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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

Page 20

by Lexi Archer

  Still, despite the challenge from Blondie it didn't seem that Lindsay was going down without a fight. She fixed the guy challenging her with a glare. "If my husband doesn't come then I don't either."

  The first guy, the one with the dark hair who invited Lindsay up in the first place blinked when he heard the word "husband" getting tossed around. Still, it didn't seem that the word was going to be enough to deter him from trying to get Lindsay on their boat. He turned to his buddy who was giving us trouble with an irritated glare. He started muttering to Blondie, and they were far enough away from Lindsay that she probably couldn't overhear what they were saying. I was close enough that I could make out some of their conversation.

  "Don't ruin this for me man!" dark hair said.

  "You don't bring extra sausage to a clambake bro!" Blondie whispered.

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. These guys were definitely as eloquent as I'd come to expect from frat jock types. Whatever. I started moving down the ladder, still only half listening to what they were saying. It's not like it mattered since with the way their conversation was going it didn't seem like we were going to be getting on this damn boat anyways.

  "You see how hot that chick is? That's the kind of chick that you invite even if she is attached."

  I paused. This sounded interesting.

  "So what? She's married!"

  "That's just a ring on her finger man, besides you can always get a girl like that away from the attachment! It's about the challenge man. You saw how she looked at me," dark hair said. "Don't make me pull rank on you!"

  How she looked at him? Now what on earth had my naughty little wife done to make this guy think he had a chance with her despite the wedding ring on her finger? Curioser and curioser. She'd only had a minute ahead of me at the boat but it seemed like she'd used that minute to great effect if he was arguing this vehemently on our behalf.

  Blondie rolled his eyes and I looked up, my interest suddenly piqued. I turned to Lindsay who smiled up at me and I wondered how much of this she was hearing. Of course I had a feeling that even if she could hear what they were saying she'd pretend she couldn't. This conversation was dangerously close to the sort of conversation that would allow me to win the bet no problem, and despite her newfound willingness to be a little playful I didn't think she'd throw the bet entirely. No, she was going to make me work for it, that or she had something planned. I wasn't sure which idea turned me on more.

  "Fine," Blondie said with an annoyed sigh.

  Both of them turned to smile at us and Blondie waved me up. "Fine, you can come."

  He still had a look on his face as though he'd swallowed something sour that he didn't care for, but at least he agreed. Not that I was particularly happy that he agreed to let me aboard. From the sound of their conversation it seemed like dark hair was intent on getting Lindsay away from me. I turned and looked at her and she had an innocent smile on her face. An innocent smile and a twinkle in her eye that made me think she could hear everything they said.

  This was definitely shaping up to be one hell of an interesting boat ride.

  I pulled myself the rest of the way up on the boat and turned to give Lindsay a hand. I was also made painfully aware of just how transparent her bikini was. It left absolutely nothing to the imagination, with two dark circles where her nipples were pressing out with the sudden contact with the air and a dark patch down below outlining the landing strip she'd shaved leading down to her delectable pussy. I licked my lips and glanced over to the two frat jocks who'd been arguing over whether or not we should even be allowed on the boat.

  Dark hair elbowed Blondie with a stupid grin on his face, and Blondie stared as Lindsay got out of the water. He had a completely hypnotized look on his face, and I had a feeling he was already starting to rethink his decision to argue against letting Lindsay on the boat in the first place. The meaning behind that elbow jab was plain enough for me. It was a triumphant acknowledgment that dark hair had been right.

  Then both of them noticed me looking and they took control of themselves. They seemed to mentally shake themselves and then they were all smiles. Hell, if I was seeing Lindsay for the first time and my first glance of her was in that bikini that revealed so much then I'd be all smiles too.

  I also had to admit that the heady combination of seeing my wife showing off almost everything like that and playing it up all innocent coupled with those guys looking at her like they wanted nothing more than to have one of them at either end fucking her brains out had my cock rock hard. I had to lean down and adjust it so it wasn't too terribly obvious. I wasn't particularly worried about Lindsay seeing me with a hard on, after the way she'd been grinding against me in the ocean and now that she knew about my fantasy that probably was no surprise, but at the same time I didn't want to be seen in a compromising position like that with frat bro one and frat bro two watching.

  We moved to a spot at the front of the boat and sat down next to each other while those two guys talked to a crowd of girls gathered at the ladder. A couple of them were shooting dirty looks in our direction, but I didn't care. My mind was on what had just happened. I leaned in close to Lindsay.

  "So do I win the bet yet?"

  She looked at me. "What are you talking about?"

  "You heard the way those two guys were talking about you," I said. "That guy that invited you up on the boat is going to try and get you away for me."

  Lindsay winked at me. "I didn't hear anything like that! Besides, if you're going to win that bet then it seems like there are way more fun ways for you to win.."

  I swallowed. That seemed full of promise. "What fun ways for me to win did you have in mind exactly?"

  "Oh I don't know," Lindsay said. "I'm a good faithful girl who wants to stay true to her husband, right? Surely nothing is going to happen while we're out on the ocean with those two sexy college studs."

  I leaned back and tried to concentrate on anything but the rock hard erection in my swim trunks. I had to adjust myself so that it wasn't so obvious what was tenting out from my shorts. Hearing her talk like that, seeing them staring at her like that, hearing them talk about what they wanted to do to my blushing bride, it was all too much. I was on the verge of blowing a load in my swim trunks which would've been very bad at the start of this little boat ride.

  It seemed like Lindsay wanted to make sure she got put into a position where she was going to lose the bet in a major way, and all of the major ways for her to lose the bet were running through my head and not helping at all with the hard situation between my legs!

  This was insane. Throwing my wife to the fire like that just to win a bet, but I had to admit that just how turned on I was at the thought of those two guys talking about her like that entered into my decision ever so slightly. My cock was positively throbbing with the combination of her in that bikini and the memories of how they'd been looking at her. The memories of that guy "stumbling" against her were still fresh in my memory as well. Basically I was a man with a hard cock, and men thinking with their hard cocks are not exactly well-known for their good decision-making skills.

  "Fine," I said. "We'll just wait until we have undeniable proof."

  "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Lindsay asked.

  Oh yes I would like that. I would like that very much, and she was well aware of it.

  12: Boat Ride

  The ocean spray hitting my face every time the speedboat hit a wave was pretty fun. The wind whipping through our hair, Lindsay beside me with my arm around her as she snuggled up against me much to the annoyance of the two guys who'd invited us onto their boat.

  Blondie, it turned out his name was John, had invited a pretty petite brunette up onto the boat. Lindsay and that girl, I think her name was Cindy, were the only girls they brought up. Which meant there was a definite imbalance of dicks to pussy.

  I figured that was by design though. I figured that somehow the dark haired guy, his name was Dan, was going to do his best to try and get
Lindsay away from me. I'm not sure how he planned on pulling that off with me right on the boat with him.

  I was definitely going to keep an eye on him. I thought about mentioning to Lindsay just how obvious they were being with three guys and only two girls but decided against it. It was loud enough with the boat running at full speed that I'd have to yell to be heard, and I definitely didn't want any of the other people on the boat to hear about our little bet.

  I figured that would just fuel the fire.

  And yet there was a part of me that wanted that fire to be fueled. I glanced back to Dan and John who had huge smiles on their faces as though they were having the greatest time. And I saw the way their eyes tended to gravitate towards Lindsay, to where her body was jiggling and bouncing in a most hypnotic way. Her suit had dried off somewhat in the wind so the transparent show was over, but that didn't make her any less sexy.

  The way they were looking at her had my cock rock hard. I couldn't explain it, I didn't know exactly what was happening to me, I wasn't sure if this was even a fantasy that I wanted fulfilled, and yet all I could think about was Dan at one end of my wife and John at the other end, both of them plowing into her and her body bouncing back and forth for a completely different reason than the motion in the ocean.

  I turned to Lindsay and she smiled. I smiled back. If only she knew what was running through my mind. Maybe if we were fucking I could integrate it into some dirty talk, but it definitely wasn't something we could discuss here. Not with those two guys right there. I figured if they overheard anything about the bet or my fantasy then all bets would be off, and I didn't want all bets to be off.

  I glanced over my shoulder towards the beach. Only the beach was pretty damn far away now. It looked like they were taking us out into open water. Not that I was too terribly worried. The speedboat was big enough, these guys had to have some money. Or, considering they looked about the same age as us, it was probably more likely that one of them had a parent who had some money. It's not like many people our age were fabulously wealthy all on their own. I smiled as that thought ran through my mind.

  Either way the weather was clear and it's not like we had to worry about getting caught out in a storm in this day and age with modern weather forecasting.

  We continued on until land was just a thin sliver in the distance one way and it was nothing but ocean as far as the eye could see in all directions and fluffy white clouds floating in the distance the other way.

  "So either of you girls ever been for a swim in the open ocean?" John asked.

  Lindsay looked unsure of herself, more unsure than she'd been when we were climbing onto a boat with two strangers. Cindy looked at them and smiled.

  "No! But I'm willing to try," she said.

  "I've never done it either, but it could be fun," Lindsay said.

  "You bet your ass it's fun!" Dan said.

  I decided to ignore how they'd ignored me when they were asking if anyone had ever been out swimming in the open ocean. I had, but they weren't asking me so I wasn't answering them.

  Lindsay turned and grinned. "Are you going to go honey?"

  I looked over to the two guys and then back to her. I probably should've agreed to go ahead and jump in. Only at the moment an idea was starting to form in my head. I was starting to wonder what might happen if Lindsay was out there alone with a horny frat jock while I was staying on the boat.

  "You go ahead honey," I said. "I think I'm going to soak up some sun."

  Lindsay glanced to the guys over at the controls and then back to me. It was a nervous glance and I had to fight the urge to smile. Maybe she was just a little worried about Dan's intentions and this fantasy we were exploring after all, no matter how confident she acted. Her hand snaked out and then it was running along my cock for a moment as she leaned in close enough to whisper.

  "Are you sure about that? If I'm all alone out in the ocean like that then things might happen," she whispered.

  Damn. That was so fucking hot. Her hand on my cock was so fucking hot. I couldn't believe I was going along with this but "things happening in the ocean" sounded like a really fucking great idea to me!

  "I don't know, they seem innocent enough," I said. "I think you should go and have some innocent fun."

  "If you say so honey," she said with a mischievous smile and a twinkle to her eyes.

  I stared at my blushing bride's ass as she moved to the back of the boat where they were getting ready to hop in. The die was cast and the mixture of terror and arousal coursing through me had me wondering if winning a bet and fueling this impossible fantasy was worth throwing my blushing bride to the frat jock wolves.

  13: Innocent Swim

  I leaned back against the side of the boat and closed my eyes. Forced myself to breathe. I heard splashes and giggling from the other side of the boat and I concentrated on the rocking motion in a vain attempt to try and distract myself from what I'd just done.

  What the hell was I thinking? Was I really so eager to fulfill this ridiculous fantasy that I was going to let my new wife go swimming with a couple of guys who obviously wanted to be all over her? Was it worth having these guys hitting on her and potentially doing more under the waves?

  Jealousy and arousal were fighting inside me and it felt like arousal was winning. Not that I was particularly worried about how she'd react. She'd married me, after all. It's not like she was going to suddenly run off with another guy even if she did end up having a little fun out there in the water.

  And that thought was adding yet another layer of confusion to the whole thing. Because while the idea of her running off with another guy and leaving me was terrifying, at the same time the idea of her maybe having that aforementioned little bit of fun with another guy, like say maybe getting up close and personal with one of those muscular frat jock types, had me excited. It was making my cock rock hard. Almost as hard as I'd be if I was getting up close and personal with my wife on my own.

  Which I hadn't been able to since we became man and wife, but I figured that would be rectified tonight. And it would be one hell of a fuck session considering how worked up I was. Considering that she'd be my slave for a day when we started our first married fuck session.

  I was starting to seriously wonder what the hell was wrong with me. Where the hell these thoughts came from. Why the hell they were so compelling.

  More splashing. More giggling. I couldn't see what was happening, but that was definitely Lindsay and Cindy laughing. Both of them sounded like they were having a good time. How much of a good time was my wife having with those guys?

  I needed to see, only I wasn't sure how I could do that without being seen. I figured I could go and peer over the edge, try to see what was going on, but they'd probably figure out what I was doing. The boat was a decent size. I'd seen a door leading down below next to the wheel when I came aboard.

  I opened my eyes. It was a big boat with an area down below. There were also reflective windows running along the side of the boat. Windows I could look through if I snuck down there. A plan formed. A way I could try to see what was going on without making myself known.

  As quietly as possible I made my way forward to the wheel. I'm sure there was some nautical term for it, but fuck if I knew what it was. I doubt if these two guys knew what it was either. Maybe the helm? I'll be the first to admit that most of my knowledge of naval terms came from old episodes of Star Trek.

  I moved to the door, hatch, whatever, in between the wheel and the passenger seat. I opened the door quietly and moved down. I looked around the cramped room and shook my head in grudging admiration. There wasn't much room down here, but there was enough room for a bed. A bed that could fit a few people. You could have one hell of an orgy down here if you had half a mind and everyone was careful where they put everything. I'm sure those guys had exactly that sort of thing in mind when they rented this particular boat. I'm sure that was the main selling feature!

  Of course more importantly it had a selling
feature that I needed right now. Sure enough there were windows running along the length from the inside and while they were reflective on the outside I could see out just fine. I could get a good look outside and they wouldn't see me watching.

  And they were out there swimming right by the boat. The windows gave me a clear view of everything.


  I couldn't believe what an incredible view it provided. Maybe this boat was a little more expensive to rent than I'd initially thought. Whatever. I had a clear view of Lindsay and the others as they were swimming. I couldn't really hear what was going on, the walls of the boat were too well insulated for that, but I could definitely see. And what I saw out there had my cock hard.

  Initially they were just splashing around and laughing, but as I looked I saw Dan moving closer to Lindsay. And then he was right on top of her.

  Lindsay laughed and glanced nervously towards the boat, but then he must've done something under the water because her mouth went wide right along with her eyes and I could definitely hear the scream she let out even through the walls.

  There was absolutely no doubt in my mind he'd touched her somehow. He'd grabbed her underwater where I couldn't see. The water was clear, but not so clear that I could see what was going on through the tinted windows. Only the expression on her face told me everything I needed to know. Yeah, she was definitely having some fun out there. This was what I wanted, wasn't it?

  What was going on where I couldn't see? Had he tried to grab her tits? Did he run his hand along her stomach? Did he reach down and try to grab her ass?

  If anything, not knowing exactly what was going on was even hotter than if I could see everything. Not knowing what happened meant my mind could fill in all the details, and my mind was filling in some pretty vivid details as I watched them. Even though I'm pretty sure he hadn't actually pressed his cock against her even though that was one salacious detail my brain was filling in. That would've been impossible, but it didn't stop my treacherous brain from going to that place. Why the hell was my brain going to that place? And why the hell was my cock so rock hard as my brain took us to that place?


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