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Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)

Page 7

by Julia Sexton

  Humans rarely lived more than a year or two away from their planet. Alexander had always thought of them as beautiful, fragile creatures who should be left in the wild, especially after he heard they lived so much longer on their home planet.

  But this girl, she was clearly different. Alexander’s hand went to his heart as he thought about someone else buying her and putting her through some of the mating rituals practiced on other planets. He knew those would break her where the slavers hadn’t. Pushing off the wall, he took a couple of steps forward.

  “Oh, even the high and mighty Alexander has taken notice of one!”

  “Should have known. That guy has a human fetish the same way Jackles has a drinking fetish.”

  Ignoring the jeers and laughs of the men around him, Alexander watched as the woman moved off the stage.

  “Excuse me gentlemen,” he said walking away from the group.

  “Hey, Alexander, you can’t leave now! We haven’t…”

  He never heard the end of whatever his comrade was saying as he headed to the area where the buyers were. After the last disastrous attempt, Alexander had sworn he would never get involved again. Told himself that it was never worth the heartache of seeing the fragile things break, and they always broke. But the look on that woman’s face was more than his resolve could ignore.

  The buyer area was very different than the viewing area. To start, the audience was far calmer and their interest in the creatures on the platform far more personal. Alexander knew that he would have a bit of time to wait before the woman was brought out, but he had time. He watched as different creatures were taken across the stage and tried not to feel the pity that this trade always inspired.

  Finally, the woman in white was brought out before the crowd, and the bidding was high right from the start. Because humans did not live long away from their planets, the ones who survived long enough to sell always commanded a high price. Still, this one was an amazing creature.

  Her movements were graceful, especially considering her tall frame. Something about the dress was also working on the crowd. It displayed the upper part of her body nicely, showing a pale color not that different from the dress. The bottom flared out and trailed behind her. If he didn’t know better, Alexander would have thought that humans had tails.

  The woman moved forward. Her motions and expressions made it clear that she only moved forward because the mechanism controlling her left her no option but to move into the display area. Her eyes radiated a kind of hate and disdain that Alexander had seen on the battlefield when he and his squads had taken control over enemy territory. He was both intrigued by her and ashamed that someone like her would ever be brought to a place like this.

  The bidding started high, easily eliminating the majority of the would-be buyers from making an offer. After the first 30 seconds, only two bidders remained. The woman gave them looks that Alexander knew would kill if she were one of the species with that power. Unfortunately, she was only a frail human.

  Initially, he had planned to buy the woman, but the idea of encouraging slavers to continue plundering a planet that had no real technology and no ability to travel in space was something Alexander couldn’t bring himself to do.

  Instead, he waited and watched as the two bidders eventually reached their respective maximum bids. Another plan was forming in his mind, one that he hoped would leave the kind of impression people would notice.

  “Thank you dear sir for your patronage. We will prepare her immediately. You may step through to the receiving area and we will have her ready directly.”

  Alexander watched the woman as she glowered at the being who had bought her. Despite the situation and what he knew he had to do, Alexander smiled.

  Here was a woman truly worth saving. She reminded him very much of how he used to be and what he had lost over the long years as a warrior. It was time he did something that reminded others how he had achieved his post. Even if it meant he would never be able to return to it.

  Following the man who had won the auction, Alexander stuck to the shadows.

  He watched as the buyer eagerly awaited the final preparations. The creature had the gall to argue with the holders before she was ready, insisting that he get the woman still in the dress. After a few minutes, the alien succeeded in talking them into parting with the dress as well.

  Alexander was surprised to hear that the woman had not been wearing the dress when she was taken. It would seem that she was not in fact stolen before she could attach herself permanently to a mate. That had been the slaver’s idea of making her more attractive. It was disgusting to think that they had tried to increase her value by making it seem like she had been stolen from her future partner. Even worse, it had worked.

  Since they would not need to change her clothing, the slavers were able to finish preparing her in less time than they had originally estimated. Alexander was glad that he had followed when he did because she would have been gone if he would have waited with the other warriors.

  As she was led out to her new master, the woman was struggling. They had removed the device that kept her movements under their control because she was about to become someone else’s problem. That was going to make what Alexander had in mind a little bit more difficult.

  With a sigh, he stepped out of the shadows and headed toward the slavers and the eager creature. He tried to mask the look of disgust as some additional fluids slid down the creature’s skin. The way some beings showed excitement was so much more revolting than even a seasoned warrior like Alexander could take. Fear, anger, and excitement were, without a doubt, the emotions that inspired the most varied and messy emotions he had witnessed in his years.

  “Good evening,” his voice was low and menacing as he approached.

  The group turned as one to see the new comer. The slavers were clearly curious. The buyer was annoyed at being interrupted. But it was the woman’s reaction that attracted his attention. The look of repugnance and fury on her face at the physical reaction of the creature who was to be her master turned to a look of surprise as her eyes met his.

  He knew exactly what she was thinking as he stepped forward. She would believe based on his appearance that he was another human. It was going to make this that much more difficult once he started talking, but he already had a plan in mind for that.

  “I must interrupt this transaction because this woman is being confiscated for interrogation by the Galactical Tribunal.”

  The slavers frowned at this announcement, but the alien’s appearance again changed, this time from annoyance to frustration and anger.

  “Now see here, I bought this slave and I have every right to take her…”

  “Incorrect. I am here on official business, and I will be taking her where the Galactical Tribunal says she should be.”

  “Just who do you think you are, marching over and preventing me from my universal rights?”

  Alexander’s mouth spread into a grin that his men would have made anyone under his command run. He didn’t say a word as he held up his identification.

  The slavers immediately fell to the ground, making sure not to make eye contact with him. The creature was clearly shaken, but was not ready to give up quite yet.

  Its tone had changed from being offended to trying to be friendly.

  “I’m sorry Commander Alexander, but I have already paid for her. Could this not wait until…”

  “Do you really want the orders of the Galactical Tribunal to wait for you to take your pleasure of this fragile creature? Do you really think she will survive an encounter with you? I know what your kind do with slaves, and I don’t think that she will be in a useful state when you are done with her. Are you more important than their will?”

  “No, no – I’m not saying that at all. It’s just that, well, she’s a slave. How is it possible that questioning her could be so vital?”

  “I could not answer that for you. Why don’t you take up with the Tribunal if you are really curious

  The alien was to the point of whining now, “I have already paid for her. Shouldn’t I at least get something out of it? I know that I won’t be getting her back once the interrogation is over. Humans never survive that kind of treatment!”

  Alexander shrugged as he tried to ignore the look the woman was giving him.

  “Again, that is something to discuss with the Tribunal.”

  “You are on the Tribunal! Couldn’t you let me have just a brief…”

  Alexander rolled his eyes, and was very pleased to see how impressed the others were by this gesture of clear annoyance. Human eyes were so expressive.

  The slavers were giving him furtive looks and he saw them smiling as they enjoyed the buyer’s annoyance. Clearly, they had not enjoyed working with him either. Some species were just ubiquitously repugnant.

  In response, the humanoid responded, “Personally, I recommend that you be thankful we are taking her off your hands. One use is about all they are good for before humans start to fall apart.”

  “Once is better than not at all!”

  Through with the discussion, Alexander took a step forward, “Accept the loss and enjoy the fact that you had a few moments of anticipation.”

  The slavers let out barely suppressed laughs, which annoyed the humanoid even more. Still he had a role to play, so he had to hide his feelings as he menaced the slave’s master.

  “But what of my money? I demand to be compensated!”

  Not wanting to get any closer, Alexander held his breath and took two more steps forward. He towered over the creature. Now in the Commander’s shadow, its courage was waning.

  “Consider not being arrested and executed as an enemy of the Tribunal your compensation.”

  Despite the obvious fear, the alien wasn’t quite ready to let it go, “But it’s all of my allowance…”

  Alexander was about to say something but the giggles coming from the slavers gave him another idea.

  “I see the creatures who sold her to you still right here. See if you can turn it into their loss.”

  He ignored the shocked sounds coming from the slavers who were no longer able to avert their eyes. They were giving him looks of horror and shock. Pleased with the response, Alexander reached out and took the woman’s arm.

  “I’m not going with you,” she tried to shake him off. This was exactly the kind of response he had been dreading.

  “Madam, you have no choice.” With that, he swooped her off her feet.

  Alexander was pleased with her initial shock. Trying to carry her and drag the large dress was more than enough trouble. If she had been struggling, it would have slowed him down considerably. The sounds of the alien and slavers arguing brought a smile to his face. Too late, he realized that was a bad idea with the woman in his arms.

  “Put me down!” Immediately, she started to squirm. Alexander tensed his arm muscles and felt the woman gasp.

  “Please settle down. I’m not taking you anywhere you don’t want to go.” He kept his voice low and focused so that only she could hear him.

  Unfortunately, the woman had no qualms with letting her voice carry, “The only place I want to go is home.”

  “Exactly. Now if you would please keep your voice down before they realize that I have just stolen you for myself and not for the Tribunal.” Wrong choice of words.

  “Oh, so you’re a thief as well as a pervert.”

  Alexander stopped walking and looked down at the woman. Her face was one of pure disgust. Shaking his head, he resumed walking.

  Chapter 2

  “I simply meant I stole you so that I could return you home instead of stealing you for the Tribunal. I have no interest in forcing any creature to do copulate without consent. Only the weak or lazy resort to slaves for that kind of entertainment.”

  Glancing down, he was pleased to see that the look of repugnance had changed to one of doubt. It was an improvement, at least.

  Finally, she spoke, “How do I know that you are just saying that to make it easier to carry me off to do whatever you want?”

  “Of course I want to keep you from struggling, that just makes it easier to move with you in this massive piece of clothing. But, it’s also the truth.” He swallowed, realizing how that must sound.

  “I suppose it would be better to introduce myself.”

  The pair had reached the exterior of the building, so he placed her on the ground and extended his left hand.

  “My name is Alexander.”

  She looked down at his hand, then up at his face, her eyebrow raised, but she didn’t speak or move.

  Alexander tried again. This time, he placed his hands by his sides and gave a bow, “My apologies if that is not the proper greeting. I am told there are several ways humans introduce themselves, and that was the most likely to be recognized. A testing for weapons as a way to show respect. It appears that was the wrong choice.”

  He stood up and looked into the woman’s amused expression.

  “Humans don’t shake hands to test for weapons anymore. And I am not from a culture that bows.” She reached out and took his right hand from his side.

  “It’s the right hand, and it is called a handshake. We just don’t use it for checking to see if people are armed anymore.”

  “That is good to know. I will make sure to remember that. May I please know your name?”


  “It is a pleasure to meet you Trisha. Now if you would, my vehicle is nearby. I must retrieve it and I cannot take you out of this area. Please stand over here,” he took her hand and was glad to find this time she did not fight, “and wait for me to return.”

  “If I can’t leave, how am I supposed to get into your vehicle?”

  “I will bring it within the atmosphere so that you will be alright.”

  “I don’t understand what that means.”

  “Don’t worry Trisha. I will explain once we are away. My deception will work for a while yet, but by the time people realize that it was merely a deception, I would prefer to be a long way from here.”

  Trisha looked around, looked into his eyes, sighed, and nodded.

  “I swear I will return shortly.”

  True to his word, Alexander was not gone more than 5 minutes, but it was enough time for other aliens to take notice of the human standing outside of the building. Alexander stepped out of his ship and held a door open for her. Trisha was looking it over as she climbed in. Alexander followed her into the craft and they left the lives they had known behind them.

  The passenger’s life had been changed by the abduction. No matter what happened, her life would never be the same for the experience. The driver was giving up everything he had earned to do what he believed was right.

  Once they were safely away from the facility, Alexander put the ship into a different drive, set the coordinates, and turned on the ship’s pilot.

  “Is that safe?” Trisha asked as he moved away from the controls.

  “Perfectly safe. This is one of the newest models, so it can do far more than simply navigate us to where we are going.”


  “I believe that is where you live, yes. Unless one of the species on your planet has finally learned how to travel through space.”

  “Humans have been in space plenty of times.” Trisha’s face showed annoyance and … was that pride?

  Alexander smiled, “Farther than the Earth’s moon?”

  “Well, no, but we have people working on it. And besides, you’re out here, so even if you were abducted, you have learned to travel.”


  “It’s not my species, it’s our species.”

  “Oh, um. No, actually, I’m not human.”

  Trisha looked at him, “Oh part human?”

  He gave her a small smile and shook his head.

  Softly, she answered, “You look human.”

  “I chose this form when I reached my final transformation.”

hat do you mean you chose this form?”

  “It’s a rather long story, but my species, when we reach a certain age, we select our final forms.”

  “So it isn’t an alien thing? I mean, not all aliens can do it?”

  “No, fortunately. It is just my species and a few others from our system who have that special ability. As one of the founding species of the Galactic Empire, we have always had access to many races, and it has proven to be a most beneficial way of ensuring healthy diplomatic relations with other species.”


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