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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

Page 6

by Julia Sexton

  He was able to verify three locations. The earthquake would be localized to the middle of the ocean, making it not all that much to worry about. The two volcanoes were both in Hawaii. One was in the middle of nowhere, but the other one was in direct line to a town down below. We sent a message to a proxy server to that Hawaiian Island. It took a bit of convincing, but they decided to air on the side of caution. They were in the process of evacuating the town for a 40 hour supervision period. The sinkholes were a little bit more difficult to pinpoint their locations.

  Suddenly, he became stone cold still and his entire body began to glow that same eerie green substance that I had seen outside in the forest. He was talking with his superiors for over half an hour. I was tempted to make a break for it, but I decided stick around for the betterment of mankind.

  The green beam around him suddenly dissipated and he was now looking at me

  “Stacy, I have some good news and I have some bad news.”

  It was better than all bad news, but now I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. He informed me about what his superiors had said. I listened intently, until he finished and allowed me to absorb everything that I had heard. It made me scratch my head for a moment, but then I started to realize that it was the best that he could do under the circumstances.

  “Ash, I think that we might have figured a way to give your planet a fighting chance. It will also give my planet a chance to replenish what you have taken. I guess that is the best that I can hope for. I don’t like that it’s going to take over 10 years to replenish what you took, but I guess I can see both sides. It’s a good then that placebo might be able to speed up the process.”

  Chapter ten

  He was right and I could not see the beam of light, but I saw how it was slicing through the earth’s core not more than a few feet away from me. Ash was standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders.

  “I don’t care how strong my feelings of sexual longing gets. I don’t want you to be someplace that you don’t want to be. I want you to go. I’ll find some way to satisfy my hunger. I don’t think it’s right that you should be here. I want you to go and get on with the rest of your life. Forget about me.”

  This was the last thing that I thought I was going to hear from him.

  I watched, as the beam continued to cut and I was hoping beyond hope that nothing was going to interfere. As Ash had already said, if anything were to get in between the beam, it would be incinerated. Life would be lost and that was not the kind of blood that I wanted on my hands.

  “Ash, do you mean that or are you just trying to tell me what I want to hear?”

  The feeling of his hands on my shoulders felt amazing and I could definitely feel that there was something changing about him. He was looking like he was having a problem living in his own skin. He was squirming noticeably and I could tell that something was weighing heavily on him.

  “It’s been a couple of days and I was hoping that you would come to me willingly, but I cannot in good conscience allow you to stay. I know that you did, primarily because you wanted to make sure that your planet was safe.

  I’ve since taken steps to make sure that that earthquake and those volcanoes not to mention the sinkholes will not be too destructive. It might take 10 years for your planet to replenish, but at least it will be able to do so with the device that I have now planted. This really shouldn’t take all that much longer and then I will be taking my leave. It’s time to return home.” His words tugged at my heart.

  “You just said that you didn’t want to return home.” I turned in his arms and I found myself kissing him under my own volition. I wanted to see what it would feel like to make the first move. I had to admit that it took a little bit of getting used to, but now that I was playing the tune, he was able to follow my lead. This was a kind of dance routine that needed two partners.

  Suddenly, I was inside his bedroom and I had no idea how I got there. I could still see the earth crumbling underneath the destructive wave of that light out the window. I was hoping that this arrangement would benefit us both. The earth didn’t even know how close it came to its ultimate destruction.

  “I don’t think I want to leave, Ash. I want to stay with you. If you decide to go back to your planet, I would like to come with you.”

  He did not try to touch me with force, but I could feel this vibration from his fingertips that was causing a stirring down below.

  “I really don’t know what to say. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that you’re staying, but I hope that you’re not doing it because you feel like you need to. I won’t die without you. I’ll feel immeasurable pain and I won’t have any way to get rid of it, but I will… persevere.”

  “I’m not doing this with my eyes closed, Ash. I have them wide open. I’ve always found you attractive, but I couldn’t admit to myself that I might have real feelings for you. It snuck up on me and I think learning about you and where you came from sealed the deal.”

  I was undressing him, taking off his black jacket and then undoing that tie and slipping it over his neck. I dropped it onto the floor nonchalantly, before starting with the buttons on his shirt.

  He grabbed my hands and he stopped me from going any further.

  “Be sure about this, Stacy. If we do this, it will forever bond us and I’ll never want to let you go.”

  “I don’t think that I’ve heard better words spoken.”

  His grip on my wrist caused me a bit of concern. He probably didn’t even know his own strength. He finally lessened his control and allowed me to continue to unveil his nakedness. I opened his shirt and I started to rain kisses on his chest. I found his belt and pulled it off. I wrapped it around his neck and pulled him down for a much desired kiss.

  His lips were soft, but demanding and his hands were on the small of my back, which was the most sensitive part of my body. He played along my spine like a xylophone, while I was unbuttoning his pants and then using both of my hands to strip him bare. His elongated state was now projecting nicely about 9 inches away from his crotch.

  I grabbed it and I heard his intake of breath and it was like music to my ears. I gave it the same attention that I had when I thought that he was sleeping. It was, so much better that I could see his eyes alive with fire and desire. His pupils had now grown considerably and they were glowing this brilliant yellow. He made it almost impossible for me to stop staring at him.

  “You better be sure about this, Stacy. I’ve been able to curb my appetite for your body, but all of this is only exasperating the situation. I feel it deep down and it has been growing exponentially from the moment that we started kissing. I need you. I don’t think that I’ve ever said that to anyone in my entire life. It’s strange even hearing it coming from my mouth.”

  I was still using my hands and it was getting sticky with his juices. I loved the feel of it and then I suddenly felt him turning me and bending me over the bed.

  I heard him growl seeing my well proportioned ass and there was a moment that I shuddered to feel the kind of passion that he was about to unleash. I felt my skirt rise up over my ass and the cool air of the air conditioning did nothing to cool me off.

  I was hot to the touch and when his greedy little hands grabbed onto my cheeks and pulled them apart, I knew exactly what he was going to do. His finger made contact with the wet crotch of my underwear. He easily pulled it aside to expose me in a way that I thought that I was never going to allow.

  “You are, so fucking big and beautiful…so much to love. I don’t know how I have been able to keep my hands off of you. To tell you the truth, it has been pretty damn painful. Knowing that you were just down the hall or even lying beside me was almost too much for me to bear.”

  His confession was met with me reaching behind and pulling myself open, so that he could see the target that he desired more than life itself.

  I felt one hand on my ass and the heat of it was a reminder of what was to come. He had his knob slurping up and down my
wet slit. He was making a conscious effort to make this pleasurable. He probably wouldn’t have done that under any other circumstances. He was taking my feelings into consideration and this was not all about his own pleasure.

  “I’m sorry that I had to put you through that, Ash. I know that I’ve made you wait long enough. I think that you can see it from my point of view. You killed my verbally abusive boyfriend. That was a big enough shock as it was, but then add to the fact that you’re an alien and it took me a lot of time to wrap my mind around all of this.”

  He was constantly moving his mushroom tip up and down my slit. I was waiting for that inevitable insertion.

  “I think that I’ve waited long enough. I thought that this was just going to be about the mating cycle, but I think it has gone beyond that. This is not just about me finding pleasure and I want you to have that same kind of pleasure. Open yourself up to me, body mind and soul and I’ll show you exactly what I mean.”

  Once again, I allowed my mind to go blank and then I was inundated with the kind of pleasure that surrounded me like my own personal aura.

  “Ash…oh my, I think I knew that it was going to be like this, but I was scared.”

  He hadn’t even entered me yet and the feeling of him seducing my mind was more than enough to make me want a more physical connection.

  “I think it’s time. You need to give me that and you need to give it to me right now.”

  I was not disappointed and he did not act like a man possessed by his own libido. He was careful and gentle and his knob separated my lips and started the slow journey into my body.

  “I can’t even believe that I’ve been able to hold myself back. Even now, I have this insane desire to just fuck you.”

  There was a big part of me that wished that he would, but going slow was making it all that much more delicious.

  “Damn, you are very tight and so hot that it feels like you’re burning me.”

  I felt the same way and the friction of his shaft, even though it was well lubricated with my own juices had certainly made entry a lot more interesting. I think he had about half of that log inside me and I knew that I was stretching to a capacity that I didn’t even think was possible.

  He opened me up to his manly persuasion. I soon felt his balls pressed up against my clit. He started to move and it started off slowly, but that did not last more than a few seconds.

  He was a slave to his body and he was using his newfound feelings for me to satisfy a longing that had long gone unfulfilled. As each slap of his balls connected with my cheeks, I was reminded of just what kind of power he had behind those strokes.

  He was flexing against me and he was giving me hard long strokes that were meant to make me feel every single inch. He worked it back and forth in that ‘oh so telling manner’ that had always been my Achilles’ heel.

  “I can’t believe that this is happening.”

  He wasn’t the only one that was thinking that. I didn’t know why it took me so long. I should’ve taken my cue from the first time that he introduced me to a more tantric form of sex by touching me and transferring his sexual energy in a way that made me feel just a small part of what he felt. That should’ve been enough to make me succumb to his whims.

  “I should have warned you, Stacy. The males from my species have the stamina to go long distances.”

  I think he was telling me that he had the endurance of a bull.


  I wasn’t sure if that was a right way to describe what I was feeling. My entire mind and body were awash with sexual endorphins that were taking me for a ride that I would never forget.

  “Jesus, I think I’m cumming again.”

  This was the first time in my life that I’d ever had a multiple climax with a man. Ash was not your normal man and right now, I was glad of that.

  “He continued to give me his best and I had lost any semblance of time. I had no idea how long we were going at it, but it felt like it was a never ending orgasm. It was like it was stretching from one to the other and then I finally felt that swelling of his organ.

  It was growing and I’m not just talking the knob. Men of my species would balloon, but they would not grow an extra couple of inches. The feeling of him touching a part of my body that had not been touched before, suddenly opened the floodgates for not only myself, but for him as well.

  We were writhing against each other, screaming to anybody that wanted to hear and that final act of complete submission to each other was in our simultaneous orgasms.

  I rippled along his length and he fired point blank between my legs with a volume that was had to endure. He laid his pipe deep and he gushed like a fountain, until finally lying over top of me with my legs barely able to keep us both from collapsing altogether.

  I crawled onto the bed and he lie down behind me. We slept for about 5 hours and then he grabbed my hand and we went back down to see that the area where the beam had cut into was crystallized.

  “Those crystals are what I meant by a placebo. While you were sleeping, I got confirmation from the scientists that the transfusion had done what it was intended. You’re right, I don’t want to leave, but at some point I’m going to have to try to reconnect with my son.” It was his connection to family that made me fall for him all over again.

  “I know that you think that I was chosen for you. I just hope that I have lived up to expectations.”

  “What makes you think that the mating cycle is over? You’re mine now and don’t you forget it.”

  He grinned at me and then chased me back to the house. Even as I was running, I was giggling like a schoolgirl and I knew that this was where I wanted to be.


  Stolen By The Alien

  Julia Sexton

   Copyright 2015 by Julia Sexton

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced

  in any way whatsoever, without written permission

  from the author, except in case of brief

  quotations embodied in critical reviews

  and articles.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

  person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  First edition, 2015

  Chapter 1

  Alexander leaned up against the wall, ignoring the conversation of the others around him. The new shipment of potential sex slaves were walking onto the stage, and he was as ready for the males in his regiment to watch for the sake of entertainment as he was going to be.

  This was one of his least favorite parts of any tour. It didn’t matter to Alexander that this was considered standard or normal, he found it repulsive. Ever since he had met his first slave as a child, he had felt it was wrong. As he had grown older, Alexander had adapted a form that looked very much like the first slave he had met – he looked human.

  Today, they were to be rewarded for a job well done, but his disgust at this “reward” was blatantly obvious on his face. His fellow warriors were clearly eager to inspect the goods. Although most of them would never be able to purchase one, the show itself always attracted a huge crowd.

  Sex slaves were expensive not only because there were never many of any one species, the slavers always made sure that the slaves were inexperienced before being put on the market. This was done to ensure there were no sexual diseases with the creatures they pedaled. Of course, there were other ways for them to ensure that there were no diseases, but those slaves never sold nearly so well. In the end, slavers decided only to sell that which would bring the highest price.

  As for Alexander, he could afford it. Even though he did not come from a political family, Alexander had quickly risen through the ranks. Since he did not indulge in many of the vices of most soldiers, he had been able to save most of his earnings over the years.

  As his companions nearly drooled on themselves, Alexander tried very hard not to pay any attention to the spectacle. His arms were tense
as his disgust with the proceedings was barely contained. Having taken on a human appearance had made him more vulnerable when he was not properly suited, but it gave him many distinct advantages.

  In fact, the form had allowed him to move more swiftly and turn more quickly than anyone else in the Galactical Knights, the most elite fighting force in the western quadrant of the universe.

  His muscles were solid, but not over the top, giving him greater mobility and flexibility. In large part, this was because his muscle development as a human enhanced his species’ traits; his speed far exceeded that of a typical human. His hair was like fine, grey silk that moved with the ocean current.

  His eyes were a cat-like yellow that gave him superior vision no matter how little light. Those cadets who had laughed at his chosen appearance had learned respect as he never lost a fight. Now, he was a force to be reckoned with.

  Then out of the corner of his eye, there was a flash of white. He turned his head and his eyes fell on one of the slaves.

  “This one is wearing the traditional garb of her species on the day they select their life mate. Be careful! They are known to turn into true animals on the night they take their mates.”

  Alexander’s eyes watched as one of the most beautiful creatures he had ever seen walked across the stage. Unlike many of the others who bowed their heads, broken and accepting, this one stared out at the crowds. Immediately, Alexander’s heart went out to her.

  There were usually a couple of humans in every shipment, but he had noticed that they were always as broken as the others. He had tried to rescue one when he was younger, but the slavers had done their job too well. Eventually, he had given the girl to a friend that Alexander knew would take good care of her for whatever life she had left.


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