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Page 15

by Sierra

  “Who said we were through?”

  Shannon actually looked afraid when Daniel made his intentions clear. He ran his hand down her face and neck, slowly rubbing her collarbone. He left the bed, only to return seconds later with the pink and blue tubes.

  “Open for me, angel.” Not a request but hot demand. His dick had rested enough and now it wanted more. She parted her legs, but only slightly. Still, it was enough for him to apply the female enhancement to her still-swollen pussy. Her knees knocked together before Daniel could blow.

  “Hold her open for me.” Bending down, he exhaled gently, sending Shannon into delirium. “Suck her nipple, Matt. Baby’s sore there.” Each man took a supple tip into his mouth. Daniel watched Matthew carefully. The younger man was so much gentler. As he laved her areola, Daniel bit down, causing her to arch up. The contrast between the rough and soft treatment each nipple was receiving was obvious. Daniel saw conflicting emotions passing over her face—wonder, arousal, total surrender. He nuzzled her neck, placing love bites along her shoulder.

  “Touch Matty, angel. I want him hard. Use this.” He gave Shannon the blue gel. She obeyed eagerly.

  Daniel deliberately hadn’t allowed Matt and Shannon to touch until now. Both of their hands were shaking as Matt’s finger prodded Shannon’s slit and her hand wrapped tightly around his engorged cock.

  Daniel rose over Shannon, licking his way across her belly, taking Matt’s hand away from her cunt and pulling it to his mouth. He sucked her cream from Matt’s long fingers, savoring the taste, honey and salt. The other man’s eyes hooded, watched the slow suckling motion of Daniel’s mouth. He licked his lips, and Daniel rewarded him by releasing his finger and pushing his tongue into Matt’s mouth, sharing Shannon’s honey. Daniel’s cock jumped when he heard Shannon’s soft whimper.

  On his knees, Daniel stared down at his lovers for a moment, never meeting their eyes but appraising their thoroughly loved bodies, the small beads of sweat, thighs wet with evidence of their arousal.

  “Matthew, on your back. Shannon, on your knees.” Daniel reached behind him and gave her two foil packets. She opened them and rolled the condoms on slowly, taking care to stroke every ridged, throbbing inch.

  “Wicked,” Daniel said, grabbing the back of her hair and slamming his mouth down on hers in a bruising kiss.

  Pulling back, he instructed Matt to grab onto the head rail on the bed. “If you move those hands away, everything stops.” He pushed his finger into Shannon to test her readiness. He blew down on Matthew’s cock, so the younger man squeezed the rail, hard.

  “Mount him, angel, but don’t you fuck him until I tell you to move.” He helped Shannon straddle Matthew, and grabbed the base of Matt’s dick, guiding it into her slit. Her hands slid up his chest as she took him completely into her.

  Daniel pressed his chest to her back. “Lean forward.” He breathed the words into her neck. As her body opened up, he placed his cock at her slick back entrance. Nice and easy, he entered her slowly. Inch by inch, taking his sweet time. Matt and Shannon exhaled deeply together as they both felt Daniel’s shaft sliding against wet pussy and hard cock.

  He wrapped his arms around Shannon’s torso, pulling her against him. Over her shoulder he watched in fascination as Matt’s eyes clouded over. He maneuvered his way inside. The fit was so fucking tight. Sharing such intimate space with Matthew was almost too much. Feeling his emotions begin to boil over, Daniel planted his mouth on the nape of Shannon’s damp neck, burrowing into her damp hair so they couldn’t see his face. Control, dammit, he cursed to himself. Remember, Daniel—control.

  Pulling himself together, he pumped short and shallow as Shannon rose and fell on Matt’s dick. They set up a steady rhythm that stole his mind, until Daniel grabbed Shannon’s tits and dragged her to a stop.

  “Don’t fucking move, either one of you.” His voice sounded almost venom filled as his control stretched to the limit. Finally it shattered. He thrust fast, hard and furious into Shannon, rasping over Matt’s cock just as abrasively, all three of them moaning, swearing, going crazy with the friction of Daniel’s movements.

  Shannon was the first to tremble. “Daniel, please, I need to come.”

  Daniel rubbed her clit with the tip of his finger. “Yes, angel,” he whispered in her ear. His other hand held her body tight as she threw herself back against his chest, tears streaking from her beautiful brown eyes.

  Her body softened, and the men sank even deeper into her heat. This pushed both men to the limit.

  “Now, Matty!” Daniel’s shout rang out in unison with Matt’s orgasmic growl as they each filled Shannon up. The sensation of Matt’s cock jerking against his, with only the thin tissue of Shannon’s body separating them, dragged Daniel’s orgasm on and on. He knew he was done for the night. This orgasm had been longer, deeper, and had drained him of every bit of emotion, energy and seed.

  Daniel pulled out, finally sated. He would be no use to anyone tomorrow. He certainly never recalled a time when he had come so hard, so many times. In his quest to give Matt and Shannon the most intense sexual experience of their lives, he’d managed to completely devastate himself.

  As he fell to the bed, it was Matthew this time who rose, disposing of both men’s protection and returning with warm, wet clothes. It was a comforting ritual, and Daniel felt a twinge when he realized he was the one who’d taught it to Matthew.

  Both of Daniel’s arms drifted across the pillows, gathering them against him, Shannon on one side, Matt on the other. Wrapping their arms around his torso, they each tangled their legs with his, throwing their limbs over each of his thighs. It felt too damn good, and he was too exhausted to question the closeness, the intimacy of holding each other after sex. His eyes drifted shut as his lovers’ breaths caressed his body.

  * * * * *

  He woke with a heaviness across his entire chest. Looking down, he recognized two heads. When he extracted himself from their embrace, neither woke. Daniel slowly stood, his body revolting against the transition from warm bed to chilly room. He watched Matt and Shannon, their long hair tousled, covering their faces. He should wake them, send for a car to take them home. Against his better judgment, he decided not to. They needed the uninterrupted sleep.

  Picking up his jeans and shirt from the floor, he went upstairs. There was no way he’d sleep with his sticky, aching body, so he climbed into a hot shower. His cock got stiff, something he would have said was impossible a mere hour ago, as the memories of their evening flashed in Technicolor through his mind.

  He grasped his rigid length and made short work of jacking off, coming yet again. Fuck! He slapped his hands against the wall, his head resting on the cool shower tile. He stood there until the water ran cold, trying hard to drown the warmth Shannon and Matt left growing in him. He refused to listen to his heart or his brain—they were at war, and he was too damned tired to sort through this shit.

  Stepping into his room, he went straight for the scotch. Pouring a glass full, he saw his stark reflection in the mirror, his glass in hand, poised at his lips… That’s my boy. Drink them away. That’s how I forgot your mom. Drink up, boy.

  Daniel let the glass fall to the floor, the amber liquid soaking into the thick carpeting. Turning away, he crept into his bed alone.

  * * * * *

  Bright sunlight filtered into Daniel’s room, shining directly on his face. He squinted as he rolled over to look at the clock. Eleven. Daniel couldn’t recall the last time he’d slept so late.

  He sat up and stretched his arms, his neck full of knots. Last night’s exertion had left a satisfying ache running through his body. Throwing back the comforter, he spied a small handwritten note next to him. He smiled as he read what could only be Shannon’s looping script.

  Hey, sleepyhead, breakfast is in the oven.

  He knew Matt hadn’t written it, the young man didn’t dot his I’s with little hearts. Daniel threw on a pair of low-slung jeans and a silk shirt.

Entering the kitchen, he smelled the mouthwatering aroma of bacon and eggs. His stomach growled its approval.

  Sitting at the table, he began eating with gusto. Shannon was a fabulous cook. He decided he was going to have to increase the amount of time he spent at the gym if she kept feeding him like this.

  Laughter, both male and female, floated through the window. Daniel froze as he realized his lovers had not gone home. He’d expected them to be long gone. They always left him in the wee hours, presumably to go home and cuddle away the early morning. He carefully placed his dishes in the dishwasher. Slipping on shoes, he stopped long enough at the mirror to finger comb his hair into its customary messy elegance.

  He stepped outside and followed the laughter around to the side of his house. There, flinging soap at each other, were Shannon and Matt. Washing his Jag. He winced as he imagined little scratches and dings from their silly antics.

  He crossed his arms over his broad chest. “What do you two think you’re doing with my very expensive custom-built piece of driving performance?” The hose dropped and Shannon and Matt looked like two kids caught raiding the cookie jar. Daniel tried his best to look pissed but at their anxious, guilty expressions, he started laughing.

  “The looks on your faces… Man, that’s priceless.”

  Shannon reached down into the bucket and scooped up a soapy sponge, whipping it expertly through the air, hitting Daniel squarely in the chest.

  Daniel’s eyes narrowed in outrage. She placed a hand over her mouth, her eyes widening in horror as she realized he was wearing one of his expensive silk shirts.

  Daniel feigned anger, and advanced threateningly on her.

  “You seem to have a bad habit of throwing things at me, angel.” Matt laughed at them, eyes sparking almost as blue as Daniel’s as he leaned back against the gleaming car. Rushing her in a sudden movement, Daniel wrapped his arms around Shannon, smacking her firmly on the ass before maneuvering her backward into Matt’s arms.

  He raised his eyebrows to Matt in a silent challenge. Matt’s arms came around Shannon, locking her to his chest. Daniel bent down and picked up the hose. Shannon shook her head at the look of wicked glee on Daniel’s face.

  “You’re a bad girl, angel, a very bad girl indeed.”

  She was still wearing his dress shirt, and Daniel placed the hose up underneath it, spraying it full blast. She shrieked with laughter and struggled in Matthew’s arms as the shirt instantly became transparent and plastered against her skin. Her nipples went taut from the cold and burgeoning arousal.

  He placed his knee between her thighs, rubbing her clit through her tiny panties. He kissed her hungrily, exploring her lovely mouth, sipping water from her lips. One hand slid behind her to rest on Matt’s shoulder, squeezing it. He drew his mouth from Shannon’s and leaned over her shoulder, placing his mouth on Matthew’s chin. As Matt ducked his head to capture Daniel’s lips with his own, Shannon let out a scream. Matt fell back against the car laughing as he watched Daniel place the hose against Shannon’s pussy and turn it on.

  Chapter Seventeen

  At first Daniel couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong when he walked through his door. It took a moment of standing, listening to the silence, to realize what was missing. Shannon.

  She wasn’t in the kitchen singing bad eighties music. She hadn’t run to plaster herself in his arms, completely sure of her welcome. There were no savory smells wafting through the house. It felt…empty.

  Daniel flashed back to his childhood. Was this how his father had felt every time his mother had taken up with another man? His knee-jerk reaction was to pour a drink and dig out his black book. If Shannon wanted something more than him, well, he’d have a little something more himself.

  He was halfway across the room when sanity returned. Shannon was not his mother, and he was not in love with her, so it wouldn’t matter if she was. But she wasn’t, and her absence could only mean something ominous. Walking through the house, looking for any sign she’d been there, he yanked out his cell phone and hit speed dial.

  “Yo.” Matt’s cheerful voice filled Daniel with more relief than he cared to contemplate.

  “You and Shannon aren’t coming over tonight?” The question came out a little more ragged than he’d intended, and Daniel desperately tried to smooth out his voice before Matthew realized the depths of his upset.

  “We aren’t?” Matt sounded confused, and Daniel felt his worry escalate.

  “I assumed not. Shannon isn’t here, and by now she’s usually got my kitchen in an uproar, and is assaulting some poor, defenseless oldie.”

  “Daniel, when she left for school this morning, the plan was for us to meet at your place tonight. That’s where I was headed when I get out of here.” Matt now sounded as worried as Daniel felt, but somehow that was no comfort.

  “Okay,” Matt continued, “you call her condo and I’ll call mine. Hopefully she’s in one of those places.” He made a low, impatient noise. “If she’d just agree to carry a damn cell phone, we wouldn’t be in this situation!”

  The two men quickly ended their call, in perfect agreement about Shannon’s stubborn refusal to carry a phone even though they’d bought her one that was pretty, pink and had more bells and whistles than a carnival. Daniel quickly dialed Shannon’s condo, only to hang up in frustration as the voice mail picked up.

  Feeling more helpless than he had since he was a child, he sat staring at the phone, willing it to ring.

  * * * * *

  Matthew sat at his brand new desk in his brand new office and gave the phone a worried look. Daniel had sounded almost…concerned. And that just ramped up Matt’s anxiety. He quickly dialed his home number, almost wilting with relief when Shannon answered.

  “What are you doing there, babe?” He didn’t wait for her to answer before going on. “Daniel’s ready to call out the cavalry, and I thought we were meeting at his house tonight anyway.”

  “It isn’t really a good night for me to be all chipper.” Indeed, he didn’t think he’d ever heard her sound so flat. “I thought it would be better for me to stay home. You should go over there, though,” she added after a moment. “Just because I can’t make nice doesn’t mean the two of you can’t have a good time.”

  “Are you okay, babe?” Something in her voice brought all his worry back. “Do you need me to come home now?” He looked at his watch. It was only five o’clock, but he could take off on time for just once. He’d finally found his niche at the Worthington Group, but Shannon was more important than business.

  “No! No, I’m fine.” She most definitely did not sound fine. “You can tuck me in when you get home from Daniel’s.” As if he was going to leave her alone while he played naughty games without her. “I’m just tired. It’s been a shitty day.”

  She hung up soon after, and Matthew immediately dialed again, this time Daniel’s number.

  “Well?” Daniel picked up on the first ring, his voice abrupt.

  “She’s at my place. She sounds upset.” He paused a minute. “Even if I leave now, it’ll take me a good forty-five minutes to get there. You’re a lot closer. Will you go?”

  Shannon sat alone in the dark. Sometime over the summer she’d begun to feel more at home in Matt’s condo than she did in her own, and she needed that comfort now. She wanted to close her eyes, but every time she did, she saw little Angelo Torres pull out the knife, and she relived over and over again the moment when he’d started flailing wildly, slicing at anyone within reach. She glanced down at the bandage wrapped across her palm, and realized she’d been lucky to escape with only stitches. Sheer instinct had made her grab the boy to disarm him. Foolish instinct. He could have easily carved her up as much as he had the little boy who’d shared his worktable.

  She was huddled on the couch, staring at nothing when the door opened. A brief, disinterested look at the digital clock showed it was far too soon to be Matthew. She laid her head back against the couch and fought the rush of relief flowing through he
r as Daniel’s silhouette filled the doorway. The reason she hadn’t gone to him in the first place hadn’t changed. He wanted sexy, sassy, upbeat Shannon. Tonight that woman didn’t exist. Tonight she needed comfort, and she just didn’t know if Daniel had it to give.

  Daniel walked matter-of-factly over to scoop her into his arms and settle her into his lap as he sat.

  She burrowed into his chest like a wounded animal, and her breath shuddered out in a low rush.

  “Wanna tell me about it?” He kept his voice soft, soothing. She shook her head violently against his chest, and he began to stroke her hair. “I’d like to know,” he urged. “I was worried when you weren’t at the house tonight.”

  She looked up at him, though she didn’t meet his eyes. “I figured you’d rather not have a weepy, sloppy woman hanging around.” He looked incredulous, which confused her just a little bit. After all, Daniel had made it very clear that, for him at least, this was all about the sex.

  “I should have called though,” she added softly. “I didn’t mean to make either of you worry.”

  Daniel shook his head and pressed her closer to his body.

  “Shannon, I want you around whether you’re Little Mary Sunshine, angry and cranky, or weepy and sloppy. Now tell me what’s happened. Let me help.”

  She figured he didn’t really mean it, but it was exactly what she needed to hear from him. Slowly, and then in a rush, she described the tragedy at her school. How she’d had no warning one of her students was unstable and had a history of violence and carrying weapons to school. How he’d argued with the boy who shared his desk. The knife. The blood.

  The little boy he’d stabbed was going to make it, but he’d carry the scars on his face and chest forever. She showed Daniel her own injury, and trembled at the rage filling his eyes. As he very gently pressed his lips to her bandages, he whispered, “You idiot. He could have killed you.” He closed his eyes for a moment, laying her hand against his cheek. “Matt wouldn’t survive losing you.” He laid a trail of soft kisses down the line of her jaw before settling back into the couch and holding her close enough to feel his heartbeat.


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