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Bought by Him: A Breslyn Auction Club Romance (The Breslyn Auction Club Book 1)

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by Penny Winestone

  “What about breakfast?” I asked, looking around for some sign of food. I couldn’t remember the last time I had snagged something to eat. Maybe before I got on the plane… I couldn’t recall if they had handed out snacks during the flight. Either way, I was starving, my stomach shrinking in on itself.

  “We eat once the animals are fed. So the faster you get to work and finish everything, the faster you get to eat.” Makenzie downed the rest of her coffee. “Well, are you ready to go?”

  “Not really… but… might as well just get it over with.” I chugged down the black coffee. I definitely needed the caffeine to get me going.


  By midmorning, I was completely drenched in sweat. My arms felt like they were going to fall off at any moment. I leaned against the shovel I was using, trying to catch my breath. The smell of animal feces wafted up to my noise, making me feel queasy. I closed my eyes, trying to focus on keeping myself from dry-heaving.

  Behind me, one of the horses nuzzled my neck. I jumped in surprise, stumbling forward. I tripped on a bag of feed and went flying into the water trough. I gasped, getting soaked to the bone. It took me a moment to jump out of the putrid water, but by then, it was too late. My clothes clung to my body, my hair sticking to my skin in clumps. I smelled horrible.

  I tried to wring out my shirt when Mackenzie walked into the stable. “Having a hard time?” She asked, a grin on her face.

  “No.” I answered through gritted teeth. “I’m doing fine.”

  “So you don’t want any help then?”

  I hesitated. Of course, I wanted help. I had no idea what I was doing. All day, I had been making mistake after mistake. I had accidently locked myself in the pig pen. I had fallen more times than I could count, trying to herd the sheep to the pasture. I had stepped in dog shit several times and it wasn’t even lunch yet. I didn’t know how much more of this I could handle.

  “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t we go inside for breakfast and then we can start fresh with the cows. They need to be milked today. I’ve put them on a special diet and I want to send off a sample of their milk for testing.”

  “You really like this sort of stuff, don’t you?” I asked.


  “All this farm stuff… you seem to like to get your hands dirty.”

  “I guess I always liked a day of hard work. It makes you feel tired, but by the end of the day you get a great feeling of accomplishment. You know?”

  I didn’t answer her because somehow, I had gotten stuck in the mud. My foot was completely submerged in the muck and I tried to pull it out, only to lose my shoe and stumble forward. Makenzie tried to save me, but by the time she held out her arms to catch me, I had already face-planted into the dirt.

  I struggled to get up. I had to do everything in my power to prevent myself from breathing - from accidentally ingesting this stuff. I wiped it off with my hands, but that only made matters worse.

  Makenzie helped me up as my emotions threatened to burst. I was on the verge of breaking into tears. Nothing was going right. I was just trying to rebuild my life and yet, everything seemed to work against me. “Are you okay?” She asked, her voice kind.

  I knew that if I answered her, I wouldn’t be able to control myself. Everything that I had experienced over the last few weeks had built up inside of me and now, it was like I was mere seconds away from exploding.

  Slowly, so I wouldn’t fall again, I walked toward the house. Makenzie grabbed me before I could step inside. “You’ll have to take off your clothes out here or you’ll make a mess inside. If you want, there’s an outhouse you can use. I won’t look.”

  I stared at her through my mud mask. “Fine.” I trudged to the outhouse, locking myself inside. The moment I was alone, I collapsed onto the small bench, my head in my hands. Tears welled up in my eyes. How had I gotten in this situation?


  I had been working for Makenzie for a whole week. It was a rough experience and I felt exhausted, but I had never felt so happy to receive a paycheck in my entire life. “You deserve this.” Makenzie smiled at me. “You did really well for someone with no experience.”

  “Thanks.” I glowed with her compliment. It felt good to know I had earned this money. I hadn’t relied on anyone else, but at the same time, I knew I couldn’t keep this up. It would be the death of me.

  “Don’t mention it. You’re free to take the rest of the afternoon off if you want.”

  “Are you sure? Don’t you need me to help milk the cows?” I asked, biting the inside of my lip. After a week filled with brutal manual labor, I was looking forward to a day off, but I didn’t want to leave Makenzie hanging, especially if she needed my help. She had done so much for me already.

  “No, seriously. Enjoy yourself. I used to take care of this place all by myself long before you came along.” She smiled. “You know, there’s this really nice cafe in town, they make the best muffins. Maybe you should check it out. It would do you well to get out and explore your options. I doubt you want to work for me forever.”

  I nodded. She had a point. Eventually, I had to find a proper job - anything to get me back on my feet. “You’re right. Thanks Mackenzie.”


  The cafe had a nice, inviting atmosphere. People sat together in booths as they enjoyed a cup of coffee and a homemade pastry. As I walked in, a woman with a bright smile greeted me, beckoning me to the counter. “What can I get you, dear?” She asked, her green eyes twinkling. “I’ve never seen you around here before.”

  “Yeah… I’m just visiting a friend.” I lied, glancing over the menu. “What would you recommend?” I asked her.

  “I just pulled the cinnamon rolls out of the oven. If you’re looking for a bargain, however, we have a $1 muffin sale going on.”

  “That sounds great.” I smiled at her.

  “Would you like any coffee?” She asked, holding a pot in her hand.

  “Sure, why not?” While she poured me a cup, I helped myself to the cream and sugar on the counter. When I finally took a sip, I nearly moaned. I hadn’t had coffee this good in quite a while.

  She placed a cupcake in front of me. “Is there anything else I can get for you dear?”

  “Do you have a copy of the local newspaper by chance?”

  “Of course.” She grabbed one from behind the counter, handing it to me. I immediately flipped to the classifieds, hoping there was some job I could pick up so I wouldn’t have to continue mopping up after animals.

  “Are you looking for a job?” The woman asked, cleaning a few coffee mugs with a rag.


  “You know, you look like a girl they would be interested in over at Breslyn’s.”

  I perked up at her suggestion. I had definitely heard the name somewhere before. In fact, it was recently, but with everything that had happened, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. “Do you know if they’re hiring?”

  “As far as I know, they’re always hiring. But I honestly don’t know much about it. Miss Chambers occasionally comes here for some early morning coffee. I think she runs the place. I can give you her card if you’re interested.”

  “That would be great, thanks.”

  She turned around, grabbing a business card from a corkboard filled with various pamphlets and other advertisements. I took it from her hand, admiring its design. It was completely black and all the names were written in intricate gold lettering. On one side were the words Breslyn Auction Club and on the other was the name Victoria Chambers followed by a phone number. No other information was present. I stared at it, trying to remember where I had heard that name before. “So you don’t know what they do?”

  “Well, if I had to guess, I’d say they’re an auction house. But I couldn’t tell you what they auction off. Probably antiques or something.” She shrugged.

  I nodded, clutching the card between my fingers. I could handle an auction club. It would probably be better than working on the farm, that mu
ch was for sure. Picking up my phone, I dialed the number on the back of the card.


  I had made my appointment with Victoria and now here I was, on a bus toward one of the more affluent parts of town. I felt strange sitting at the back of the bus in my best outfit. I had styled my hair to the best of my ability, hoping to impress Ms. Chambers. After all, I really needed this job - especially if it paid well. Hell, any job that didn’t involve mud would make me happy.

  With my heart beating fast, I looked out the window. The bus was all but empty as everyone had already gotten out. I was the last one left. I clenched my fingers together, trying to imagine what I would encounter at Breslyn’s.

  Finally, the bus stopped and I got up, thanking the driver for his time. The sun had already started to set, painting the world in bright oranges and warm reds. The palm trees that lined the streets swayed with a soft breeze brought by the ocean.

  I watched the bus disappear down the street. I was in the heart of Los Angeles. Craning my neck, I tried to see the top of the large buildings soaring high overhead. Somehow, it reminded me of Chicago, but this city was cleaner and all the people here were much tanner. A few girls with unnaturally blonde hair walked past me, taking selfies. They had bright smiles on their faces as they laughed together. I envied them and their happiness. Or maybe it was ignorance… I remembered a time when I was just like them: young and carefree, thinking I could never fail. My jaw locked as I tried to push the thought from my mind. This was no time to dwell on negatives. I was here. I was about to go in for a job interview - I had to make this count.

  Still, I hesitated. A part of me wasn’t so sure about this decision. Something seemed off about the whole thing, but Miss Chambers had persuaded me that I would be a perfect candidate for the club - whatever that meant.

  Eventually, I took out my phone and typed in the address I had been given for the pick-up location. It was only a few blocks away. I just hoped my knock-off heels would survive the trek.

  With my bag over my shoulder, I started my journey. The longer I walked, the more upscale the neighborhood became. Small apartment buildings turned into two-story homes and it wasn’t long before I entered the realm of mansions and high-class estates. I couldn’t help but gape at one residence in particular. Its lawn was perfectly trimmed. Despite the ongoing California drought, it was a bright, verdant green. Its garden was just as vibrant. The architecture was modern and masterfully executed. In the window, the shadow of a couple appeared. I quickly looked away and followed my phone’s GPS.

  I arrived at Casa Blanca five minutes before the allotted time. The restaurant was packed. Highbrow individuals waltzed through the large wooden doors. Soft string music wafted through the windows. Awkwardly, I stood on the sidewalk, trying not to stare at all the gorgeous gowns the women were wearing. I could recognize all of their brands. If only my website had been a success. It could have been me selling those gowns and making a fortune. I ground my teeth in my failure and felt a burning in my eyes. Tears were trying to well up, but I had to maintain my composure if I was going to get through this.

  Suddenly, a limousine pulled up in front of me. It’s sleek black finish sparkled as if it was made of diamonds. I stepped back, thinking I was in someone’s way. The driver stepped out, holding a sign in his hand. He straightened his posture and flipped it around. I was surprised to find the words ‘Haley Winslow’ printed on the thick cardboard.

  I looked around, but no one approached the limousine.

  “Are you Miss Winslow?” The driver asked in a stiff voice.

  I found myself unconsciously nodding.

  “Very good. Come with me.”

  A slight hint of an accent emerged as he walked toward the back of the vehicle and opened the door for me.

  I didn’t say a word as I stepped inside. The interior was illuminated by sensual purple lighting that lined the floor. I sunk into one of the leather seats, my hands on my knees. Seconds later, the driver entered the car and rolled down the screen that separated us.

  “Are you comfortable, Miss Winslow?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” I answered. Inside my chest, my heart started to beat a little faster as I felt the car drive away. Looking through the tinted windows, Casa Blanca faded from view. Soon enough, we were on the highway, speeding toward our destination. The smooth ride quickly lulled me into a trance and I started to nod off.

  In my dreams, I found myself in the past. I remembered what my life used to be like. In this dream, I was once again going out with my one-time financier. He was an older billionaire named Bruce Murdoch and he never rode in anything other than a limo. He didn’t even have a license.

  He had been a good friend of mine. Treated me like a daughter. On this particular night, we were riding in his limo, drinking champagne together while going to an exclusive nightclub.

  “Can I offer you another glass, my dear?” He asked, holding an expensive bottle of Dom Perignon in his hand.

  “Of course.” I lifted my glass, giggling. I had already had quite a bit to drink and it was quickly getting to my head.

  “Where are we going, anyway?” I asked, taking a sip of my champagne, feeling the bubbles travel down my throat.

  “Jasper’s. It’s one of the most exclusive nightclubs in town. You won’t be disappointed.” He winked at me.

  “Oh, I’m sure it’ll be exquisite.” I grinned at him.

  Soon enough, we arrived at a large, brownstone building. In front of it, a long line of people shuffled, eagerly anticipating entrance into the club. Bruce walked up to the bouncer and showed him his ID.

  “She’s my plus one.” The bouncer nodded and allowed us in without further question.

  “Pulling connections, I see.” I teased him.

  “When you’re as old as I am, you learn to make a few friends here and there.”

  “C’mon, you aren’t that old.”

  He just chuckled softly as he guided me to the VIP section at the back of the club. There, red velvet curtains decorated the doorways. Plush leather sofas lined the walls. Mahogany poker tables were filled with suited individuals who smoked cigars and drank expensive whiskey. In another room, music blasted through the speakers as attractive men and women danced together to the beat of the music.

  “Wow… this is impressive.” I commented.

  “Indeed. Only the city’s best come here to unwind, so if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be at the bar. Feel free to enjoy yourself.”

  I watched him sit down at the bar before I stepped forward, approaching the crowd. It was easy to get lost in its midst. The music was well-picked and I naturally attuned to the rhythm, coming into sync with everyone else. Men and women alike pressed against my body, causing a rush of excitement to course through every inch of me.

  Eventually, after what felt like hours, I emerged from the dance floor and went back to the bar, looking for Bruce. I found him surrounded by a group of people. He beckoned me over and introduced me.

  “This is Haley Winslow. She has quite the head on her shoulders. She’s about to launch a very important website. Just you wait and see.” He chuckled.

  “She’s going to make me an even richer man.”

  Everyone laughed and I started to mingle with the group. They were all very successful businessmen, accompanied by young, sexy women. It was in this moment that I met Charles Branlon for the very first time. He was with someone else, but that didn’t stop him from talking to me at length. He was easily the most handsome man out of them all.

  By the end of the night, we had talked for hours. Of course, I knew exactly who he was from the moment I saw him, but I had no idea how inexplicably charming he was with his dark hair and piercing gray eyes. The way he smiled, it reminded me of a statue of a Greek God – simply perfect.

  “So, tell me more about your website.” He inquired, getting closer.

  I could smell his cologne. It was subtle but very effective. The scent was intoxicating. I got even closer.

p; “Well, if you must know, I’m looking to launch a website that’ll help women buy designer fashion while getting the dating advice they need to score the man of their dreams.”

  “Hmm, that’s very clever. Was the beta successful?”

  “Very. We made over $50,000 on the first day. We’re funneling that money back into the system so we can make improvements for the launch.”

  “Interesting.” He rubbed his fingers along his well-groomed facial hair and nodded.

  “Why don’t you tell me more… in the privacy of my home.” He grabbed my wrist and grinned.

  The dream suddenly changed and we were both in his penthouse suite. We were standing in a lavish living room, enjoying a glass of wine together when he made his move. His hand was on my thigh, slowly creeping along my leg. I felt a shiver running through my spine as he took my glass out of my hand and placed it on the nearby coffee table.

  He started to kiss my neck and I arched my back in pleasure, my eyes rolling up to the ceiling where I saw the crystal chandelier sparkle with brilliance.

  “I want you…” He murmured in my ear, nibbling my lobe.

  “Then take me.” I challenged, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. All of a sudden, he grabbed me and picked me up, his hands under my ass, squeezing firmly. Our eyes locked for a moment before his lips met mine in a breathtaking kiss. My heart rocketed and I kissed him back, parting my lips for him. His tongue snuck into my mouth, tangling with mine as he carried me down the hall, toward his bedroom.

  There, he tossed me onto the four-poster bed. Seconds later, he pounced on me, pinning me to the mattress with a devilish grin on his face.

  “Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.” He growled before he leaned down, burying his face in my neck, biting down on my flesh and leaving behind a pronounced hickey. I moaned loudly, arching my back and wrapping my legs around his waist.

  He yanked up my skirt, exposing my tiny black thong. He pulled away and smirked at me.


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