Book Read Free

Three Summers

Page 15

by S. J. Sylvis

  His thumb moves over my lower lip and he runs the pad of his finger over it. “Then let’s just stop.” I give him a weak smile and move onto his lap. He kisses my bare shoulder and we stare out onto the field for a long time, lost in the thousands of memories whirling around us.


  Alicia is literally bouncing off the walls. She’s getting to “party with my high school gang”, and she hasn’t shut up about meeting Rowen. I’ve filled her in on just about everything, leaving out the whole Sash/affair part. She keeps mumbling on about how my life is more exciting than a soap opera. I roll my eyes and nudge her out the door when Kyle’s black Land Rover pulls up.

  He yells, “Let’s go, Sadie!”, and I can hear him all the way from inside. I laugh as Alicia and I both head out the front door, waving to my dad (who is scowling in the corner) and mom. My dad didn’t believe that we were going camping until he watched us descend down the stairs from my bedroom. Alicia and I thought it would be hilarious to look the part of campers so we’re both wearing cut-off shorts, plain tanks and flannel shirts wrapped around our waists, all paired with hiking boots. We actually look cute, for a pair of campers, that is.

  When we run outside, Rowen and Kyle both step out of the Rover to grab our bags and I briefly introduce Kyle and Alicia. Kyle reaches in and hugs her and her eyes shoot open and she mouths “OH MY GOD!” from behind his back. I giggle and Rowen shakes his head. Kyle is extremely attractive in a boyish kind of way: from the way his blonde hair (even blonder now from the summer sun) peeks out from his baseball cap, to his dimpled smile, Kyle makes all the girls salivate at the mouth.

  “Rowen?” I hear my dad’s voice from the front door and freeze. Oh, crap! Rowen looks at me and takes a deep breath while briefly shaking his head as he makes his way to the front porch, which inevitably is where my dad is standing with his arms crossed like some type of military instructor. It’s quite funny to see my dad act tough. He’s short and on the smaller side in general, to be honest, he isn’t the least bit intimidating.

  I watch from outside the car as he and my dad talk. My dad looks to be saying a lot to him. This is vastly different from the first time they met. Rowen was such a young boy, still on the larger side with his long legs, but not as macho as he is now. Now, it’s two men talking, man to man. I see Rowen reach his hand out in an attempt to shake my dad’s, and I still my breathing. My dad looks down at his hand and then back at Rowen’s face and finally gives in. He shakes it and then swiftly lets go, walking back in the house. Rowen is wearing a smug smile as he reaches for the car door and ushers me inside. For a moment there, I felt like I was watching Animal Planet; Will the lion pounce on its prey, or will they come to terms?

  “What was that about?” I pipe up as soon as we take off down the road.

  Kyle glances back. “Yeah, I was half-expecting to I was going to have to peel him off of you. I for sure thought he would kick your ass.” I hear Alicia snicker from the front seat.

  “Oh, he just wanted to know what my intentions were with his daughter.”

  “And… ?” I question.

  “And I told him my intentions were to marry you.” If I were drinking something, it would be splayed all over the back of Kyle’s headrest. My eyes almost fall out of my head. Alicia turns around to take in my expression and busts up laughing. I give her my evil eyes, narrowing them into slits, which on me doesn’t really look mean at all. A laugh erupts from everyone. I cross my arms and look out the window, ignoring all three of them.

  North Carolina is known for its beauty of beaches and perfect weather but what we natives know, is that North Carolina has various hidden spots, the ones that are so extraordinarily beautiful that you think you’ve died and gone to heaven. And this hidden lake is just that… heaven.

  As we pull up to Kyle’s parents’ lake house, I am amazed at its size. It’s enormous with its numerous white stairs coiling up to the front door. It’s built up on high white pillars which I assume is because this so-called lake is more like a small inlet off the ocean. The house sits up high, overlooking the small, makeshift beach down below, which leads out onto a small pier, all on top of the salty water. This place is the best of both worlds, beachy and woodsy, with tall trees surrounding us. The air even smells salty like the ocean but also with a touch of forest.

  “This is beautiful, Kyle,” I whisper as I step further out of the car. I look up and see the sun casting its pretty glow through the openings of the green limbs.

  “Wow, I have been missing out all my life… ” Alicia grabs my hand and we run over to the edge of the grass and look down at the little beach. Off to the side lays a rustic-looking wooden ladder, so we pull it up and shove it down below us, climbing down so fast that the guys have to search for us.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me how freaking hot Kyle is; you totally held back.” I glance over at Alicia and give her a little shrug. Kyle is hot, but he’s nothing compared to my Rowen. My Rowen? Oh my God.

  “Sorry, I forgot. You only have eyes for Rowen.” She emphasizes his name and I half roll my eyes. But she’s right, I do only have eyes for him and that’s the dangerous part. “I can see why, though.”

  “Whatever,” I joke.

  “Enough boy-talk. Let’s go get drinks and start this day.” I follow her up the ladder and silently yell at my conscience catching up to me, telling me to run before Rowen can destroy me all together.

  The entire day has been exhausting, but I’m so liberated that I don’t even realize how tired I am. My limbs ache and I’m a bit tipsy, but I can’t seem to care. We’ve been out on Kyle’s boat for most of the afternoon, jet skiing and tubing, and we even got to see a few dolphins. There’s jellyfish and dolphins that inhabit this small bayou, especially in the summer. Kyle kept warning us to stay clear of the jellyfish and he complained how he’s been stung more times than he could count, but they didn’t bother me. I told him I’m never leaving.

  Once it started to hit dusk, the sky burning with pinks and oranges, Alicia and I had the notion to feed the guys then others started to show up, Hannah Marie and Anna being two of them, lugging a giant cooler full of something called “Jungle Juice.” Rowen muttered under his breath that they call it “Death Juice” at UNC because it’ll knock you on your ass faster than you can even say “ouch.” It looked tasty and smelled of oranges and some type of fruit punch; in fact, there was even some fruit floating around in its reddish tint.

  The rest of the people who showed up I wasn’t really familiar with. A couple of them were from UNC, and a few from neighboring schools. The few girls that did come seemed nice at first, but they’d make small talk with Rowen and my blood would boil. I made sure each of them watched as I claimed him. I would grab his hand and kiss him on the cheek, sending off an aura of “DO NOT TOUCH” around us. Rowen did the same; he would snake his arms around my waist, placing playful kissed along my collarbone. It was frankly hilarious at how we were claiming each other and I was really unaware until Alicia mentioned it.

  “You two are going to start peeing on each other soon,” she cracks and I whip my head at her so fast I almost drop my drink on the ground.

  “What?” I exclaim.

  “You and Rowen are making it perfectly clear that you are each other’s and no one else’s.” Rowen chuckles behind me and Alicia smashes her lips together to keep herself from laughing. Kyle pipes in with his laughter, too. My face heats as I think for a moment. I decide that she’s right, but I also decide that I don’t care. So, I do what any sane girl would do. I reach my arms around Rowen’s neck and kiss him passionately. I’m aware that we have an audience; I just don’t care.

  Rowen nips my lip and I almost moan. Instead, I sit up quickly, placing my jungle juice on the chair, and grab his hand. He trails behind me and we can both hear people hooting and hollering but we just keep on trekking. Once I let go of his hand to climb down the ladder, I bask in the scratchy wooden rods along my hands. Rowen follows me down, ju
st as I land in the soft, warm sand, and asks what I’m doing. I only grin at him, stumbling a little as I climb up the small makeshift wooden pier and walk to the very edge. With Rowen right behind me, I turn around and reach up on my tiptoes and kiss him gently on the lips, just enough to he can have a taste of the juice on my mouth and then I back away, toying with the hem of my shirt.

  “What are you doing?” he inquires, watching my fingers trail down to the bottom of my shirt.

  “We’re goin’ swimmin’.” I lift my shirt up over my head and drop it to my feet. I’m left standing there in my jean shorts and lacy, pale-pink bra. The only light around us is from the moon and it casts a perfect glow on our bodies, our reflections shining brightly on the ripples of the salt water.

  Rowen looks back up to where the party is, bites his lip unintentionally, and then his gaze saunters back over to me.

  “Oh, stop it. Who cares if they see us.” I wink and I watch his Adam’s apple bobble up and down.

  “I don’t want anyone else to see you like this.” He takes the few steps left between us to get to my body and wraps his warm hand around my torso. He tilts my head up to his, and I’m staring into his long-lashed eyes when he swiftly leans down to kiss me, hard. His tongue swirls with mine and my hand moves to grip his unruly hair. He stops the kiss abruptly and whispers, “I want to be the only man on this earth to watch you strip your clothes down to your bra and panties.” I chuckle and push his chest lightly so I can continue on my journey. Even in the moonlight, I can see his eyes darken when my fingers reach the button on my shorts. I slowly unbutton them, hearing the zipper click among the sound of small waves crashing, and then they drop, just like that.

  “So, you’re saying no to skinny-dipping?” I intone, standing there, almost completely naked.

  “I’m not saying no, but if you strip down naked right here in front of me I cannot promise that I will keep my hands to myself.” I think for a moment, debating. We agreed to take things slow, but the sex kitten inside of me is slowly losing her ability to reason.

  “You can touch me… ” I say coyly. “But, no sex. Not tonight.”

  He takes a deep breath and nods as his gazes follows my bare legs, “Whatever you want, babe.”

  I saunter over to him and lift his shirt up over his head just as he unbuttons his pants. I teasingly run my hand over his most intimate part and he grunts in response, digging his hands roughly onto my hips.

  He quickly nips my ear and I can feel my lower parts heat with fire. I back us to the edge of the pier and just as my eyes meet his, a smile breaks out on my face. He looks perplexed, raising one eyebrow, and I quickly step back and shove him into the water, alone.

  I hear a splash and look down as he emerges from the water. I’m cracking up, holding my middle and he has on his award-winning Rowen smile, bright teeth shining against the backdrop of the bayou.

  “You little brat!” he yells, and I laugh harder. “I’m coming up there to get you.”

  I squeal when his wet hand grips my foot and pulls me into the warm salty water with him. By the end, we’re both in the water laughing so hard that people start yelling at us from above. I wrap my bare legs around his torso, noticing that I feel at home, even in this giant pool of water.

  His lips capture mine again but this time it’s slower, more meaningful. Every time we kiss, it’s like we’re starved for one another. Every time he runs his hands over my body, it’s because he forgets what I feel like. Things are so rushed lately, until this moment. He caresses my lips with his, moving his tongue languidly with mine. I reach up and run my fingers through his wet locks, and feel my heart emerge from its hiding spot. I lean back, breaking our intimate kiss, and look him dead in the eye. In that exact moment, Rowen looks directly into my soul and I into his; in that moment, our souls reconnect and I know that we’re back in the race. I just wonder where the finish line is.

  By the time we make our way back up to the party, it’s died down. Some people are still sitting by the fire, but it’s mostly quiet. Everyone is more than likely passing out from their day-drinking. Alicia is staying with Kyle, which she made very clear to every male and female attending this party, and something I know that Kyle is more than pleased with. When I unzip the zipper to Rowen’s and my tiny tent (yes, even though there is a perfectly fine lake house only a few yards away, we’re staying in tents), I see that Rowen has laid out two sleeping bags. He climbs in the tent with me, looks at the two sleeping bags, back at me, and then back to the bags again.

  “I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I just grabbed two.” I shake my head and crawl over to the maroon sleeping bag, unzipping it all the way. Then I crawl over to the other black sleeping bag and lay it on top of the first; spreading them both out, using one as a blanket and one as a pallet.

  “I need someone to keep me warm.” I give him a tiny smile and he relaxes.

  “Thank God,” he mumbles.

  I quickly change out of my wet garments while Rowen is inside the house grabbing us some waters and when he comes back, I’m already lying under the sleeping bags. He zips it up and climbs in beside me. I scoot right over to his warm body and nuzzle my head onto his chest, breathing in the salty residue from our swim. I can tell my senses are in overdrive because I just keep smelling him and cuddling up to his warm body like I can’t get enough. I have to shush the rational part of my brain that keeps telling me to be careful, to keep my guard up. Instead I listen to the other half—the half that is relishing Rowen’s scent. This is what I want. I want to lay on his chest, and listen to the familiarity of his heartbeat as I fall asleep, forever.


  I go back to school in less than a month. I have no idea how the summer went by this fast, but it did. It doesn’t feel fair. Normally I’m wishing that summer would fly by so I could get away from Rowen, but here I am, almost distraught that I’m about to go back to school without him. I know we don’t have to draw that invisible line this summer like the rest. When we both go back to school, not much about our relationship will change. We’re less than an hour away from each other, so I shouldn’t be feeling like the end is nearing but I am and I can’t quite shake it. The second I’m away from Rowen I can’t stop the dooming thoughts of what might happen. What if he leaves me again? What if he just cuts me out of his life like he did before? It literally keeps me up at night, tossing and turning, but when I’m with him, the worried voice is silent. Gone. The thoughts go away, the fighting hold I have with ignoring them disappears. It’s like he washes away all the bad in the world. He washes away all the worry.

  We’ve taken things slow this summer, just getting to know one another again. We still haven’t had sex yet and I’m happy with that because I know the moment we do, I’ll be hooked. I’ll be hooked so deeply onto him that I don’t think I’ll be able to untangle myself if need be. I have to say that I’m proud of how Rowen has been able to keep from taking me hostage and having his way with me; Lord knows I’ve teased him enough.

  Just as I turn over in bed, I see my phone light up. I grab it, and force away the smile that slithers onto my face. Rowen’s name has popped up and I feel like it’s Christmas morning.

  Rowen: Open your window.

  I sit up quickly in bed and text him back.

  Me: Why?

  Rowen: Because I’m climbing up.

  Me: Rowen, we’re not teenagers anymore. You don’t have to sneak through my window like before.

  Rowen: I don’t care how old we are. Your dad is never going to be okay with me sneaking in your house at one in the morning.

  I let out a small laugh and stand up to adjust my large night shirt. I pad over to my window, hearing it unfasten, and sure enough I see Rowen’s strong body swinging himself up on the giant oak tree. I shake my head at his barely visible body. He grins and I step away from my window, giving him room to barely squeeze his large frame through my window.

  When he stands up and brushes the leaves from his jacket, he looks b
ack at my window. I look around to see what he’s staring at and he says, “Did you guys get smaller windows?”

  I stifle a laugh. “No, you’re just a lot bulkier than you were at seventeen,” I whisper.

  He wags his eyebrows and quietly slides my window down. I can’t help but watch his back as he closes it. I can already feel the tug in my middle.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, as I gather my hair to one side.

  “What I should have done a long time ago.” My eyebrows scrunch together as he stalks toward me. He grabs my face in his hands and smashes his lips onto mine. It doesn’t take me more than a second to oblige as I force my tongue inside his mouth. His hands are under my shirt in seconds, and the feel of his bare skin on mine heats my entire body. He lifts my shirt up over my head and I’m left standing in my darkened childhood bedroom, with nothing on but my silk lilac panties. I don’t give him time to stare as I’m kissing him feverishly again. I feel possessed as I rip his jacket and shirt off. He lifts me up and my legs willingly wrap themselves around his tight torso. He walks us over to my unmade full-sized bed and lays me flat against the sheets. He gathers my hands and raises them above my head, trailing kisses all the way from the crook of my neck to the very bottom of my belly button. I’m squirming so fervently that he has to pause to make sure I’m okay.

  This is so different than when we were kids. When we were kids, we had nervous, trembling hands. We had no idea what we were doing—only taking each other to learn about the opposite sex’s anatomy. Back then, it was like he had a roadmap to my body, except it only had dead end streets and flickering stoplights. Now… now he has the perfect navigational system leading him right to where I need him to be.


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