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Page 16

by Sierra

  In the safety of his arms Shannon finally let the tears come.

  He held her for ages, for far longer than she ever would have expected—and when he finally set her back on the couch, it was gently and with obvious reluctance.

  “I’ll bet you haven’t eaten since breakfast.” She gave a watery sniff and shook back her hair. “Well, Matthew is bound to have something here I can’t ruin.” Her smile was weak, but it was impossible not to respond to his wry self-deprecation.

  He was flipping his phone open as he walked into the kitchen, and Shannon knew he was calling Matt. She strained to hear his side of the conversation.

  “There was some trouble at school. A kid with a knife. Get your ass home. She needs a soft touch, and God knows she won’t get it from me.”

  She could hear the drawers and cupboard doors banging and figured she should go out there and rescue Daniel from kitchen duty, but she just couldn’t make herself do it. Her cry had exhausted her, and all she wanted now was to curl up and sleep for a week. If only she could erase the grisly pictures in her mind’s eye.

  She must have dozed a little, because when she opened her eyes Daniel was sitting next to her, balancing a bottle of wine, glasses and a woefully over-cooked TV dinner. Pouring the wine, he gave the food a sheepish look and said, “Well, at least you won’t get food poisoning from it.” He poked at it with a fork. “I think.”

  It coaxed a damp laugh from her, and she snuggled against his side.

  “It’s a relief to know you’re not good at everything. You’re already far too perfect for my peace of mind.”

  He gave a small snort and poked the loaded fork at her mouth. “You’re obviously delusional from lack of food. Eat up.”

  He spent a long time coaxing her to eat when she had no appetite, and feeding her sips of wine until the knots in her neck and stomach began to ease. When she finally pushed away the tray and glass, he rose and dumped everything on the coffee table.

  She blinked sleepily at him as he headed for Matthew’s bedroom, and on through to the bathroom. She closed her eyes as the water began to run, and didn’t bother to open them when he came and lifted her effortlessly into steady arms. She stood docilely in front of him while he undressed her. She was cried out, numb and exhausted. Too wrung out to feel much of anything.

  When he lowered her into the tub, the water covered her like a warm, safe cocoon. Fragrant bubbles tickled her chin. She soaked in the comfort, savoring the knowledge that Matt kept her toiletries in his bathroom. Daniel’s hands were slow and soothing as he smoothed thick, velvety soap over her shoulders and arms.

  She kept expecting him to initiate sex, but he never did. Instead he stroked shampoo into her tangled hair, sliding his fingers through the strands until they lay like silk over her shoulders, and then using the shampoo to lubricate his way through a deep massage of her scalp and neck. In spite of herself, Shannon heard a low purr coming from her throat as she lost herself in the beauty of the moment.

  She wasn’t aware of it when Matthew entered the room—wasn’t really aware of anything but Daniel’s hands. She did, however, notice when the lights dimmed, and slitted her eyes open to find Matt lighting various candles scattered throughout the room before flipping on the whirlpool feature in the garden tub.

  Daniel scooted over to make room for him near her head, and he knelt on the floor by the tub and leaned over to bury his face in her wet neck, breathing deeply as she wound one hand around his ponytail and clung for a moment.

  He touched her bound hand gently and drew a ragged breath before bringing it to his lips for a tender kiss. Sharing a look with Daniel, he settled down next to the tub, holding her hand while Daniel went to work on her feet and legs with sure, soapy fingers.

  When he’d kneaded all the knots out of her body, Daniel pulled off his shirt and lifted her from the tub. Together, he and Matthew began drying her with the thick, fluffy towels Matt had draped over a warming rack beside the tub. They’d cared for her in tandem enough times now that it was natural. They worked together in perfect harmony, stroking over her skin until a warm flush replaced the shocky chills she’d felt earlier.

  Once they had her dry, Matthew dropped one of his t-shirts over her head. The neck slipped off one shoulder, and the hem came almost to her knees. Scooping her up against his chest, Daniel hugged her tightly for a moment before laying her in Matt’s big bed. When he started to stand, she gripped his hand and whispered, “Don’t go.”

  He only paused a moment before he answered.

  “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”

  As they stripped down to their boxers, Matthew murmured, “For someone who doesn’t have a soft touch, you seemed to be doing all right for yourself.” He just grinned at the dry look Daniel shot in his direction.

  “God,” he continued more seriously, yanking the tie from his hair. “The thought of her hurt…” He let his words trail off, but Daniel had no trouble picking up where he left off.

  “If she’d been seriously hurt, there’d be no hole deep enough for the kid’s parents to hide in.”

  They shared a look of perfect understanding before turning to the bed where Shannon waited.

  Matthew let Daniel take the lead, as he often did, watching with obvious appreciation as Daniel spooned against her back protectively, and pillowed her head on his arm. Once they were settled, Matt slid in on her other side, lying facing them. With one hand wrapped around her waist, he caressed them both.

  Matt blinked in surprise when Daniel slid his lower arm across the pillows to tangle his fingers in Matthew’s loose hair. Hell, the action surprised Daniel himself. They held each other’s eyes over Shannon’s head until her breathing evened out into the steady rhythm of sleep. Only then did the men allow themselves to drift off as well.

  * * * * *

  Daniel woke as Shannon slipped from the foot of the bed, obviously taking care not to disturb him or Matthew. At first he thought she just needed to visit the bathroom, but when she didn’t return, he realized there was something more to her absence.

  Giving Matt a rough nudge in the shoulder, Daniel slid from the bed. Matt blinked a couple of times, and then focused on the sliver of yellow light bleeding under the bathroom door. When he moved to get up, Daniel shook his head and said, “I’ll go,” before padding to the closed door.

  She stood in front of the sink, hands braced on the marble counter, head bowed and eyes closed. She wasn’t crying, but she looked as if she wanted to. When she lifted her head and met his eyes in the mirror, the stark grief in her eyes pierced him to the core.

  “Hey.” He turned her to face him, pulling her close. “It’s okay for now. You’re safe, the little boy is being cared for. Hell, both boys are being cared for.” He dipped his head and kissed her lightly on the nose. “Tomorrow’s soon enough to deal with everything.”

  She nuzzled her face into the hollow between his pectoral muscles. Taking a deep breath, she whispered, “You always smell so good.” He smiled as her lips ruffled his chest hair, and cupped her head to hold her closer. “And you’re such a good cuddler,” she added, rubbing her cheek over his skin. “Who knew you’d be such a talented cuddler?”

  “We’ve cuddled before,” he argued, but she shook her head, brushing silky hair over his sensitive nipple.

  “No, Matt’s the cuddler. You hold me sometimes, but it’s always leading up to or coming down from the big O.”

  Daniel considered for a moment. Hell, she was right.

  “Shit.” Her laughter chuffed over his chest. “Well, would it ruin the moment if I kissed you while we cuddled?”

  Her smile was small, but held a measure of its usual warmth when she tipped her head back to meet his eyes.

  “Not at all.” She brushed her lips over his bristly chin. “In fact,” she rubbed the front of her all over the front of him and smiled at the predictable reaction, “I think I might be done cuddling for now.”

  She’d been prepared for his passion. She
was used to that. So the slow, dreamy kiss took her by surprise. He sampled her lips like they were a rare wine, tasting and savoring her, before drinking her down.

  His hands moved languorously over her back, heating her flesh through Matt’s thin shirt. As her hands crept up his chest to twine around his neck, his wandering hands slid beneath the hem of the shirt to cup her buttocks in firm hands.

  She sighed into his mouth, flicking her tongue along his bottom lip in a lazy quest for more. He responded quickly, sliding his own tongue along hers in a tingling rush. Purring in satisfaction, she sucked delicately, scraping her nails through the rough satin of his hair when he grunted and his cock rubbed against her belly.

  “Woman,” he growled, sweeping her into his arms. “You’re hell on my self-control.” But he didn’t sound upset about it.

  Matthew was sitting up in bed when Daniel carried her back into the room. Laying her down in the middle of the vast mattress, he commented, “She doesn’t want to cuddle anymore.”

  Matt offered a sly smile, and leaned back with his arms crossed behind his neck.

  “Then have at her, man.” He winked at Shannon before turning back to Daniel. “You are the boss, after all.”

  Daniel pulled the pillow from beneath Shannon’s head and used it to whack Matthew before folding it up to prop her hips. Once the pillow was in place, he carefully arranged her legs to provide the maximum view, before pressing his lips to her ankle.

  “You know you can come to me,” he met her eyes, and then Matthew’s, “anytime. For anything.” She nodded solemnly, and Matt looked shaken. As a reward, Daniel dragged his tongue up her leg to press soft kisses against the side of her knee.

  “You will never leave me waiting, wondering if you’re okay, again.” This time his look was all for her, and when she nodded again, he slid her leg over his shoulder and began to string sharp, sucking kisses up her inner thigh.

  “You will trust me to take care of you.” He murmured the words against her inner thigh, but his eyes burned over Matthew as well. When her small hand fisted in his hair, he drew back until she nodded again. Not satisfied, he commanded, “Answer out loud.”

  Her voice was soft and shaky when she did. “I trust you, Daniel.”

  Her words freed him, and without further hesitation he buried his mouth in her ripe, juicy pussy.

  “God, I love how you taste.” His voice had more of her honey flowing, and Matt’s low groan of appreciation only heightened her arousal.

  Daniel had wedged both shoulders beneath her thighs now, opening her up for his foraging mouth. He turned his face slowly from side to side, rubbing his cheeks over her inner thighs as he stroked his tongue over her soaked folds. Sliding one finger into her grasping sheath, he sucked at her clit while probing for the soft swell inside she knew would blow the top off her head with one stroke.

  When he found it, she arched into his mouth with a whimper, shaking in his hands like a leaf in the wind. As her shudders eased, he continued to lick slowly at her slick flesh, dipping his tongue into her fluttering opening as she sighed, relaxing back into the bed.

  Daniel finally lifted his mouth, swiping his cheeks over her abdomen to clear her juices from his face. Somehow the action was so sexy it had her arching again into his hands.

  With a jerk of his head, Daniel tossed the hair from his eyes and beckoned Matthew to join him, and Matt eagerly complied. Crawling across the bed, he bent his head to lick at the damp streak Daniel had left on her belly, and she shivered in reaction. Then, dragging his tongue up Daniel’s back along the way, he homed in on her aching breasts.

  The sight of Daniel, arching into Matthew’s caress, followed so closely by the slow rasp of Matthew’s tongue over her straining nipple, plunged Shannon back into a maelstrom of desire. Daniel rose to capture her lips, and she could taste herself on his mouth, spicy and exotic. Matthew laved her nipples, drawing the velvety peaks to agonizing hardness, and Shannon abandoned herself to the sensations.

  Daniel moved back, leaving Matthew an open field to play in. Matt took full advantage, lapping at her nipples one after the other before sucking them into his mouth, nibbling with teeth just on the right side of pain.

  She lost track of who was touching what, she only knew that every inch of her body was being cherished by strong male hands. Hard fingers pulled at her nipples, and her eyes flew open in reaction. She was just in time to catch sight of Daniel as he caught Matthew’s loose hair in his fist, turning his head until their lips met in a kiss so hot she got a contact buzz just watching.

  Daniel slid up next to Matthew, and she moaned at the sight of their heads, one so dark and one so fair, bending to her breasts. Hot mouths enveloped her nipples simultaneously, sending her arching wildly off the bed.

  When they pulled away, Daniel turned her gently onto her stomach, and she tensed, waiting for the sting of his open palm on her quivering ass. It never came. Instead, warm tongues traced intricate patterns over both cheeks before licking like flames up either side of her spine. She gasped and arched into the touches, reaching out blindly to do some touching of her own, but Daniel caged her hands.

  “This is for you.” His lips vibrated against the knot of nerves at the base of her neck, and she shivered.

  “Just let us take care of you,” Matthew added, licking over the super-sensitive skin at the back of her knee.

  “Then kiss me.” She didn’t recognize her own voice. It was raw with tears and with sensual desperation. Her men didn’t let her down. Drawing her to her knees, Daniel took her lips in a long, eating kiss before moving aside so Matthew could do the same. She knelt, caught between the two men, as they took turns ravishing her mouth, drinking her in and filling her with their flavors until her head spun with it.

  With one hand she reached down and around, clutching at the back of Matthew’s thigh and tugging him closer against her body. The other hand snaked around Daniel’s neck to tangle in his hair, holding his lips to hers until they both gasped for breath.

  “Will you do whatever I ask?” She knew he would, they both would, and she had every intention of taking full advantage. When Daniel rumbled his assent against her neck, and Matthew murmured it into the soft skin between her shoulder blades, she couldn’t suppress a feline smile.

  “I want to touch you.” She breathed into Daniel’s ear. Tipping her head back against Matthew’s shoulder, she added, “But first, I want to watch you touch each other.” She could tell her guys liked the idea by the way their cocks jerked against her in perfect unison. Wriggling from between them, she knelt facing them. And they knelt facing each other.

  The sight of them, face-to-face and so excruciatingly beautiful, undid her. Her pussy was streaming, her eyes stinging and her heart filled with such love and lust she couldn’t contain it.

  Daniel sent her a questioning look, as if to ask if she had any preferences, but she could only shake her head.

  “Just touch him, Daniel. Show me how much you want him.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Matthew watched Daniel search Shannon’s eyes before the other man turned back to him. This was supposed to be all about her pleasure, but the little minx had flipped the script on them. Not that Matthew had any complaints. He loved Daniel’s hands on him every bit as much as he loved Shannon’s. And he got to feel them a hell of a lot less frequently, as Daniel usually kept his hands to himself, directing Shannon as she touched Matthew.

  “The lady wants a show,” Daniel rasped, and Matthew chuckled darkly in reply.

  “Then let’s give her one.”

  As he spoke, Daniel moved in, tugging off Matt’s boxers, leaning in to his body without ever quite touching him. Slowly Daniel moved around behind him, finally making contact as he drew his tongue up the straining tendon along the side of Matthew’s neck as he pulled at his own boxer-briefs.

  Matthew shifted and felt his cock pulse even harder as Daniel’s bobbing prick brushed over his ass. Instinctively he widened his stance, unconsc
iously making room, inviting Daniel in.

  Daniel, his mouth still stroking Matthew’s neck, reached down to cup Matthew’s buttocks. He seemed to savor the hard, round globes, squeezing and kneading, before pulling the cheeks apart in a luxurious stretch Matt felt all the way to his balls.

  Shannon’s eyes met his, and Matt let himself sink into their brown velvet depths as he felt Daniel’s cock, bare and burning, stroke along the crack of his ass. Without ever penetrating, Daniel prodded his anus, sending little lightning bolts of pleasure through him. His eyes slitted, but he wouldn’t let them close entirely. He didn’t want to lose the connection with Shannon. Her enjoyment of Daniel’s caresses was almost as intense as his own.

  Aching for release, he grasped his dick in one hand, smoothing drops of pre-cum over the bulging head. Daniel’s hand covered his, stopping his rough caress.

  “Oh no.” His voice was darkness and fire. “That’s mine.” Matt felt his breath over the back of his neck and feared he would come from that alone. “She said so,” Daniel added, smoothing his hand over Matthew’s stomach, pausing to tug at the thicket of hair that had finally regrown to surround his cock.

  “If it’s yours,” his voice was a tight gasp, and Matthew didn’t even care, “then use it or lose it.”

  Daniel chuckled against his neck before sliding his hand down to cup Matthew’s balls.

  “Oh I’ll use it. Don’t you worry about that.” His diabolical fingers quested behind Matt’s balls, finding the very root of his penis and stroking at the ridge of flesh. Matt jerked in response, and Shannon jerked too.

  Before Matthew’s glazing eyes, she began to move. As he watched, helpless in the thrall of Shannon’s needs and Daniel’s wants, she cupped her own breasts, tweaking the nipples with far more force than he would have expected. Licking her index fingers, she manipulated the puckered flesh, shimmying her hips in time to her tugging.


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