxy’s mouth and eyes widened to perfect ovals before she shuddered and trembled. Grabbing Rayce’s wrist, she held him in place as his fingers played her like a violin. Ass pushing against his thick spear, she squeezed and pulled back, trying to draw his seed out with a long stroke.

  The shadowmancer couldn’t believe the need to shoot his load. His cock expanding, Roxxy let out a long moan, orgasms blasting her nerves like magical fireworks. After the third long stroke, Rayce let out a soul crushing grunt as come burst from the tip. Roxxy moved, milking Rayce’s member, spurts painting her insides.

  For a breath, the outside world didn’t exist. Roxxy turned her head, an eye looking to Rayce as he stared at her, driving his cock to the hilt and staying there.

  “Do you have to stay here?”

  Roxxy moved her hips slowly, “I’m not a prisoner. I just need a reason.”

  Rayce nodded, pushing the last drop of come into her. “Come with me,” he said simply.

  Roxxy said nothing.

  “Come with me and we can explore the world,” Rayce said, a loving grin forming.

  “Okay,” the mimic smiled before her body shifted and she suddenly faced him.

  Rayce looked down, her breasts pressed against him and his cock deep within her valley. Hands moved to grab at her soft hills and he ground his hardening cock between parted thighs. Roxxy lifted up her legs and coiled them around his waist like a spider. Rayce couldn’t help himself, driving himself deep before burying his face at her neck and giving it a long lick.

  The shadowmancer and mimic continued their embrace, Roxxy pressed against the stone wall while Rayce pushed with years of frustration. He couldn’t deny the allure she carried, a shy weird creature. It was instant, like two stars caught in each other’s gravity, swirling through the cosmos.

  The door to the chamber opened a sliver, Lucian eyeing the shadowmancer and creature he was engaged with. Soft whispers of love and lust carried on the air as wet sounds echoed off the walls. The mage watched for a long moment before closing the door, whimpers and cries the last thing he heard before walking back.


  Lucian rubbed at a temple, weariness touching his spirit. They had stayed in the secret chamber for several hours, but the mage didn’t get any real rest. The lack of any daylight only compounded the issue, not knowing how long they had been down here. Checking his stat screen, he looked over the numbers and focused on his Mana.

  Mana: 170/250

  What little rest he managed only regenerated fifty points of mana. At this pace, he wouldn’t be able to cast many more spells the further they explored. Thinking to the mana potions in his satchel, they were reserved for truly desperate moments. If he started drinking them now, he may not have enough for when he reached the end of his quest. Concern clawed at him as he didn’t feel ready to explore the lower levels.

  The trio walked along a barely lit corridor. Lucian noted they had reached the 6th level. Surprisingly, they hadn’t come across any demons or creatures. Glancing back, he saw Rayce strolling along. The shadowmancer looked like he was ready to whistle a tune, but instead, walked with a smile. Behind him, Lota marched, dark shadows under her eyes, betraying that she hadn’t rested either.

  Images painted Lucian’s mind as he turned his attention forward. Seeing Rayce and the Mimic together played on. The mage wondered where the mimic was and deduced it had shrunk itself down and was hidden on the shadowmancer’s person. It was the only explanation that seemed to fit, unless the creature was following them. Lucian dismissed the idea on account Lota would have noticed it.

  The river of thoughts shifted to the troll with blue streaks along her black hair. She had become very quiet since the hidden chamber. Rayce didn’t engage with her, happy in his cloud of bliss, but the troll didn’t seem to want to interact with anyone. She marched like a dutiful soldier in Vala’s army, but the undercurrent of something deeper lashed at her spirit. She occasionally made faces, unaware of Lucian’s quick glances. It was clear she was unhappy, but the mage reaffirmed in his mind that this wasn’t about her happiness.

  The Tome of Regret glowed in Lucian’s mind and his heart quickened again. In a few levels, he would find his prize and the world would be right again. Despite pulling the book out for his companions to see, he could not stop the addiction of words he had read hundreds of times. Clues and deep knowledge were hidden among the texts and he poured over them with relish. The long quest was coming to an end and rewards waited.

  “Should we rest again?” Lucian asked when he spotted something along the corridor.

  The sudden stop caused his companions to freeze in their tracks, eyes wide and senses alert.

  Lucian stared ahead, gaze penetrating the shadows along the wall to see a woman slumped against it. Her legs were out, but the dim shine of horns informed him of her race. The woman didn’t move, head lolled forward and tail limp.

  “I see her,” Lota said as she moved to one side of Lucian.

  “Should we continue,” Rayce asked as he stood on the other side of the mage.

  Lucian eyed the unmoving succubus, “I’m not sure. We have to continue because we would only be going back up to the previous floor. I’m just not sure if this is a tr
ap or something else.”

  “What makes you think that?” Lota asked while staring at the demon.

  A page from the Tome of Regret appeared in Lucian’s mind. “Succubi are prone to infighting just like any group. Sometimes they shun one of their own and force them to starve. They become even worse than feral ones. If they go a long time, they become shells of what they once were.”

  Lucian pointed at the slouched demon, “If she is shunned, she may be dying and dangerous.”

  “How do we know for sure without killing her or her trying to kill us?” Lota asked.

  “I’ll investigate and you two back me up,” Rayce said as he immediately stepped forward.

  Lucian and Lota watched as the shadowmancer prowled low, boots moving just below the edges of his cloak. Lucian prepared an Unseen Force spell while Lota pulled her mace from her belt. The pair watched with unblinking eyes as the shadowmancer reached the succubus and knelt down.

  Holding their breaths, they watched every moment. Rayce let his hand hover before the demon’s face and gave it a little wave. The succubus didn’t move at all. Standing up, the shadowmancer silently stepped back to his companions.

  “She’s not responsive, staring at nothing. I think it may be safe.”

  “Do we take the chance?” Lota asked Lucian.

  “We don’t have much of a choice,” the mage said and began walking.

  The trio walked in single file, Lucian first, Rayce next and Lota taking up the rear. As they drew closer, all eyes were on the succubus. Details began to emerge as she sat like a broken doll. Naked, she didn’t move as their shadows touched her. Lucian eyed her, taking note of the white foam leaking from the sides of her mouth and dripping on her bare thighs. Eyes were open but appeared hollow as she stared at nothing. The tail didn’t move but her chest did, a faint breathing causing it to barely expand and retract.

  Nerves crawled with fear for at any moment she could spring up and attack them. Lucian pictured it, the mad succubus trying to kill or rape them without any thoughts of its own. A savage creature bent on fulfilling its needs.

  When the three stepped past her and she remained still as a statue, they picked up the pace and moved on. Relief fell from lips as they could breathe again. Lucian pondered that a fight would drain more mana and he needed every drop before reaching the end of his quest.

  The corridor branched and the party picked one and moved on. Soon they were deeper into the level, making their way and searching for the stairs down. The lack of succubi set everyone on edge, waiting for a sudden attack. They could defend themselves, but it would be a hard-pressed fight if they could not inflict real damage.

  The echoes of boots caused the trio to throw their backs to a wall. Heads turned, they looked down the corridor to see two succubi walking in boots and little else. Leather straps led from their hands and soon three naked men with blindfolds were being pulled along like whipped dogs. They whimpered and moved on all fours as the succubi took them down another corridor and disappeared from view.

  “We have to be extra careful. The smarter ones are well fed, but like to play longer games with their food,” Lucian instructed.

  Rayce and Lota nodded.

  Lucian began walking, his companions following close behind. Hours slipped by before they found the descending stairwell. Making their way down, they reached the 7th floor and continued on their journey.

  The maze-like level twisted and turned as the three probed deeper.

  Lota glanced around, confusion taking root. “We could be lost down here for days.”

  Rayce smiled, “Let’s take the first left and then a right.”

  The troll looked to the shadowmancer, “What makes you so sure that is the right way to go?”

  “I have my sources,” Rayce said with a wicked smirk.

  Lucian couldn’t hold back his own smirk, knowing full well the mimic was guiding them along. The mage didn’t feel a need to expose the secret, taking advantage of the information windfall. If the mimic wanted to help, who was he to say no.

  Rayce grinned as they walked, spotting the stairwell at the end of a long corridor. Lucian and Lota were next, relief filling them as they could now proceed to the 8th floor. As they approached, a side door opened and a decayed corpse lumbered out. The trio froze as the dead thing looked to them with two groaning people, one over each wide shoulder.

  The zombie made a small groan before turning and walking away, the people over its shoulders barely moving. Lucian was first to move, stepping over to the open doorway and peering inside.

  Leather furniture lay about the medium sized room. Two skeletons and another zombie moved about, putting things like chains, whips, and cuffs back into cabinets along the walls. Three cube slimes moved along the floor, their bodies absorbing anything organic as they made their way around the room.

  “There must have been some fun in here,” Rayce said as he peered inside.

  “We should rest and eat,” Lota said before her stomach made a gurgling sound.

  Lucian remembered that they hadn’t eaten anything in a long time.

  “I’m okay with a rest stop. I’m starving,” the shadowmancer said as he stepped inside.

  Lucian followed, noticing his own hunger. At first, he expected the room to be a completely disgusting but was amazed at how clean it had become. The cubes did their jobs while the undead continued to put items away.

  “Is it okay if we eat here?” Rayce asked one of the undead.

  The skeleton nodded as it put a whip on a hook.

  “Thank you,” the shadowmancer smiled before plopping onto a leather sofa.

  Lucian sat in a chair across from the sofa. Opening his satchel, he dug around until he grabbed a wrapped ration and pulled it out. Opening it, salted meat lay within with some bread. Hunger pangs caused his mouth to water. The mage began picking off pieces and eating them.

  Lota moved over to the leather sofa Rayce was on and sat next to him. The troll gave the shadowmancer a pleasant smile as she placed her small pack beside her. Rayce eyed the paladin as he pulled out his own ration and opened it. Sealed in leaves, he unwrapped them to reveal vegetables, eggs, and bread.

  Lota made no move to her pack. Instead she continued to smile at the shadowmancer as he bit off a piece of carrot.

  “I wanted to apologize, about before,” the troll said peacefully.

  Rayce relaxed as he shoved the remaining piece of carrot in his mouth, talking and chewing, “It’s fine. I had a weak moment and let it get the best of me. I know you meant well even if it didn’t come out right.”

  Lucian watched with a small smile.

  Lota nodded. “Followers of Vala often help many, but we don’t help all. Lukken has been peaceful for so long, true evil has never had a chance to emerge. What you are going through and the path you follow, should not be strikes against you. I may not approve of your class choice, but you have a good spirit.”

  Rayce’s smile grew wider, “Thank you, Lota. It means a lot to me.”

  The paladin nodded. “Please, forgive me.”

  Lucian and Rayce heard the words, but it didn’t register in the moment. Time slowed to a crawl as Lota’s hand flashed forward. One grabbed Rayce’s cloak and pulled it away to reveal the shadowmancer underneath. Another hand grabbed a small chest clipped to Rayce’s belt and pulled hard.

  Lucian was to his feet as Rayce shouted. The shadowmancer reached for the small chest but Lota let go of his cloak and pressed her hand against his chest. With troll strength, she shoved the smaller man over the sofa, his legs flipping in the air and crashing down onto the floor.

  Lucian took a step forward when the paladin was to her feet and throwing the small chest. The miniature chest spiraled through the air and slammed against the opposite wall. It cracked and began shifting instantly. Lucian rushed Lota, a spell on his lips when the paladin grabbed him and hoisted him up. The mage’s eyes were the size of saucers as he tried to grab at her.

  Lota spun the mag
e around and held him to her, making sure he saw what was happening by the wall. The zombie and skeletons didn’t move as they stopped what they were doing. Hollow eyes took it in as the mimic morphed and changed to her humanoid form. Black hand up, the strange creature rubbed the side of its head as it looked up at the mage and paladin.

  Rayce was to his feet, short sword in one hand and dagger in the other. “Lota!”

  “Everyone, relax,” Lota said with a cool edge and let go of Lucian.

  Rayce didn’t listen as he placed a boot on the sofa and launched himself at the paladin. Lota’s body moved in a blur catching the shadowmancer and throwing him. Rayce crashed into a wall by the door and slid down, the wind knocked from his sails.

  Lota drew her mace as the mimic struggled to stand up. “Foul creature, tempting my friend.”

  Roxxy shook her head, dark eyes turning to Rayce as he struggled to get to his feet.

  Lota tapped at one of her pointed ears, “Did you not think I couldn’t hear you, planning your escape with my foolish friend?”

  “Lota,” Rayce said as he slowly stood up, blades in hands, “She’s not like the rest of her kind! She just wants to see the world!”

  The troll eyed the mimic as she stood, fear in her black eyes. “You don’t understand, these creatures are by definition, manipulators. They lure you in a sense of safety before they devour you. How long before she attacked you, us, when we least expect it?”

  “Lota, this dungeon doesn’t allow killing. The mimic works for them. You’re taking this like a normal raid,” Lucian said calmly.

  “Her name is Roxxy!” Rayce shouted.

  The mimic stepped back, pressing her back to the wall, a growing fear in her eyes. The skeletons and zombies began to move toward the paladin.

  “I won’t kill her,” Lota said with a hard edge, “but I will teach her lesson.”

  The skeletons and zombie stopped their advance.

  “Lota, stop this,” Lucian said, a spell on his lips.

  “Either she leaves or I beat her down enough that she doesn’t follow,” the paladin said with conviction in her tone.


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