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Curvy Women Wanted 06 - The Biker's Desire

Page 2

by Sam Crescent


  There was no hesitation as Adele climbed on the back of Rock’s bike. She trusted him, and knew that he’d keep her safe. She didn’t know how she knew that, only that he wouldn’t put her in harm’s way.

  “You’re going to have to hold on to me, babe.”

  Babe. She loved it when he called her that. In fact, there was a lot about Rock that she liked. His intense, dark stare. The way his hair was greying at the temples, and he didn’t care. The don’t-fuck-with-me attitude that he always possessed. Everyone respected him. The women wanted him, craved him in fact. Being a cleaner, she tended to be invisible. People talked about everything, and several of the women at the clubhouse wanted to become Rock’s old lady.

  She’d even discovered that his name, Rock Hard, was because once he got going, there was no stopping him. The man was a machine.

  Just thinking about her cold vibrator and dildo at home, she knew it couldn’t even compare to this man, who was fire.

  What would it be like to spend a day with him, or a night in his bed? Would she become addicted to him?

  Adele didn’t know if she wanted to take that chance with him. Even though sex would be fun, she wasn’t the kind of woman to not get involved. Sex had to mean something to her.

  Still, it would be nice to have some fun.

  Rock pulled her arms around him, and she pressed her cheek to his shoulder. “Like this?” she asked, breathing against his ear.

  “Yeah, like that.” What was wrong with his voice?

  She didn’t have much time to think about it as the next second he was pulling out of the shop, and they were on the road, racing through the town square, and out.

  Once they were on the open road, she let out a squeal of excitement. The country view opened up, and she saw for miles. They lived around such beauty, but with how busy she got, she was never able to take the time to just enjoy it. With her car out of commission, she was going to have to put some jobs on hold while she found a new car.

  Adele gasped as he moved the bike, and she was worried they were going to fall off. He got it back up, and she was holding him even tighter. The rush of the wind, the feel of him between her thighs; it was all amazing, exhilarating, and she wanted it again.

  She didn’t know how long they rode for, but she was disappointed as he pulled into a gas and diner place. He parked up, and as she climbed off the bike, her legs turned to jelly. If it wasn’t for Rock’s quick reflexes, she’d have fallen to the ground.

  “That was amazing,” she said, laughing.

  “You’re not the first woman to fall off a bike. You’ve never ridden before?” he asked.

  “Nope, you’re my first.”

  “Good to know.”

  When she was steady, she released his hand. “You’re always helping me out.”

  “Can’t help it if I have to save a woman.” He filled up his bike with gas, and she watched his ass while he walked in to pay.

  All of her thoughts had turned to sex. Dirty sex, the kind that was in really explicit movies, and you couldn’t watch on a plane.

  Seconds later, he returned with an ice cream.

  “For you, my lady.”

  She burst out laughing. “You took me out for ice cream.”

  “Consider it a first date.”

  He asked her to hold his while he pushed his bike toward an empty bench. Taking a seat on the table top, she gave Rock his ice cream, enjoying the fresh air and company.

  “Thank you for inviting me. I rarely have a chance to just get away from it all. This is a lot of fun.”

  She nudged his shoulder.

  “When you first came to the clubhouse, I thought you were afraid of me.”

  “Why would I be afraid?”

  “A lot of people are.”

  “Oh, with the leather and the bad rep and all that. Nope, I wasn’t afraid. I was nervous. I’m not good when it comes to social things. I can get quite awkward.” One of the things she’d hated growing up was having to do speeches in school. Being up in front of people while they stared was not her idea of fun.

  Interviews were a necessary evil. She used them to challenge herself so she didn’t get stuck in a rut and become afraid to try new things.

  Today had been awesome. She’d gotten on a bike and was eating ice cream with Rock.

  “So … I heard you were married,” he said.

  She scoffed. “I was married. I got divorced. Fucker cheated on me, but no big deal. It wasn’t a shock or anything.”

  “Are you dating anyone?” Rock asked.

  “Nope. Are you?”

  “I don’t date.”

  “Me neither.” She finished her ice cream, and tried not to look at him. Her body was coming alive with the heat from his, and she was struggling.

  He was a guy she worked for.

  She enjoyed cleaning his clubhouse. It was filthy, but by the time she finished, it was always so clean. She loved that. The feeling of accomplishment, even if she did find some scary stuff.

  Rock climbed off the bench and moved toward the end of the bench closest to her. She gasped as he grabbed her thighs and spun her around, drawing her closer to the edge. He stepped between her thighs, bringing her aching pussy close to his cock.

  “I want to fuck you, Adele.”

  Her cheeks heated. It was one thing to imagine, and something different to hear him say it.

  “Tell me if you don’t want that.”

  “This is really out of the blue,” she said.

  “Yeah, well I’m not the kind of guy to wait all that long. I want you. You want me, and I think we should give in and not fight it. What do you say to me taking you home and fucking your brains out?”

  Oh, please!

  Chapter Three

  Pulling up outside of Adele’s house, Rock felt how nervous she was. He expected her to change her mind. She climbed off the bike but didn’t take a tumble this time. Her legs were working normally. He’d have gladly had her in his arms.

  She didn’t tell him that she changed her mind, and made her way toward her home. He followed her, wondering if she wanted him to hide the bike.

  “You got anywhere for this to go?” he asked, pointing at his bike.

  Adele shook her head. “What’s wrong with it staying in the driveway?”

  “I didn’t know if you’d want to keep this really private.”

  She frowned. “Do you not want to come inside?”

  He stepped up close toward her. “I want this. I didn’t know if you’d be comfortable with having my bike here, letting the whole neighborhood know that I’m here.”

  She shrugged. “It’s really none of their business what I do or who I do it with.” She unlocked the door and turned toward him. “You know, Rock, if a woman wants you to hide your bike because she doesn’t want the world to know you’re here, then you should really consider who you’re with.” She opened the door wider. “Just thought you should know that.”

  He entered her home, scenting the lemon she always used while cleaning. It wasn’t offensive. It was a smell he’d come to associate with her.

  “There’s not been a woman in a long time.” He took the door from her, closing it behind him.

  “That’s good to know.” She tucked some of her brown curls behind her ear, and he saw she was nervous. “I’ve never done this before?”

  “What? Sex?”

  “I’ve been married. I’m not a virgin. I’ve never done the one–night-stand thing.”

  He stepped toward her, marveling at how small she seemed in her hallway. “You think this is going to be a one-time thing?”

  “It’s not?”

  “How about you feel how good my dick is, and then tell me?”

  Rock pressed her up against the wall. He took her hands, placing them above her head, trapping her with his body.

  With his other free hand, he cupped her breast, her tight nipple pressing into his palm. They both released a moan.

  “Do you have any idea how much you
drive me crazy?” he asked. “How much I’ve wanted to bend you over a table and fuck you so hard you can’t walk straight?”

  “You’ve never said anything.”

  “I didn’t want to scare you off.” He saw her legs pressing together. “Do you want that?”

  She licked her lips and nodded. “Yes, I want that. I want it so damn much.”

  Rock slammed his lips down on hers, feeling her gasp. Plundering his tongue inside her mouth, he swallowed her moan.

  She tasted like chocolate and sweetness all rolled into one.

  Sliding his hand down her shirt, she finally touched flesh, and ran his hand back up, cupping her tits. The lacy bra she wore was in his way. Pulling the cup down, he finally touched her tit, and this time, they both moaned.

  He wasn’t a guy known for his patience. Stepping back, he tore her shirt up and over her head. In the next second, he flicked the catch of her bra, tossing it to the floor. He held both of her tits, pressing them together. With his tongue, he licked each nipple, relishing her cries of pleasure. His cock was so hard it was threatening to tear out of his damn jeans.

  Adele attacked his jacket, pushing it to the floor, and then going for his shirt. He released her breasts and helped her rid his body of the clothes. At the same time, he was getting her just as naked.

  Within minutes, he had her in his arms, pure, naked perfection. Grasping her full ass, he lifted her up and pressed her against the wall.

  “I’m too heavy.”

  “Shut the fuck up. You’re perfect.” He squeezed her ass for good measure so she knew that he had no problem with her curves. Reaching down, he pressed the tip of his cock to her pussy, finding her already slick and wet.

  He groaned, sliding his cock through her slit, bumping her clit as he did. She moaned, her nails sinking into his shoulders as he glided his dick over her clit.

  “That feels so good,” she said.

  Rock gritted his teeth as she rode her pussy on his dick. The pleasure on her face was so addictive. He didn’t want to stop.

  He was so close to blowing that, releasing her body, he knelt down before her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to have a taste.” Putting her foot on his shoulder, he flicked his tongue through her slit, tasting her. She was so fucking good. He moaned, sliding his tongue down to her entrance and plunging inside. She was so tight.

  Rock had never been a fan of putting his tongue near any woman’s pussy. Adele was different. She didn’t spread her legs for half of the club.

  She was going to belong to him in every single sense of the word. He was going to prove to her that this was more than a one-time deal.

  He wanted her as his old lady, by his side.

  It would take some getting used to for her, but he’d help. First, he’d conquer her body, then her mind, and finally her heart.

  Holding onto her hip, he sucked her clit, pulling the bud into his mouth. She screamed his name, begging him for more. She thrust her pussy onto his face. He watched as she tried to hold back, to keep herself under control.

  He didn’t want her to have control. Rock wanted everything she could unleash. If his little lady was a dirty whore in the bedroom, he had no problem with that.


  This was not what she’d had in mind, but Adele couldn’t stop. The feel of his lips on her pussy was exactly like heaven, and better than that. He sucked her clit into his mouth, his tongue moving back and forth as he drove her to orgasm.

  She’d never been so wet in her life. Rock held onto her hip, and his other hand began to tease through her pussy, sliding deep inside her. She cried out his name as the pleasure was just too much. He drove her over the edge, lathering her clit as he did, making her beg for more.

  When he pulled away, she watched as he licked his lips, the wicked glint in his eye, promising this wasn’t over. She didn’t want it to be over.

  Adele hoped more than anything that the rumors she’d heard about him were so true. She wanted him to go all night, and to feel every single second of pleasure that he could give her.

  “That didn’t take long,” he said.

  “It’s been a while.” No man had ever licked her pussy.

  “A long time?” His brow was raised, and she hated how sexy it was.

  “No one has ever licked my pussy.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his. She let out a gasp as he cupped her mound, one finger sliding through her slit and inside her.

  “This now belongs to me.”

  “It’s mine,” she said, laughing.

  “No. This pussy, until otherwise, is mine. No other dick is allowed here.”

  She couldn’t believe how crude he was being, but she was loving every second of it. The way he held her, the possession, it was driving her crazy.

  “You now belong to me,” he said.

  Adele wasn’t about to argue with that. “How about we take this up to the bedroom?”

  Within a matter of seconds, he had her lifted up, her legs wrapped around him, and his dick poised at her entrance. “How about I fuck you right here? Then we see how long it takes us to get upstairs to your room?”

  “Yes.” She screamed his name as he pulled her down onto his cock, filling her up. He was so big and wide, stretching her pussy as he fucked her.

  Only when he was at the hilt did he pause, giving her time to catch her breath. He pulsed, and as he was so big, she felt every ripple. Staring into his dark eyes, she wouldn’t have cared if he led her straight to hell. Everything about him felt good, amazingly so. He was everything, and he made her ache in all the right places.

  “Fuck, you feel so good, baby,” he said. “I’ve been wondering how your cunt would feel for a long time.”

  “You have?”

  He didn’t answer right away. He pulled out of her pussy, and began to slowly sink back inside. “Yeah, for a long time.”

  They both moaned as he was once again all the way inside her.

  Rock held her ass so tightly, she knew without a doubt that there would be bruises. Not that she cared. His dick was going to make it next to impossible for her to walk straight for a couple of weeks. Of course, it wouldn’t be that long, but that was how he was making her feel.

  The burn.

  The need.

  It consumed her.

  He fucked her hard against the wall, taking her lips as he pounded her. She sank her fingers into his hair, holding him close. The power of his thrusts shocked her, driving her ever closer to another orgasm.

  Rock didn’t stop. It was like he couldn’t. The pleasure was too much and not enough. He slammed inside hard, and she felt the swell of his cock as he came. They were both panting.

  It hadn’t taken either of them very long to find their climax, but it had been so good. He pulled back just enough to look into her eyes.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he said.

  She smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  He pressed a hand against her throat, tilting her head back. He ran his thumb across her bottom lip. “You have no idea right now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  There was a smile on his lips. “It’s okay. You’ll figure it out soon.”

  He was speaking in some kind of code.

  His lips landed against the corner of her mouth. Her legs were like jelly as she unwrapped them from around his waist.

  “Erm, I’ve never done this,” she said.

  “Done what?”

  “The morning-after routine. This feels really awkward.” She stood and felt his cum begin to dribble down her inner thigh.

  He took her hand, placing a kiss on her knuckles. “Lucky for you, it’s not the morning, and I’ve no intention of going anywhere. Why don’t you give me a tour of the house?” She went to grab her clothes and he stopped her, tugging her close. “No, I want you to be available to me.” He cupped her ass, spreading her cheeks wide, and then giving them a little slap.

>   “Ouch.”

  “I barely touched you.” He slapped her ass again for good measure.

  She vowed to get revenge.

  “You’d like to see my house?”


  “Then I think it’s only natural we start with the bedroom.” She took his hand and led him upstairs.

  This is crazy.

  I shouldn’t be leading him upstairs.

  He’s the Prez of an MC.

  I don’t care. I want him so badly.

  All the way to the bedroom, Adele fought her inner fears.

  What was wrong to want a change? To be a little selfish? She worked hard, and just this once, she was going to find out exactly why it was so good to play hard as well.

  She trusted Rock.

  The head of an MC he may be, but she’d never heard him talking about the women he’d been with.

  She could have some fun with him. All she hoped was that she didn’t lose her heart in the process.

  Chapter Four

  Rock kissed down Adele’s back. She flicked her hair over one shoulder and glanced behind her. Spreading the cheeks of her ass open, he gazed down at her cunt and anus. They’d been fucking for the past five hours. He’d come three times, brought her to orgasm five, and he wasn’t done.

  They had even stopped for a snack to help them.

  Running a finger down to her anus, he watched as she tensed.

  “Do we have an anal virgin on our hands?” he asked. He pressed against her ass, and she gasped.

  “I’ve never been touched there.”

  “You know it’s going to belong to me.”

  “You’re very bossy. Anyone ever tell you that?” she asked.

  “I’m the Prez of my MC. I’ve got to be bossy.”

  “Yeah, and it makes me wonder what you’re wanting to do with a woman like me?”

  He froze. “What do you mean?”

  “You can have any woman you want. I imagine you’re known for it, so why me? I’m not part of your club or your world. I’m a no one to you.”

  “You’re not a no one to me, Adele. I see you. You’re part of my world, even if you don’t realize it yet.”

  She rolled over and he climbed off the bed, going to the bathroom to wash his hands. Returning, he leaned against the door frame, arms folded.


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