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Bought by Him: A Breslyn Auction Club Romance (The Breslyn Auction Club Book 1)

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by Penny Winestone

  “A thong? I like that.” He pulled at the waistband and I squirmed underneath him.

  “Charles…” I whispered, my mind growing numb. I knew what was about to happen and it was exciting me beyond measure.

  “What is it, my pet?” He asked, sneaking his fingers underneath the lace fabric. I moaned even louder as his fingers teased my clit before his thumb slowly flicked it back and forth. I clutched the sheets between my fingers, trying to hold back the flood of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm me.

  “I…” My voice was ragged. My heartbeat raced. I felt like I was on fire.

  “I want you.” I finally said, my eyes locked with his. Never before had I wanted anyone so much.

  “Good.” He grinned. Suddenly, he shoved one of his fingers deep inside of me until it was knuckle-deep. I arched my back and bucked my hips, silently asking for more. His smirk deepened as he started to twist it inside of me. Just as I was starting to grind my hips into his finger, he added another, stretching my tiny pussy even further. I bit my lip to keep back my moans.

  “There’s no point fighting it.” His cold blue eyes blazed with lust and domination as his body hovered over mine.

  “I’ll have you screaming so loud, you’ll be hoarse for weeks.”

  Before I could even respond, he kissed me. His lips were rough and hungry. There was an animalistic nature to his lust as he viciously plunged both his fingers in and out of me until my juices had completely soaked through my thong, and yet, he kept going harder and harder.

  I felt myself getting closer and closer to orgasm. He pushed me to my limit before he leaned down and whispered in my ear.

  “Cum.” I couldn’t help it. I exploded with pleasure, my whole body going numb. I collapsed into the bed, wondering how he had managed to completely blow me away with just two fingers.

  He let me settle down before he ripped the thong right off my body. I craned my neck and looked at him, seeing his rock-hard cock for the very first time. It was huge! It twitched between his legs as he aligned himself with my wet slit. I bit my lip, wondering what it would feel like to have something so big inside of me.

  All of a sudden, Charles rammed inside of me, forcing every inch of his smooth length inside my pussy. I struggled to accommodate his huge girth and screamed out, my head tilting back into the feather pillow. I clawed at the sheets as he grabbed my hips and started to fuck me for all he was worth. He didn’t stop for a moment as he picked up the pace and thrust into me so hard that the whole bed started to rock.

  “Fuck baby, you feel amazing.” He groaned, going even harder until his balls slapped against my ass. I screamed his name in ecstasy, feeling like I was already on the verge of another orgasm. He continued his relentless assault, his eyes glazed over with pleasure as he lost all control.

  That night, I lost count of how many times I orgasmed. My dream brought me through every single one of them, but I still couldn’t keep up with the number. Finally, Charles slowed down, his chiseled body covered in a thin layer of sweat. He growled, his fingers digging into my flesh. He pulled out at the last moment, shooting his load all over my chest before he finally collapsed on the bed beside me.

  I turned, wanting to pull him closer, but he was already gone.


  A bump in the road jolted the limousine and roused me from my sleep. The dream faded completely and I frowned. I could feel the warmth between my legs and blushed, realizing that I was wet. Had I just had a wet dream?

  I looked out the window, feeling like my cheeks were on fire. I tried to push Charles Branlon out of my mind, but he kept coming back. His handsome face kept popping up behind my eyelids. I sighed and watched the outskirts of the city pass us by.

  Carefully, I maneuvered to the front of the limousine where I tapped on the dividing glass. The driver lowered it.

  “Yes, Miss Winslow?”

  “How long until we get there?”

  “Another 30 to 40 minutes.”

  “And how long have we been driving?”

  “About 20 minutes, Miss.” I nodded and moved back to my seat. My vivid, sex-filled dream had only occurred in the span of twenty minutes. I closed my eyes again and this time, I didn’t fall asleep. Instead, I consciously recalled the day after our night together…

  In the morning, Charles was already gone. It left me disappointed. I expected some kind of a note or something, but he was simply gone. After waiting around for an hour, I left the penthouse suit and went home alone, feeling glum. I was so certain he had enjoyed himself.

  When I went home, I did what I always did when I felt uneasy: I worked. I started to tinker with the website, knowing that the launch date was getting closer. With my glasses on and my hair in a bun, I typed away, sending out emails, and completing other tasks that had been on my to-do list for way too long.

  Eventually, around three, I grew hungry and stepped into my kitchen, looking for something to eat. As I looked around my pantry, my phone started to buzz. An unknown number flashed across the screen. Hesitantly I answered.


  “Haley, good to hear your voice again.” I nearly dropped my phone as I heard Charles’ husky voice coming through the line.

  “Charles?” I spat out.

  “Yes. Are you surprised?”

  I bit my lip. Of course I was a little surprised, but obviously, I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “No, no,” I answered. “But if I may ask, why’d you call? Did I leave something at your place?”

  “As a matter of fact, I’m holding your ripped thong in my hand right now.”

  “Are you now?”

  “Mm hmm,” he answered. “How did it feel to go home without any panties on?”

  “Made me think of you…” I lowered my voice, turning up the charm.

  He chuckled.

  “What do you say we get together again the next time I come through Chicago?” My heart fluttered in my chest. He wanted to see me again. I felt giddy all of a sudden. In that moment, I felt like I was falling for him. Even though I barely knew him, I could feel my heart react in ways it had never done before. It pounded every time I thought of him. Butterflies nestled inside my stomach, threatening to never leave.

  Still, I remember trying to keep my composure. I couldn’t let myself carried away. We had only just met, after all.

  But, I never did get my second date with him. My chances were dashed the following week when my accountant called to break the news.

  I shook my head, trying to push the memory away from my mind. I didn’t want to think about that part of my life anymore. I sighed and looked at my clock, seeing we still had another twenty minutes to go. It was starting to feel like this was the longest car ride in the world.

  I moved over to the minibar and grabbed a bottle of sparkling water. I noticed there was no alcohol and frowned. I could really use a drink.

  Sighing, I twisted off the cap and took a sip. My memories came rushing back to me. It seemed my mind was adamant about making me relive the past once again.

  A few days after my accountant had called me, I learned the truth about what had happened from Bruce himself.

  “Haley, we need to talk.”I couldn’t answer him. It was like my voice was trapped inside my throat. I just looked at him, my eyes still puffy and red from all the crying I had done before. Bruce reached out, placing a hand on my shoulder but I pulled away. He sighed, allowing me to calm down before he continued. “This isn’t easy.” He said.

  “I hope you didn’t come all the way here just to tell me that.”

  “Haley, just let me speak.” He said in a firm tone that instantly made me hold my tongue.

  “As I was saying, this isn’t easy. Two days ago, Branlon Enterprises bought me out and immediately scrapped all my investment projects. I had no choice in the matter.”

  I stared at him in bafflement. “How could you just let someone overtake your company like that? Haven’t you taken precautions or something?”r />
  “He was a major stockholder. There was nothing I could do.” Bruce explained. He reached forward and tried to squeeze my shoulder again, but I quickly shoved him away, my eyes filling with tears once more.

  “Don’t touch me,” I said harshly.

  “Haley, you’re a smart and motivated woman. I know you’ll do well for yourself, even without my help.” He offered a gentle smile.

  I got up and walked away. I couldn’t stand his fake smile. I knew that I wouldn’t be okay. I didn’t have some rich family to bail me out in my time of crisis. I turned and looked at him, my eyes burning.

  “I’m not like you, Bruce.”

  “Hmm?” He had a cigar in his mouth by now and was slowly taking a drag.

  “I don’t have anyone. I wasn’t born into the Murdoch family. I was born into the Winslow family – a family so poor they couldn’t even afford to raise me. Do you know how hard it is to fend for yourself your entire life? Of course you don’t, because you always had your parent’s money to fall back on! You simply don’t get it. This was my one shot at success and you crushed it.”

  Bruce looked at me, seemingly lost for words, his cigar hanging from his lips. “Look, we can figure something out. I know some friends I could refer you to -””

  “I don’t need your charity. If you don’t want to help me - that’s fine, I can handle this by myself. Just you wait and see.” I paused, my fingers shaking in my frustration.. “I thought we were business partners and yet, I don’t see a damn cent of the billion you received when you were bought out. Don’t think that my accountant didn’t tell me about that.” He tried to speak up, but I quickly quieted him with my hand. “Just leave me alone.” Without another word, I stormed out of his office with my head held high. I wasn’t going to let this guy crush me. I had made a mistake - I had allowed this to happen - but next time - I would be prepared. I would make damn sure of it.

  As I was walking, my phone rang. It was Charles. I picked up, my fingers shaking and my face red with anger.

  “Look, I heard about what you did.” My voice didn’t sound like my own. This all felt like some kind of ploy against me and I couldn’t believe how hard I had been played. “Never call me again. I never want to see you again. I never want to even hear your voice again. You hear me?” I hung up and collapsed against a nearby tree.

  Life just kept getting worse and worse…


  I was roused from my painful memories when the limo came to a stop. A large estate loomed outside the window. It was made entirely from stone and exquisitely detailed with marble. The front gates were gold-plated and sparkled under the light of the oil lamps that gave the manor a rustic feel. The well-tended garden sported flowers of every variety as well as a water fountain in the form of a naked woman, holding a jug of water.

  Before I had time to study the building further, the limo driver opened my door and ushered me out of the vehicle. Lining the street in front of the building were various other limos and exotic sports cars I had only ever seen on TV. A Bentley with what looked like diamond-studded rims rushed down the street before effortlessly gliding into a parking space. A beautiful woman with striking red hair emerged from the car, legs first. She held herself with perfect posture and waited until a man with a crooked smile walked around and grabbed her hand. Together, they walked toward the estate, looking like they owned the entire world.

  They passed through a smaller gate. Posted above it was a hand-crafted sign made of gold. The words ‘Breslyn Auction Club’ were stamped on the precious metal. Finally, it hit me. So that’s where I had heard about the Action Club… The memory quickly came flooding back into my mind. It was the same night I met Charles. While we were still at the club, one of the women escorting one of the businessmen mentioned it.

  “You should try it sometime. It was a blast, y’know?”

  “I’ve never heard of it,” I told her honestly, feeling my cheeks flush at my ignorance.

  “You’ve never heard of Breslyn’s?” She clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Girl, sit down, I have to tell you all about it.”

  I ordered yet another drink at the bar, ready to listen to her story. Across the room, I was very aware of Charles’ eyes roaming my body. I flashed him a seductive smile over the rim of my martini glass.

  “Are you even listening to me?” She said, sounding exasperated.

  “Yes, yes. Sorry.” I nodded. “Go ahead.”

  “So, as I was saying.” She dragged out her syllables as she spoke and I had to keep myself from groaning. “It was sooo much fun. I can’t even describe it. The thrill. The sense of wanting. Of longing you see from all the other men.” She pointed her thumb in the direction of her companion. “Maxwell had this killer look in his eye. He looked like a predator, stalking out his prey and damn, was it exciting.”

  I tilted my head in confusion. What was this woman talking about?

  “I’m sorry –”

  “You know, I’m actually quite surprised.”

  “About what?”

  The woman giggled and reached out, placing her hand on top of mine. Her brown eyes glimmered with mischief. She took a sip of her drink.

  “It’s a whole other experience.”

  I was getting irritated. She had piqued my interest and now she was beating around the bush. “I’m confused.” I finally admitted.

  “I can see that.” She mused, running her fingers along the rim of her glass. A soft sound tinkled through the air. “It’s quite cute. You know, I think you’d do quite well at Breslyn’s.”

  “If I knew what it was, maybe I would.” I said trying to force some information out of her.

  “You really don’t know, do you?” She paused, her features becoming serious. “Anyone who’s anyone knows Breslyn’s.” She stared at me. “You’re just pulling my leg, aren’t you?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I pressed, getting closer to her. I lowered my voice and widened my eyes. “But if you told me… I would really appreciate it.” I rested my hand on her leg, upping the charm.

  She just chuckled. “I’m sorry honey, but I’m not into women and I doubt you could afford my prices.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked once more. I grabbed my drink and took a large gulp, trying to clear away my irritation. This woman was having way too much fun teasing me..

  She just smiled knowingly. “But I will say, you do seem like a natural. I was surprised to find out that you weren’t from the auction .”

  “Auction?” I repeated, but she ignored me.

  “I didn’t see you. So, I don’t think you were there… but I guess you could’ve been in another group or something. I still think you’re pulling my leg.” She spun the glass in her fingers and watched the liquid swirl.

  “What do you mean auction?”

  She giggled, twirling a piece of hair between her fingers.

  “Oh, if you’re not from Breslyn’s I think it would be best if you just found out for yourself.” Her lips curled into a mischievous grin as she looked out at the crowd of men. “It might do you a favor you know if that silly website of yourself doesn’t pan out.”

  “Silly?” I stood up, getting angry. “My website isn’t silly.”

  “Whatever you say. But if you ask me, I’d much rather work a job I know pays well.” She looked over at her date, her eyes blazing. “For all you know, your website could be a bust. As for me…” She got up as well, her hands on her chest, adjusting her breasts. “These are all too real for men to ignore.” She winked and walked toward her date, her hips swaying seductively. For the rest of that night, I was left wondering what exactly was the Breslyn Auction Club.


  “You must be Haley Winslow, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” A woman’s sophisticated voice broken me out of my trance. I blinked, my vision blurry for a moment before I looked up. A woman with long black hair, a matching evening gown, and a large v
elvet hat that shielded her face stood in front of me, hand outstretched.

  “I’m Victoria Chambers.”

  My eyes widened at her introduction. It was her. It was the woman I had talked to on the phone. The woman who had given me the opportunity to escape the farm. I straightened my posture, suddenly feeling nervous. She held out a gloved hand and I quickly grabbed it in a firm handshake. I felt like I was squeezing her hand too tightly, but she didn’t pull away, she just smiled at me from underneath the brim of her hat.

  “Not one for words, are you, my dear? I’m surprised. You told me you were a young entrepreneur before this.”

  “Oh… yes… yes… I’m just taking a little break.” I did everything I could to sound convincing. “A friend of mine suggested that I get acquainted with Breslyn’s. Just thought it wouldn’t hurt to have a back-up plan.”

  “Ah. That’s very smart of you.” Victoria smiled once again. “Well, I have no doubt that you’ll find success here. You’re just what the men like to see. Smart, beautiful, a little bit sassy… maybe even a little naive.” She chuckled and rested her hand on a large, hulking individual that stood by her side. He was built like a brick. He loomed overhead with square shoulders and a rigid posture that made me guess he had spent some time in the military. On Victoria’s other side, was another well-built man in a black suit. Behind her was yet another. How many members of security did she have? Was she so important that she needed this much protection at one time? And protection from what exactly?

  I was left to wonder as she leaned toward one of her bodyguards and whispered in his ear. Her wide-brimmed hat covered her lips, making it impossible to figure out what she was saying. I had a hunch that her large, black hat was meant to keep people from reading her lips. She seemed like the kind of woman to keep a secret.

  Suddenly, without saying another word, the bodyguard on her left walked away. His heavy boots slammed against the sidewalk in a well-kept tempo. His knees rose a little too far and he barely moved his hips. He looked like a drill sergeant. I found myself straightening out my spine and rolling back my shoulders. Had I been hunched over this entire time?


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