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Jimmy's Dreams II: A Recurring Nightmare

Page 2

by Saxon Andrew

  And more than a decade later, after the skies started clearing and blue skies began being seen, the community went out and found, to their shock, that there were others that managed to survive. Humanity had displayed throughout history that it possessed the ability to adapt to changing conditions and the shuttles began finding survivors around the planet. Many were being gathered and brought to Europe where several cities were being reclaimed from the ravages of a planet gone wild.

  Paris, Barcelona, and Rome were chosen and were currently building massive underground communities where the survivors could start a new life. Everyone knew that one day the Aliens that destroyed Earth would be returning and it was critical to remain hidden when they returned. Crops were being grown but they were planted such that they appeared they were growing wild. Some of the livestock protected in the valley were moved to the three cities and they began increasing in numbers at an unbelievable rate. Most predators were gone and they were not endangered. Dogs survived from the pets brought to the valley and they became the herders that kept the livestock in safe areas. There were reports from around the planet that wolves had not all perished and they were left to find a new existence. No one saw them but their howls could be heard in the mountains.

  The deer and sheep that came out of the mountains surrounding the valley after the impacts were allowed to eat the crops being grown without harm. Ultimately, they left the valley, moved out into the mountains again, and began to spread across Europe as long dormant plants began making a return. The ashes that killed so many were washed into the soil by frequent rains making the ground so fertile that the planet was becoming green again. The planet was healing but how long would it be allowed to continue if the Aliens returned?

  • • •

  Jimmy and Summer walked into the main computer center and saw Rachel, Suzette, Patrick, and Winny sitting around a table arguing. Jimmy said, “What’s going on? What’s this emergency you’re worried about?”

  Rachel looked up and said, “Dad, we’ve discovered something in the recordings of the Alien’s transmissions that we missed.”

  Jimmy and Summer sat down at the table and looked at Rachel, “What is it?” Summer asked.

  Rachel pressed a button and they heard the Alien’s gibberish. A computer translated and they heard;

  “Why won’t the heaters operate?”

  “The climate will become too cold for them to function properly. It would be a horrific waste of funds to keep them operating in the cold when they would make little difference. We’ll have to come back when the temperatures rise.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “The computer is sure.”

  “That’s just great! Now the refurbishing is going to take longer than planned. What idiot came up with the idea of using such large rocks.”

  “Uhhh…that would be you.”

  “Oh…it was me, wasn’t it? We’ll come back and start installing the heaters when the planet is ready.”

  The voices stopped and Jimmy looked at them, “What are they saying, exactly?”

  Suzette turned to him, “To understand what they’re talking about you have to keep in mind why they chose Earth to attack, Jimmy.”

  “Go on.”

  “They are a species that lives underwater and about seventy-percent of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans. When they’re talking about heaters, they are not referring to heaters to warm the atmosphere.”

  Jimmy’s eyes widened, “They’re talking about warming the oceans!”

  Rachel nodded, “I remember that Alien putting a thermometer into the hot spring that flows through our valley when they landed the shuttle. Do you remember?”

  Jimmy nodded, “He actually shivered and said it was too cold.”

  “What would happen if they put some kind of heaters into the oceans that warmed them above eighty-degrees, which is the temperature of the spring flowing through the valley?” Winny asked.

  Jimmy started shaking his head and Summer said, “It would melt the polar icecaps.”

  Suzette nodded, “Which would make Earth a real water-world; there would be no land, except for the highest mountain peaks.”

  Jimmy closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. Summer looked at them and asked, “What were you arguing about when we came in?”

  “We do not agree on what sort of ship they’ll be coming back in,” Winny answered.

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  Rachel said, “Mother, can we assume that whatever kind of heater they are talking about must be pretty big to be able to heat the oceans within our lifetimes?” Summer nodded. “Well, if they’re bringing them on their next visit, just how big will the ship be that will have to ferry them here?”

  Winny quickly said, “I believe they will come in a smaller ship first to check and see if the planet is ready before they go to the expense of bringing the heaters, just like they did last time.”

  Jimmy looked at Rachel and said, “What do you think?”

  “Dad, we’ve learned that the Aliens are basically real-estate agents looking to sell property here to members of their species. Have you ever had a real-estate agent come to your front door and ask you to sell your home?”

  Jimmy looked at Summer and then turned back to Rachel, “We had several come to our condominium in New York and try to convince us to sell. They said they had some motivated buyers.”

  “Did they appear to you to be the patient sort?”

  Jimmy shook his head, “Mom finally had to kick them out and threaten them if they ever showed up again. We continued to receive junk mail from them all the way up until we moved to the valley.”

  Rachel nodded, “We know the Aliens rented the spaceship they came to Earth with the intention of doing some renovations; namely, removing us from it first. They are driven by profit and they are not the sort that will be slow and deliberate in making further renovations. Oh, they’ll be bringing those heaters all right!”

  Jimmy stared at the group and shook his head. Summer looked at him and said, “You should show them.”

  Suzette said, “Show us what?”

  Jimmy looked at Rachel, “Do you remember Spring asking you to draw a picture of a dream she had a while back?” Jimmy asked. Rachel nodded. Jimmy reached in a pouch he brought with him and pulled out a single document. He passed it across the table and the four saw several Aliens swimming under water. They looked at it and Jimmy said, “I asked the computer if it could find anything in its database that resembled the underwater formations they were swimming around.” The group stared at the image and were shaking their heads. Jimmy sighed and said, “The only thing the computer could come up with was the top of Mount Everest.”

  The four looked up from the image and even Rachel’s expression showed her shock. Rachel managed to say fearfully, “If this is a real dream…”

  Jimmy shook his head, “Rachel, you will not give in to your fear; do you understand?!” Rachel stared into his eyes and finally nodded. “Remember that I had dreams of three asteroids hitting Earth and we stopped one of them. Our dreams are not fixed…we can change them!!”

  Rachel fell back in her chair and blew out a breath before saying, You’re right, Dad. I just know that all of mine have happened.”

  Jimmy pulled out a copy of the image out of his pouch and stared at it. He raised his head after a moment and looked at them, “At least we now know what we’ll be facing when they come back. Now we have to decide what to do about it.”

  Summer looked at him, “What are you talking about?”

  “We’ve been building underground facilities below the three cities. Why were we doing that?”

  Suzette said before Summer could answer, “You were hoping they would come in a small ship and see their attack was successful. They would then leave and return at a later date. That would give us more time to prepare to confront them.”

  Jimmy nodded, “That option is now off the table. If they attempt to put those heaters in the oceans, t
hey must be stopped!” Jimmy looked at Patrick, “What’s the status of the holding pen?”

  “The magnetic generator has been put in place and the wall has been completed. It’s pretty much complete.”

  Winny looked at Jimmy, “What does this mean about continuing to build the underground facilities?”

  “We’ll probably need them. If we stop them, they’ll come back with a means of removing us that won’t involve asteroids.”

  “What are you saying?” Patrick asked.

  “We’ve examined the portable blaster they left behind and I think all of you know it’s nothing more than a small model of a much larger weapon. We’re going to have to fight them above the planet. Those underground facilities are going to be needed to prevent them from completing their mission of wiping out all humanity.”

  Rachel said, “You’re talking about our extinction.”

  Jimmy shrugged, “It’s hard to sell a condominium if someone armed is still living in it.”

  Rachel chuckled and Jimmy saw her warrior heart coming out. “We’ll just have to show them a welcome they won’t forget.”

  Summer smiled, “That’s my girl.”

  “But…” Winny said.

  Rachel interrupted him, “No buts, Winny. Win or lose, I’ve been looking forward to seeing them again. I don’t care if they fly a planet here!”

  Jimmy looked at Summer, “That’s our girl!”

  Chapter Two

  Ed sat on his striker and stared out at the millions of unblinking stars shining in the far reaches of the Milky Way. The giant clouds of dust at the center of the galaxy were beautiful beyond description and he never tired of seeing them no matter how many shifts he flew.

  He thought about his small Striker and knew that it was made from a polymer that was found in the portable blaster the aliens left behind so many years ago; the scientists discovered that the small blaster had blowback from the barrel and it had to be blocked to protect the one firing it. It was less than a millimeter thick but it stopped the blowback instantly. It took ten years to duplicate it and his Striker’s hull was made of four-feet thick sections of that material. He wondered if it would work against the alien’s most powerful blaster beams.

  He shrugged and then remembered when, after his confrontation with that uppity Captain, he went home after his epiphany and spoke to his mother. Well…maybe she really wasn’t uppity considering what he had done. But he had rushed into his quarters and yelled, “MOM! Where are you?”

  He rushed through the rooms and found her cowering in the kitchen, “What have I done wrong!” She whimpered.

  Ed rushed forward and took her in his arms and stared crying, “Nothing, Mom. You’ve never done anything wrong. It’s been me that’s mistreated you; I’ve been my father and you’ve paid the price of my stupid, idiotic, crazy attitude. I love you and you will never have to be afraid of me again!”

  “What have I done wrong, Eddie?” Ed held her close and said, I promise, Mom.” He saw the product of his actions and, after enough time had passed, he began to see his mother smile again.

  • • •

  Ed stared out of his striker’s viewport and sighed, he knew he had made his bed. Trying to explain he didn’t intend to hurt Charlotte was a waste of breath; she had done a great sales job of convincing them otherwise. The women in his squadron eventually began eating with the men again and he kept his distance from them. He learned early on that if he sat down at a table where they were sitting, they would get up and move to another table. So, he tried to find an empty table to eat. He finally found a spot at the end of the squadron’s back table against the wall and everyone avoided it. It became known as the Rat’s Lair.

  He also began taking shifts of pilots that had family issues come up so they could be with their families. He preferred the solitude of space to the withering glances he received among his peers. This continued for several months.

  • • •

  Ed was in space again; it seemed he spent all his waking hours on patrol. He leaned back and sighed. Charlotte was married a week ago; everyone in the squadron were present…except for him. He volunteered to take the shift for one of the pilots in his squadron, as pilots from other squadrons filled the others.

  He thought about Charlotte and wondered why he was so attracted to her and why this sudden marriage upset him so much. What was wrong with him that she had rejected him? He thought hard about it as he stared out at the stars during her wedding and couldn’t remember one thing about how she viewed the world, or him. He didn’t know if she wanted a family, or if she would leave the service to raise it if she did. Truth be told, he never asked her important questions like that. It was a whirlwind romance and was over as fast as it began. He really didn’t know much about her. What was it that so attracted him to her?

  He finally decided that it had to be her beauty; Charlotte was a knock-out and his ego exploded when she showed interest in him. But many of the other women in the community were beauties as well. He remembered leering at them and suddenly realized that was part of what led to him being named the Bully Rat, they viewed him as a pervert before he hurt Charlotte.

  All the women and most of the men called him the Rat now…behind his back. He had not been in any more fights and had stopped competing in the Martial Arts competitions, but they knew he was dangerous. He believed the men did it to score points with the women. They were saying that they were not like the Rat. No one, other than his mother and unit commander, spoke to him in person and he kept his head lowered when he passed them in the corridors and cafeteria. At least they stopped moving out of his path now. Women had walked to the other side of the corridors at one point.

  This situation continued for another eight-months. Then one day, he was in the cafeteria and picked up his tray to leave. As he passed a table with six-women sitting at it, the same uppity Captain said, “PILOT, IS THAT HOW YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE WEARING YOUR UNIFORM!!” Ed raised his head and looked at her with his eyebrow’s furrowed. “YOUR FRONT POCKET IS NOT PROPERLY FASTENED!!” The Captain said glaring at him with a half-smile.

  Ed looked at his shirt and saw the left-front pocket was not zipped. He took his tray in one hand and zipped it, “I’m sorry, Sir. I just came off two-shifts and didn’t notice. It won’t happen again.”

  The Captain looked at the women at her table and smiled as she said, “SEE THAT IT DOESN’T!” Ed turned and went toward the rear exit. The women all began high-fiving each other and Cleve Augustine, who had stopped behind Ed, when he was confronted by the Captain, moved in front of them and stopped. The women stopped laughing and Cleve said to one of them, “Beth, he just worked two shifts so Tom could take your son to his first soccer game. And Martha, who do you think took your husband’s shifts last week so the two of you could take a vacation. Sandra, he took Jim’s shift so he could be at the hospital when little Gregory cut his hand.” Cleve stared at them and said, “I’m beginning to wonder just who the rats are here!” He looked at the Captain, whose smile had disappeared and said, “Sir.” He turned and walked away.

  The women looked at Ed at the far end of the room in front of the exit. He placed a hand on the wall to hold himself up as he emptied his tray. They saw him struggle to stand up straight before he went through the exit doors. The women looked at each other and then started staring at their trays. It didn’t take the married pilots long to learn what Ed had done for their families.

  • • •

  “Rachel, where are we in getting our planetary defenses set up?”

  “Rome and Paris are pretty much a go. They’re hidden inside the ruins and their reactors are on line. It’s been decided that Barcelona will just go into hiding if the Aliens arrive before their defenses can be built.”

  “What about here?”

  “They won’t be able to move over us. At least they’ll be forced to attack from a very long distance out. If the Strikers can survive in combat, the valley should be safe.”

  “Has the
polymer been put in place over our facilities?”

  Rachel shrugged, “We’ve covered the living spaces and two tunnels. The others will have to wait. Why do you ask, Dad? Have you seen something in a dream?”

  “No. I’ve not had a dream for a while. I’m starting to wonder if I can still have them.”

  “All of your children are still having them and, other than Spring’s dream, none of us have seen anything. Is something bothering you?”

  “I just can’t believe that Earth is the first planet those Aliens have attacked with asteroids. Our climate is getting better every day and, if they’ve done this before, I believe they know how long it’s going to take for Earth to be ready for them. Are we ready?”

  Rachel shrugged, “We’ve done everything we can in the time given us.”

  Jimmy nodded and sighed, “I hope I’m wrong about this.”

  “When did you come up with this notion?”

  “I woke up about a week ago, and began wondering about it.”

  Rachel smiled, “It appears you still have dreams.”

  “I really hope this wasn’t one.”

  “We’ll see, Dad.”

  • • •

  Ed reported to Colonel Carter’s office and came to attention. Colonel Carter said, “At ease, Ensign.” Ed stood At Ease and Derik said, “You’ve kept your nose clean and General Alverez has authorized your promotion to your former rank. Congratulations, Lieutenant.”

  “Sir, I must humbly decline the promotion.”

  Derik stared at him before saying, “And why is that?”

  “Sir, I do not deserve a promotion. My past behavior makes me a liability to command other pilots, Sir.”

  Derik’s eyes narrowed, “Are you sure about this? You’re the lowest ranking active pilot in Fleet.”

  “Yes, Colonel, I am.”

  “You’re dismissed.”

  Ed saluted, did an about face and left the Colonel’s office. Derik contacted Juan and said, “He refused the promotion.”

  “What? Why?”

  “He says he not deserving of it.”


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