Jack (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 1)

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Jack (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 1) Page 17

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “I can’t disagree with him there. I did meet you while you were falling into a lake.”

  “Hey, that’s not accurate. That was at least three minutes into our conversation,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

  “Well, ya got me there,” he chuckled. “So, you’re the first person I’ve met in this town. I was just passing through and stopped at the lake to try to find out where to go next.”

  “And where is it you’re going?”

  “Well, I haven’t figured that out yet. I was kind of distracted during my musings.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “All around. I grew up in Florida, but I’ve been traveling from town to town trying to find a place to settle.” He looked at the counter and cleared his throat. “Just needed a change, ya know?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded thoughtfully. I totally got needing a change. If it weren’t for Anna, I might have decided to move on, but she was my best friend. I wasn’t ready to leave the only person in the United States that cared for me. It would be too hard to move on without her. I got the feeling that he had been hurt also and had chosen to get away. I could see the pain in his eyes and I understood what that felt like, but he didn’t seem ready to talk about it, especially with a stranger.

  “It feels like we might be chasing the same thing at the moment. ”

  I nodded. “So where are you staying? Or are you moving on?”

  “That depends.”


  “You. Can I leave and trust you to not fall in the lake again or am I gonna have to stick around and watch over you?”

  I knew what this man was asking. He was wanting to know if he had a place in my life. I knew he felt it too. He wasn’t asking for a relationship. He was asking for friendship. We were both two lost souls and had found someone that seemed to get that. I didn’t want him to move, as selfish as that sounded. I liked Drew and he brought me a comfort that I hadn’t felt with anyone else yet.


  Drew was going to find a motel to stay in until he found an apartment, but that seemed so silly to me. I trusted him and I had a spare room that he could sleep in, so it only made sense that he stayed here. That’s what I told myself. I finally convinced him to stay, and even though he fought me, he decided that I needed someone to watch over me and it would be best for him to stay. He pointed out that I needed to work on my safety standards since I was allowing a man I had just met to move in with me, but I wasn’t worried. I was generally a good judge of character and Drew was definitely one of the best men I had ever met. Drew would never hurt me, of that I was sure.

  He went out to his truck and grabbed his bags. He only had two. He said he had been renting furnished apartments, so he didn’t need to buy stuff. He had everything he needed in his two bags. It made me a little sad that he had moved around so much that he hadn’t collected anything more. Since the guest room wasn’t set up yet, I said he could sleep in my bed again if he wanted. I really just wanted him to hold me some more. That was how this started. Every night we slept together and never did make up that second bed. He never once mentioned the other room, other than to ask if he could set up a weight room.

  About a week after Drew moved in, Anna stopped by unannounced. Drew and I were vegging out on the couch watching a movie when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and I swear Anna’s jaw hit the floor when she saw Drew sitting on the couch in his pajamas. Shock marred her face and maybe a little bit of judgement.

  “Harper, I knew you were gonna move on, but I just didn’t expect you to move on so fast.” I looked at her strangely then started laughing.

  “Come on in, Anna. This is Drew. He’s living with me now.”

  “What! Harper, you don’t just go out and find a new man like a puppy. What were you thinking?”

  “We aren’t together. Drew pulled me out of a lake when I saw Jack on the trails.”

  She pulled back in confusion. “Sorry, start at the beginning.”

  Drew got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen. “I’m gonna go make some coffee and let you two catch up. Nice to meet you, Anna.”

  I told her the story of how Drew and I met and then how Drew was passing through town and needed a place to stay. I told Anna how he was going to be living with me and how much I needed this right now. Anna seemed skeptical, but as I told her how Drew made me feel warm and comforted, Anna started to come around to the idea. Her face softened with what looked like pity and even though I didn’t want pity, if she backed off, that would be enough for now. I told Anna that Drew and I were just friends and we had an understanding. After much convincing, Anna decided she was okay with it and got up to leave. Drew came into the living room with two cups of coffee and offered one to Anna, but she declined.

  “I was really just wondering if you wanted me to do your grocery shopping for you,” she said as I walked her to the door.

  “No, I just go to the next town over. Besides, you don’t need to be doing my shopping while you’re growing a little bean sprout.”

  Drew raised an eyebrow at me. “Why would she need to do your grocery shopping for you?” Anna smirked and gave a flick of her wrist as she laughed all the way to her car.

  “I’m waiting.” Drew stood with his hands in his pajama pockets staring at me.

  “Okay, so when I was dating Jack, we were doing a big Thanksgiving feast together. I was doing the shopping and had an…altercation with an old lady and another woman ended up being hit with the turkey.”

  I peered up at Drew with a sheepish look on my face. He just stared at me with a dumbfounded expression before a huge belly laugh escaped him. I rolled my eyes at his reaction. Everyone thought it was funny. I had become the laughing stock of the town, the lady that wielded a deadly turkey when someone pissed me off.

  “Laugh all you want, but that’s not even the worst part. I was arrested for assault with a turkey and was thrown in jail for several hours.”

  Drew did laugh all he wanted. In fact, he seemed to think it was downright hilarious what I went through. After a minute, I couldn’t help myself and joined in the laughing. When I had calmed down enough, I told him the rest.

  “After Jack and I broke up, I was doing some grocery shopping and I saw a turkey in the case. I started sobbing and I threw a fit when the another woman tried to grab it. The manager that was there the first time, was there the second time also. He wanted me arrested, but I called a police officer that’s a friend of Jack’s. He was able to keep him from pressing charges, but I’m banned from the store for life.” I burst out laughing again, but Drew just smiled.

  “I know it’s not funny, but it’s either laugh or cry, and I really don’t want to cry anymore.” Drew pulled me into a hug.

  “It’ll get easier. Maybe not for a while, but you’ll see. One day you’ll wake up and it won’t seem so bad anymore. The pressure will be gone from your chest and you’ll feel like you can live again.”

  “Is that what it’s like for you?” I murmured into his chest.

  “No, but it’s gotten easier being here with you.”


  After a few days, I went back to my writing. I was almost finished with my next book and just had to decide how I wanted my character to die. Memories swirled in my head of things I had threatened Jack with when I was upset. Of course, I would never perform any of those heinous threats, but who said my characters couldn’t? An evil grin pulled at my lips and I started plotting. I was pretty sure I was entering the anger stage of grief because I seemed to enjoy death and torture scenes a little more than I should. I finished that book a few days later and started writing another book while that one was being edited. I just couldn’t stop typing. This next book was kind of insane and I knew it. All my anger was pouring out on the page. I was sure when my editor read this, she would have a talk with me about the erratic nature of my writing style. Each book, as a whole, was fine, but could I keep her readers interested when each book was so diffe
rent? The good news was that I had gone to self-publishing, so even if my normal fan base didn’t like it, I didn’t have to answer to a publisher.

  As it turned out, my editor loved it. She said that too many writers get caught in a funk of writing the same stuff and their readers get bored. Apparently, this was going to be very good for me.

  Drew had been living with me for a little over a month and things were very good between us. We were still sharing a bed together at night, though it never went any further than us holding one another. In a way, Drew had become my new best friend. It’s not that Anna wasn’t there for me, but she had a new baby on the way and I didn’t want my bad mood to put a damper on things. We still got together, but mainly to talk about having a baby shower and how to decorate the nursery. I helped Anna do research on baby safety and we figured out all the ways she would need to baby-proof her house. It was still early, but better safe than sorry.

  Drew and I were sitting around on a Saturday night watching a movie when I felt Drew staring at me.


  “I think we need to get out of the house. We’ve both been sitting around here moping for too long. Go get your best cowgirl outfit on and let’s go line dancing.”

  “I don’t know. It’s kind of late. I’m gonna be going to bed soon.”

  “Harper, it’s six o’clock. Get your butt upstairs and get dressed. We leave in a half hour.”

  Drew could be commanding just like Jack. I had always hated when Jack got too alpha with me, but after we broke up, I found that was one of the things I missed most. He did it because he cared and wanted to take charge and take care of me, not because he wanted to rule me.

  I jumped up and ran upstairs. A half hour didn’t give me much time to get ready. I decided to wash my hair really quick and towel dry it. Then, I got out my favorite jeans, a blue, plaid, collared shirt, and my favorite cowboy boots. I came downstairs, ready to go out and have some fun. I had never hung out with Drew outside the house, so this should be fun.

  We drove to the country club and my spirits lifted immediately. We ordered some drinks and sat on the stools at the bar. After a few drinks and us poking fun at other dancers, we got out on the dance floor and started shakin’ it. Some dances were line dances, but some, Drew wrapped me in his arms and we slow danced. Drew surprised me when he pulled me in for a two step. He was quite good and was spinning me around the dance floor with great ease. I was laughing and for the first time in a long time, I felt like myself. Drew was slowly healing me and I hoped I could do the same for him.

  The next day, Drew told me that he was going to need to find work if he was going to stick around. I felt panic swell in my chest at the thought of him leaving.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe something in construction. I used to do quite a bit of that and I’m pretty handy with a hammer.”

  “Well, I know the owners of the construction company in the area. I could put in a good word for you, if you want.”

  “How do you know them?” He seemed suspicious.

  “Well, they’re friends of Jack’s actually, but they’re really nice. I think you’d like them.”

  “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. What if we became friends? That would put you in an awkward position.”

  “Well, they no doubt already know about you from Anna, so I’m sure they’re all gonna look into you anyway, if Sean hasn’t by now. If I introduce you, and explain about you and I, they’re gonna see it as helping out a friend and not the enemy.”

  “And what exactly would you tell them?”

  “Just that you’re a friend of mine and that you’re looking for work.”

  “But you said they would have heard about me from Anna. They’re gonna know that we’re living together. I’m sure they’re not gonna like that.”

  “I’m just going to explain to them that you’re my friend and I need you. You don’t realize what you’re doing for me, Drew. You’re helping me heal and I don’t know where I would be right now without you.”

  He thought about it for a minute and then agreed that I could talk to them. It was better if I talked to them and cleared the air first. I worked up the nerve to make the phone call and called Ryan at his office. I hadn’t spoken to him since Christmas, so it was difficult to just pick up the phone and call.

  “Jackson Walker Construction. How may I help you,” a woman answered.

  “Hi, this is Harper Abbot. I’m a friend of Ryan’s and I was wondering if I could speak with him?”

  “Hold one minute please.” A minute later, the line picked up and Ryan was speaking to me. It took me a few seconds to shake off the daze I was in at speaking to Jack’s friend.

  “Hey, Harper. How ya doing?”

  “Uh, I’m good, Ryan. I’m calling because I have a favor to ask.”

  “This isn’t about Jack, is it?”

  “No, it’s about a friend of mine.” The line was silent for a minute and I thought I lost the connection.


  “Yeah, I’m still here.” He blew out a breath. “Is this about the guy you’re shacking up with? Cuz, I’m not too sure I can be a part of that. Jack’s my friend, Harper. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “Ryan, look, I understand that this could be uncomfortable, but I’m not asking you to accept my relationship with Drew, but I am asking you to listen.”

  “Look, why don’t we meet at The Pub. We’ll get a drink and talk. Say, half an hour?”

  “Okay, Ryan. I’ll see you there.”

  I walked upstairs to the second bedroom that Drew had converted into a weight room. He was lifting weights when I walked in.

  “Hey, you got a minute?” He put down his weights and looked up at me warily.

  “Sure, what’s up buttercup?” I smiled at his new nickname for me.

  “So, here’s the thing. Ryan wants to meet me to discuss the situation and I want you to come with me.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” He blew out a huge breath. “This is gonna look bad.”

  “I know, but I want them to meet you and give you a chance. When they see us together, they’ll understand. It’ll be a lot easier this way.

  “Okay. Whatever you think is best.”

  Drew took a shower and we met downstairs fifteen minutes later and left for The Pub. When we walked in, I saw Ryan and Logan sitting at a table in the back corner. They had smiles on their faces until they saw Drew walk in behind me. Their faces turned lethal.

  “Shit. This is gonna be fun. Okay, let’s go get the interrogation out of the way.”

  We walked over to the table and Ryan and Logan both stood to give me a hug. They sat back down, barely acknowledging Drew. Sheesh. I knew this would be tough, but they were being downright rude.

  “Guys, this is Drew. Drew this is Logan and Ryan.” I gestured introductions between them. Drew held out his hand and after a moment, Ryan and Logan shook his hand.

  “Nice to meet you,” was murmured amongst them, but it was anything but friendly from anyone but Drew.

  “So, as I’m sure you’ve heard, Drew is living with me. We aren’t in a relationship. He’s a friend and has been really helping me a lot the past month.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure he’s been helping you out,” Logan muttered.

  “Don’t be an ass, Logan. Drew and I aren’t sleeping together. Well, I mean, we aren’t having sex and we have never kissed. There is nothing romantic going on between us.”

  “You’re sharing a bed with him? Look, I know you may think this guy has the best intentions, but Harper, he’s still a guy. It won’t take long before these sleepovers turn to a little light petting and then he’s crawling into your pants at night.” Ryan was pissed and obviously thought I didn’t have a brain.

  “It’s not like that, man. Harper and I will never be anything more than friends.” He looked at me and then looked down at the table. He collected himself and then looked right at Ryan and Logan.
“I don’t want to go into details, but I needed to leave and start over. Everything in my life had turned to shit and I wasn’t dealing well. Then, I met Harper and we just clicked. We both needed each other. We’re just trying to get through the day.”

  “Guys, I need Drew. The past few months have been so hard without Jack. He helps me get through the day without feeling like total crap. We all know why Jack and I didn’t work out, but that doesn’t mean my heart isn’t completely broken. I’m not asking you to be best friends. I’m not even asking you to give him a job. I’m just asking that if you interview him, you be fair to him.”

  “Alright, Harper,” Ryan said quietly. “We can do that.” Then he looked over at Drew. “Why don’t you stop by tomorrow morning and we’ll see what you can do. Eight o’clock.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” He reached across the table and shook both their hands. Ryan and Logan got up and left.

  “Those guys really care about you.”

  “I’m sure they do, but when Jack and I split, I only had Anna. They’ve always been more Jack’s friends than mine. I would have never met them if it weren’t for Jack.”

  “Well, you have me now too.” He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his side. I finally felt a little bit of relief. He was staying and I would be okay.



  It had been months since we’d all gotten together for poker night. I had been so busy with my business that I barely had time to even talk to anyone else. Things were moving along great at work and with all the headaches of starting up a new business, I didn’t really have time to think of Harper. I hadn’t asked anyone about Harper, but I had plans to tonight. I needed to know how she was doing.

  The guys all came by around seven and we set up the table and ordered food. We were in the middle of a hand when I took the leap. I was going for smooth and indifferent, but instead I blurted out, “So has anyone seen Harper lately?” I stared at my cards, hoping the guys wouldn’t see the eagerness on my face for any scrap of news. When no one said anything, I looked up to uncomfortable faces.


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