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Hedonism: A Hotwife Novel

Page 22

by Lexi Archer

  "Just think about it. I'll be sitting here imagining your sexy body against me again..."

  "You're so bad!"

  Damn it. I was so fucking turned on! I was so fucking confused!

  I was completely adrift. I didn't know what to think of this situation. I'd gone from developing this weird fantasy to coming to a point where it could actually be fulfilled in such a short amount of time. Though I suppose it would be more accurate to say that the fantasy had probably always been there under the surface and it was only recently that it had actually roared to life in a major way.

  That's just semantics. The point I'm trying to make is that I was stuck with this fantasy, I'd revealed to my wife, and now judging from the text messages she was getting there was a very real chance we were in one hell of a position to fulfill the fantasy. The question was, did I want to do it?

  I looked over to the shower. Listened to the sounds of Lindsay cleaning off in there. Was she cleaning herself in preparation for one hell of a wedding night with me, or was she rinsing off and getting ready for one hell of a forbidden night with Dan?

  I didn't know. I just didn't know. And I wasn't entirely sure how to process this.

  I thought back to yesterday. To when all of this had started in a really major way. And I realized that there was someone who I might be able to talk to about this. A man who seemed to know a little bit about having other men appreciate his wife. A man who had appreciated my own wife even as he'd watched me appreciating his trophy wife.


  The only question was would he even be up? He was an older guy, after all, though I wasn't sure exactly what his age was. Old enough to be the president of a major investment bank in our town. Yet he gave me his card and said to call him if I had any questions at all. And at the time it seemed like "any questions" definitely applied to a little more than just financial issues.

  So it was probably one hell of a time difference, I wasn't sure exactly what it was, but I figured I'd give it a try. At the worst the text message would go ignored until the next morning.

  I pulled out his card and added him to my contacts. I tapped out a quick message.

  "Hey Winston, its James from the lingerie store yesterday. Are you up?"

  I didn't have to wait long before my phone beeped and there was actually a response to read "Definitely!"

  "You sure it isn't too late?"

  "Not at all," he texted back. "I'm usually working late anyways. What's up?"

  I thought about that for a moment. What was up indeed? I was only facing an existential crisis to my entire marriage where my base desires were fighting against what I knew to be the right thing to do. What society told me was the right thing to do when you were married. What the whole world said was right about monogamy and a happy relationship.

  "When we were at the store yesterday you mentioned showing off your wife…"

  "That is one of the advantages of that store. Hell, that's one of the advantages of having a pretty wife like that!"

  "So that doesn't make you jealous?"

  "Far from it," he texted back. "She's a beautiful woman, and I enjoy seeing other men enjoying her."

  I breathed a sigh of relief. It still felt as though he was beating around the bush just a little, but that felt like it was more or less a confirmation of what I'd figured after our conversation yesterday. At least that seemed as close to a confession as I was going to get!

  "So what if I've discovered that I enjoy watching men enjoy my wife?"

  There was a pause. And then finally a message. "Are you sure about that?"

  "More sure than anything I've ever been sure about before," I said. "And we're kind of in a situation now where I have the opportunity to do a hell of a lot more than enjoy watching men watching her, if you get my drift."

  "Well I'm not going to deny it's a dangerous game you're playing, son," Winston said. "But it's also one hell of an exciting game if you can play it the right way!"

  "So do you play that game?"

  "A little here and there," the answer came back.

  "Is there any way to do it without risk?"

  "If there wasn't a risk then it wouldn't be as exciting, now would it? You just have to decide for yourself if that risk is worth it to you."

  I thought about that. It was the conclusion I'd already come to myself, and it made perfect sense.

  "Thanks," I texted to him it. "I think that helps a little."

  "Glad to be of service," Winston texted back. "And if this is something you decide you're interested in then I could introduce you to a few people who might help you out with that as well as helping you with your newfound wealth."

  "I'll think about it," I said.

  I put my phone back. He'd given me even more to think about, but at the same time I'd come to a conclusion. If it wasn't risky then it wouldn't be so much of a turn on. The question is was I willing to take a little bit of risk to my new marriage? And I realized that I already knew the answer to that. I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

  So I sat back and waited for Lindsay to come out of the shower. It was time to have a conversation about what sort of fun she was going to have down at the marina.

  15: Decisions

  Lindsay came out a few minutes later and my breath caught as I looked at her. She looked damn good in that barely there bikini, but there was something about her wearing more clothes that could look even sexier. Not that she was wearing all that much. A tight dress that plunged down between her tits up above and barely covered her ass cheeks down below. It was exactly the sort of naughty outfit she'd wear when we were going out on the town and I always loved it when she dressed like that.

  Only now with the fresh perspective of this strange fantasy I realized maybe there was more than seeing my wife dress sexy at play. Maybe I'd always enjoyed the idea of other men staring at her, wanting her, and not being able to have her. Maybe it'd been a subconscious thing that I'd only recently realized on a conscious level.

  The first thing she did was walk over to the nightstand and pick up her phone. A swipe. Her eyes moving across the screen. A smile. Then she looked at me.

  "Did you enjoy your reading?" she asked.

  "Maybe I did."

  She grinned, that mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

  "So what's the plan for tonight?"

  "You mean what am I going to command my slave to do?"

  "I guess you could say that," she said.

  Lindsay moved forward and then she was crawling across the bed towards me. I blinked. Now this was interesting. Unexpected, but very interesting. She swung a leg over me and then her pussy was pressing down against my cock. I was still in my swim trunks which allowed me to feel every contour of her pussy through the thin panties she wore under her dress. I loved it when my gorgeous wife was grinding her body against mine!

  "Are you ready to hear what you're going to be doing for me this evening slave?"

  "You have no idea how ready I am," Lindsay replied.

  Only I wasn't sure what I wanted her to do. Did I want her with me? Did I want her with Dan? I didn't know. I just didn't know. All I did know was that I desperately needed to feel her against me. She kept grinding against me and it was so fucking distracting. There was nothing I loved more in this world than feeling her grinding her body against me. Grinding her pussy against me. I was so turned on from everything that happened during the day that I was almost on the verge of blowing my load against her.

  And yet all I could think of was her grinding against Dan. Damn it. It seemed like the more I tried to deny what I really wanted the more it came bubbling up to the top of my erotic imagination no matter what.

  She leaned down and whispered in my ear. "What if you stayed in here while I go out. You'd get to think all about your wife going out and having fun, wonder what I'm up to. It'd be pure torture."

  That idea was strangely compelling, but I pulled back and looked up at her as though she was crazy. No, if she was going out to h
ave some extracurricular fun then she was going out and having it along with me so I could watch the fun. I wasn't into her going out on her own and telling me about it later.

  "I don't know if I like that idea. You going out while your master is back here high and dry," I said.

  She leaned down and kissed me. A very brief brushing of the lips, but it felt as though a branding iron was being pressed against my lips all the same.

  "Are you sure about that? I figured the idea of me going out dancing where I'm going to be surrounded by a bunch of guys would be a turn on for you."

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head. That idea did sound pretty damn nice. This strange compulsion, the strange obsession, was taking over my better judgment. My rock hard cock was doing most of my thinking in the moment.

  "Are you sure you're going out dancing?" I asked. "Are you sure you aren't thinking of going back to the marina to meet Dan and have a little fun on his boat? That seems to be what he wants."

  Feeling her grinding against me, thinking of my conversation with Winston, made me realize what I wanted, what I desperately needed, was to see how far this was actually going to go. Was to see my wife with another man. I'd gotten a taste earlier when I was spying on them out there in the middle of the ocean, and now it seemed like there was a very real chance I was going to get an opportunity to see it to its natural conclusion.

  And I wanted nothing more than that.

  I grabbed a hold of her waist and flipped her around so I was the one on top. So I was grinding against her. I grabbed a wrist in each hand and held her there as I stared into her eyes. And I saw something there. Pure lust.

  "I saw you with him in the ocean flirting, letting him feel you up earlier today," I said. " I read the text messages on your phone like you wanted me to. I know you're trying to get rid of me so you can go back to his boat and have some fun with him. Lose the bet in a major way, isn't that how you put it?"

  Her mouth worked silently for a minute gasping.

  "It was a real turn on watching you carrying on with him like that."

  "Oh really?" she asked. "I wondered if you were watching you naughty boy."

  "Yeah, really," I said. "I wanted to see how far you'd take it, how far you'd let things go, how far you'd play this little game, and I let it go so far because I'm so fucking turned on by the whole thing!"

  Lindsay had a mischievous twinkle to her eye as she stared up at me. As I continued grinding against her ever so slowly. "So I guess you liked the show I put on for you?"

  "You're damn right I did!"

  "Well I'm your slave for the next twenty-four hours. So what should I do for you, oh great and powerful master?"

  I looked down at her. I thought about how beautiful she looked. I particularly thought about how gorgeous she looked when there was another man with his arms wrapped around her. With his cock pressed against her pussy. With his hand kneading her tits.

  I suppose I should have known this was where we were going when this whole thing started, but it still came as a surprise as the words left my mouth.

  "I think I want my slave to answer that text, go out to that boat, and have some fun."

  Lindsay grinned.

  "Only I want to watch," I said.

  If anything her grin grew even wider.

  16: Who's Seducing Who?

  We separated as soon as we reached the marina. Lindsay had been tapping on her phone the entire way. Every time it buzzed in her hands I felt as though I was going to blow my load, but somehow I managed to keep it together. That was probably the most difficult fucking walk I'd ever taken in my life, let me tell you.

  We paused at the entrance to the marina. It was fairly quiet now. Most of the partying was going on along the shoreline, the beaches, or the bars that ran along the beaches. Most of the boats were dark except for a couple of points of light here and there.

  Lindsay looked at me and smiled, a suddenly uncertain smile.

  "Are you sure you want to do this?"

  I thought about that for a moment. Was I sure I wanted to do this? Hell no! Already she'd shown a worrying level of interest in this guy. There was a small part of me that had a pretty good idea that there was a big part of my wife that was attracted to this guy. That she really wanted to do this, even if she was giving me an out.

  And yet even though she was giving me that out I also couldn't deny how much I wanted to see this. I guess this had been building since that moment in the changing room back home when I saw that Winston guy giving her the eye and realized that maybe I was a little turned on by other guys getting turned on by my woman.

  Sure there was a little part of me that was pretty sure she was attracted to this guy, but I guess that was being ridiculous. Would she want to do this if she wasn't attracted to him? Not likely. If we were going to do this, if this was really going to become a thing and holy fuck was I turned on that this was becoming a thing, particularly on our wedding night which seemed like the ultimate transgression, then I was going to have to get over my jealousy.

  Besides, there was a big part of me that wanted to see where that attraction went. There was a huge part of me that wanted to watch my wife with another man, as crazy as that seemed. As crazy as it was that this would be the first guy she'd been with since we exchanged our wedding vows!

  I didn't understand it, it wasn't exactly wanted, but I had to go through with it.

  So I looked down at her, nodded with an uncertain smile of my own, and reached out to take her hand.

  "Am I sure that I want us to do this?" I asked. "Hell no, but what guy would be sure about sharing his girl with another man?"

  Lindsay giggled and blushed in the light of a street light overhead. "I guess you have a point there. I'm really nervous myself."

  "Just make sure you keep everything above decks," I said. "I won't be able to enjoy the show if you go down below."

  Her grin grew even wider and there was another giggle. "So no going down at all?"

  I brushed a finger along her cheek. "Just do whatever comes natural to you and know that I'm watching and loving every minute of it."

  "Thanks," she said.

  Then she was moving out into the marina. A sexy shadow with an incredible ass in her skin tight dress. God I loved watching her walk away. I waited for about half a minute before I followed along. I didn't want to lose sight of her, there was always the possibility that there were less than savory characters roaming around the marina after all, but more than anything she remembered where the boat was and I'd been so preoccupied with thoughts of her carrying on with that guy that I'd never actually bothered to pay attention to where we were walking once we hit the docks. So I kept her in sight until she approached a boat that still had the lights on. A boat where Dan the frat jock was waiting with open arms and an inviting smile.

  I started to move slower now that she was actually on the boat. I chose my steps carefully, tried to move as slowly as possible so as to not invite any unwanted attention. But again I figured that I was probably being just a touch ridiculous. He was on a boat with lights on. Sure those lights weren't very bright, more mood lighting than anything else, but they were bright enough to ruin his night vision.

  I glanced around, but there was nobody else in evidence. All the other boats were completely quiet rocking back and forth gently in the slow waves in the marina. Lindsay stepped on the boat looking like an absolute angel as she was silhouetted by that dim lighting, and then he was stepping forward. He was wrapping his arms around my wife.

  And it didn't look like he was wasting any time with pleasantries either. No sooner had his arms wrapped around Lindsay than his lips also moved down. They were kissing along her neck. My breath caught. It was the consummation of everything I'd been fantasizing about, everything I'd been terrified of, everything I'd been running through my imagination over and over throughout the day ever since we left the boat. Ever since I watched them come together out on the ocean.

  I was too far away to h
ear anything from my hiding spot behind a light poles that had gone out providing me with a little more cover than other areas with more light. I was reluctant to step on somebody's boat on the off chance that the owner was still there. Even if they weren't there they could always come back and cause a scene when they caught me trespassing which would definitely give up the game.

  But God how I wished I was close enough that I could hear what they were saying! Because holy shit was it so fucking hot watching them.

  I glanced around one more time to make absolutely certain the coast was clear. It didn't seem like there was anybody around though. It seemed like the entire world was the gentle lapping of the water against the dock, the steady motion of boats rocking back and forth, and me, Lindsay, and Dan all together in the middle of the inky blackness that was only interrupted by the island of light on his boat. A low light, to be sure, but plenty for me to see with my eyes already adjusted for night.

  And so I was treated to a front row seat as one of his hands moved up and then he was pulling down on one of the straps that was a holding that the formfitting dress in place. Her shoulder was exposed and she moved it up to give him better access as she arched her neck to the side where he was trailing kisses.

  He continued kissing down her neck and then made his way to her shoulder. The entire time he was still pulling down on the strap to her dress. I held my breath as he pulled it down and then the dress popped loose revealing her bra. I saw his eyes glance down and then he was a kissing down her arm.

  His other hand moved to her other strap and then it was falling down as well. A moment later the dress fell loose. The thing was tight enough that it wasn't going to fall down and pool at her feet. Not without a little work on his part. He tugged and then her tits were free with a hypnotic bounce that I loved, standing out proud and pointing towards him.

  Dan stared down at her, and what a sight she must be for him. The hottie he'd met earlier in the day, and now she was standing before him a with her skintight dress gathered just below her incredible tits. Perfect tits that looked absolutely amazing as they heaved up and down with her every breath. It was obvious she was aching for him. Her nipples were straining out for him, for his body.


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