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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

Page 21

by Lexi Archer

  I knew exactly why my cock and my brain were taking me to that place. It was an obsession. I sure as hell didn't know exactly what was going on out there, but I sure as hell knew I liked it! I was practically up against the glass as I stared, looking intently for any sign of movement.

  Lindsay swam away from Dan but he followed with a grin on his face. A distinctly predatory grin. A grin that said he was a man on the hunt, he had his prey in sight, and he had a pretty good idea that he actually had a chance with her.

  I wondered if she'd actually give into his advances. I wanted to be able to watch and she had no way of knowing whether or not I was enjoying the show, but she was smiling as she splashed away from him and shouted loud enough to be heard once more. Damn. I couldn't deny how hot it was making me thinking about her giving into some strange guy's advances.

  John and Cindy were a doing a little dance of their own. Only she wasn't trying to get away from him. No, they were just swimming in a circle, their bodies obviously pressed together. I had no doubt that Dan was hoping to emulate them with my new bride. The question was how far would she let things go? Did she have any idea that I was secretly watching them safe behind the reflective windows?

  And as though thoughts of me up on the boat were enough to draw Lindsay's attention through some unspoken mental bond, she glanced up to the boat as though she was looking for me. Only I wasn't up there. I wasn't making any noise. For all she knew I'd abandoned her entirely to this guy.

  I saw flash of something in her eyes. A flash of annoyance. Maybe even anger. Was she upset that I wasn't down there protecting her honor after all her insistence that her honor didn't need protected in the first place? After all her teasing about losing the bet in a major way?

  Thinking of that just added fuel to the inexplicable arousal I was feeling as I watched the game of sexy cat and mouse playing out in front of me in the water. He caught up to her. His arms shot out and then they were wrapped around her. And it didn't really surprise me at all when Lindsay didn't do anything to push him away.

  No, she glanced up towards the boat once more and seemed to be listening for a moment, and when she was satisfied of whatever it was she was listening for she turned back to him with a wide grin on her face. I raised an eyebrow. Now what was going on here? This was definitely interesting behavior from my new bride and it was so fucking hot because it was exactly the sort of behavior I'd been fantasizing about. Seeing Lindsay smiling at that guy felt almost as intense as though I was watching them fuck right in front of me!

  I didn't dare blink as I watched them move closer together. Closer. So damn close. My cock was throbbing and it was all I could do not to reach down and pull it out as it seemed like they were almost to the point of brushing their lips together.

  One thing was for sure, I couldn't see what was going on under the water but from the way they were embracing one another there was no doubt they were pressing up against each other. There was no doubt that right before my eyes another man was experiencing the incredible treasures that were my wife's gorgeous petite body. That he was pressing up against, feeling her body pressing against him in that impossibly tight and barely-there bikini.

  Speaking of her impossibly tight and barely-there bikini. As I watched I saw one of those thin strips of cloth covering her tits come into view. And I was treated to that thin strip of cloth, almost transparent in the water, coming into view because his hand was clearly gripping her tit and pulling it up as he manhandled her under the water. I blinked.

  It had all been hypothetical up until that moment. Up until I saw that. Sure I could imagine another man's hands running along my wife's body, but there was still the possibility that it was just wishful thinking on my part. That it was just fantasy.

  Only this was incontrovertible proof. I saw his hand on her tits. I saw his thumb running along the clearly visible contours of her nipple pressing out through that thin white strip of cloth.

  Another man had his hand on my wife's tits and she wasn't doing anything to stop him! No, if anything she seemed to be enjoying it. She had a thin secretive smile on her face and she glanced up at the boat again. Her mouth was hanging open and it looked like she was breathing heavily.

  I couldn't fucking believe it. She was actually letting him feel her up! Well, there was no question in my mind now. I'd won the bet and I'd won it fair and square. I'd also won it in one hell of a major way just like she'd promised!

  Then something happened that turned me on even as it chilled me to the bone. I thought I could detect a slight motion in the ocean that had absolutely nothing to do with the motion in the ocean. Lindsay was rising up and down, it was slow, almost imperceptible, but I was watching like a hawk and so I could see it.

  And after seeing him grabbing her tits I had to wonder. Was she rising up and down like that because he was grinding against her with his cock covered by his suit, or was there something else going on under the water? That sight made me feel like I'd been punched in the gut. It made me realize all at once that I'd let this go entirely too far. I'd let it go to a place I wasn't quite ready for. My attempt to win a bet, my desire to see this fantasy fulfilled, had taken us to this impossible place where there was a very real possibility my new wife had another man's cock against her pussy, maybe even in her.

  I seriously doubted it was the latter, but I'd also seriously doubted she'd let another man feel her up like that before I saw the proof happening right in front of my very eyes! And as hot as it was, as lightheaded as it made me feel, as hot as that thought made me feel, it just wasn't something that I could process right now.

  I needed to do something. I needed to get up there, and I needed to get up there fast! There was no telling what could happen if I let this go any further. I'd won the damn bet. I'd seen my fantasy fulfilled in a way I never would've imagined possible. There was nothing else to prove, and I was filled with a deep and abiding terror.

  I scrambled out and without thinking I ran to the edge of the boat, to where they were having their forbidden tryst, and I jumped over the side.


  As I went over the edge everything came in brief glimpses. A brief glimpse of Cindy and John cuddled next one another in the water looking up with interest and then Cindy looking annoyed as I hurtled towards the water. A look of surprise and then a thin smile on Lindsay's face as she stared up at me, still being embraced by Dan.

  I even caught a quick glimpse of his hand still groping her tits, though the instant I appeared and screamed he quickly pulled his hand back. They moved apart. If I hadn't been looking while I was rushing over the side I might have missed it.

  Then I hit the water. It was surprisingly warm, and it really hit hard. I didn't care about any of that bullshit though. No, all I cared about was what Lindsay and Dan were up to. When I came to the surface the two of them were a good five feet away from one another in the water splashing around and laughing. If I hadn't seen them through the window I'd have no idea what the hell had just happened. But I knew. I'd seen it.

  Lindsay turned and smiled. "Glad to see you decided to join us!"

  I smiled right back at her. There was so much that we needed to talk about, but this wasn't the place. Not while we were out essentially on the open ocean even if we were within sight of land with two guys who could decide to leave us out here if I decided to rock the boat too much.

  "Yeah," I said. "Someone has to keep you honest, right?"

  I had the satisfaction of watching the smile plastered on her face disappear for the briefest of moments. It was another one of those things that if I hadn't been looking for it I would've missed it. Only once more I was looking for it. I was studying her face intently. I was watching for any sign that something was amiss, something wasn't quite right.

  And so I saw that brief flash of doubt cross her face. That brief moment of worry at the tone in my voice. And I wondered if that brief moment of worry was because of what she'd done with another guy, if she was more worried
about losing the bet, or if she was worried she might've gone too far too fast.

  I had no way of knowing. It was all too damn confusing.

  Hell, I was still so confused myself. I liked the idea of another man feeling her up like that, I particularly liked the idea of her letting something like that happen while I was so close, and yet I was filled with worry even as my cock was rock hard when I thought about it. I couldn't deny how it made me feel. I couldn't deny how fucking sexy that had been, as ridiculous as it seems to think of another man feeling up my wife as a sexy thing.

  Of course there were no more "sexy" incidents after I hopped in the water with them. No, Lindsay was on her best behavior after that, and Dan didn't make any more moves. Which was just fine with me. We splashed around and had some fun, and I probably would've enjoyed myself if not for the fact that the entire time I was glancing between Lindsay and Dan looking for any sign that they were acknowledging what had just happened.

  Eventually the splashing around and the fun came to an end and we all piled back onto the boat as it got dark. Dan pulled the boat around and then we were making our way back towards shore. A shoreline that was starting to light up as the sun disappeared. Lindsay came over to sit next to me and snuggled close, the warmth of her body feeling incredible even as my mind raced. It looked like she wanted to say something, but we couldn't exactly talk over the sound of the engine revving. Not without going down below.

  Besides, I needed some time to be alone with my thoughts. I needed time to process everything that had happened today. Everything I'd witnessed. What did it all mean? Did I want to keep pushing the boundaries, particularly today of all days?

  I knew what my hard cock was telling me as Lindsay snuggled up against me and smiled.

  14: Discoveries

  When we got back to the marina Lindsay stopped for a moment and talked with Dan at the back of the boat. I leaned back and let it happen, though I wasn't sure exactly why I was leaning back and letting it happen. Things had already gone too far out on the ocean, but now that we were back in the marina I felt a little more secure about the two of them talking.

  I also have to admit that part of the reason why I was willing to go along with them chatting with each other in the back of the boat was because of how throbbing hard my cock was. It felt like every time I was about to take control the situation, every time the rational part of my brain was about to take over and have me step in and tell Lindsay how crazy this was, I'd remember what they were doing out on the ocean, my cock took the reins, and there was nothing I could do but go along for the ride.

  He pulled out his phone and tapped something into it as they talked and she glanced over towards me and winked while Dan had his face buried in his phone. That left no doubt what was going on. He was getting her phone number, and I found myself wondering exactly why he'd need my wife's phone number even as I knew exactly why he'd be getting her number. Did I want him to have her phone number?

  Yeah, I wanted him to have her number.

  Then she was back up at the front of the boat, all smiles. "Ready to go honey?"

  "I'm ready if you are," I said.

  It was mostly quiet on our walk back to the hotel. I say mostly quiet because we were occasionally interrupted by her phone buzzing. I looked at her with a cocked eyebrow as she pulled her phone out, smiled, and tapped into it. At least she wasn't trying to hide anything. I looked down at the screen and saw a number I didn't recognize, but the first text was Dan telling her it was his number.

  I thought about talking about everything that happened on the boat as we made our way back to the hotel, but I didn't. I wanted to wait until we were back at the hotel. I wanted to wait until we were in a somewhat private spot before we talked about everything that had happened.

  "Having a fun conversation with Dan?" I asked when we finally got back to the hotel.

  Lindsay shrugged as we stepped onto the elevator. "I guess. How much fun it is depends on how much fun you want to have babe."

  "What do you mean?"

  The elevator doors opened and we stepped off. A moment later we were in the room and Lindsay was pressing me up against the door. Her mouth was against mine and her hand was down feeling my cock as she grinded against me. It was a surprise, but it was one hell of a pleasant surprise.

  "I'm going to go take a quick shower," she said. "And I'm going to leave my phone out on the night stand."

  I stood dumbfounded as she pulled off her bikini top and shimmied out of her bottoms. I raised an eyebrow, understandably distracted from all the thoughts that had been running through my head up until that moment. All those conflicting emotions were suddenly replaced by an overwhelming desire for my wife. I took a step towards her and she turned around to smile at me, looking absolutely radiant in her naked glory. God her body was perfect. She was perfect. I loved her so fucking much!

  Which made me all the more conflicted considering everything that happened today, but no. I was more interested in her standing naked in front of me and less interested in what happened on that boat earlier. Less interested in the buzzing from her phone even as she stood there looking at me with a smile.

  She held up a finger and wagged it at me. "Oh no you don't bad boy. We might have some fun, but not until I've had a shower."

  I arched an eyebrow of my own but I didn't say anything. I wondered what her game was. I wondered what I was going to find on her phone which she was obviously leaving out for me to see. And my mind was filled with the image of Dan's hands on her tits earlier in the day. It made me short of breath. It made blood pumped straight down to my cock. In short, it was overwhelming me.

  So I nodded and plopped down on the bed. Turned on the TV. Lindsay nodded in satisfaction and wheeled around, her hair flying, and sashayed into the bathroom.

  I waited until the water started, and then for good measure I waited a couple more minutes to be sure she was actually committed to her shower. I knew exactly how long it took her to get ready, it felt like a small eternity sometimes, particularly if she was getting ready for a night out on the town. I'm not sure why I was waiting to look at the phone when it seemed like she was handing it to me with a gift wrapped invitation, but I waited until I figured I had plenty of time.

  I glanced over to the nightstand. To where her phone buzzed once more. She'd left it out there for some reason. I reached out and picked it up. It opened up her text messages.

  Just as I suspected. There was a series of texts in there from that unfamiliar number. No name assigned to it in her contacts, but there was that message at the top clearly identifying it as Dan from the boat. My breath was coming in gasps. My pulse was already running at a frantic pace and I felt like I was on the verge of having a stroke, having a heart attack, because my body was working in overdrive.

  I scrolled to the top.

  "Hey, this is Dan."

  "I'm walking back to the hotel with my husband," Lindsay texted back. "He might get suspicious."

  I felt as though I'd been punched in the gut. Was she sneaking around on me? But that was ridiculous. She was texting right in front of me. She left her phone out for me to find. It was obvious she was just playing along with this guy and as that realization dawned on me I felt as though my cock had never been harder in my life.

  "So? He was suspicious on the boat, but that didn't stop you from getting a little naughty in the water…"

  "You're bad!"

  "Not as bad as you were ;-)," he sent back.

  "Well it was really his fault for pushing me so far with that bet..."

  I felt as though a somebody was grabbing me and throttling all of the air out of me. She told him about the bet? Well I suppose that was maybe an easier way to break the ice and get him to come after her than letting him know I was into watching my wife with another man. I suppose that answered the question of what they'd been talking about while I was on the other side of the window unable to hear. Was that how this whole thing got started? I just didn't know enough.
I didn't know enough. And I wanted to know more. I wanted to see more.

  "Pushing you right to me. I'm not complaining!"

  I couldn't believe it as I was reading this. It was all so fucking hot. He thought she was cheating on me, and somehow that made it even sexier because I was in on the whole fucking thing!

  "So you want to come back to the boat tonight? Ditch hubby and finish what we started in the ocean today?"

  Damn it. I needed details about earlier in the water. When I'd been watching them together I was wondering what was going on under the surface. Now here he was talking about it, making a direct reference to that moment that had driven me insane, and yet he wasn't telling me what actually happened. I desperately wanted to know what had happened, damn it, and I was more angry that I wasn't getting the information I craved than I was about the little infidelity happening in the first place!

  "I don't know…"

  "That's not what you were saying earlier…"

  "But he might suspect."

  "What about the bet?" he asked.

  "What about the bet?" she shot back

  "You said whoever wins that bet becomes slave for a day," he said. "So it seems to me that if you win that bet you could make him do whatever you wanted. Including figuring out a way to get rid of him while you pop down to the boat for a little while."

  "Just a little while? ;-)"

  "You know I'd take you all night if I could," he said. "But it would sort of ruin the fun if we had a jealous husband coming down to try and beat the crap out of me. I wouldn't want to embarrass him in front of his woman."

  "Uh-huh. Keep dreaming buddy," she said. "I was naughty earlier, but that's all you're getting. I'm a married woman!"

  Huh. She was making a token show of fidelity even though she knew I obviously wouldn't care about that. Why was I disappointed that she was making a token show of fidelity? Why did I want her to drop the pretense and go out to that boat and jump into this asshole's arms? Weird.


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