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Dingo (Devil's Fury MC 1)

Page 14

by Harley Wylde

  “And knowing this you could still be a part of all that nastiness? If Mei hadn’t come to us, that would have been her fate.”

  “I felt like I didn’t have a choice,” she whispered. “What are you going to do now?”

  “I want the names and locations of every kid you fucked over. If they aren’t alive anymore, you still give me what you have. Then you have twenty-four hours to make things right.”

  “The kids…” She glanced toward the hall. “They can’t go into foster care. Not here.”

  “I’ll make a call. Have them packed and ready. Someone will take them to a safe location and see that they’re placed with people who will give a shit about them. Raise them as their own, and keep the fucked-up people like you far away from them.”

  “What happens if I come to your gates?” she asked. “After the kids are… gone.”

  “If Blades is back, then I’d say I hope you have a high threshold for pain and can withstand days of torture. And if he’s not… I won’t be much kinder, Humes. I don’t give a fuck why you did what you did. The fact remains that Mei and countless others paid the price.”

  She nodded and stood. “Then I guess I have some things to get in order. And for whatever it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

  It wasn’t worth shit, and she damn well knew it. If she showed at the gates, I had no doubt she’d receive the type of welcome she deserved. But if she were smart, she’d turn herself in to the police. Not that it would keep her out of our reach. I stepped out of her house and called Outlaw. I didn’t think Grizzly would take on any more kids, but that didn’t mean some of the other clubs wouldn’t be willing. I didn’t know how many were here, but it didn’t matter. We’d make sure they were safe one way or another.

  After I ended my call, I got on my bike and drove to the end of the street. I could go back, check on Mei, and let someone else handle the rest. I could, but I wouldn’t. I also knew that I wasn’t getting my hands on Proctor without some help. I shot off a text to Steel, knowing he’d respond.

  Meet me on Holly Grove Lane. Judge Proctor is neck deep in this shit.

  It didn’t take long for an answer. I’m coming. So are the others.

  I didn’t know which others were coming with him, and I didn’t care. As long as we got to Proctor, and managed to get him into our special room, that’s all that mattered. The how didn’t mean shit to me. I rode over to the affluent part of town and stopped at the end of the judge’s street. The homes were large and beautiful. It looked like the perfect place to raise a family. Little did they know that a monster was on their street. Their kids weren’t safe. None of them were. If a man could sell out children he was sworn to protect, what else would he be willing to do for the right amount of money?

  I heard the pipes of my brothers’ bikes long before they arrived. Steel, Wolf, Demon, and Dragon looked every bit as pissed as I felt. I gave them a nod and we approached the judge’s home. I didn’t think for a moment we’d have the element of surprise. The moment I walked into Demoira Humes’ house, someone would have alerted the judge. It was clear she hadn’t liked her part in things, and a man like Judge Proctor would have kept eyes on her, made sure she toed the line.

  We coasted into the long driveway and stopped near the front steps of the opulent mansion. It seemed kiddie porn and prostitution paid well. Not surprising considering how many fucked-up individuals there were in the world. Hell, even what they called horror movies these days raked in the cash, the more grisly the better. To me, a scary movie should be like the old eighties slasher flicks, or a good haunting. Not that hacking up people crap that seemed so popular now.

  Although, I’d seen enough of them to have a few ideas for the dear judge.

  He opened the door before we even made it up the steps. He sneered as his gaze swept over our cuts, but the fact he wore a suit probably worth a grand or more didn’t make him better than us. What he did behind his closed doors made him far worse than any man in our club. Even Blades was a fucking saint compared to this asshole.

  “Time to pay up, Judge,” I said as I went toe to toe with him.

  “You honestly think your pathetic little club can take me down? Do you know how many people I have in my pocket in this town?”

  My phone chimed and I checked it, smiling when I saw Outlaw’s message. “Well, Your Honor, as of about thirty seconds ago, I’d say none.”

  I turned my phone so he could see the screen.

  Chief of Police, half the officers, the District Attorney, and anyone else aside from Mei’s foster family and the judge are done. The Feds were just leaked videos of every last one of them in compromising situations with minors.

  “Sorry, Judge Proctor, but your days of running this place are over. And all those kids are going to have a chance at a decent life.”

  “You think you know it all?” He laughed. “You know nothing!”

  His words made me pause, and I had to wonder if he was bluffing, or if there was something more going on. Did this go even deeper than the judge and his friends? Did it expand beyond our town and county? He might think he wouldn’t talk, but he would. They always did. Anything to have the hope they’d escape the fate that awaited them.

  “Take him,” I said. “We’ll make him talk at the compound.”

  Steel and Demon grabbed him, hauling him away as he screamed like a little bitch. A few housewives peeked out their front windows, but they disappeared just as fast. One look at us and they decided maybe their neighbor wasn’t worth the trouble. If they knew what sort of man he was, they wouldn’t care what happened to him.

  Wolf hung back. “So you’re married to Blades’ daughter.”

  “Yep. It would seem that way.” I cracked my neck. “Badger’s with Adalia. Guess we’re keeping it all in the family, so to speak. But if I have any daughters, none of you fuckers get any ideas.”

  Wolf burst out laughing and walked off. Yeah, the fucker might find it funny right now, but since we all seemed to fall for younger women, it was possible someone I considered a brother would end up with my kid. Wasn’t too sure how I felt about that, but Blades and Grizzly seemed okay with it. Sort of. Might be one of those “keep your enemies close” situations. They knew exactly where to find us if we fucked up.

  I got on my bike and hauled ass back to the compound. I had every intention of pulling whatever I could from the judge before ending his life. It just didn’t occur to me that someone else would step in. Should have known when we put out the call for help that a bunch of nosy fuckers would show up.

  I eyed Havoc. “Where’s my sister?”

  The Sergeant-at-Arms for the Devil’s Boneyard just smiled, which made my stomach drop. He brought her here? My psycho fucking sister? Shit. If she’d met Mei already, I hoped she decided to play nice. My sweet wife still had a ways to go before she was even half the spitfire Jordan was. My gaze strayed from Havoc to the others. He’d brought Magnus and Phantom with him. And the Dixie Reapers had sent Wraith, Tempest, and Grimm.

  “Is this a fucking party or something?” I asked. “Anyone else coming to join us? You act like we’re taking down the entire damn state.”

  “Maybe you are,” said a voice behind me. I turned and groaned.

  “Kraken. And who came with you?” I asked.

  “Ratchet and Stone.”

  I hoped Havoc and Jordan didn’t plan on staying at my place. Shit. Had they brought my niece with them? No fucking way I could deal with that hellion right now. I loved Lanie, but that kid was something else.

  “Relax,” said Havoc. “We were originally coming to meet your wife and see if you needed anything, but now we’re here for another reason.”

  What the hell other reason could there be? My sister stepped out of the clubhouse and ran for me, throwing herself into my arms. It would serve her right if I dropped her on her ass.

  “Hey, Jordan. This is an unexpected surprise.”

  She hugged me tighter. “Where are the kids?”

  What… Oh.
“You want to adopt one of the kids the social worker had?”

  “Well, one of those or one from the home your wife lived at. We aren’t picky,” said Jordan.

  “Any of them would be lucky to have you as their mom, Sis. I’m sure the kids will be rounded up and brought here soon. For now, why don’t I introduce you to Mei?” I asked.

  “She already met her,” Havoc said. “Your wife looked a little overwhelmed, so she went home, and I made Jordan leave her in peace.”

  “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have someone to gut.” I tried to step around them, but Havoc placed a hand in the middle of my chest.

  “Not to tell you what to do on your own turf, but you’re not going down there.”

  “Why the fuck not?” I asked.

  “Because Blades is home.” Grizzly stepped out of the shadows. “He needs this one, Dingo. She’s his little girl. I need you to step back. Take care of Mei, help with the kids, whatever. But you leave Blades to handle the cleanup.”

  I stared at him, then the clubhouse. I didn’t like it, but he had a point. If Blades was home, then he had a right to take care of his daughter in whatever way he saw fit. I gave a nod and got on my bike, going straight home. If that’s where Mei was, then that’s where I wanted to be.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The moment Dingo entered the house I ran for him. Seeing my dad, knowing he was free, and what he planned to do, was more than I could handle right now. I didn’t question how my dad had been freed. I knew that Wire and Lavender had something to do with it, but I didn’t know exactly what. Either they had really high-up connections somewhere, or they were just fucking awesome at what they did.

  And meeting Dingo’s sister! That woman was something else. I looked forward to getting to know her better, but I needed a moment. Or several.

  “Everything okay?” I asked. “You seem stressed.”

  “Just saw that we had a bunch of company, including my family.”

  “Jordan said they’d stay somewhere else. She thought we might like our privacy since we’re newlyweds. I didn’t disagree with her. I’d have had sex with you even if they were down the hall, but I’m not ready to entertain someone twenty-four-seven just yet. Was that okay?” I asked.

  Dingo pulled me against his chest and kissed me. “Perfectly fine, Meiling.”

  I glowered at him. “Mei. Not Meiling.”

  “Your daddy may say otherwise. Shall we let him decide?” he asked.

  “That was a low blow and you know it.” I sighed. “Fine. Everyone can call me Meiling if they so desire. But I’m still going to introduce myself as Mei when I meet new people.”

  He rubbed his beard along my neck, then licked the shell of my ear. A shiver ran down my spine and I tightened my hold on him. How could one man have so much power over me? I just had to be near him and my panties got wet.

  “How about you decide which name you like better after I yell it out while I’m coming inside you?” he asked.

  Damn. He didn’t play fair. I let him lead me into the bedroom, and smiled as he shut and locked the door. It seemed he didn’t trust everyone to keep out of the house, but I knew I was safer here than anywhere else.

  “Get naked,” he said.

  I pulled my shirt over my head, then stopped. “Are you going to do the bossy thing again?”

  Dingo prowled closer, tugging on the waist of my pants until I was pressed against him. “Depends. Did you like it?”

  I nodded. Maybe it would seem wrong to some people, after what I’d been through, but in some way it had been cathartic. I’d had men boss me around during sex for so long, but not a single one had ever cared if they were hurting me. Some had gotten off on my pain. When I gave myself over to Dingo, I knew that no matter what he demanded, he’d make sure I was safe and that I enjoyed it.

  Maybe sex with him was my version of therapy. I didn’t see myself ever sitting in an office with some shrink telling them my life history and answering “and how did that make you feel” until I wanted to vomit. I may have never actually been to one, but I’d watched enough TV that at least some of that had to be accurate. If being in therapy was as frustrating as it appeared, then I’d give it a hard pass.

  His lips brushed mine in a barely there kiss. “Strip, woman. I want you completely bare, middle of the bed, ass in the air. Let me see that pussy. I bet you’re soaked, aren’t you?”

  My cheeks warmed. Yeah, I was soaked. That deep growly voice going low like that? It was almost enough to make me come without him doing anything else. When he stepped back and started to remove his clothes, I finished pulling off mine and scrambled to the center of the bed. I pressed my chest to the mattress and put my ass in the air like he’d demanded.

  “Such a good, obedient wife. I might have to reward you,” he said.

  Reward? Oh, yes, please! I knew exactly what that meant. He was going to make me come so much and so hard that I’d forget my name. I was more than eager for whatever he wanted to do to me.

  He spread me open and I felt the heat of his breath right before he licked my pussy. He moaned before lapping at me again.

  “You taste so damn good, Mei.”

  “Jameson, please.”

  “Need to come?” he asked.


  The mattress shifted under me and I felt his cock brush against me. He positioned himself, but then didn’t move. I felt his hand slip around my hip and he started to rub my clit.

  “Going to do this a little different,” he said.

  “Wh-what’s that mean?”

  “It means, my wife, that I’m going to tease the hell out of you, but I’m just going to sit here. You want this dick? You’re going to have to fuck yourself with it.”

  I was going to… I blinked. Well, that really was different. I couldn’t recall ever doing something like that. As he worked the hard bud between my legs, I could feel myself getting wetter. I wanted him so fucking much. I rocked back, testing things a bit. His cock slid inside and I moaned, my eyes closing at the pleasure. He hadn’t been kidding, though. He wasn’t moving.

  He pinched and teased my clit, making the ache build inside me. Soon was I rocking back and forth on his cock, taking him faster and deeper. It still wasn’t enough.

  “Need more,” I whined. “Please, Jameson.”

  He wrapped an arm around my waist and sat back, taking me with him. My breath left me in a whoosh as he impaled me on his cock. Oh! Now this was much better. He started working my clit again and I rode him. Tossing back my head, I let the sensations wash over me. It wasn’t long before I was coming. I could feel my release coating him and covering us. I’d never come so hard before.

  “That’s it. Don’t stop now, Meiling. Keep coming.”

  He rubbed my clit faster and reached up with his other hand to twist my nipple between his fingers. I kept rising and falling, taking him as far as I could, at a pace that was leaving me breathless. It wasn’t until I’d come twice more that he knocked me forward onto my hands and knees.

  He fisted my hair, holding me in place as he fucked me. It wasn’t gentle, and he wasn’t trying to get me off. He was taking.

  “That’s it. My good little wife.” He growled and slammed into me harder. “Take it all. Squeeze my dick with that pussy and make me come. You want that, don’t you?”

  I tried to nod, but I couldn’t move. He not only had my hair gripped too tight, but the way he entered me, with his body half over mine, I was pinned in place.

  “Beg me,” he said. “Tell me you want it.”

  My heart thumped wildly in my chest.

  “I need it, Jameson. Need you to fuck me. Need you to come inside me.”

  I heard the headboard, or maybe the wall, crack as he doubled his efforts. He came with a roar, Meiling on his lips, and then fell atop me. I could barely breathe, but I didn’t care right now. I could feel his cock twitching inside me, and everything felt right in my world. Especially since Dr. Larkin had call
ed while he was gone. I’d only known because he’d spoken to Grizzly.

  “Something I should tell you,” I said. “Seeing as protection doesn’t seem to work for us. When you remember it.”

  “What’s that?” he asked, his voice muffled by my hair.

  “Tests came back. I’m clean, which means you should be too. Unless of course you lied and fucked someone since you were last tested.”

  He pulled his hips back and slammed his dick into me again, making me moan and giggle at the same time. Yeah, he was still rock-hard. I was starting to think he was a superhero when it came to sex.

  He rolled off me but cuddled me close to his chest. “Know what this means?”

  “Um, that we don’t have to even attempt to use a condom again? That didn’t exactly work so well anyway.”

  “Right.” He brushed my hair out of my eyes. “Because I want a family with you, Mei. If you don’t want one right away, that’s fine. We’ll discuss birth control options with Dr. Larkin. But someday, when you’re ready, I want a family with you.”

  I chewed on my lip. I’d heard where he was and what he was doing. I also knew about all those kids who would need homes. Maybe not the ones I’d lived with because that would all kinds of awkward for all of us, but Humes had several she’d tried to protect.

  “I want to adopt one of Miss Humes’ kids,” I blurted.

  He went tense and lifted up on an elbow to stare down at me. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I know it’s asking a lot, Jameson. Those kids are special needs and maybe I’m not the right person to be a mother to anyone, much less someone who needs extra care, but I really want to do this.”

  He caressed my cheek, then pressed his lips to mine. “Meiling, all you ever have to do is ask. I’ll give you anything I can. If you want to adopt one of those kids, then that’s what we’ll do.”

  “Will they let us?” I didn’t want to bring it up, but my past was an issue for something like that. “I’m known around town as being a whore. And this club isn’t exactly all sunshine and roses to the people outside the gates. What if they don’t think we’d be fit parents?”


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