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Dingo (Devil's Fury MC 1)

Page 15

by Harley Wylde

  He cracked a smile. “Honey, do you think we do anything the legal way around here?”

  “Well. No?”

  “Right. No. We won’t be the only ones adopting some of those kids. Let Outlaw and the others handle it. They’ll make it all look legit, and trust me when I say no one in this town will question it. Especially once half the police department is rounded up by the Feds, along with some other big fish in town.”

  I’d heard about the judge and Chief of Police. I ran my fingers down Jameson’s chest. I could feel the steady beat of his heart, and it calmed me. Gave me the courage to ask the question burning in my mind.

  “My dad. He’s going to kill all those people, isn’t he?”

  “Most of them. Probably not all of them,” he said. “We have to leave some for the Feds, and I’m sure it won’t take much to make it look like the others fled the country. You okay with that?”

  Was I okay with my dad murdering people? I shouldn’t be. A good person wouldn’t cheer him on, would they? Either I wasn’t all that good, or maybe I just didn’t see rapists and pedophiles as people. They were monsters, and as far as I was concerned, the world would be better off without them. If they went to jail, they’d eventually be released. If I let my dad handle it, then no child would ever suffer at their hands again.

  “I’m good,” I said.

  “So, now that I’ve used both your names during sex, which one do you prefer?”

  “Really? We just talked about getting a kid and my dad offing a bunch of people and you want to ask about my name?” I probably shouldn’t expect anything remotely normal from my life, and certainly not from my husband.

  “Which is it?” he asked.

  “Fine. I like the way you say Meiling, especially when you’re coming.”

  He grinned, then rolled to his back, taking me with him. I sprawled across his chest and snuggled closer. His cock was still knocking against me, wanting back inside, which almost made me laugh.

  “I’m happy,” I said. “I don’t remember ever being happy before. Not until you.”

  “I’m glad, Meiling. You make me happy too,” he said, running his fingers through my hair.

  His phone started ringing and he groaned, but I scrambled off him and tugged it from his pants. Grizzly’s name was on the screen so I quickly handed it to him.

  “Better answer it,” I said. “I really don’t want your President beating down our door while I’m naked and have your cum leaking out of me.”

  He smacked my ass as he took the phone from me. When he answered, he put the call on speaker.

  “Meiling is here with me,” he said. “And she’s listening.”

  “Her daddy pulled some information from the judge. This thing was even bigger than we thought. Outlaw is going to have everything delivered to the Feds. To everyone, including his family, it’s going to look like the good judge took a little trip to a non-extradition country. But this is far from over. I’m sending out as many men as I can, even those that aren’t mine, to round up any kids involved. Each club is going to make arrangements to take some home with them. I’ve placed a few calls to see if some others will volunteer to house a few. Wire, Lavender, Outlaw, and the others are making sure there’s no trace of those kids in the system. No one will come looking for them.”

  “How many kids are there?” I asked.

  “Twenty at last count,” Grizzly said. “But we’re finding more. Meiling, there’s something else. I don’t know if Dingo told you but your mom is alive.”

  I turned an accusing gaze toward my husband. He’d known my mother was alive and hadn’t said anything? Shouldn’t he have opened with that when he saw me? What the hell?

  “She’s not in a good place, Meiling. Better let your dad handle it. I’m arranging lodging for him as we speak so he won’t have to stay with you or at the clubhouse. But he’s going to need you, Meiling. They both will, if he brings her here.”

  “Thanks, Pres,” Dingo said. “And thanks for selling me out. I hadn’t told her yet.”

  Grizzly laughed. “Lesson learned, boy. Don’t hide important shit from your woman unless it’s club business. Now get back to trying to make grandbabies for Blades, and don’t tell me you weren’t.”

  The call ended and I stared at my husband. “Were you going to tell me at all?”

  He cleared his throat and set his phone aside. “I was. I just didn’t know how. Humes has kept up with Xi-wang and said that your mom isn’t the same woman as before. She’s empty. Meiling, they used her up. I’m not sure she can be saved, baby.”

  Tears burned my eyes. “We have to try.”

  “I’m sure your dad will do his best.”

  His best had better be good enough. I’d gone from no family to having everything I’d ever wanted -- or I would as soon as my mom was here. If he didn’t bring her home, I would.


  Blades - One Month Later

  It was interesting, being on the other side of the table at the prison. The man who had raped my daughter and sold her again and again was chained down. He wasn’t looking so great either. Every time he moved and winced, I wanted to smile and scream a big “fuck you” in his face. I’d found him easily enough. He hadn’t even tried to hide from me. After working him over for a few hours, I personally delivered him to the prison gates, along with copies of the videos of him and several minors. With most of the local police force gone, it hadn’t been likely the local jail would have housed him. Besides, I’d made a few friends inside and knew they’d take good care of him while he waited for his trial. Something that the judge had wanted to expedite, but I’d asked for a little help slowing things down. No way this asshole was being released on bail, so he’d have to remain in prison while he waited. And he’d be waiting a long time.

  “Something wrong, Simpson?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer, but he didn’t have to.

  “Don’t like having multiple dicks shoved up your ass? Or are you not even worthy of a fuck? Bet they just use whatever’s handy.” I couldn’t contain my smile another moment. “I have some excellent news for you.”


  “Your wife? The bitch who stood by and let you and others like you rape and torture all those kids? Found the perfect place for her. She’ll be fucked as much as you will for the foreseeable future. Seemed fitting. You thought it was good enough for those kids, so it must be an amazing thing you want to experience yourself, right?”

  His jaw tightened, but he didn’t say a word.

  “You’ll be especially happy to learn that your paperwork seems to have been misfiled.” Now that had his attention. “You’re not ever leaving here, unless it’s through the morgue. Congratulations. You’ve just secured yourself a permanent seat in hell, even if I have to pay off anyone who knows your name to forget you exist. Or maybe sitting isn’t your favorite thing these days.”

  The little bastard started to cry. “You can’t do this to me!”

  “Oh, I can and I did.” I stood and made my way to the door. The two guards I’d gotten to know the best during my stay came in to take the prisoner away. But I stopped them, holding up a hundred to each of them. “See that he gets extra special treatment tonight.”

  “You got it.” One of them flashed me a smile as he pocketed the money. “We don’t like baby rapers around here. He’ll get all the special care he could ever need. For however long he’s breathing.”

  I patted him on the shoulder and left as Simpson screamed and begged to be released. I could have killed him. Had actually thought about it. In the end, I’d thought this might be a more fitting punishment. I’d made a lot of friends inside over the last eighteen years, and some were very appreciative. I’d saved more than a few of their asses during fights. Yeah, good ol’ Simpson was going to have a very difficult time behind bars.

  Most of the other men involved had been dealt with, by me. Outlaw had helped cover my tracks, and as far as anyone was concerned, those men had gone into h
iding. A few were delivered to the Feds, or left in plain sight for them to find. But each of those men and women would get special treatment in prison, including Humes, even though she’d turned herself over to the police voluntarily. Too little too late.

  The Harley Fat Boy outside the gates gleamed in the sunlight. My old ride was long gone, but the club had bought this one for me as a coming home present. Not that getting to be part of my daughter’s life wasn’t present enough. I’d taken care of her demons, laid them all to rest. Simpson had been the last, him and his wife. Now it was time to give Meiling the one gift she wanted more than anything. I’d had Outlaw looking into a few things, making sure Xi-wang was where we’d thought. I also had to make sure all the bad guys were dealt with, in my own way.

  I rode my bike through town and hit the highway. The Silk Purse, a specialty brothel, was just across the state line. I hated that she’d been so close all this time and no one had even known. My fault. Shouldn’t have kept her to myself. It was too late to change the past, but I was determined to give Xi-wang and Meiling a good future. One with a family.

  I pulled into the parking lot and stared at the building that had housed my woman for too fucking long. If I’d ever heard a word of what she’d been through, I’d have dug my fucking way out of prison to go get her. I’d have done anything to save Xi-wang. She’d been my entire world from day one. I’d imagine I looked at her the way Dingo looked at my daughter. He was a good sort, and she was crazy about him. If I’d ever thought she wasn’t happy, I’d have gutted the bastard.

  I got off the bike and headed inside. The moment I saw her my fucking heart broke. My beautiful girl was just as stunning now as she’d before, even with the scars clearly visible on her face and arms, and a few silver threads in her hair. She gave me a slight bow as I drew closer, but her eyes never met mine.

  “Welcome to The Silk Purse. What will be your pleasure tonight?” she asked, her voice still holding the accent I’d so loved all those years ago.

  “My pleasure?” I asked. She still didn’t look up. “I came to take my woman home. Our daughter needs her.”

  She went still, completely frozen. Slowly, she lifted her head and her gaze locked with mine. The Xi-wang I’d known was there, but just barely. I could see her, but I could also see the road of pain she’d traveled while we’d been apart.


  “Robert?” she asked softly. “You went to prison for murder.”

  “Didn’t do it.” I reached for her, tugging her against me. “But I did kill a few people since then. They all deserved it.”

  I stroked her cheek and wished I could turn back the clock. She’d had my heart the moment we locked eyes that first time. I’d have given anything to keep her safe, and I’d failed. I’d failed both her and our daughter.

  “The people who put you here have been dealt with,” I said. “They also were responsible for turning our daughter into a whore. I still don’t know the entire story, but it seems the family she was with last has been part of a child pornography ring for decades. The family business of all the fucked-up things. Any kids in the area who weren’t white or fully white were flagged. When the pedophile making the videos got requests for certain types of girls and boys of certain ages, then they’d be sent to him. Our daughter could have been sent to him much sooner, so there’s a small blessing in all this fucked-up mess.”

  She flinched and looked away, but I turned her face back to mine.

  “Xi-wang, never do that again. I know what you’ve been through, and it doesn’t matter.”

  “It does,” she said. “I’m dirty.”

  “No, you’re beautiful. My stunning woman, the mother of my child, the only woman to ever have my heart.”

  Her eyes misted with tears and one slipped down her cheek. I brushed it away before kissing her softly. She resisted at first, then I felt her arms come around my neck as she kissed me back.

  “I love you, Robert,” she said. “I fought, so hard. I was yours, only ever yours.”

  “It’s time to go home, China.” She smiled at the name I’d always called her. But the smile slipped from her face as she touched her scars and looked at her surroundings. I could tell she was retreating, that she would refuse to come with me, and I couldn’t let that happen. She belonged with me. If I’d not kept her from the club all those years ago, maybe none of this would have happened. Or maybe they’d have chewed her up and spit her out. Too late to second-guess myself now. “You’re mine. Do you hear me?” I asked.

  “I want to be yours. In my heart, I always was.”

  My hold on her tightened. “You always have been and always will be my China. The love of my life.”

  She was still withdrawn, more than I’d have liked, but what I was seeing was more than I’d expected. I’d been led to believe that she was empty, dead inside. But my China was still there. “Our daughter is married,” I said. “To a member of my club.”

  Her gaze jerked to mine. “You said they were dangerous.”

  I snorted and looked around. “China, do you see where you are? Did you hear what I said happened to our daughter? Trust me. The club is the safest place for both of you. Things have changed since I went away. It’s a good place to raise a family. Our family.”

  “They hurt her?” she asked.

  “Yeah, honey. They hurt her bad, but she’s healing. Dingo is good to her, worships her.”

  “She might need to talk, about what happened.” Xi-wang locked her gaze with mine. “You think she’ll accept me? That your club will?”

  “They’ll love you, just the way I do. There’s a house. It’s ours, but we’ll have to make it a home. Think you’re up for the task?”

  She gave me a smile, a real one that gave me hope. “Okay. They won’t like me leaving.”

  I pulled a knife and smiled. “They don’t call me Blades for nothing, China. You let me handle the people who run this place. Go out and wait by my bike.”

  She nodded and paused only long enough to kiss my cheek. It looked like I would get a little bit bloody before I got to take my woman home, but she was worth the effort I’d have to put into finding a clean shirt.

  “All right, you fuckers,” I yelled out. “Who wants to die first?”

  I heard movement to my right and laughed. They could run, but they’d never make it. I was going to take down every last one of them, set the women free, then burn this bitch to the ground. The Silk Purse was officially closed for business.

  The End… Or is it?

  Dear Reader

  Meiling’s story wasn’t an easy one to tell, and I’m sure it wasn’t an easy one to read either. Are the events in the book over dramatized? Well, to an extent. Unfortunately, the dark side of life really does exist, and it doesn’t care who it chews up and spits out. Women and children are often the easiest targets because they’re perceived as weaker. Doesn’t mean they are weaker. Meiling had to be incredibly strong to survive the hand life dealt her.

  This story is in no way meant to put a bad light on the legal system, or our police. There are bad apples everywhere, but there are a lot of good people out there too. I’m friends with a judge and my uncle is a retired police officer. Both are good men who would have moved heaven and earth to stop something like this from happening. Keep in mind this is fiction and not based on true events.

  People deal with trauma in various ways. What works for one doesn’t work for another. For Meiling, she had to face her fears head-on, and she did that by giving up control to Dingo. She needed to know that she could, and perhaps show him just how much she trusted him.

  Thank you for taking the time to read Dingo. If you feel moved to do so, please leave a review at the retailer of your choice, or on Goodreads or BookBub. I’m sure Meiling’s story will affect everyone differently and may evoke some strong emotions.

  Until next time…

  Harley Wylde

  Harley Wylde

  Harley Wylde is the International Bestselling Au
thor of the Dixie Reapers MC, Devil’s Boneyard MC, and Hades Abyss MC series.

  When Harley’s writing, her motto is the hotter the better -- off-the-charts sex, commanding men, and the women who can’t deny them. If you want men who talk dirty, are sexy as hell, and take what they want, then you’ve come to the right place. She doesn’t shy away from the dangers and nastiness in the world, bringing those realities to the pages of her books, but always gives her characters a happy-ever-after and makes sure the bad guys get what they deserve.

  The times Harley isn’t writing, she’s thinking up naughty things to do to her husband, drinking copious amounts of Starbucks, and reading. She loves to read and devours a book a day, sometimes more. She’s also fond of TV shows and movies from the 1980s, as well as paranormal shows from the 1990s to today, even though she’d much rather be reading or writing.

  Harley at Changeling:




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